992 resultados para 1890-luku
Cover and spine title: The new American literature; a survey.
At head of title: Fourth international congress on inland navigation ...
At head of title: Royaume de Belgique. Ministère de l'intérieur et de l'instruction publique. Bureau de la statistique.
Dr. Cárlos María de Pena, presidente of the commission.
La tesis se inscribe en el marco de los estudios históricos, sociales y culturales sobre el libro, las bibliotecas y la lectura. A partir de las metodologías y los principios de análisis formados en este campo de discusión, se estudia el desarrollo de las bibliotecas populares en Argentina entre 1870 y 1890. En términos generales, estos veinte años contienen dos fases opuestas. Entre 1870 y 1876 tiene lugar una etapa de constitución y expansión, promovida por la sanción de una ley de fomento que prometía entregar subvenciones a las asociaciones civiles interesadas en constituir una biblioteca popular. La medida produjo un movimiento bibliotecario que alcanzó el notable registro de ciento cincuenta establecimientos radicados en diversos puntos del país. En un contexto político y económico inestable, en 1876 el Estado suprime el apoyo concedido. A partir de entonces las bibliotecas ingresan en un período de crisis, caracterizado por el cierre progresivo de la mayor parte de las entidades, pero también por la formación de nuevas instituciones bajo perspectivas socioculturales diferentes de aquellas que le habían dado origen
Esta dissertação focaliza a trajetória do surgimento da Escola Estadual Maria Iracema Munhoz, apresentando o seu percurso desde 1890 até 1930. Para isso foi necessário fazer uma retrospectiva da educação brasileira, lembrar como surgiu São Bernardo, município onde está localizada a escola e, o surgimento da educação na cidade. O objetivo de reflexão e de pesquisa da presente dissertação foi buscar entender, pela história do passado, os problemas do presente, reconstruindo os avanços e os insucessos no processo da escolarização e das políticas públicas educacionais assumidas nesse período. A hipótese apresentada é que, nosso atraso educativo não vem tanto do que deixamos de fazer nas últimas décadas, mas do que fizemos nos séculos anteriores, em se tratando da educação.(AU)
During the years 1890–1920, the public school education system established itself as the medium to transmit American values, knowledge and culture. This study described and explained why some individuals were destined to fail, and others succeed in America's public schools. The exploratory questions guiding this study were: What elements constitute society's perspective of whom it should educate during the years 1890–1920? What variables influenced society's perspective of whom it should educate during the years 1890–1920? ^ After explaining these issues, educators will then have a better understanding and awareness of why certain educational practices are currently implemented and will be able to critically evaluate which ones should be continued. The methodology chosen was historical. The approach for analyzing the data was coding. The information was coded in order to determine themes, concepts and ideas amongst the documents and as portrayed in the literature. The first step was to seek out patterns and then to write out words and phrases to represent these topics. Then, these phrases were attributed to networks. ^ The data indicated that public schools during this era were designed to conform and assimilate the new immigrants and factory workers in an efficient and standardized manner. Efficiency and standardization in production became the American way for government, commerce, personal, lives and the school. Many different approaches to education emerged during this time period, specifically those, which emphasized individuality; but only those, which paralleled the ideology of efficiency, standardization and conformity were adopted. Those students who were unable to conform to society's criteria for success were penalized in the classroom, on IQ examinations and national standardized exams. ^ This study was illuminative in that it explained the root cause as to why some individuals are meant to succeed while others are penalized in the classroom. Future studies connecting standardized assessments and learning styles are suggested. ^
The purpose of this thesis is to explore deprivation experienced by the nineteenth century Sioux who suffered the loss of traditional lands, economic independence, buffalo, tribal customs, and religion. After years of reservation life, starvation, and deprivation at the hands of the U.S. government, white settlers, and reservation agents, the Sioux anxiously sought out a Paiute Indian Messiah named Wovoka whose message of a new Indian world spread rapidly throughout the Dakotas. The use of extensive historical and religious documents, as well as primary sources, will argue that the extent of desperation experienced by the Sioux drove them to accept the Ghost Dance as a substitute for the Sun Dance, the center of their traditional religious complex. With its hope of the resurrection of dead Indians, return of the buffalo, and renewal of the earth, it was immediately adopted leading ultimately to the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890 and the passing of Wovoka's religion into history.
Professor N. Andrussow, of Juriew (Dorpat) sent to the author a series of the deposit-samples collected in the Black Sea during the Russian explorations in 1890 and 1891 in the steamships Tschernomoretz, Zaporojetz, and Donetz. These deposits were submitted to careful microscopical examination and chemical analysis.
The Journal has been Queen's main student newspaper since it was founded in 1873. It appears twice a week on campus with a mix of news, sports, and entertainment stories, editorials, letters to the editor, and photographs. The paper is students' most important source of news and general information and has been a training ground for scores of Canadian journalists.
The Journal has been Queen's main student newspaper since it was founded in 1873. It appears twice a week on campus with a mix of news, sports, and entertainment stories, editorials, letters to the editor, and photographs. The paper is students' most important source of news and general information and has been a training ground for scores of Canadian journalists.
This article seeks to revise Jo Doezema’s suggestion that ‘the white slave’ was the only dominant representation of ‘the trafficked woman’ used by early anti-trafficking advocates in Europe and the United States, and that discourses based on this figure of injured innocence are the only historical discourses that are able to shine light on contemporary anti-trafficking rhetoric. ‘The trafficked woman’ was a figure painted using many shades of grey in the past, with a number of injurious consequences, not only for trafficked persons but also for female labour migrants and migrant populations at large. In England, dominant organizational portrayals of ‘the trafficked woman’ had first acquired these shades by the 1890s, when trafficking started to proliferate amid mass migration from Continental Europe, and when controversy began to mount over the migration to the country of various groups of working-class foreigner. The article demonstrates these points by exploring the way in which the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women (JAPGW), one of the pillars of England’s early anti-trafficking movement, represented the female Jewish migrants it deemed at risk from being trafficked into sex work between 1890 and 1910. It argues that the JAPGW stigmatised these women, placing most of the onus for trafficking upon them and positioning them to a greater or a lesser extent as ‘undesirable and undeserving working-class foreigners’ who could never become respectable English women. It also contends that the JAPGW, in outlining what was wrong with certain female migrants, drew a line between ‘the migrant’ and respectable English society at large, and paradoxically endorsed the extension of the very ‘anti-alienist’ and Antisemitic prejudices that it strove to dispel.