951 resultados para AMAZONIAN RAINFOREST
The golden-faced saki monkey Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala (Cebidae, Primates) was observed eating soil from termite nests during a long-term study of a family group in a Central Amazonian forest fragment. In this paper we describe the behaviour involved in the geophagy in these monkeys, and the results of geochemical and physical analyses of the termite nest material, as well as root mat and topsoil samples below the trees, in order to clarify the possible reasons for it. The sakis ate soil from nine arboreal termite nests on 26 soil feeding-bouts (in 853 observation hours); 25 soil feeding-bouts occurred in March 1987 (rainy season), during 19 days or 132 observation hours, and occupied 0.7% of the feeding time. Geophagy frequencies did not differ between sexes (17 feeding-bouts of four females and 8 for two males). Mineral composition was higher in arboreal termitaria than in the topsoil. Kaolinite was the major clay component. Tannin adsorptive capacity, tested through a modified radial diffusion method of Hagerman, was around 10-20%, similar to a control with kaolin (10-20%), but lower than bentonite or celite (30-45%). The observations reported here, although inconclusive as to the function of geophagy in this species, indicate that it is not a mineral supplement during times of scarcity or high consumption of leaves, as has been reported for other primates, nor that it is related to fruit consumption (redressing possible mineral imbalance), as has been suggested for some other frugivorous mammals. Our results do not rule out tannin adsorptive hypothesis for the ingestion of clays, but, being an irregular habit, we argue that it is most likely related to rare and occasional dietary components.
The Atlantic Rainforest is a Brazilian ecosystem that is being rapidly being destroyed, along with the abiotic and biotic factors present in it. Among the biotic factors, the fungi are found in the soil which, besides being of major importance in terms of ecological niches, also have broad and significant applications in biotechnology. In order to assess the biodiversity of these microorganisms in this type of ecosystem, the Banhado Grande region was chosen at the Jureia-Itatins Ecology Station, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Within this region, two areas were delimited for study, one covered with natural (primary) vegetation and the other containing vegetation that regenerated following the planting of rice crops, referred to here as secondary. Collection of compound soil samples were taken (depth 0-15 cm) over a period of two and a half years, with the litter first being removed, during dry/cold and humid/hot periods. After sifting the samples, they were appropriately processed using the serial dilution technique to isolate the fungi from the soil. Six different culture media were used, having pHs of 4.5, 7.0 and 9.0. Altogether, 1,211 strains were isolated, divided into the following groups: Hyphomycetes, the most abundant followed by Ascomycetes, Zygomycetes, Coelomycetes, and Oomycetes. From these, 112 species were identified, 8 down to the genus level, and those that did not produce conidia were grouped as Mycelia sterilia. Among the strains, 67 were cellulolytic, 32 originated solely in soil under natural vegetation, and 26 originated solely in soil under secondary vegetation.
Scent-marking behaviour of golden-faced saki monkey, Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala, was observed intermittently between 1987 and 1990 for a family group in a Central Amazonian forest fragment. of 95 scent-marking events (during 275.5 hours of observation), throat-and-chest rubbing accounted for all except one anogenital rubbing. Nine of the throat-and-chest markings also involved touching groin with hands and eight markings (including the anogenital), urinating on the marked branch. Marking behaviour is strongly sex related, with the adult male making 88.4% of the markings. Scent-marking frequency by the adult male increased during breeding periods. Scent-marking behaviour seems related to courtship, and possibly stimulates sexual behaviour. All regularly marked spots consisted of horizontal branches on commonly travelled routes. Eleven occurred in feeding trees and lianas, but none in sleeping trees. Scent-marking behaviour in the monkeys studied here was not related to intergroup encounters and probably did not have a territorial function, although it may do so where different groups interact.
Natural Conditions and Environmental Impacts in a Coastal Hydrographic Basin in the Brazilian Amazon
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Patterns of nest construction and nest site selection of two murid rodents of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest were described. The animals were captured in an area of about 1.5 ha of primary forest, marked, equipped with a spool-and-line device and released at the capture point. The next day we followed the thread to find their nests. In total 11 nests of Nectomys squamipes (Brants, 1827) and 13 of Oryzomys intermedius (Leche, 1886) were found. They were all egg-shaped, about 15 cm long and 10 cm wide, without any apparent entrance and consisted of dry leaves and grass. The two species differed in the selection of nest sites. The nests of N. squamipes were close to streams and built inside decomposed fallen logs or using natural entrances between the soil and tangled roots or rocky crevices. Nests of O. intermedius were built under or inside fallen logs and inside aerial root systems of palms. The spool-and-line technique used here is useful to provide detailed information on several aspects of the ecology and natural history of small mammals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Long-term monitoring of reintroduced individuals is a central component of many endangered species reintroduction programs. Radio-telemetry techniques are rarely used to monitor reintroduced captive-bred Cracids and few data exist regarding possible adverse effects of radio-tagging Cracids. In this study, we identify an appropriate radio transmitter design and develop a suitable attachment method that minimizes anthropogenic influence and enables long-term, post-release monitoring (2-3 years) of reintroduced captive-bred Red-billed Curassows in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. We also review studies about the effects of different VHF radio transmitter models on survival, reproduction, behavior, and physiology of Galliformes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As part of a program to understand the genetics of Amazonian ornamental fish, classical cytogenetics was used to analyze Symphysodon aequifasciatus, S. discus and S. haraldi, popular and expensive aquarium fishes that are endemic to the Amazon basin. Mitotic analyses in Symphysodon have shown some odd patterns compared with other Neotropical cichlids. We have confirmed that Symphysodon species are characterized by chromosomal diversity and meiotic complexity despite the fact that species share the same diploid number 2n = 60. An intriguing meiotic chromosomal chain, with up to 20 elements during diplotene/diakinesis, was observed in S. aequifasciatus and S. haraldi, whereas S. discus only contains typical bivalent chromosomes. Such chromosomal chains with a high number of elements have not been observed in any other vertebrates. We showed that the meiotic chromosomal chain was not sex related. This observation is unusual and we propose that the origin of meiotic multiples in males and females is based on a series of translocations that involved heterochromatic regions after hybridization of ancestor wild Discus species. Heredity (2009) 102, 435-441; doi: 10.1038/hdy.2009.3; published online 25 February 2009
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Araes gold deposit, located in eastern Mato Grosso State, central Brazil, is hosted in Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary rocks of the Paraguay belt, which formed during collision of the Amazonian craton and the Rio Apa block. Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology and Pb and S isotopic analyses constrain the timing and sources of mineralization. Three biotite flakes from two samples of metavolcanic host rock yield Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages between 5941 and 531 Ma, interpreted as cooling ages following regional metamorphism. Clay minerals from a hydrothermal alteration zone yield an Ar-40/Ar-39 integrated age of 503 +/- 3 Ma. Galena grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/(204)pb from 17.952 to 18.383, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.156 to 15.811, and Pb-208/Pb-204 from 38.072 to 39.681. Pyrite grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/Pb-204 from 18.037 to 18.202, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.744 to 15.901., and Pb-208/(204)pb from 38.338 to 38.800. Pb isotope variations may be explained in terms of mixing a less radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 8.4) from mafic and ultramafic basement host-rocks (Nova Xavantina metavolcanosedimentary rocks) and a more radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 9.2) probably derived from supracrustal rocks (Cuiaba sedimentary groups). Sulfur isotope compositions are homogeneous, with delta S-34 values ranging from -1.1 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (galena) and -0.7 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (pyrite), suggesting a mantle-derived reservoir for the mineralizing solutions. Based on the Ar, Pb, and S isotope data, we suggest that the precious metals were remobilized from metavolcanic host rocks by hydrothermal solutions during Brasilide-Panafrican regional metamorphism. The Arabs gold deposit probably formed during a late stage of the orogeny, coeval with other mineralization events in the Paraguay Belt.
The Araguaia-Tocantins geosuture, which separates the Araguaia Fold Belt (AFB) from the Archean Amazonian Craton, was active in the late Middle Proterozoic. The Baixo Araguaia Supergroup was deposited, consisting of the Estrondo Group (lower quartzites with intercalated schists), Xambioá Formation (schists), and Canto da Vazante Formation (upper feldspathic schists); and the Tocantins Group consisting of the Couto Magalhaës Formation (phyllites, quartzites, slates, limestones, and metacherts) and Pequizeiro Formation (upper chlorite schists); and associated mafic-ultramafic bodies. The deformational history includes four regional phases of deformation within this supracrustal sequence: recumbent folds with vergence to the west; refolding with a N-S trend; an intense crenulation episode; and late thrusting from east to west. Metamorphism is of intermediate or intermediate-high pressure type with garnet, biotite, chlorite, and sericite isograds succeeded by a slightly or non-metamorphosed zone, from east to west. Rocks surrounding sparse gneissic-cored domes contain isograds of staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite. These isograds are believed to be associated with the 1100 Ma Uruaçuano event. The Brasiliano Orogeny strongly affected the AFB with displacements due to transcurrent reactivation of great and old faults of the basement, slight folding in the supracrustal sequence, intrusion of small granite bodies, and development of domes with associated normal faults. The area underlain by the Estrondo Group was uplifted at this time, causing the deposition of the Rio das Barreiras polymictic conglomerate of the central area. K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses date this thermo-tectonic event at 550 ± 100 Ma. The Archean basement is exposed in the cores of domes as a granite-gneiss association, the Colméia complex, which shows thermo-tectonic features that may be interpreted as polycyclic imprints (Jequié, Transamazonian?, Uruaçuano, and Brasiliano Events). © 1989.
The aboveground biomass content of a region can be estimated by either direct or indirect methods. Direct methods correspond to the biomass content determination with scales and extrapolation of results to larger areas. It is a destructive and very laborious procedure. Indirect methods utilize formulas whose entrance parameters are obtained from forest inventories. Forest inventories are made with the purpose to plan exploration and land use and the inventory data are frequently not suitable for biomass estimation. Problems with both methods increase in the Amazon region, where little information is available on forest biomass. The objective of this paper is to establish, by comparing the application of the indirect and direct methods in the determination of the biomass, the more appropriate indirect formulation to represent the characteristic vegetation of a region in the amazonian forest. A 0.2 hectare area was chosen, which was part of a major forest clearing experiment conducted in Tomé Açu, a town located 250 km south of Belém, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pará. The entire biomass in the area was weighted with scales during the three weeks that followed the cut of the forest in July 1994. A detailed inventory was carried out in the area and then the indirect method was applied in the data. Seven different formulas for determining biomass were used. Comparison of the data of real mass and the mass obtained through the application of the seven formulas indicated that the more suitable for the region is given by FW = α · φβ · Hγ, where FW is total fresh weight (kg), φ is the diameter at breast height (cm), H is the total height of the tree and α, β and γ are regression coefficients (equal to 0.026, 1.529 and 1.747, respectively).
External morphology, internal oral anatomy, and chondrocranial anatomy were examined for tadpoles of Hyla geographica from the Amazon rainforest, Brazil, and Hyla semilineata from the Atlantic rainforest, Brazil. Here, we provide morphological larval data to help diagnose these closely related species. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of buccal morphology showed the most distinctive features between these species: the distance between the lingual papillae in the buccal floor of H. geographica is three times greater than that distance in H. semilineata, and the relative size of the lingual papillae in H. geographica is less than half their size in H. semilineata. Although the chondrocranium of both species is identical, and the external morphology of the larvae of both taxa is very similar, they differ greatly in size at most developmental stages. A multivariate analysis of covariance, corrected for stage and size, also showed a significant difference between morphometric measurements of the two species. These differences support the existence of two separate taxa.
This paper describes the phenology of leaf, flower, and fruit phenology in the Atlantic rain forests of southeastern Brazil. For 17 months, we observed the phenological patterns of trees from two Atlantic forest types at four sites: premontane forest (Sites I and IV; the typical Atlantic rain forest) and coastal plain forest (Sites II and III). All sites experience a nonseasonal, tropical wet climate, characterized by an annual rainfall usually > 2000 mm and lacking a dry season. We tested for the occurrence (or absence) of seasonal phenological patterns within each site and compared the patterns detected among the four different forest sites using circular statistics. The expected weakly seasonal phenological patterns were not observed for these forests. Flowering and leaf flush patterns of Atlantic rain forest trees were significantly seasonal, concentrated at the beginning of the wettest season, and were significantly correlated with day length and temperature. These results stress the influence that seasonal variation in day length has on ever-wet forest tree phenology. Fruiting phenologies were aseasonal in all four forests. Flowering patterns did not differ significantly among three of the four forest sites analyzed, suggesting the occurrence of a general flowering pattern for Atlantic rain forest trees.