957 resultados para AGRICULTURAL LAND
Observations of an insect's movement lead to theory on the insect's flight behaviour and the role of movement in the species' population dynamics. This theory leads to predictions of the way the population changes in time under different conditions. If a hypothesis on movement predicts a specific change in the population, then the hypothesis can be tested against observations of population change. Routine pest monitoring of agricultural crops provides a convenient source of data for studying movement into a region and among fields within a region. Examples of the use of statistical and computational methods for testing hypotheses with such data are presented. The types of questions that can be addressed with these methods and the limitations of pest monitoring data when used for this purpose are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Australia's rangelands are experiencing a post-productivist transition at a tempo comparable to Western Europe's, but in contexts that ensure marked divergence in impulses, actors, processes and outcomes. In Australia's most marginal lands, a flimsy mode of pastoral occupance is being displaced by renewed indigenous occupance, conservation and tourism, with significant changes in land ownership, property rights, investment sources and power relations, but also with structural problems arising from fugitive income streams. The sharp delineation between structurally coherent commodity-oriented regions and emerging amenity-oriented regions can provisionally be mapped at a national scale. A comparison of Australia with Western Europe indicates that three distinct but interconnected driving forces are propelling the rural transition, namely: agricultural overcapacity; the emergence of amenity-oriented uses; and changing societal values.
The widespread adoption of soil conservation technologies by farmers (notably contour hedgerows) observed in Guba, Cebu City, Philippines, is not often observed elsewhere In the country. Adoption of these technologies was because of the interaction of such phenomena as site-specific factors, appropriate extension systems, and technologies. However, lack of hedgerow maintenance, decreasing hedgerow quality, and disappearance of hedgerows raised concerns about sustainability. The dynamic nature of upland farming systems suggests the need for a location-specific farming system development framework, which provides farmers with ongoing extension for continual promotion of appropriate conservation practices.
The influence of change in land-use from native vegetation to pasture (20-71 yr after conversion), and subsequent change from pasture to eucalypt plantation (7-10 yr after conversion) on soil organic matter quality was investigated using C-13 CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. We studied surface soil (0-10 cm) from six sites representing a range of soil, and climate types from south-western Australia. Total C in the samples ranged from 1.6 to 5.5%, but the relative proportions of the four primary spectral regions (alkyl, O-alkyl, aromatic and carboxylic) were similar across the sites, and changes due to land-use at each site were relatively minor. Main impacts of changed land-use were higher O-alkyl (carbohydrate) material under pasture than under native vegetation and plantation (P = 0.048), and lower aromatic C under pasture than under native vegetation (P = 0.027). The decrease in aromatic C in pasture soils was related to time since clearing. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Science communication. including extension services. plays a key role in achieving sustainable native vegetation management. One of the pivotal aspects of the debate on sustainable vegetation management is the scientific information underpinning policy-making. In recent years. extension services have Shifted their focus from top-down technology transfer to bottom-up participation and empowerment. I here has also been a broadening of communication strategies to recognise the range of stakeholders involved in native vegetation management and to encompass environmental concerns. This paper examines the differences between government approaches to extension services to deliver policy and the need for effective communication to address broader science issues that underpin native vegetation management. The importance of knowing the learning styles of the stakeholders involved in native vegetation management is discussed at a time of increasing reliance on mass communication for information exchange and the importance of personal communication to achieve on-ground sustainable management. Critical factors for effective science-management communication are identified Such as: (i) undertaking scientific studies (research) with community involvement, acceptance and agreed understanding of project objectives (ii) realistic community consultation periods: (iii) matching communication channels with stakeholder needs; (iv) combining scientific with local knowledge in in holistic (biophysical and social) approach to understanding in issued and (v) regional partnerships. These communication factors are considered to be essential to implementing on-ground natural resource management strategics and actions, including those concerned with native vegetation management.
Queensland was one of two states of the newly-federated Australia to mount official courts at the Glasgow International Exhibition of 1901, the largest world expo held in Great Britain to that date. In exhibiting at Glasgow, then the second city of the British Empire, Queensland sought to draw emigrants and investment from Britain. The court, funded by the Queensland Department of Mines, was mostly a display of mineral wealth, and the state's agricultural and pastoral resources were poorly represented. The 'prettily designed' court presented a rose-coloured view of a land endowed with boundless wealth and resources. This in no way reflected the realities of life back home, in a year of environmental and economic disaster, and of political and social upheaval. Though the exhibit failed to bring tangible benefits, it is an important record of Queensland aspirations and concerns at the time of Federation. It has special interest as the last occasion when Queensland exhibited in its own right, rather than as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Agriculture in limited resource areas is characterized by small farms which an generally too small to adequately support the needs of an average farm family. The farming operation can be described as a low input cropping system with the main energy source being manual labor, draught animals and in some areas hand tractors. These farming systems are the most important contributor to the national economy of many developing countries. The role of tillage is similar in dryland agricultural systems in both the high input (HICS) and low input cropping systems (LICS), however, wet cultivation or puddling is unique to lowland rice-based systems in low input cropping systems. Evidence suggest that tillage may result in marginal increases in crop yield in the short term, however, in the longer term it may be neutral or give rise to yield decreases associated with soil structural degradation. On marginal soils, tillage may be required to prepare suitable seedbeds or to release adequate Nitrogen through mineralization, but in the longer term, however, tillage reduces soil organic matter content, increases soil erodibility and the emission of greenhouse gases. Tillage in low input cropping systems involves a very large proportion of the population and any changes: in current practices such as increased mechanization will have a large social impact such as increased unemployment and increasing feminization of poverty, as mechanization may actually reduce jobs for women. Rapid mechanization is likely to result in failures, but slower change, accompanied by measures to provide alternative rural employment, might be beneficial. Agriculture in limited resource areas must produce the food and fiber needs of their community, and its future depends on the development of sustainable tillage/cropping systems that are suitable for the soil and climatic conditions. These should be based on sound biophysical principles and meet the needs of and he acceptable to the farming communities. Some of the principle requirements for a sustainable system includes the maintenance of soil health, an increase in the rain water use efficiency of the system, increased use of fertilizer and the prevention of erosion. The maintenance of crop residues on the surface is paramount for meeting these requirements, and the competing use of crop residues must be met from other sources. These requirements can be met within a zonal tillage system combined with suitable agroforestry, which will reduce the need for crop residues. It is, however, essential that farmers participate in the development of any new technologies to ensure adoption of the new system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
O conhecimento do regime natural de rios é relevante, entre diversas razões, para avaliar o impacto antrópico em bacias hidrográficas. Desta forma, visa criar ferramentas que auxiliem no planejamento eficiente dos recursos hídricos. O rio Santa Maria da Vitória (ES) é crucial para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico da Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória. Adicionalmente, diversos ecossistemas e comunidades agrícolas dependem deste rio. Sendo a geração de energia elétrica um dos usos mais significativos do rio Santa Maria da Vitória, através das Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas Rio Bonito e Suíça, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi buscar uma melhor compreensão da influência da operação destes empreendimentos na vazão natural deste rio. Além da análise das séries de vazões e de precipitações medidas em Santa Leopoldina, comparando o período anterior com o posterior à implantação das PCH`s, realizou-se a reconstituição das vazões naturais médias diárias e médias mensais a jusante das PCH`s, através da técnica de extensão MOVE.I (tipo 1) e com o auxílio da série de vazão medida na estação fluviométrica Marechal Floriano, localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jucu. Os resultados obtidos, a partir dos dados monitorados na estação Santa Leopoldina, mostraram uma diminuição nas vazões mínimas com 7, 30 e 90 dias de duração para o período pós-regulado. Ainda, as vazões de permanência Q50, Q90 e Q95 e a vazão média de longa duração reconstituídas são menores que as vazões observadas em Santa Leopoldina. Além da presença das PCH`s, as alterações no uso e cobertura do solo da bacia podem ter influência sobre os resultados encontrados. As vazões em Santa Leopoldina, devido aos horários em que são realizadas as medições, podem não representar de forma confiável as oscilações a jusante das PCH`s. Consequentemente, faz-se necessário um monitoramento contínuo das vazões a jusante desses empreendimentos e recomenda-se que seja realizada uma nova reconstituição das vazões naturais do rio Santa Maria da Vitória, através do balanço hídrico dos reservatórios, utilizando os dados operativos das PCH`s.
It approaches the growth of the city of Colatina-ES, the county seat that has urban economy and urban population, and territory with most of the rural area. Rural areas, however, contribute little to the city s economy and are largely environmentally degraded, idle and waiting for recovery. The objective is to understand the growth of the city of Colatina, and the factors and consequences of this growth. Land division projects, investments and interventions in urban and rural areas were collected for the analysis. As a median-sized city characterized by central and regional polarity, but outside of the main investments in the state, Colatina seeks to take advantage of its situation of commercial warehouse city and road junction to stay alive in the regional economy. The citys economy is based on trade and services, but seeks to attract investment to the industry and logistics. The expansion of the city since the early formation follows the road system, which creates a dispersed spatiality. The characteristics of the urban growth of Colatina are the result of economic development strategies, interests in the property market and a government that abstains from urban control. These factors lead a sprawl urbanization that presents itself costly and not sustainable for urban and rural areas because it creates segregation, higher infrastructure costs, low-density and monofunctional urban spaces, pollution, and worsening of environmental depletion. The challenges for sustainable growth of the city of Colatina depends on a municipal and regional planning, which qualifies and diversifies its urban areas, avoids unnecessary expansion of the urban perimeter, retrieves its environmental degraded areas and leverages the agricultural activities in a productive and less aggressive way to the environment
This text focuses on the major drivers of Brazilian agricultural cooperation in Africa as conceived and pursued from 2004 to 2014, with emphasis on the impacts of political and economic international changes that took place in that period, and particularly the impacts of the 2008 economic crisis, in framing Brazil's foreign policy and development assistance initiatives. It addresses current international forces and developments at the systemic level, but also analyses recent economic domestic developments, in particular those directly related to Brazilian agriculture and those related to the policy framework of its evolving internationalization. Special attention is paid to the dual dimensions of Brazilian agricultural policy and to its projection in agricultural cooperation as pursed in Africa.