999 resultados para ANATOMIA ANIMAL


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Over recent years, a major breakthrough in marine animal tracking has occurred with the advent of Fastloc-GPS that provides highly accurate location data even for animals that only surface briefly such as sea turtles, marine mammals and penguins. We assessed the accuracy of Fastloc-GPS locations using fixed trials of tags in which >45 000 locations were obtained. Procedures for determining the speed of travel and heading were developed by simulating tracks and then adding Fastloc-GPS location errors. The levels of detail achievable for speed and heading estimates were illustrated by using empirical Fastloc-GPS data for a green turtle (Chelonia mydas, Linnaeus, 1758) travelling over 3000 km across the Indian Ocean. The accuracy of Fastloc-GPS locations varied as a function of the number of GPS satellites used in the location calculation. For example, when Fastloc-GPS locations were calculated using 4 GPS satellites, 50% of locations were within 36 m and 95% within 724 m of the true position. These values improved to 18 and 70 m, respectively, when 6 satellites were used. Simulations indicated that for animals travelling around 2·5 km h-1 (e.g. turtles, penguins and seals) and depending on the number of satellites used in the location calculation, robust speed and heading estimates would usually be obtained for locations only 1-6 h apart. Fastloc-GPS accuracy is several orders of magnitude better that conventional Argos tracking or light-based geolocation and consequently will allow new insights into small-scale movement patterns of marine animals.


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This study investigated prey captures in free-ranging adult female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) using head-mounted 3-axis accelerometers and animal-borne video cameras. Acceleration data was used to identify individual attempted prey captures (APC), and video data were used to independently verify APC and prey types. Results demonstrated that head-mounted accelerometers could detect individual APC but were unable to distinguish among prey types (fish, cephalopod, stingray) or between successful captures and unsuccessful capture attempts. Mean detection rate (true positive rate) on individual animals in the testing subset ranged from 67-100%, and mean detection on the testing subset averaged across 4 animals ranged from 82-97%. Mean False positive (FP) rate ranged from 15-67% individually in the testing subset, and 26-59% averaged across 4 animals. Surge and sway had significantly greater detection rates, but also conversely greater FP rates compared to heave. Video data also indicated that some head movements recorded by the accelerometers were unrelated to APC and that a peak in acceleration variance did not always equate to an individual prey item. The results of the present study indicate that head-mounted accelerometers provide a complementary tool for investigating foraging behaviour in pinnipeds, but that detection and FP correction factors need to be applied for reliable field application.


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Scientists are increasingly coming to realize that oncogenic phenomena are both frequent and detrimental for animals, and must therefore be taken into account when studying the biology of wildlife species and ecosystem functioning. Here, we argue that several behaviours that are routine in an individual's life can be associated with cancer risks, or conversely prevent/cure malignancies and/or alleviate their detrimental consequences for fitness. Although such behaviours are theoretically expected to be targets for natural selection, little attention has been devoted to explore how they influence animal behaviour. This essay provides a summary of these issues as well as an overview of the possibilities offered by this research topic, including possible applications for cancer prevention and treatments in humans.


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Electronic tags (both biotelemetry and biologging platforms) have informed conservation and resource management policy and practice by providing vital information on the spatial ecology of animals and their environments. However, the extent of the contribution of biological sensors (within electronic tags) that measure an animal's state (e.g., heart rate, body temperature, and details of locomotion and energetics) is less clear. A literature review revealed that, despite a growing number of commercially available state sensor tags and enormous application potential for such devices in animal biology, there are relatively few examples of their application to conservation. Existing applications fell under 4 main themes: quantifying disturbance (e.g., ecotourism, vehicular and aircraft traffic), examining the effects of environmental change (e.g., climate change), understanding the consequences of habitat use and selection, and estimating energy expenditure. We also identified several other ways in which sensor tags could benefit conservation, such as determining the potential efficacy of management interventions. With increasing sensor diversity of commercially available platforms, less invasive attachment techniques, smaller device sizes, and more researchers embracing such technology, we suggest that biological sensor tags be considered a part of the necessary toolbox for conservation. This approach can measure (in real time) the state of free-ranging animals and thus provide managers with objective, timely, relevant, and accurate data to inform policy and decision making.


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Ecological theory predicts that habitat growth and loss will have different effects on community structure, even if they produce patches of the same size. Despite this, studies on the effects of patchiness are often performed without prior knowledge of the processes responsible for the patchiness. We manipulated artificial seagrass habitat in temperate Australia to test whether fish and crustacean assemblages differed between habitats that formed via habitat loss and habitat growth. Habitat loss treatments (originally 16 m2) and habitat growth treatments (originally 0 m2) were manipulated over 1 week until each reached a final patch size of 4 m2. At this size, each was compared through time (0-14 days after manipulation) with control patches (4 m2 throughout the experiment). Assemblages differed significantly among treatments at 0 and 1 day after manipulation, with differences between growth and loss treatments contributing to most of the dissimilarity. Immediately after the final manipulation, total abundance in habitat loss treatments was 46% and 62% higher than controls and habitat growth treatments, respectively, which suggests that animals crowded into patches after habitat loss. In contrast to terrestrial systems, crowding effects were brief (≤1 day), signifying high connectivity in marine systems. Growth treatments were no different to controls, despite the lower probability of animals encountering patches during the growth phase. Our study shows that habitat growth and loss can cause short-term differences in animal abundance and assemblage structure, even if they produce patches of the same size.


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Most ecological studies require knowledge of animal abundance, but it can be challenging and destructive of habitat to obtain accurate density estimates for cryptic species, such as crustaceans that tunnel deeply into the seafloor, beaches, or mudflats. Such fossorial species are, however, widely used in environmental impact assessments, requiring sampling techniques that are reliable, efficient, and environmentally benign for these species and environments.2.Counting and measuring the entrances of burrows made by cryptic species is commonly employed to index population and body sizes of individuals. The fundamental premise is that burrow metrics consistently predict density and size. Here we review the evidence for this premise. We also review criteria for selecting among sampling methods: burrow counts, visual censuses, and physical collections.3.A simple 1:1 correspondence between the number of holes and population size cannot be assumed. Occupancy rates, indexed by the slope of regression models, vary widely between species and among sites for the same species. Thus, 'average' or 'typical' occupancy rates should not be extrapolated from site- or species specific field validations and then be used as conversion factors in other situations.4.Predictions of organism density made from burrow counts often have large uncertainty, being double to half of the predicted mean value. Whether such prediction uncertainty is 'acceptable' depends on investigators' judgements regarding the desired detectable effect sizes.5.Regression models predicting body size from burrow entrance dimensions are more precise, but parameter estimates of most models are specific to species and subject to site-to-site variation within species.6.These results emphasise the need to undertake thorough field validations of indirect census techniques that include tests of how sensitive predictive models are to changes in habitat conditions or human impacts. In addition, new technologies (e.g. drones, thermal-, acoustic- or chemical sensors) should be used to enhance visual census techniques of burrows and surface-active animals.


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Técnicas de Processamento de Imagens e de Computação Gráfica vêm sendo empregadas há bastante tempo para o diagnóstico por imagens em Medicina. Mais recentemente, aplicações baseadas em modelos anatômicos, tanto extraídos de volumes de imagens como criados com base em estudos de anatomia, despontam com força. Tais modelos visam suportar simulação de movimento e de fisiologia. Porém, para que isso se torne realidade, modelos anatômicos do corpo humano precisam ser construídos e aperfeiçoados. Entre outras funcionalidades, esses modelos devem ser capazes de representar o movimento articulado do corpo humano. O problema de modelagem das articulações já foi considerado em diversos trabalhos, principalmente em Robótica e Animação. Entretanto, esses trabalhos não levaram em conta fidelidade anatômica com profundidade suficiente para que pudessem ser utilizados em aplicações de Medicina. O principal objetivo deste trabalho, portanto, é a criação de uma estratégia de representação de articulações embasada em características anatômicas para modelagem de esqueletos humanos virtuais. Um estudo da anatomia do esqueleto humano é apresentado, destacando os tipos de articulações humanas e aspectos do seu movimento. Também é apresentado um estudo dos modelos de articulações encontrados na literatura de Computação Gráfica, e são comentados alguns sistemas de software comercial que implementam corpos articulados. Com base nesses dois estudos, procurou-se identificar as deficiências dos modelos existentes em termos de fidelidade anatômica e, a partir disso, propor uma estratégia de representação para articulações humanas que permitisse a construção de corpos humanos virtuais anatomicamente realísticos. O modelo de articulações proposto foi projetado com o auxílio de técnicas de projeto orientado a objetos e implementado no âmbito do projeto Virtual Patients. Usando as classes do modelo, foi construído um simulador de movimentos, que recebe a descrição de um corpo articulado através de um arquivo em formato XML e apresenta uma animação desse corpo. A descrição do movimento também é especificada no mesmo arquivo. Esse simulador foi utilizado para gerar resultados para verificar a correção e fidelidade do modelo articular. Para isso, um joelho virtual foi construído, seus movimentos foram simulados e comparados com outros joelhos: o modelo de outro simulador, um modelo plástico anatômico e o joelho real.


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Este ensaio pretende, de um lado, identificar e descrever os traços dominantes da literatura e das demais poéticas contemporâneas, e, de outro, relatar o processo de transposição de um texto literário – o romance O Quieto Animal da Esquina, de João Gilberto Noll – para um texto de cinema, o roteiro cinematográfico homônimo, de minha autoria. Menos uma tese acadêmica do que uma tentativa de se constituir como um objeto artístico em si mesmo – tanto em sua condição de roteiro, quanto na de uma aproximação eminentemente subjetiva, não “científica”, de um modo de expressão – este ensaio é uma proposta de discussão sobre a rarefação de limites, sobre o diálogo e a interdependência das artes.


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Este trabalho buscou consolidar a hipótese de que nas formações campestres nativas do Rio Grande do Sul, não só a aferta de MS, mas também a estrutura da pastagem, são determinantes do desempenho animal, e que esta estrutura pode ser manipulada através de alterações estacionais na oferta.