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2001 年7 月,于澜沧江下游支流勐腊县境内的南腊河中采获一尾南鳅属( Schistura) 鱼类标本,经鉴定为一新 种。命名为版纳南鳅( S . bannaensis sp. nov. ) 。其主要鉴别特征:侧线完全;尾鳍叉形,两叶稍尖,下叶稍长于上叶; 胸腹鳍均较短小,胸鳍长约为胸鳍和腹鳍基部起点之间距离的一半;腹鳍末端后伸不达肛门,其长约为腹鳍基部至 臀鳍基部起点之间距离的一半;颊部无斑;体侧有4 个醒目的棕褐色宽横斑,由背部延伸至腹面;横斑显著,在侧线 以下较窄,其宽度等于或小于斑纹间距;在侧线以上较宽,其宽度远大于斑纹间距;沿体侧无黑色纵纹。
The characterization of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC)-like currents has been reported in hippocampal neurons in primary culture. However, it is suggested that the profile of expression of ASICs changes in culture. In this study, we investigated the properties of proton-activated current and its modulation by extracellular Ca2+ and Zn2+ in neurons acutely dissociated from the rat hippocampal CA1 using conventional whole-cell patch-clamp recording. A rapidly decaying inward current and membrane depolarization was induced by exogenous application of acidic solution. The current was sensitive to the extracellular proton with a response threshold of pH 7.0-6.8 and the pH(50) Of 6.1, the reversal potential close to the Na+ equilibrium potential. It had a characteristic of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) as demonstrated by its sensitivity to amiloride (IC50 = 19.6 +/- 2.1 muM). Either low [Ca2+](0) or high [Zn2+](0) increased the amplitude of the current. All these characteristics are consistent with a current mediated through a mixture of homomeric ASIC1a and heteromeric ASIC1a + 2a channels and closely replicate many of the characteristics that have been previously reported for hippocampal neurons cultured for a week or more, indicating that culture artifacts do not necessarily flaw the properties of ASICs. Interestingly, we found that high [Zn2+] (>10(-4) M) slowed the decay time constant of the ASIC-like current significantly in both acutely dissociated and cultured hippocampal neurons. In addition, the facilitating effects of low [Ca2+](0) and high [Zn2+](0) on the ASIC-like current were not additive. Since tissue acidosis, extracellular Zn elevation and/or Ca2+ reduction occur concurrently under some physiological and/or pathological conditions, the present observations suggest that hippocampal ASICs may offer a novel pharmacological target for therapeutic invention. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Quantitative data on early mother-infant relationships in the Tibetan macaque was collected during the first 23 weeks of infant life in spring, 1987, at Mt. Emei, China. During the first week of life, infants spent 98.3% of their time in ventroventral contact with their mothers. This contact rapidly decreased to 33.8% by the 4th week and thereafter to 0.85% by the 23rd week. Nipple contact decreased relatively slowly from 89.7% to 62.9% within the first 4 weeks of infant life and to 19.8% by the 23rd week. Ventrolateral and ventrodorsal contact appeared by the 2nd week, mean-while, maternal restraining behavior appeared, and reached a peak by the 3rd week. The mother neither encouraged nor discouraged her infant's independence during 4-8th weeks. Maternal rejection of the infant was first observed when the infant was 11 weeks old and continued thereafter.
目的 探讨从眼镜蛇毒分离纯化出的神经生长因子(nerve grow th facto r, N GF) 对成年猫坐骨神经 损伤后的影响。方法 制成成年猫坐骨神经损伤模型, 损伤局部注射蛇毒N GF 2 Lgö(kg·d) , 分别治疗10 d 和30 d, 并与对照组(损伤坐骨神经, 不给药物) 比较。结果 术后10 d, 对照组术侧远端神经纤维数量比治疗组明显减少 (P < 0. 01) , 治疗组术侧足底刺激出现早, 肢体活动恢复快。术后30 d, 治疗组术侧远端神经纤维大量再生, 再生神 经纤维数量已明显超过对照组和术后10 d 组水平(P < 0. 01) , 但结构紊乱, 轴突和郎氏结消失。术侧肢体在连续注 射N GF 16 d 左右出现足底刺激反应消失, 肢体瘫痪等改变。结论 眼镜蛇毒N GF 在神经损伤早期应用能减轻神 经纤维发生的溃变, 促进受损神经的再生与功能恢复; 而损伤局部长时间注射蛇毒N GF 则会导致神经纤维增生过 度, 丧失传导功能。
在嗜盐菌中发现了4种含视黄醛的膜蛋白: 细菌视紫红质、氯视紫红质、感觉视紫红质-I(M 慢视紫红质)和感觉视紫红质-Ⅱ(憎光视紫红质)。文中着重介绍了上述4中膜蛋白的结构、 功能及其相似性等方面的研究进展。图6参20
根据各国博物馆中保存的标本, 用多变量分析的方法, 对古北区特有的麝属进行了分析、比较和进一步整理, 提供了麝属种和亚种检索表。图4参19