1000 resultados para 366.7


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A study of proton-proton collisions in which two b hadrons are produced in association with a Z boson is reported. The collisions were recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of 7TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC, for an integrated luminosity of 5:2 fb-1. The b hadrons are identified by means of displaced secondary vertices, without the use of reconstructed jets, permitting the study of b-hadron pair production at small angular separation. Differential cross sections are presented as a function of the angular separation of the b hadrons and the Z boson. In addition, inclusive measurements are presented. For both the inclusive and differential studies, different ranges of Z boson momentum are considered, and each measurement is compared to the predictions from different event generators at leading-order and next-to-leading-order accuracy. Copyright CERN.


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Se describe y analiza el desempeño de dos niños de educación primaria con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 7 años, en varias cuestiones y tareas sobre invención y resolución de problemas aritméticos verbales. Los resultados informan de su conocimiento informal sobre la idea de problema, los elementos que lo componen, el papel que juegan los números en un problema, y los factores que determinan que un problema sea difícil.


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El módulo 7 centra su atención en una evaluación del trabajo realizado hasta el momento con el objetivo de proponer y justificar una nueva planificación de implementación futura. Su desarrollo se concretará en cuatro actividades: la primera es un análisis de los resultados recogidos en relación con los logros de aprendizaje de los escolares; la segunda se ocupa desde el mismo punto de vista que la primera, de los factores afectivos estudiados; la tercera se centra en interpretar los análisis realizados en las dos primeras en términos de un balance estratégico de todo el proceso; finalmente, la cuarta actividad es un nuevo diseño con motivo del balance previo.


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Una vez acordado el precio nos ponemos en camino. Son las ocho de la mañana y hace un día espléndido. El cielo es una sábana azul sin mácula y el verdor intenso que nos rodea justo al abandonar las bulliciosas calles de Ternate refleja la luz del astro en multitud de tonalidades deslumbrantes. La carretera serpentea arriba y abajo perfilando la costa con el mar a la derecha. Después de pasar por diversos pueblos y atravesar un bosque espeso la vegetación desaparece de repente al llegar a Batu Angus (roca abrasada), una cicatriz colosal e imborrable, un río pétreo vestigio de la erupción del Gamalama en el siglo XVIII.


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La propuesta curricular de las matemáticas de la comunidad Valenciana sitúa la Probabilidad y la Estadística desde los primeros cursos de la Enseñanza Obligatoria, ésto que a primera vista puede parecer una exageración se muestra como posible e interesante siempre que quede entendido el sentido de la propuesta. No se trata de trasladar muchos años hacia abajo lo que hoy casi ni se da en la enseñanza obligatoria, la probabilidad como parte organizada de las matemáticas, se trata de aprovechar el sentido que ya tiene en estas edades las nociones de suerte y juego justo para ampliar y enriquecer su visión del Al mismo tiempo el azar introduce un contexto muy ameno y rico en situaciones numéricas, situaciones en las que para determinar un ganador necesitan de trasformaciones entre los números que obtienen, recogen y organizan, fundamentalmente suma, resta y multiplicación.


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of the EXODUS evacuation model in building environments. The latest PC/workstation version of EXODUS is described and is also applied to a large hypothetical supermarket/restaurant complex measuring 50 m x 40 m. A range of scenarios is presented where population characteristics (such as size, individual travel speeds, and individual response times), and enclosure configuration characteristics (such as number of exits, size of exits, and opening times of exits) are varied. The results demonstrate a wide range of occupant behavior including overtaking, queuing, redirection, and conflict avoidance. Evacuation performance is measured by a number of model predicted parameters including individual exit flow rates, overall evacuation flow rates, total evacuation time, average evacuation time per occupant, average travel distance, and average wait time. The simulations highlight the profound impact that variations in individual travel speeds and occupant response times have in determining the overall evacuation performance. 1. Jin, T., and Yamada T., "Experimental Study of Human Behavior in Smoke Filled Corridors," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 511-519. 2. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "EXODUS: An Evacuation Model for Mass Transport Vehicles," UK CAA Paper 93006 ISBN 086039 543X, CAA London, 1993. 3. Galea, E.R., and Galparsoro, J.M.P., "A Computer Based Simulation Model for the Prediction of Evacuation from Mass Transport Vehicles," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 22, 1994, pp. 341-366. 4. Galea, E.R., Owen, M., and Lawrence, P., "Computer Modeling of Human Be havior in Aircraft Fire Accidents," to appear in the Proceedings of Combus tion Toxicology Symposium, CAMI, Oklahoma City, OK, 1995. 5. Kisko, T.M. and Francis, R.L., "EVACNET+: A Computer Program to Determine Optimal Building Evacuation Plans," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 9, 1985, pp. 211-220. 6. Levin, B., "EXITT, A Simulation Model of Occupant Decisions and Actions in Residential Fires," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 561-570. 7. Fahy, R.F., "EXIT89: An Evacuation Model for High-Rise Buildings," Pro ceedings of The Third International Sym posium on Fire Safety Science, 1991, pp. 815-823. 8. Thompson, P.A., and Marchant, E.W., "A Computer Model for the Evacuation of Large Building Populations," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 24, 1995, pp. 131-148. 9. Still, K., "New Computer System Can Predict Human Behavior Response to Building Fires," FIRE 84, 1993, pp. 40-41. 10. Ketchell, N., Cole, S.S., Webber, D.M., et.al., "The Egress Code for Human Move ment and Behavior in Emergency Evacu ations," Engineering for Crowd Safety (Smith, R.A., and Dickie, J.F., Eds.), Elsevier, 1993, pp. 361-370. 11. Takahashi, K., Tanaka, T. and Kose, S., "An Evacuation Model for Use in Fire Safety Design of Buildings," Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 1988, pp. 551- 560. 12. G2 Reference Manual, Version 3.0, Gensym Corporation, Cambridge, MA. 13. XVT Reference Manual, Version 3.0 XVT Software Inc., Boulder, CO. 14. Galea, E.R., "On the Field Modeling Approach to the Simulation of Enclosure Fires, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1989, pp. 11-22. 15. Purser, D.A., "Toxicity Assessment of Combustion Products," SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, pp. 1-200 - 1-245, 1988. 16. Hankin, B.D., and Wright, R.A., "Pas senger Flows in Subways," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1958, pp. 81-88. 17. HMSO, The Building Regulations 1991 - Approved Document B, section B 1 (1992 edition), HMSO publications, London, pp. 9-40. 18. Polus A., Schofer, J.L., and Ushpiz, A., "Pedestrian Flow and Level of Service," Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 109, 1983, pp. 46-47. 19. Muir, H., Marrison, C., and Evans, A., "Aircraft Evacuations: the Effect of Passenger Motivation and Cabin Con figuration Adjacent to the Exit," CAA Paper 89019, ISBN 0 86039 406 9, 1989. 20. Muir, H., Private communication to appear as a CAA report, 1996.


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Comparative wetting behavior of Sn-0.7Cu and Sn-0.7Cu-0.3Ni solders on Cu and Ni substrates were assessed through the wetting balance test. No-clean (NC), non-activated (R) and water soluble organic acid (WS) fluxes were used to assess the wetting behavior for three different solder bath temperatures of 255, 275 and 295 °C. Experimental results unveiled that adding of 0.3 wt% Ni into Sn-0.7Cu solder can improve the wetting on Cu substrate when NC and WS fluxes are used. However, such addition of Ni did not improve the wetting of Sn-0.7Cu solder for R-type flux. In the case of Ni substrate, addition of Ni helped to improve the wetting for all three types of fluxes as higher wetting forces were documented for Sn-0.7Cu-0.3Ni solder compared to the Sn-0.7Cu solder. Among the fluxes, worst performance was observed for R-type flux. Very large contact angles were recorded for both solders with this kind of flux. Experimental results also revealed that higher solder bath temperature played an important role to lower the contact angle, to increase the wetting force and to enhance the wetting. Computer modeling of wetting balance test also revealed that both the wetting force and meniscus height are inversely proportional to the contact angles. Besides, solder bath depth and radius do not affect significantly on the wetting behavior.


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A modified experimental procedure for the synthesis of MESG (2-amino-6-mercapto-7-methylpurine ribonucleoside) 1 has been successfully performed and its full characterization is presented. High resolution ESI(+)-MSMS indicates both the nucleoside bond cleavage as the main fragmentation in the gas phase and a possible SN1 mechanism. Ab initio transition state calculations based on the blue print transition state support this mechanistic rationale and discard an alternative SN2 mechanism. Assays using purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) enzyme (human and M. tuberculosis sources) indicate its efficiency in the phosphorolysis of MESG and allow the quantitative determination of inorganic phosphate in real time assay.