967 resultados para ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA


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The timing of the floral transition has significant consequences for reproductive success in plants. Plants gauge both environmental and endogenous signals before switching to reproductive development. Many temperate species only flower after they have experienced a prolonged period of cold, a process known as vernalization, which aligns flowering with the favourable conditions of spring. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular basis of vernalization in Arabidopsis. A central player in this process is FLC, which blocks flowering by inhibiting genes required to switch the meristem from vegetative to floral development. Recent data shows that many regulators of FLC alter chromatin structure or are involved in RNA processing.


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The Arabidopsis genome contains a highly complex and abundant population of small RNAs, and many of the endogenous siRNAs are dependent on RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase 2 (RDR2) for their biogenesis. By analyzing an rdr2 loss-of-function mutant using two different parallel sequencing technologies, MPSS and 454, we characterized the complement of miRNAs expressed in Arabidopsis inflorescence to considerable depth. Nearly all known miRNAs were enriched in this mutant and we identified 13 new miRNAs, all of which were relatively low abundance and constitute new families. Trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs) were even more highly enriched. Computational and gel blot analyses suggested that the minimal number of miRNAs in Arabidopsis is approximately 155. The size profile of small RNAs in rdr2 reflected enrichment of 21-nt miRNAs and other classes of siRNAs like ta-siRNAs, and a significant reduction in 24-nt heterochromatic siRNAs. Other classes of small RNAs were found to be RDR2-independent, particularly those derived from long inverted repeats and a subset of tandem repeats. The small RNA populations in other Arabidopsis small RNA biogenesis mutants were also examined; a dcl2/3/4 triple mutant showed a similar pattern to rdr2, whereas dcl1-7 and rdr6 showed reductions in miRNAs and ta-siRNAs consistent with their activities in the biogenesis of these types of small RNAs. Deep sequencing of mutants provides a genetic approach for the dissection and characterization of diverse small RNA populations and the identification of low abundance miRNAs.


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The nuclear RNA binding protein, FCA, promotes Arabidopsis reproductive development. FCA contains a WW protein interaction domain that is essential for FCA function. We have identified FY as a protein partner for this domain. FY belongs to a highly conserved group of eukaryotic proteins represented in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the RNA 3' end-processing factor, Pfs2p. FY regulates RNA 3' end processing in Arabidopsis as evidenced through its role in FCA regulation. FCA expression is autoregulated through the use of different polyadenylation sites within the FCA pre-mRNA, and the FCA/FY interaction is required for efficient selection of the promoter-proximal polyadenylation site. The FCA/FY interaction is also required for the downregulation of the floral repressor FLC. We propose that FCA controls 3' end formation of specific transcripts and that in higher eukaryotes, proteins homologous to FY may have evolved as sites of association for regulators of RNA 3' end processing.


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Ian M. Scott, Shannon M. Clarke, Jacqueline E. Wood and Luis A.J. Mur (2004). Salicylate accumulation inhibits growth at chilling temperature in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 135(2), 1040-1049. RAE2008


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Arabidopsis halleri is a model plant for Zn and Cd hyperaccumulation. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the chemical forms of Cd, its distribution in leaves, and Cd accumulation and tolerance. An interspecific cross was carried out between A. halleri and the non-tolerant and non-hyperaccumulating relative A. lyrata providing progenies segregating for Cd tolerance and accumulation. Cd speciation and distribution were investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and microfocused X-ray fluorescence. In A. lyrata and non-tolerant progenies, Cd was coordinated by S atoms only or with a small contribution of O groups. Interestingly, the proportion of O ligands increased in A. halleri and tolerant progenies, and they were predominant in most of them, while S ligands were still present. Therefore, the binding of Cd with O ligands was associated with Cd tolerance. In A. halleri, Cd was mainly located in the xylem, phloem, and mesophyll tissue, suggesting a reallocation process for Cd within the plant. The distribution of the metal at the cell level was further discussed. In A. lyrata, the vascular bundles were also Cd enriched, but the epidermis was richer in Cd as compared with the mesophyll. Cd was identified in trichomes of both species. This work demonstrated that both Cd speciation and localization were related to the tolerance character of the plant.


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Noncoding RNA is emerging as an important regulator of gene expression in many organisms. We are characterizing RNA-mediated chromatin silencing of the Arabidopsis major floral repressor gene, FLC. Through suppressor mutagenesis, we identify a requirement for CstF64 and CstF77, two conserved RNA 3'-end-processing factors, in FLC silencing. However, FLC sense transcript 3' processing is not affected in the mutants. Instead, CstF64 and CstF77 are required for 3' processing of FLC antisense transcripts. A specific RNA-binding protein directs their activity to a proximal antisense polyadenylation site. This targeted processing triggers localized histone demethylase activity and results in reduced FLC sense transcription. Targeted 3' processing of antisense transcripts may be a common mechanism triggering transcriptional silencing of the corresponding sense gene.


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Transcription in eukaryotic genomes generates an extensive array of non-protein-coding RNA, the functional significance of which is mostly unknown. We are investigating the link between non-coding RNA and chromatin regulation through analysis of FLC - a regulator of flowering time in Arabidopsis and a target of several chromatin pathways. Here we use an unbiased strategy to characterize non-coding transcripts of FLC and show that sense/antisense transcript levels correlate in a range of mutants and treatments, but change independently in cold-treated plants. Prolonged cold epigenetically silences FLC in a Polycomb-mediated process called vernalization. Our data indicate that upregulation of long non-coding antisense transcripts covering the entire FLC locus may be part of the cold-sensing mechanism. Induction of these antisense transcripts occurs earlier than, and is independent of, other vernalization markers and coincides with a reduction in sense transcription. We show that addition of the FLC antisense promoter sequences to a reporter gene is sufficient to confer cold-induced silencing of the reporter. Our data indicate that cold-induced FLC antisense transcripts have an early role in the epigenetic silencing of FLC, acting to silence FLC transcription transiently. Recruitment of the Polycomb machinery then confers the epigenetic memory. Antisense transcription events originating from 3' ends of genes might be a general mechanism to regulate the corresponding sense transcription in a condition/stage-dependent manner.


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The role of RNA metabolism in chromatin silencing is now widely recognized. We have studied the Arabidopsis RNA-binding protein FCA that down-regulates an endogenous floral repressor gene through a chromatin mechanism involving histone demethylase activity. This mechanism needs FCA to interact with an RNA 3' processing/polyadenylation factor (FY/Pfs2p), but the subsequent events leading to chromatin changes are unknown. Here, we show that this FCA-FY interaction is required for general chromatin silencing roles where hairpin transgenes induce DNA methylation of an endogenous gene. We also show 2 conserved RNA processing factors, AtCPSF100 and AtCPSF160, but not FCA, are stably associated with FY in vivo and form a range of different-sized complexes. A hypomorphic fy allele producing a shorter protein, able to provide some FY functions but unable to interact with FCA, reduces abundance of some of the larger MW complexes. Suppressor mutants, which specifically disrupt the FY motif through which FCA interacts, also lacked these larger complexes. Our data support a model whereby FCA, perhaps after recognition of a specific RNA feature, transiently interacts with FY, an integral component of the canonical RNA 3' processing machinery, changing the interactions of the different RNA processing components. These altered interactions would appear to be a necessary step in this RNA-mediated chromatin silencing.