985 resultados para Acartia danae, c5


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También existe una versión de la guía en inglés


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Este Plan de Formación recoge la planificación de las actividades de formación dirigidas al profesorado de la Comunidad de Madrid para el curso 2004-2005. Responde a las necesidades formativas en el ámbito territorial a través de los Centros de Apoyo al Profesorado, y en el ámbito regional a través del Centro Regional de Innovación y Formación Las Acacias y el Centro Regional de Apoyo a la Formación de la Infancia El Valle. El plan pretende contribuir a la mejora de la calidad del sistema educativo mediante la actualización científica y didáctica del profesorado. Las líneas prioritarias de actuación son integrar las tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación en las distintas áreas y materias; fomentar el estudio de la Lengua y las Matemáticas; impulsar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y la participación en programas internacionales; organizar y gestionar los centros incidiendo en la formación de tutores; y mejorar los procedimientos de atención a la diversidad y el impulso a la dimensión europea de la educación. Otros proyectos son la implantación de la enseñanza bilingüe español-inglés en 110 colegios públicos de la región y la convocatoria de Campeonatos Escolares.


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Estudiar los métodos cooperativos y su relación con la motivación que muestran los alumnos hacia el aprendizaje, profundizando sobre su eficacia y analizando las variables que pueden estar incidiendo en los docentes para no trabajar con ellos. Hipótesis: 1) los profesores no utilizan con la frecuencia precisa los trabajos cooperativos como para que sus efectos hagan mella sobre los alumnos; 2) existen una serie de variables que posiblemente están incidiendo en la escasa utilización de los métodos cooperativos por parte de los profesores. Exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica. Se aplicaron 5 cuestionarios a 248 profesores en ejercicio, de centros públicos, privados y concertados de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, durante el curso 1995-96, de tercero de Primaria a segundo de ESO. La comprobación de la frecuencia de uso de los métodos cooperativos en las aulas constituyó el primer paso dentro del desarrollo experimental. En la segunda parte del trabajo se analizan las variables que pueden estar incidiendo en los docentes para no trabajar con estos métodos de forma sistemática. Variables: variables moduladoras; percepción de los profesores sobre las técnicas cooperativas; valoraciones escuchadas sobre la técnica cooperativa; variables relacionadas con la jerarquía de motivos; valor didáctico general atribuído por los docentes a actividades concretas de tipo cooperativo; variables relacionadas con los conocimientos de los profesores sobre la técnica cooperativa. Cuestionario FTCA.ME; Cuestionario EX-TCA.ME; Test de Percepción Temática de Alonso Tapia, Huertas y Montero; Cuestionario con tres versiones equivalentes (C5-CN.ME, C8-LE.ME y C8-CN.ME); Cuestionario CTAC.MEC. Los métodos de trabajo cooperativo no son usados de forma mayoritaria por los profesores. Existe una serie de variables que no tienen incidencia en las decisiones de los profesores en relación al método elegido por ellos, como son: edad, años de docencia, materia impartida, curso y ratio, experiencia previa como alumnos, y orientación motivacional. Pero sí existen otras variables que pueden estar incidiendo: el grado de acuerdo con la técnica, el tipo de centro, las actitudes hacia el método, y la valoración didáctica. Así, las técnicas cooperativas se usan más en los colegios públicos que en los privados. Los profesores que más usan estas técnicas son aquellos que más las valoran y más acuerdo muestran con sus diversos aspectos. Consideran mejores las actividades grupales que las individuales en relación a su influencia sobre el aprendizaje significativo y la motivación. Valoran más positivamente las actividades abiertas que las cerradas, independientemente del tipo de agrupación. Los profesores no conocen las técnicas cooperativas lo suficiente como para utilizarlas con garantía de éxito en sus aulas. Aparece, sin embargo, una cierta tendencia a usar más los métodos competitivos cuando éstos se conocen. Al menos desde el punto de vista teórico, nos encontramos ante un buen método: coherente, útil de cara a los objetivos escolares, efectivo y factible de ser llevado a la práctica diaria. Utilizado de forma correcta y con la frecuencia precisa, potencia y desarrolla en los alumnos una serie de efectos deseables desde el punto de vista humano. Los métodos cooperativos incrementan, además y de manera importante, la motivación intrínseca de los alumnos hacia el aprendizaje escolar. Pese a ello, diversos autores insisten en su escasa utilización en el ámbito escolar. Sería deseable incrementar el uso de los métodos cooperativos en aquellos casos en los cuales los alumnos pueden obtener un beneficio claro con la utilización sistemática de estas técnicas, para lo cual haría falta tomar en consideración aspectos como: fomentar el trabajo grupal de los propios docentes, resolver los problemas organizativos y de evaluación que aún presentan estos métodos, dar estrategias a los futuros docentes para resolver los problemas que puedan surgirles, formar a los futuros docentes en cuáles son las mejores condiciones de uso de estos métodos para maximizar sus efectos, y formales sobre la forma más adecuada de crear el contexto cooperativo previo, habría que mostrarles la importancia de valorar más los procesos frente a la evaluación de productos, dotarles de los conocimientos necesarios sobre las distintas técnicas y métodos que están a su disposición, mostrando sus ventajas e inconvenientes e indicando cuáles son más adecuadas en función de los grupos, los individuos, la materia y los objetivos a lograr. Además, es importante que los profesores se muestren más flexibles en relación a su propio rol como docentes y que tomen conciencia cierta de que el desarrollo de actitudes como la solidaridad, la aceptación de la diferencia, el respeto a la opinión del otro y la ayuda desinteresada a los demás son objetivos escolares tanto o más importantes que la propia instrucción.


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As plantas sintetizam uma enorme variedade de metabolitos, que podem ser classificados em dois grupos, de acordo com as suas funções: metabolitos primários, que participam na nutrição e processos metabólicos essenciais no interior da própria planta, e metabolitos secundários (também referidos como produtos naturais), os quais influenciam as interacções ecológicas entre as plantas e o ambiente. Os carotenóides são metabolitos secundários derivados do isopreno. O isopentenil-pirofosfato (IPP) é a unidade básica para a biossíntese dos carotenóides. O esqueleto carbonado dos carotenóides é sintetizado por adição sucessiva das unidades em C5 que vão formar geranilgeranilpirofosfato, intermediário em C20 que por condensação origina a estrutura em C40. Recentemente assumia-se que todos os isoprenóides se sintetizavam a partir do acetil-CoA via ácido mevalónico. Estudos recentes mostraram que o percurso metabólico começa com a síntese do IPP via ácido mevalónico (MVA) e/ou via metileritritol 4-fosfato (MEP). Neste trabalho discutem-se os avanços no conhecimento destas diferentes vias m tabólicas assim como as enzimas e reacções envolvidas na biossíntese dos carotenóides a partir da unidade fundamental (IPP).


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A high-resolution crystal structure is reported for d(TpA)*, the intramolecular thymine-adenine photoadduct that is produced by direct ultraviolet excitation of the dinucleoside monophosphate d(TpA). It confirms the presence of a central 1,3-diazacyclooctatriene ring linking the remnants of the T and A bases, as previously deduced from heteronuclear NMR measurements by Zhao et al. (The structure of d(TpA)*, the major photoproduct of thymidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyadenosine. Nucleic Acids Res., 1996, 24, 1554-1560). Within the crystal, the d(TpA)* molecules exist as zwitterions with a protonated amidine fragment of the eight-membered ring neutralizing the charge of the internucleotide phosphate monoanion. The absolute configuration at the original thymine C5 and C6 atoms is determined as 5S,6R. This is consistent with d(TpA)* arising by valence isomerization of a precursor cyclobutane photoproduct with cis-syn stereochemistry that is generated by [2 + 2] photoaddition of the thymine 5,6-double bond across the C6 and C5 positions of adenine. This mode of photoaddition should be favoured by the stacked conformation of adjacent T and A bases in B-form DNA. It is probable that the primary photoreaction is mechanistically analogous to pyrimidine dimerization despite having a much lower quantum yield.


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New hydrophobic, tetradentate nitrogen heterocyclic reagents, 6.6'-bis-(5,6-dialkyl- 1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)2,2'-bipyridines (BTBPs) have been synthesised. These reagents form complexes with lanthanides and crystal structures with 11 different lanthanides have been determined. The majority of the structures show the lanthanide to be 10-coordinate with stoichiometry [Ln(BTBP)(NO3)(3)] although Yb and Lu are 9-coordinate in complexes with stoichiometry [Ln(BTBP)(NO3)(2)(H2O)](NO3). In these complexes the BTBP ligands are tetradentate and planar with donor nitrogens mutually cis i.e. in the cis, cis, cis conformation. Crystal structures of two free molecules, namely C2-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP have also been determined and show different conformations described as cis, trans, cis and trans, trans, trans respectively. A NMR titration between lanthanum nitrate and C5-BTBP showed that two different complexes are to be found in solution, namely [La(C5-BTBP)(2)](3+) and [La(C5-BTBP)(NO3)(3)]. The BTBPs dissolved in octanol were able to extract Am(III) and Eu(III) from 1 M nitric acid with large separation factors.


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The incorporation of potentially catalytic groups in DNA is of interest for the in vitro selection of novel deoxyribozymes, A series of 10 C5-modified analogues of 2'-deoxyuridine triphosphate have been synthesised that possess side chains of differing flexibility and bearing a primary amino or imidazole functionality, For each series of nucleotide analogues differing degrees of flexibility of the C5 side chain was achieved through the use of alkynyl, alkenyl and alkyl moieties, The imidazole function was conjugated to these CS-amino-modified nucleotides using either imidazole 4-acetic acid or imidazole 4-acrylic acid (urocanic acid), The substrate properties of the nucleotides (fully replacing dTTP) with Taq polymerase during PCR have been investigated in order to evaluate their potential applications for in vitro selection experiments, 5-(3-Aminopropynyl)dUTP and 5-(E-3-aminopropenyl)dUTP and their imidazole 4-acetic acid- and urocanic acid-modified conjugates were found to be substrates, In contrast, C5-amino-modified dUTPs with alkane or Z-alkene linkers and their corresponding conjugates were not substrates, The incorporation of these analogues during PCR has been confirmed by inhibition of restriction enzyme digestion using XbaI and by mass spectrometry of the PCR products.


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Canopy leaf area index (LAI), defined as the single-sided leaf area per unit ground area, is a quantitative measure of canopy foliar area. LAI is a controlling biophysical property of vegetation function, and quantifying LAI is thus vital for understanding energy, carbon and water fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere. LAI is routinely available from Earth Observation (EO) instruments such as MODIS. However EO-derived estimates of LAI require validation before they are utilised by the ecosystem modelling community. Previous validation work on the MODIS collection 4 (c4) product suggested considerable error especially in forested biomes, and as a result significant modification of the MODIS LAI algorithm has been made for the most recent collection 5 (c5). As a result of these changes the current MODIS LAI product has not been widely validated. We present a validation of the MODIS c5 LAI product over a 121 km2 area of mixed coniferous forest in Oregon, USA, based on detailed ground measurements which we have upscaled using high resolution EO data. Our analysis suggests that c5 shows a much more realistic temporal LAI dynamic over c4 values for the site we examined. We find improved spatial consistency between the MODIS c5 LAI product and upscaled in situ measurements. However results also suggest that the c5 LAI product underestimates the upper range of upscaled in situ LAI measurements.


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A model for estimating the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the oceanic boundary layer, based on insights from rapid-distortion theory, is presented and tested. This model provides a possible explanation for the very high dissipation levels found by numerous authors near the surface. It is conceived that turbulence, injected into the water by breaking waves, is subsequently amplified due to its distortion by the mean shear of the wind-induced current and straining by the Stokes drift of surface waves. The partition of the turbulent shear stress into a shear-induced part and a wave-induced part is taken into account. In this picture, dissipation enhancement results from the same mechanism responsible for Langmuir circulations. Apart from a dimensionless depth and an eddy turn-over time, the dimensionless dissipation rate depends on the wave slope and wave age, which may be encapsulated in the turbulent Langmuir number La_t. For large La_t, or any Lat but large depth, the dissipation rate tends to the usual surface layer scaling, whereas when Lat is small, it is strongly enhanced near the surface, growing asymptotically as ɛ ∝ La_t^{-2} when La_t → 0. Results from this model are compared with observations from the WAVES and SWADE data sets, assuming that this is the dominant dissipation mechanism acting in the ocean surface layer and statistical measures of the corresponding fit indicate a substantial improvement over previous theoretical models. Comparisons are also carried out against more recent measurements, showing good order-of-magnitude agreement, even when shallow-water effects are important.


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A series of bis-triazinylphenanthroline ligands (BTPhens) was synthesized by modifying the triazine substituents. It was found that varying these substituents altered the solubilities of the ligands in a number of non-polar solvents. Thus C5-BTPhen showed significantly higher solubility in octanol than C1-BTPhen. The high solubility of C5-BTPhen and its complexes was exploited to facilitate the NMR titration experiments. These experiments shown that the dominant species in solution were the 1:2 complexes [Ln(III)(BTPhen)2], even at high Ln concentrations, and that the relative stability of the 2:1 to 1:1 BTPhen-Ln complexes varied with different lanthanides. C5-BTPhen therefore shows considerable promise for a once-through selective actinide separation process.


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Effects of bromine substitution at the 5 and 5,6-positions of the 1,10-phenanthroline nucleus of BTPhen ligand on their extraction properties for Ln(III) andAn(III) cations have been studied. Compared to C5-BTPhen, electronic modulation in BrC5-BTPhen and Br2C5-BTPhen enabled these ligands to be fine-tuned in order to enhance the separation selectivity of Am(III) from Eu(III)


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The low availability of zinc (Zn) in soils and crops affects dietary Zn intake worldwide. This study sought to determine if the natural genetic variation in shoot Zn concentrations (Zn(shoot)) is sufficient to pursue a crop improvement breeding strategy in a leafy vegetable crop. The gene-pool of Brassica oleracea L. was sampled using a large (n = 376) diversity foundation set (DFS), representing almost all species-wide common allelic variation, and 74 commercial varieties (mostly F(1)). The DFS genotypes were grown at low and high soil phosphorus (P) levels under glasshouse and field conditions, and also in a Zn-deficient soil, with or without Zn-fertilisation, in a glasshouse. Despite the large variation in Zn(shoot) among genotypes, environment had a profound effect on Zn(shoot) The heritability of Zn(shoot) was significant, but relatively low, among 90 doubled-haploid (DH) lines from a mapping population. While several quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with Zn(shoot) occurred on chromosomes C2, C3, C5, C7, and C9, these were generally weak and conditional upon growth conditions. Breeding for Zn(shoot) in B. oleracea is therefore likely to be challenging. Shoot P concentrations increased substantially in all genotypes under low soil Zn conditions. Conversely, only some genotypes had increased Zn(shoot) at low soil P levels. Sufficient natural genetic variation may therefore exist to study some of the interactions between Zn and P nutrition.


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[1] A two-dimensional plume model is used to study the interaction between Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica and its underlying ocean cavity. Ice Shelf Water (ISW) plumes are initiated by the freshwater released from a melting ice shelf and, if they rise, may become supercooled and deposit marine ice due to the pressure increase in the in situ freezing temperature. The aim of this modeling study is to determine the origin of the thick accretions of marine ice at the base of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and thus improve our understanding of ISW flow paths. The model domain is defined from measurements of ice shelf draft, and from this ISW the model is able to predict plumes that exit the cavity in the correct locations. The modeled plumes also produce basal freezing rates that account for measured marine ice thicknesses in the western part of Ronne Ice Shelf. We find that the freezing rate and plume properties are significantly influenced by the confluence of plumes from different meltwater sources. We are less successful in matching observations of marine ice under the rest of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, which we attribute primarily to this model’s neglect of circulations in the ocean outside the plume.


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A simple polynya flux model driven by standard atmospheric forcing is used to investigate the ice formation that took place during an exceptionally strong and consistent western New Siberian (WNS) polynya event in 2004 in the Laptev Sea. Whether formation rates are high enough to erode the stratification of the water column beneath is examined by adding the brine released during the 2004 polynya event to the average winter density stratification of the water body, preconditioned by summers with a cyclonic atmospheric forcing (comparatively weakly stratified water column). Beforehand, the model performance is tested through a simulation of a well‐documented event in April 2008. Neglecting the replenishment of water masses by advection into the polynya area, we find the probability for the occurrence of density‐driven convection down to the bottom to be low. Our findings can be explained by the distinct vertical density gradient that characterizes the area of the WNS polynya and the apparent lack of extreme events in the eastern Laptev Sea. The simple approach is expected to be sufficiently rigorous, since the simulated event is exceptionally strong and consistent, the ice production and salt rejection rates are likely to be overestimated, and the amount of salt rejected is distrusted over a comparatively weakly stratified water column. We conclude that the observed erosion of the halocline and formation of vertically mixed water layers during a WNS polynya event is therefore predominantly related to wind‐ and tidally driven turbulent mixing processes.