991 resultados para 4-Aryl-3
The oocyst is described of Eimeria peltocephali n.sp. from faeces of the freshwater turtle Peltocephalus dumerilianus from Barcelos, State of Amazonas, Brazil. Sporulation is exogenous and fully developed oocysts are elongate, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, frequently curved to a banana-shape, 54.4 x19.1 (37.5 - 68.7 x 18.7-20.0 µm), shape-index 2.8 (1.8 -3.9). The oocyst wall is a single thin, colourless layer about 1 µm thick, with no micropyle. There is a bulky oocyst residuum, at first spherical to ellipsoidal, 19 x 16 (16. 2 -26.2 x 16 - 21.5µm) , but becoming dispersed on maturation. There are no polar bodies. The sporocysts, 19.1 x 6.8 ( 17.5 -21.2 x 6.2 -7.5 µm), shape- index 2.8 (2.3 -3.2), are usually disposed in pairs at each end of the oocyst, and bear an inconspicuous Stieda body in the form of a flat cap. The sporozoites are elongate and slightly curved around the residuum. No refractile bodies were seen. Eimeria molossi n.sp., is described from the molossid bat Molossus ater. Sporulation is exogenous and the mature oocysts are predominantly broadly ellipsoidal, 23.4 x 17.5 (18-30 x 15-22.5 µm), shape-index 1.3 (1-1.6). The oocyst wall is about 2 µm thick, and of three layers: an inner thin, colourless one and two outer layers which are thicker, yellowish-brown, prominently striated and in close apposition. There is no micropyle or oocyst residuum, but one and occasionally two polar bodies are usually present. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 10.2 x 7.5 (10-12.5 x 7.5 µm), shape-index 1.4 (1.3-1.7) with an inconspicuous Stieda body. Endogenous stages are described in the epithelial cells of the small intestine
Parasitological analysis of 237 Menticirrhus ophicephalus, 124 Paralonchurus peruanus, 249 Sciaena deliciosa, 50 Sciaena fasciata and 308 Stellifer minor from Callao (Perú) yielded 37 species of metazoan parasites (14 Monogenea, 11 Copepoda, 4 Nematoda, 3 Acanthocephala, 1 Digenea, 1 Aspidobothrea, 1 Eucestoda, 1 Isopoda and 1 Hirudinea). Only one species, the copepoda Bomolochus peruensis, was common to all five hosts. The majority of the components of the infracommunities analyzed are ectoparasites. The Brillouin index (H) and evenness (J´) were applied to the fully sampled metazoan parasite infracommunities. High values of prevalence and mean abundance of infection are associated to the polyonchoinean monogeneans; the low values of J' reinforce the strong dominance of this group in the studied communities. The paucity of the endoparasite fauna may be a consequence of the unstable environment due to an upwelling system, aperiodically affected by the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena.
Increased resting energy expenditure and malnutrition are frequently observed in patients with COPD. The aim of this study was to examine the possible contribution of an increased diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) to weight loss. Eleven patients with COPD in stable clinical state and 11 healthy control subjects were studied. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by standard methods of indirect calorimetry, using a ventilated canopy. Premeal REE was measured after an overnight fast. All subjects then received a balanced liquid test meal with a caloric content that was 0.3 times their REE extrapolated to 24 h. Diet-induced thermogenesis was measured over 130 min. Premeal REE was 109.9 +/- 11.7% of predicted values in the COPD group and 97.5 +/- 9.6% of predicted in the control group (p < 0.01). Seventy minutes after the test meal, REE had increased by 18.8 +/- 8.5% in the COPD group and by 15.1 +/- 5.8% in the control group (NS). After 130 min, REE had increased by 16.4 +/- 7.1% in the COPD group and by 12.4 +/- 5.3% in the control group (NS). The DIT expressed as a percentage of the caloric content of the meal was 4.3 +/- 1.6% in the COPD group and 3.3 +/- 1.4% in the control group (NS). We conclude that patients with stable COPD, although hypermetabolic at rest, do not show an increased DIT.
Circulating levels of adiponectin, a hormone produced predominantly by adipocytes, are highly heritable and are inversely associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and other metabolic traits. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in 39,883 individuals of European ancestry to identify genes associated with metabolic disease. We identified 8 novel loci associated with adiponectin levels and confirmed 2 previously reported loci (P = 4.5×10(-8)-1.2×10(-43)). Using a novel method to combine data across ethnicities (N = 4,232 African Americans, N = 1,776 Asians, and N = 29,347 Europeans), we identified two additional novel loci. Expression analyses of 436 human adipocyte samples revealed that mRNA levels of 18 genes at candidate regions were associated with adiponectin concentrations after accounting for multiple testing (p<3×10(-4)). We next developed a multi-SNP genotypic risk score to test the association of adiponectin decreasing risk alleles on metabolic traits and diseases using consortia-level meta-analytic data. This risk score was associated with increased risk of T2D (p = 4.3×10(-3), n = 22,044), increased triglycerides (p = 2.6×10(-14), n = 93,440), increased waist-to-hip ratio (p = 1.8×10(-5), n = 77,167), increased glucose two hours post oral glucose tolerance testing (p = 4.4×10(-3), n = 15,234), increased fasting insulin (p = 0.015, n = 48,238), but with lower in HDL-cholesterol concentrations (p = 4.5×10(-13), n = 96,748) and decreased BMI (p = 1.4×10(-4), n = 121,335). These findings identify novel genetic determinants of adiponectin levels, which, taken together, influence risk of T2D and markers of insulin resistance.
Whole genome sequences of microbial pathogens present new opportunities for clinical application. Presently, genome sequencing of the human protozoan parasite Leishmania major is in progress. The driving forces behind the genome project are to identify genes with key cellular functions and new drug targets, to increase knowledge on mechanisms of drug resistance and to favor technology transfer to scientists from endemic countries. Sequencing of the genome is also aimed at the identification of genes that are expressed in the infectious stages of the parasite and in particular in the intracellular form of the parasite. Several protective antigens of Leishmania have been identified. In addition to these antigens, lysosomal cysteine proteinases (CPs) have been characterized in different strains of Leishmania and Trypanosoma, as new target molecules. Recently, we have isolated and characterized Type I (CPB) and Type II (CPA) cysteine proteinase encoding genes from L. major. The exact function of cysteine proteinases of Leishmania is not completely understood, although there are a few reports describing their role as virulence factors. One specific feature of CPB in Leishmania and other trypanosomatids, is the presence of a Cterminal extension (CTE) which is possibly indicative of conserved structure and function. Recently, we demonstrated that DNA immunization of genetically susceptible BALB / c mice, using a cocktail of CPB and CPA genes, induced long lasting protection against L. major infection. This review intends to give an overview of the current knowledge on genetic vaccination used against leishmaniasis and the importance of CP genes for such an approach.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare VO2 kinetics during constant power cycle exercise measured using a conventional facemask (CM) or a respiratory snorkel (RS) designed for breath-by-breath analysis in swimming. METHODS: VO2 kinetics parameters-obtained using CM or RS, in randomized counterbalanced order-were compared in 10 trained triathletes performing two submaximal heavy-intensity cycling square-wave transitions. These VO2 kinetics parameters (ie, time delay: td1, td2; time constant: τ1, τ2; amplitude: A1, A2, for the primary phase and slow component, respectively) were modeled using a double exponential function. In the case of the RS data, this model incorporated an individually determined snorkel delay (ISD). RESULTS: Only td1 (8.9 ± 3.0 vs 13.8 ± 1.8 s, P < .01) differed between CM and RS, whereas all other parameters were not different (τ1 = 24.7 ± 7.6 vs 21.1 ± 6.3 s; A1 = 39.4 ± 5.3 vs 36.8 ± 5.1 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1); td2 = 107.5 ± 87.4 vs 183.5 ± 75.9 s; A2' (relevant slow component amplitude) = 2.6 ± 2.4 vs 3.1 ± 2.6 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1) for CM and RS, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Although there can be a small mixture of breaths allowed by the volume of the snorkel in the transition to exercise, this does not appear to significantly influence the results. Therefore, given the use of an ISD, the RS is a valid instrument for the determination of VO2 kinetics within submaximal exercise.
The epidemiology of the transmission of malaria parasites varies ecologically. To observe some entomological aspects of the malaria transmission in an urban environment, a longitudinal survey of anopheline fauna was performed in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. A total of 7,263 anophelines was collected in human bait at 13 de Setembro and Caranã districts: Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato (82.8%), An. darlingi (10.3%), An. braziliensis (5.5%), An. peryassui (0.9%) and An. nuneztovari (0.5%). Nightly 12 h collections showed that An. albitarsis was actively biting throughout the night with peak activities at sunset and at midnight. An. darlingi bit during all night and did not demonstrate a defined biting peak. Highest biting indices, entomological inoculation rates and malaria cases were observed seasonally during the rainy season (April-November). Hourly collections showed host seek activity for all mosquitoes peaked during the first hour after sunset. An. darlingi showed the highest plasmodial malaria infection rate followed by An. albitarsis, An. braziliensis and An. nuneztovari (8.5%, 4.6%, 3% and 2.6%, respectively). An. albitarsis was the most frequently collected anopheline, presented the highest biting index and it was the second most frequently collected infected species infected with malaria parasites. An. albitarsis and An. darlingi respectively, are the primary vectors of malaria throughout Boa Vista.
Review of : Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery by John Waller Oxford University Press
Samples from 20 lots of diphtheria-tetanus (adult use dT) vaccine and from 20 lots of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine were used to standardize and validate the in vitro toxin binding inhibition (ToBI) test for the immunogenicity test of the tetanus component. The levels of tetanus antitoxin obtained by ToBI test were compared to those obtained using the toxin neutralization (TN) test in mice routinely employed to perform the quality control of the tetanus component in adsorbed vaccines. The results ranged from 1.8 to 3.5 IU/ml for dT and 2 to 4 IU/ml for DTP by ToBI test and 1.4 to 3 IU/ml for dT and 1.8 to 3.5 IU/ml for DTP by TN in mice. These results were significantly correlated. From this study, it is concluded that the ToBI test is an alternative to the in vivo neutralization procedure in the immunogenicity test of the tetanus component in adsorbed vaccines. A substantial refinement and a reduction in use of animals can be achieved.
This study compares the clientele of a Swiss anonymous test centre with the general population tested. Information was obtained through similar questionnaires submitted to two samples of HIV-tested people aged from 17 to 45 years: the first administered in the context of a general population telephone survey (n = 245) and the second completed during face-to-face interviews of the clientele of an anonymous test centre (n = 250). The test centre sample has higher proportions of younger and single people. Attenders for anonymous testing were more likely to have acquired a new regular partner during the year preceding the interview (48.0% versus 14.4%). These differences remain when controlling for age and gender. Decision to test comes mostly from the respondent's own initiative, but suggestion from a doctor is more frequent in the general population (23.8% versus 0.8%), whereas suggestion from partner or friends is more frequent in the anonymous centre (44.4% versus 3.0%). The anonymous test centre clientele is not different from the general population tested except for the relational situation and origin of decision for testing. The test centre has become a place where the general population finds a response to a situation-specific need for HIV testing.
The Rare Cancer Network (RCN), founded in 1993, performs research involving rare tumors that are not common enough to be the focus of prospective study. Over 55 studies have either been completed or are in progress.The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the 30 studies done through the RCN to date, organized by disease site. Five studies focus on breast pathology, including sarcoma, lymphoma, phyllodes tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ in young women. Three studies on prostate cancer address prostatic small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of young and elderly patients. Six studies on head and neck cancers include orbital and intraocular lymphoma, mucosal melanoma, pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands. There were 4 central nervous system studies on patients with cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme, atypical and malignant meningioma, spinal epidural lymphoma and myxopapillary ependymoma. Outside of these disease sites, there is a wide variety of other studies on tumors ranging from uterine leiomyosarcoma to giant cell tumors of the bone. The studies done by the RCN represent a wide range of rare pathologies that were previously only studied in small series or case reports. With further growth of the RCN and collaboration between members our ability to analyze rare tumors will increase and result in better understanding of their behavior and ultimately help direct research that may improve patient outcomes.
Introduction: In adults, strict control of hyperglycemia reduces mortality and morbidity. There is controversy in medical patients and neurological patients who can suffer of neuroglucopenia. Objectives: To determine prevalence and prognostic significance of hyperglycemia among critically ill non-diabetic children. To evaluate which patients will best benefit of insulin treatment. Methods: Retrospective study using blood glucose levels (GLUC: 9015 values, 923 patients) in our PICU from 01.2003 to 12.2005. 11 Patients with DKA were excluded. Overall PICU mortality was 3.7%. Hyperglycemia was defined at 6.1 mmol/L and different cutoff values (6.1, 8.3 and 11.1 mmol/l) were analyzed for glycemia at admission (GLUC). Sustained hyperglycemia was evaluated with the area under the curve normalized per hour (48h-AUC/h) for the first 48 h. The prevalence of hypo (_3mmol/L), hyperglycemia and PICU death were analyzed. Results: Trough the use of different cutoff values (_6.1, _8.3 and _11.1 mmol/l), prevalence of hyperglycemia at admission was 31.8 %, 16.8% and 10.3%; associated mortality was 2.8%, 4.0% and 15.2% respectively, significantly correlated to cutoff values (r_0.95, p_0.05). Prevalence of hypoglycemia at admission was low (0.9% with no death). 48h-AUC(mmol/L/h) was computed in 747 children (30 deaths). Prevalence of hyperglycemic 48h-AUC values was 47.5%, 17.3% and 4.0% with a respective mortality of 3.4%, 6.3% and 20.7% (r_0.97, p_0.03). For those with high GLUC and high 48h-AUC (_ 11.1 mmol/L) mortality was high (31.5%), but it decrease dramatically to 5.5% when 48h-AUC decrease spontaneously to values _8.3 mmol/L/h. Finally, when patients with severe neurological lesions (GCS_3, n_22) where excluded, increased mortality was observed only for GLUC (n_ 86) and 48h-AUC (n_26) higher than 11.1 mmol/L. Conclusions: Hyperglycemia at admission and even more sustained hyperglycemia (AUC) are highly correlated to mortality in PICU. But children who will have benefit of insulin therapy represent only 3% of our population, much lower than for adults.
Methanolic extracts of the leaves of Atlantia monophylla (Rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of An. stephensi were found more susceptible, with LC50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against Ae. aegypti, with EI50 value 0.002 mg/l. The extract was found safe to aquatic mosquito predators Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, and Diplonychus indicus, with the respective LC50 values of 23.4, 21.3, and 5.7 mg/l. The results indicate that the mosquitocidal effects of the extract of this plant were comparable to neem extract and certain synthetic chemical larvicides like fenthion, methoprene, etc.