962 resultados para AIRWAY MUCUS
OBJECTIVE: An operative technique is described as a salvage treatment for severe subglottic and supraglottic laryngeal stenosis. In addition to expansion of the laryngeal framework with an anterior cartilage graft, as used in a classical laryngotracheal reconstruction, the scar tissue obliterating the airway lumen is excised and a mucosal graft is placed to reconstruct the inner lining of the airway. The graft is harvested from buccal mucosa. METHODS: The operative technique is outlined. Three cases, 2 paediatric and one adult, with complete or near complete laryngeal stenosis are presented where this operative technique was employed. In all patients several surgeries had been performed previously which were unsuccessful. RESULTS: In all 3 patients a patent airway was achieved with decannulation of the tracheostomy in the 2 paediatric patients. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with severe subglottic or supraglottic airway stenosis where other surgeries have failed, excision of endoluminal scar tissue and placement of a buccal mucosal graft, in addition to conventional laryngotracheal reconstruction, is a promising technique. In revision cases of subglottic stenosis cricotracheal resection might not be an option because of scarring from previous surgeries. This operation is an alternative, which allows an increase in the airway lumen by excising the scar tissue then re-lining the exposed internal lumen. The buccal mucosa reduces granulation formation and re-stenosis.
Burn injuries are very frequent, most being trifle cases. Nevertheless every year about 200 patients need to be treated in one of the two specialised Swiss burns centres. Admission criteria are burns > 15% body surface or burns to critical areas (face neck, hands, genitalia, joints) and electrical injuries. The paper reviews the physiophathology of the burn wound which differs depending on the thermal or electrical aetiology. The airway may be threatened due to true inhalation, but also to burns to the face or neck. In major burns >20% body surface in adults, or > 10% in children, fluid resuscitation will be required; oral hydration is generally sufficient by smaller burns. Surgical treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree burns starts within the first 24 days after injury. While complex treatment is generally available in peace time, a major accident such as a disco-fire that can generate hundreds casualties in a few minutes, can threaten our system and force the adoption of triage rules, and simplified treatments. Attitudes to adopt in such conditions are discussed.
In cases of ligature strangulation, the importance of distinguishing self-inflicted death from homicide is crucial. This entails objective scene investigation, autopsy and anamnesis in order to elucidate the manner of death correctly. The authors report a case of unplanned complex suicide by means of self-strangulation and multiple sharp force injury. The use of more than one suicide method, consecutively--termed unplanned complex suicide--gives this case particular significance. A brief discussion on this uncommon method of suicide is presented, particularly relevant to the attending forensic physician. In addition, a short overview of the entity of complex suicide is given.
Background: Previous studies have presented contradictory data concerning obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), lipid oxidation and nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. This study was undertaken to (1) compare the concentration of 8-isoprostane and total nitrate and nitrite (NOx) in plasma of middle-aged men with OSAS and no other known co-morbidity and healthy controls of the same age, gender and body mass index; and (2) test the hypothesis that nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy attenuates oxidative stress and nitrate deficiency. Methods: A prospective, randomised, placebo controlled, double-blind, crossover study was performed in 31 consecutive middle-aged men with newly diagnosed OSAS and 15 healthy control subjects. Patients with OSAS were randomised to receive sham CPAP or effective CPAP for 12 weeks. Blood pressure, urinary catecholamine levels and plasma 8-isoprostane and NOx concentrations were obtained before and after both treatment modalities. Results: Patients with OSAS had significantly higher 8-isoprostane levels (median (IQR) 42.5 (29.2-78.2) vs 20.0 (12.5-52.5) pg/ml, p = 0.041, Mann-Whitney test) and lower NOx levels (264 (165-650) vs 590 (251- 1465) mmol/l, p = 0.022) than healthy subjects. Body mass index, blood pressure and urinary catecholamines were unchanged by CPAP therapy, but 8-isoprostane concentrations decreased (38.5 (24.2-58.7) pg/ml at baseline vs 22.5 (16.2-35.3) pg/ml on CPAP, p = 0.0001) and NOx levels increased (280 (177-707) vs 1373 (981-1517) mmol/l, p = 0.0001) after CPAP. Conclusions: OSAS is associated with an increase in oxidative stress and a decrease in NOx that is normalised
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study are to present the technique and results of endoscopic repair of laryngotracheoesophageal clefts (LTEC) extending caudally to the cricoid plate into the cervical trachea and to revisit the classification of LTEC. METHODS: The authors conducted a retrospective case analysis consisting of four infants with complete laryngeal clefts (extending through the cricoid plate in three cases and down into the cervical trachea in one case) treated endoscopically by CO2 laser incision of the mucosa and two-layer endoscopic closure of the cleft without postoperative intubation or tracheotomy. RESULTS: All four infants resumed spontaneous respiration without support after a mean postoperative period of 3 days with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). They accepted oral feeding within 5 postoperative days (range, 3-11 days). No breakdown of endoscopic repair was encountered. After a mean follow up of 48 months (range, 3 mos to 7 y), all children have a good voice, have no sign of residual aspiration, but experience a slight exertional dyspnea. CONCLUSION: This limited experience on the endoscopic repair of extrathoracic LTEC shows that a minimally invasive approach sparing the need for postoperative intubation or tracheotomy is feasible and safe if modern technology (ultrapulse CO2 laser, endoscopic suturing, and postoperative use of CPAP in the intensive care unit) is available.
Background: The aim was to test the hypothesis that the blood serum of rats subjected to recurrent airway obstructions mimicking obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) induces early activation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and enhancement of endothelial wound healing. Methods: We studied 30 control rats and 30 rats subjected to recurrent obstructive apneas (60 per hour, lasting 15 s each, for 5 h). The migration induced in MSC by apneic serum was measured by transwell assays. MSC-endothelial adhesion induced by apneic serum was assessed by incubating fluorescent-labelled MSC on monolayers of cultured endothelial cells from rat aorta. A wound healing assay was used to investigate the effect of apneic serum on endothelial repair. Results: Apneic serum showed significant increase in chemotaxis in MSC when compared with control serum: the normalized chemotaxis indices were 2.20 +- 0.58 (m +- SE) and 1.00 +- 0.26, respectively (p < 0.05). MSC adhesion to endothelial cells was greater (1.75 +- 0.14 -fold; p < 0.01) in apneic serum than in control serum. When compared with control serum, apneic serum significantly increased endothelial wound healing (2.01 +- 0.24 -fold; p < 0.05). Conclusions: The early increases induced by recurrent obstructive apneas in MSC migration, adhesion and endothelial repair suggest that these mechanisms play a role in the physiological response to the challenges associated to OSA.
Plus de 300 millions de personnes dans le monde souffrent de l'asthme. L'asthme est une maladie inflammatoire chronique des voies respiratoires caractérisée par des symptômes variables et récurrents, une obstruction bronchique réversible et des bronchospasmes. Les symptômes communs incluent une respiration sifflante, de la toux, une oppression thoracique et de la dyspnée. Normalement, la maladie commence à se manifester pendant l'enfance. Pourtant, facteurs génétiques héréditaires et événements environnementaux survenant au cours de la petite enfance sont responsables de sa manifestation, indiquant que le développement de la maladie est lié à des événements qui se produisent bien avant son déclenchement. L'infection respiratoire virale aiguë constitue un de ces facteurs environnementaux jouant un rôle prépondérant. Un des virus les plus communs est le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS), qui infecte presque tous les enfants avant l'âge de 2 ans. Ce virus, s'il infecte des tout-petits, peut en effet provoquer une bronchiolite aiguë, un phénomène qui a été épidémiologiquement lié à l'apparition d'asthme plus tard dans la vie. Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié, chez la souris, comment une infection avec le VRS influe sur l'asthme allergique. Nous avons constaté que seule l'infection des souris à l'état de nouveau-né prédispose à un asthme allergique plus sévère chez l'adulte. En effet, si des souris adultes étaient infectées, elles étaient protégées contre l'apparition des symptômes asthmatiques. Cela nous a mené à investiguer les mécanismes immunitaires spécifiques durant cette courte période du début de la vie. Deux événements se produisent en parallèle au cours de la petite enfance: (1) Le système immunitaire, qui est encore immature immédiatement après la naissance, commence à se développer pour être en mesure de jouer son rôle protecteur contre les agents infectieux. (2) Le corps, y compris les poumons, est colonisé par des bactéries commensales, qui vivent en symbiose avec leur hôte humain. Chez l'adulte, ces bactéries sont connues pour influencer notre système immunitaire, l'éduquant à générer des réponses immunitaires adéquates et efficaces. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons voulu déterminer si ces bactéries symbiotiques étaient impliquées dans l'éducation du système immunitaire du nouveau-né et quelles conséquences cela pourrait avoir sur les réponses immunitaires engendrées par ce dernier. Pour étudier l'effet de ces bactéries symbiotiques, nous avons utilisé des souris stériles, en d'autres termes des souris qui n'hébergent pas ces bactéries symbiotiques. En comparant ces souris stériles à des souris qui abritent une flore microbienne normale, nous avons constaté que les bactéries symbiotiques sont vitales pour la bonne éducation du système immunitaire du nouveau-né. Nous avons démontré que le contact direct des cellules immunitaires avec la flore microbienne dans les poumons modifie le phénotype de ces cellules immunitaires, ce qui change probablement leur réaction au cours de réponses immunitaires. Nous avons donc vérifié si l'éducation immunitaire induite par cette microflore est importante pour prévenir les maladies pulmonaires telles que l'asthme allergique, affections qui sont causées par une réaction excessive du système immunitaire envers des agents inoffensifs. En effet, nous avons observé que le processus de maturation du système immunitaire néonatal, lequel a été déclenché et façonné par la flore microbienne, est important pour éviter une réaction asthmatique exagérée chez la souris adulte. Ce phénomène est dû aux lymphocytes T régulateurs. Ces cellules, dont la présence est induite dans les poumons, ont des capacités immunosuppressives et atténuent donc les réponses immunitaires pour prévenir une inflammation excessive. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans cette thèse que la colonisation par des bactéries symbiotiques tôt dans la vie est un événement décisif pour la maturation du système immunitaire et pour prévenir le développement de l'asthme. Dans l'avenir, il serait intéressant de découvrir quelles bactéries sont présentes dans les poumons du nouveau-né et lesquelles sont directement impliquées dans ce processus de maturation immunitaire. Une prochaine étape serait alors de favoriser la présence de ces bactéries au début de la vie au moyen d'un traitement avec des agents pré- ou probiotiques, ce qui pourrait éventuellement contribuer à une prévention précoce du développement de l'asthme. -- L'asthme est une maladie chronique inflammatoire des voies respiratoires affectant près de 300 millions d'individus dans le monde. Bien que les traits caractéristiques du phénotype asthmatique s'établissent généralement pendant l'enfance, la prédisposition au développement de la maladie est intimement liée à des événements survenant durant la petite enfance, comme le sont par exemple les infections virales respiratoires aiguës. Les mécanismes par lesquels ces événements provoquent un dysfonctionnement immunitaire et, par conséquent, conduisent au développement de l'asthme n'ont pas encore été entièrement décelés. La dysbiose du microbiote des voies respiratoires a été récemment associes au phénotype asthmatique, touisTcis, la cuûoboiatioî! d un lien cause à effet entre la dysbiose microbienne et l'apparition des symptômes asthmatiques reste à être démontrée. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle que joue la colonisation microbienne des voies respiratoires au cours de la petite enfance dans la maturation du système immunitaire ainsi que dans la protection contre l'inflammation pulmonaire de type allergique. Nous avons de surcroît développé un modèle expérimental pour comprendre comment les infections virales respiratoires interfèrent avec ce processus. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons évalué l'effet d'infections causées par le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) sur le développement de l'asthme. En accord avec des études épidémiologiques, nous avons constaté qu'une infection au VRS lors de la période néonatale exacerbait les réponses pulmonaires allergiques ultérieures. Par contraste, une infection à l'âge adulte avait un effet protecteur. Nous avons ainsi démontré que l'influence d'une infection à VRS sur l'issue et la sévérité de l'asthme respiratoire était strictement dépendante de l'âge. Ces résultats nous ont conduit à émettre l'hypothèse que des différences dans le phénotype homéostatique des cellules immunitaires pourraient être responsables de ces disparités liées à l'âge. Par conséquent, dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons suivi et caractérisé le processus de maturation des cellules immunitaires dans les poumons du nouveau-né en condition d'homéostasie. Nous avons découvert que leur phénotype change de façon dynamique pendant le développement néonatal et que la colonisation par des microbes était déterminante pour la maturation des cellules immunitaires dans les poumons. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous avons démontré comment le microbiote pulmonaire éduque le développement immunitaire durant la période néonatale l'orientant de manière à induire une tolérance face aux aéroallergènes. Nous avons découvert que la colonisation microbienne des voies respiratoires provoque une expression transitoire de PD-L1 sur les cellules dendritiques (CD) pulmonaires du type CD11b+ dans les deux premières semaines de la vie. Cet événement engendre par la suite la génération de lymphocytes T régulateurs (TREG) dans les poumons, lesquels sont responsables de la protection contre une réponse inflammatoire allergique exagérée chez la souris adulte. Par conséquent, nous proposons un rôle pivot de la maturation immunitaire induite par le microbiote pulmonaire dans l'établissement de la tolérance aux aéroallergènes. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse fournissent de nouveaux indices révélant comment des événements se produisant lors de la petite enfance peuvent façonner les réponses du système immunitaire dirigées contre les allergènes et soulignent le rôle central joué par le microbiote pulmonaire dans l'édification d'une réponse immunitaire équilibrée. En résumé, notre travail met en évidence le microbiote pulmonaire comme étant une cible potentielle pour la prévention de certaines maladies respiratoires. -- Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory tract and affects approximately 300 million individuals world-wide. Although the asthmatic phenotype commonly establishes during childhood, predisposition towards disease development has been linked to events in early infancy, such as severe respiratory viral infections. However, the mechanisms by which these events cause immune dysfunction and, therefore, lead to the development of asthma have yet to be fully deciphered. Dysbiosis of the airway microbiota has recently been associated with the asthmatic phenotype; however, conclusive evidence for a causal link between microbial dysbiosis in the ail ways and asthma development is still missing. In this thesis we investigated the role of early-life microbial airway colonization in immune maturation and the protection against allergic airway inflammation and established an experimental model to address how respiratory viral infections interfere in this process. In the first part of this thesis we evaluated the effect of Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections on the development of asthma. In concurrence with epidemiological studies, we found that neonatal infection exacerbated subsequent allergic airway inflammation. In contrast, adult infection was protective in the same context. Thus, we could demonstrate that the influence of RSV infection on subsequent allergic airway responses was strictly age-dependent. These findings led us to the hypothesis that differences in the homeostatic phenotype of immune cells could be responsible for the age-related disparities seen within the context of RSV. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we followed the process of homeostatic immune cell maturation in the neonatal lung. Immune cell phenotypes changed dynamically during neonatal development. We discovered that the colonization with microbes was central to the maturation of immune cells in the lung. In the last part of this thesis, we demonstrated how microbiota-driven immune development during the neonatal period induces tolerance against aeroallergens. We discovered that microbial colonization led to a transient programmed death-ligand (PD-L) 1 expression on CD11b+ pulmonary dendritic cells (DCs) during the first two weeks of life. This in turn induced regulatory T (TREG) cells in the lung, which were responsible for the protection against exaggerated allergic airway inflammation in adult mice. Thus, we propose a key role for microbiota-driven immune maturation in the establishment of tolerance towards aeroallergens. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis provide new insights into how early-life events shape pulmonary immune responses towards allergens and suggest the airway microbiota as a key player in establishing a balanced immune response. Overall, our work highlights the airway microbiota as potential target for disease prevention.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lethal progressive lung disease culminating in permanent airway obstruction and alveolar enlargement. Previous studies suggest CTL involvement in COPD progression; however, their precise role remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether the CTL activation receptor NK cell group 2D (NKG2D) contributes to the development of COPD. Using primary murine lung epithelium isolated from mice chronically exposed to cigarette smoke and cultured epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract in vitro, we demonstrated induced expression of the NKG2D ligand retinoic acid early tran - script 1 (RAET1)as well as NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity. Furthermore, a genetic model of inducible RAET1 expression on mouse pulmonary epithelial cells yielded a severe emphysematous phenotype characterized by epithelial apoptosis and increased CTL activation, which was reversed by blocking NKG2D activation. We also assessed whether NKG2D ligand expression corresponded with pulmonary disease in human patients by staining airway and peripheral lung tissues from never smokers, smokers with normal lung function, and current and former smokers with COPD. NKG2D ligand expression was independent of NKG2D receptor expression in COPD patients, demonstrating that ligand expression is the limiting factor in CTL activation. These results demonstrate that aberrant, persistent NKG2D ligand expression in the pulmonary epithelium contributes to the development of COPD pathologies.
Chronic inhalation of grain dust is associated with asthma and chronic bronchitis in grain worker populations. Exposure to fungal particles was postulated to be an important etiologic agent of these pathologies. Fusarium species frequently colonize grain and straw and produce a wide array of mycotoxins that impact human health, necessitating an evaluation of risk exposure by inhalation of Fusarium and its consequences on immune responses. Data showed that Fusarium culmorum is a frequent constituent of aerosols sampled during wheat harvesting in the Vaud region of Switzerland. The aim of this study was to examine cytokine/chemokine responses and innate immune sensing of F. culmorum in bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells and macrophages. Overall, dendritic cells and macrophages responded to F. culmorum spores but not to its secreted components (i.e., mycotoxins) by releasing large amounts of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, MIP-1β, MIP-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, RANTES, and interleukin (IL)-12p40, intermediate amounts of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-6, IL-12p70, IL-33, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and interferon gamma-induced protein (IP-10), but no detectable amounts of IL-4 and IL-10, a pattern of mediators compatible with generation of Th1 or Th17 antifungal protective immune responses rather than with Th2-dependent allergic responses. The sensing of F. culmorum spores by dendritic cells required dectin-1, the main pattern recognition receptor involved in β-glucans detection, but likely not MyD88 and TRIF-dependent Toll-like receptors. Taken together, our results indicate that F. culmorum stimulates potently innate immune cells in a dectin-1-dependent manner, suggesting that inhalation of F. culmorum from grain dust may promote immune-related airway diseases in exposed worker populations.
OBJECTIVES: To learn upon incidence, underlying mechanisms and effectiveness of treatment strategies in patients with central airway and pulmonary parenchymal aorto-bronchial fistulation after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS: Analysis of an international multicentre registry (European Registry of Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications) between 2001 and 2012 with a total caseload of 4680 TEVAR procedures (14 centres). RESULTS: Twenty-six patients with a median age of 70 years (interquartile range: 60-77) (35% female) were identified. The incidence of either central airway (aorto-bronchial) or pulmonary parenchymal (aorto-pulmonary) fistulation (ABPF) in the entire cohort after TEVAR in the study period was 0.56% (central airway 58%, peripheral parenchymal 42%). Atherosclerotic aneurysm formation was the leading indication for TEVAR in 15 patients (58%). The incidence of primary endoleaks after initial TEVAR was n = 10 (38%), of these 80% were either type I or type III endoleaks. Fourteen patients (54%) developed central left bronchial tree lesions, 11 patients (42%) pulmonary parenchymal lesions and 1 patient (4%) developed a tracheal lesion. The recognized mechanism of ABPF was external compression of the bronchial tree in 13 patients (50%), the majority being due to endoleak formation, further ischaemia due to extensive coverage of bronchial feeding arteries in 3 patients (12%). Inflammation and graft erosion accounted for 4 patients (30%) each. Cumulative survival during the entire study period was 39%. Among deaths, 71% were attributed to ABPF. There was no difference in survival in patients having either central airway or pulmonary parenchymal ABPF (33 vs 45%, log-rank P = 0.55). Survival with a radical surgical approach was significantly better when compared with any other treatment strategy in terms of overall survival (63 vs 32% and 63 vs 21% at 1 and 2 years, respectively), as well as in terms of fistula-related survival (63 vs 43% and 63 vs 43% at 1 and 2 years, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: ABPF is a rare but highly lethal complication after TEVAR. The leading mechanism behind ABPF seems to be a continuing external compression of either the bronchial tree or left upper lobe parenchyma. In this setting, persisting or newly developing endoleak formation seems to play a crucial role. Prognosis does not differ in patients with central airway or pulmonary parenchymal fistulation. Radical bronchial or pulmonary parenchymal repair in combination with stent graft removal and aortic reconstruction seems to be the most durable treatment strategy.
Adult and pediatric laryngotracheal stenoses (LTS) comprise a wide array of various conditions that require precise preoperative assessment and classification to improve comparison of different therapeutic modalities in a matched series of patients. This consensus paper of the European Laryngological Society proposes a five-step endoscopic airway assessment and a standardized reporting system to better differentiate fresh, incipient from mature, cicatricial LTSs, simple one-level from complex multilevel LTSs and finally "healthy" from "severely morbid" patients. The proposed scoring system, which integrates all of these parameters, may be used to help define different groups of LTS patients, choose the best treatment modality for each individual patient and assess distinct post-treatment outcomes accordingly.
We conducted a study assessing the quality and speed of intubation between the Airtraq with its new iPhone AirView app and the King Vision in a manikin. The primary endpoint was reduction of time needed for intubation. Secondary endpoints included times necessary for intubation. 30 anaesthetists randomly performed 3 intubations with each device on a difficult airway manikin. Participants had a professional experience of 12 years: 60.0% possessed the Airtraq in their hospital, 46.7% the King Vision, and 20.0% both. Median time difference [IQR] to identify glottis (1.1 [-1.3; 3.9] P = 0.019), for tube insertion (2.1 [-2.6; 9.4] P = 0.002) and lung ventilation (2.8 [-2.4; 11.5] P = 0.001), was shorter with the Airtraq-AirView. Median time for glottis visualization was significantly shorter with the Airtraq-AirView (5.3 [4.0; 8.4] versus 6.4 [4.6; 9.1]). Cormack Lehane before intubation was better with the King Vision (P = 0.03); no difference was noted during intubation, for subjective device insertion or quality of epiglottis visualisation. Assessment of tracheal tube insertion was better with the Airtraq-AirView. The Airtraq-AirView allows faster identification of the landmarks and intubation in a difficult airway manikin, while clinical relevance remains to be studied. Anaesthetists assessed the intubation better with the Airtraq-AirView.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive devastating, yet untreatable fibrotic disease of unknown origin. We investigated the contribution of the B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a TNF family member recently implicated in the regulation of pathogenic IL-17-producing cells in autoimmune diseases. The contribution of BAFF was assessed in a murine model of lung fibrosis induced by airway administered bleomycin. We show that murine BAFF levels were strongly increased in the bronchoalveolar space and lungs after bleomycin exposure. We identified Gr1(+) neutrophils as an important source of BAFF upon BLM-induced lung inflammation and fibrosis. Genetic ablation of BAFF or BAFF neutralization by a soluble receptor significantly attenuated pulmonary fibrosis and IL-1β levels. We further demonstrate that bleomycin-induced BAFF expression and lung fibrosis were IL-1β and IL-17A dependent. BAFF was required for rIL-17A-induced lung fibrosis and augmented IL-17A production by CD3(+) T cells from murine fibrotic lungs ex vivo. Finally we report elevated levels of BAFF in bronchoalveolar lavages from IPF patients. Our data therefore support a role for BAFF in the establishment of pulmonary fibrosis and a crosstalk between IL-1β, BAFF and IL-17A.
Long recognized as the standard general reference in the field, this completely revised edition of Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology provides all the information that a trainee needs to master to successfully take their professional certification examinations as well as providing the practicing radiologist with a refresher on topics that may have been forgotten. Organized along an organ and systems basis, this resource covers all diagnostic imaging modalities in an integrated, correlative fashion and focuses on those topics that really matter to a trainee radiologist in the initial years of training
PURPOSE: Unlike in the outpatient setting, delivery of aerosols to critically ill patients may be considered complex, particularly in ventilated patients, and benefits remain to be proven. Many factors influence aerosol delivery and recommendations exist, but little is known about knowledge translation into clinical practice. METHODS: Two-week cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of aerosol therapy in 81 intensive and intermediate care units in 22 countries. All aerosols delivered to patients breathing spontaneously, ventilated invasively or noninvasively (NIV) were recorded, and drugs, devices, ventilator settings, circuit set-up, humidification and side effects were noted. RESULTS: A total of 9714 aerosols were administered to 678 of the 2808 admitted patients (24 %, CI95 22-26 %), whereas only 271 patients (10 %) were taking inhaled medication before admission. There were large variations among centers, from 0 to 57 %. Among intubated patients 22 % (n = 262) received aerosols, and 50 % (n = 149) of patients undergoing NIV, predominantly (75 %) inbetween NIV sessions. Bronchodilators (n = 7960) and corticosteroids (n = 1233) were the most frequently delivered drugs (88 % overall), predominantly but not exclusively (49 %) administered to patients with chronic airway disease. An anti-infectious drug was aerosolized 509 times (5 % of all aerosols) for nosocomial infections. Jet-nebulizers were the most frequently used device (56 %), followed by metered dose inhalers (23 %). Only 106 (<1 %) mild side effects were observed, despite frequent suboptimal set-ups such as an external gas supply of jet nebulizers for intubated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Aerosol therapy concerns every fourth critically ill patient and one-fifth of ventilated patients.