991 resultados para 194-1198A


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This technical memorandum documents the design, implementation, data preparation, and descriptive results for the 2006 Annual Economic Survey of Federal Gulf Shrimp Permit Holders. The data collection was designed by the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center Social Science Research Group to track the financial and economic status and performance by vessels holding a federal moratorium permit for harvesting shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. A two page, self-administered mail survey collected total annual costs broken out into seven categories and auxiliary economic data. In May 2007, 580 vessels were randomly selected, stratified by state, from a preliminary population of 1,709 vessels with federal permits to shrimp in offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The survey was implemented during the rest of 2007. After many reminder and verification phone calls, 509 surveys were deemed complete, for an ineligibility-adjusted response rate of 90.7%. The linking of each individual vessel’s cost data to its revenue data from a different data collection was imperfect, and hence the final number of observations used in the analyses is 484. Based on various measures and tests of validity throughout the technical memorandum, the quality of the data is high. The results are presented in a standardized table format, linking vessel characteristics and operations to simple balance sheet, cash flow, and income statements. In the text, results are discussed for the total fleet, the Gulf shrimp fleet, the active Gulf shrimp fleet, and the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet. Additional results for shrimp vessels grouped by state, by vessel characteristics, by landings volume, and by ownership structure are available in the appendices. The general conclusion of this report is that the financial and economic situation is bleak for the average vessels in most of the categories that were evaluated. With few exceptions, cash flow for the average vessel is positive while the net revenue from operations and the “profit” are negative. With negative net revenue from operations, the economic return for average shrimp vessels is less than zero. Only with the help of government payments does the average owner just about break even. In the short-term, this will discourage any new investments in the industry. The financial situation in 2006, especially if it endures over multiple years, also is economically unsustainable for the average established business. Vessels in the active and inactive Gulf shrimp fleet are, on average, 69 feet long, weigh 105 gross tons, are powered by 505 hp motor(s), and are 23 years old. Three-quarters of the vessels have steel hulls and 59% use a freezer for refrigeration. The average market value of these vessels was $175,149 in 2006, about a hundred-thousand dollars less than the average original purchase price. The outstanding loans averaged $91,955, leading to an average owner equity of $83,194. Based on the sample, 85% of the federally permitted Gulf shrimp fleet was actively shrimping in 2006. Of these 386 active Gulf shrimp vessels, just under half (46%) were owner-operated. On average, these vessels burned 52,931 gallons of fuel, landed 101,268 pounds of shrimp, and received $2.47 per pound of shrimp. Non-shrimp landings added less than 1% to cash flow, indicating that the federal Gulf shrimp fishery is very specialized. The average total cash outflow was $243,415 of which $108,775 was due to fuel expenses alone. The expenses for hired crew and captains were on average $54,866 which indicates the importance of the industry as a source of wage income. The resulting average net cash flow is $16,225 but has a large standard deviation. For the population of active Gulf shrimp vessels we can state with 95% certainty that the average net cash flow was between $9,500 and $23,000 in 2006. The median net cash flow was $11,843. Based on the income statement for active Gulf shrimp vessels, the average fixed costs accounted for just under a quarter of operating expenses (23.1%), labor costs for just over a quarter (25.3%), and the non-labor variable costs for just over half (51.6%). The fuel costs alone accounted for 42.9% of total operating expenses in 2006. It should be noted that the labor cost category in the income statement includes both the actual cash payments to hired labor and an estimate of the opportunity cost of owner-operators’ time spent as captain. The average labor contribution (as captain) of an owner-operator is estimated at about $19,800. The average net revenue from operations is negative $7,429, and is statistically different and less than zero in spite of a large standard deviation. The economic return to Gulf shrimping is negative 4%. Including non-operating activities, foremost an average government payment of $13,662, leads to an average loss before taxes of $907 for the vessel owners. The confidence interval of this value straddles zero, so we cannot reject, with 95% certainty, that the population average is zero. The average inactive Gulf shrimp vessel is generally of a smaller scale than the average active vessel. Inactive vessels are physically smaller, are valued much lower, and are less dependent on loans. Fixed costs account for nearly three quarters of the total operating expenses of $11,926, and only 6% of these vessels have hull insurance. With an average net cash flow of negative $7,537, the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet has a major liquidity problem. On average, net revenue from operations is negative $11,396, which amounts to a negative 15% economic return, and owners lose $9,381 on their vessels before taxes. To sustain such losses and especially to survive the negative cash flow, many of the owners must be subsidizing their shrimp vessels with the help of other income or wealth sources or are drawing down their equity. Active Gulf shrimp vessels in all states but Texas exhibited negative returns. The Alabama and Mississippi fleets have the highest assets (vessel values), on average, yet they generate zero cash flow and negative $32,224 net revenue from operations. Due to their high (loan) leverage ratio the negative 11% economic return is amplified into a negative 21% return on equity. In contrast, for Texas vessels, which actually have the highest leverage ratio among the states, a 1% economic return is amplified into a 13% return on equity. From a financial perspective, the average Florida and Louisiana vessels conform roughly to the overall average of the active Gulf shrimp fleet. It should be noted that these results are averages and hence hide the variation that clearly exists within all fleets and all categories. Although the financial situation for the average vessel is bleak, some vessels are profitable. (PDF contains 101 pages)


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Fernão Lopes foi o primeiro cronista-mor do Reino de que se tem notícia certa e um grande cronista português, aliás, segundo Robert Southey, "o maior cronista de todas as épocas e nações”. Pouco se sabe sobre sua origem, tendo-se 1380 como o ano provável de seu nascimento e 1460 como o de sua morte. Nada se conhece dos primeiros quarenta anos de sua vida. Em 1418 foi nomeado guarda do arquivo da Torre do Tombo, em Lisboa. Foi secretário de D. João I desde, pelo menos, 1419 até o seu falecimento deste monarca, em 1433, e , depois, de seu sucessor, D. Duarte. Em 1422 exerceu a função de escrivão da puridade do Infante D. Fernando. Tudo leva a crer que tenha escrito a história de Portugal desde a fundação do Reino e as crônicas de todos os seus reis até D. João I. Chronica del Rey D. Joam I de boa memoria, e do reys de Portugal o decimo foi publicada, postumamente, em 1644, em dois tomos, mas em apenas um volume. Esta obra consta de 3 partes, com os seguintes títulos: Parte I: em que se contém a defensão do reino até ser eleito rei; Parte II: em que se continuam as guerras com Castlella, desde o princípio do seu reinado até às pazes; Parte III: crônica da tomada de Ceuta. As duas primeiras foram escritas por Fernão Lopes. A terceira foi escrita por Gomes Eanes de Zurara nascido, aproximadamente, em 1410 e falecido em 1474, sucessor de Lopes, como primeiro cronista e guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo. No exemplar que a Biblioteca da Câmara possui estão encadernadas apenas as duas primeiras partes, com a segunda parte tendo início no Capítulo 194. Segundo Inocêncio, os exemplares publicados em 1644 são raros, embora a edição não tenha sido feita com o cuidado necessário e exista nas principais bibliotecas de Lisboa. Obra Manuscrita.


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En : I.Idiazabal, Inés M. García (eds.)(2007). Ahozko hizkuntza. Euskeraren azterketarako eta didaktikarako zenbait lan, Bilbo, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


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Empresas estatais e privadas terão o mesmo tratamento na área fiscal. Tem início a votação na Comissão de Sistematização do Título 7, que trata da ordem econômica e financeira. O Deputado Francisco Dornelles (PFL-RJ) afirma que a emenda aprovada que amplia a atividade econômica, garante a todo cidadão o direito de exercer uma atividade econômica, desde que não haja vedação constitucional ou legal, e não admite que a prática seja proibida por portarias ou atos administrativos. O Deputado Paes Landim (PFL-PI) tenta aprovar sem sucesso, emenda que exclui do texto o conceito de empresa nacional. Já o Deputado Haroldo Lima (PCdoB-BA) propôs emenda estabelecendo que a empresa nacional só poderia ser dirigida por brasileiros. Mas, foi mantido o texto do substitutivo do Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), que considera empresa nacional aquela cujo capital pertence a cidadãos domiciliados no país. O Deputado Joaquim Sucena (PMDB-MT) aprova emenda com objetivo de fortalecer a empresa nacional. Aprovada emenda que dá tratamento diferenciado a empresa nacional em relação à aquisição de bens e serviços.O Deputado Osvaldo Lima Filho (PMDB-PE) comenta que a emenda visa fortalecer a empresa nacional. Quadro Constituição: a grande mudança - populares afirmam sua confiança nos constituintes. Aprovado destaque do Deputado Aluízio Campos (PMDB-PB), estebelecendo que empresas estatais e suas subsidiárias só poderão ser criadas com aprovação do Congresso Nacional. Rejeitado destaque do Deputado César Maia ( PDT-RJ) que propunha suprimir o parágrafo 2º do artigo 194, que dá tratamento igual a empresas privadas e estatais quanto a isenções fiscais. O Senador Marcondes Gadelha (PFL-PB) é contra a isenção fiscal para estatais, pois sem o privilégio as estatais são obrigadas a funcionarem de modo efetivo.


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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Adiabatic shear localization is a mode of failure that occurs in dynamic loading. It is characterized by thermal softening occurring over a very narrow region of a material and is usually a precursor to ductile fracture and catastrophic failure. This reference source is the first detailed study of the mechanics and modes of adiabatic shear localization in solids, and provides a systematic description of a number of aspects of adiabatic shear banding. The inclusion of the appendices which provide a quick reference section and a comprehensive collection of thermomechanical data allows rapid access and understanding of the subject and its phenomena. The concepts and techniques described in this work can usefully be applied to solve a multitude of problems encountered by those investigating fracture and damage in materials, impact dynamics, metal working and other areas. This reference book has come about in response to the pressing demand of mechanical and metallurgical engineers for a high quality summary of the knowledge gained over the last twenty years. While fulfilling this requirement, the book is also of great interest to academics and researchers into materials performance.

Table of Contents

1.1What is an Adiabatic Shear Band?1
1.2The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bands6
1.3Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occur10
1.4Historical Aspects of Shear Bands11
1.5Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Maps14
1.6Scope of the Book20
2Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bands24
2.1General Features24
2.2Deformed Bands27
2.3Transformed Bands28
2.4Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Banding35
2.5Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metals44
3Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bands54
3.1Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracture54
3.2Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bands57
3.3Metallurgical Implications69
3.4Effects of Stress State73
4Testing Methods76
4.1General Requirements and Remarks76
4.2Dynamic Torsion Tests80
4.3Dynamic Compression Tests91
4.4Contained Cylinder Tests95
4.5Transient Measurements98
5Constitutive Equations104
5.1Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviour104
5.2Strain-Rate History Effects110
5.3Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviour114
5.4Constitutive Equations for Non-Metals124
6Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bands125
6.1Empirical Criteria125
6.2One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysis134
6.3Localization Analysis140
6.4Experimental Verification146
7Formation and Evolution of Shear Bands155
7.1Post-Instability Phenomena156
7.2Scaling and Approximations162
7.3Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipation167
7.4The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands171
7.5Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphology179
7.6Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress States187
8Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bands194
8.1Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulations194
8.2One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Banding199
8.3Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methods213
8.4Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress State218
9Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics229
9.1Planar Impact230
9.5Ignition of Explosives261
9.6Explosive Welding268
10Selected Topics in Metalworking273
10.1Classification of Processes273
AQuick Reference298
BSpecific Heat and Thermal Conductivity301
CThermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence312
DMaterials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands335
ESpecification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands341
FConversion Factors357
 Author Index369
 Subject Index375


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Traz o texto atualizado dos dispositivos constitucionais e e legais que fundamentam a legislação sobre meio ambiente no Brasil.


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Four groups of fin clipped brown trout (Salmo trutta) fingerlings were planted in Hot Creek over a six year period. Survival and growth were estimated by fall and/or spring mark-and-recapture surveys. Yield to the angler for two of the tour groups stocked was estimated by stratified random creel surveys. Fingerling survival from the midsummer stocking period to fall averaged 51 %. Overwinter survival from young-of-the-year to yearling fish averaged 49%. Angler harvest of two groups of fingerlings stocked at densities of 16,082 fish/mile averaged 1,704 trout/mile (10.6%) and 194 lbs/acre. Abundant cover and microhabitat suitable tor young trout, ice-free winters, and rapid growth were factors viewed as contributing to high yields. Results do not suggest a change is needed in the general policy of not stocking brown trout fingerlings in California streams. Results do show that fingerlings stocked in Hot Creek, and presumably other productive streams with abundant cover, can effectively fill a void created by limited recruitment. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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A new set of experimental data of subcooled pool boiling on a thin wire in rnicrogravity aboard the 22nd Chinese recoverable satellite is reported in the present paper. The temperature-control led heating method is used. The results of the experiments in normal gravity before and after the flight experiment are also presented, and compared with those in microgravity. The working fluid is degassed R113 at 0.1 MPa and subcooled by 26 degrees C nominally. A thin platinum wire of 60 mu m in diameter and 30 mm in length is simultaneously used as heater and thermometer. It is found that the heat transfer of nucleate pool boiling is slightly enhanced in microgravity comparing with those in normal gravity. It is also found that the correlation of Lienhard and Dhir can predict the CHF with good agreement, although the range of the dimensionless radius is extended by three or more decades above the originally set limit. Three critical bubble diameters are observed in microgravity, which divide the observed vapor bubbles into four regimes with different sizes. Considering the Marangoni effect, a qualitative model is proposed to reveal the mechanism underlying the bubble departure processes, and a quantitative agreement can also be acquired.


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Effects of Basudine and Gammalin 20 on the fingerlings of Aphyosemin gairdneri were investigated using static bioassays and continuous aeration over a period of 48 hours. The 48 hours LC sub(50) of the exposed fish to Basudine and Gammalin 20 were determined to be 194.99 mu g dm super(3) and 95.50 mu g dm super(3) respectively. Gammalin 20 was more toxic than Basudine. The behavioural responses observed include agitation, erratic swimming, loss of equilibrium, period of quiescence and death. It is concluded that repeated applications of these herbicides should be avoided before stocking ponds with fish