1000 resultados para 186-1151
O estudo focaliza a reconfiguração da gestão educacional a partir da nova lógica de regulação social e do novo papel do Estado, à luz da historicidade dos países estudados (Argentina, Brasil, Chile e México), examinando os fatores culturais que interferiram na dinâmica da reforma educacional da década de 90. Aspectos que evidenciam a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade dessa reforma na região, bem como as especificidades nacionais que intervieram em sua concretização, são destacados. Afirma que a historicidade que caracteriza a realidade educacional tem sofrido, no México, o que poderíamos denominar "ruptura conservadora"; no Chile, "continuidade conservadora"; no Brasil, "renovação conservadora"; e, na Argentina, "ruptura interrompida". Recupera algumas conclusões alcançadas por meio da análise de 186 textos de caráter acadêmico sobre os impactos, nos países estudados, da reforma educacional da década.
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 6.2.1151
Introduction: Accurate and reproducible tibial tunnel placement minimizing the risk of neurovascular damage is a crucial condition for successful arthroscopic reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). This step is commonly performed under fluoroscopic control. Hypothesis: Performing the tibial tunnel under exclusive arthroscopic control allows accurate and reliable tunnel placement according to recommendations in the literature. Materials and Methods: Between February 2007 and December 2009, 108 arthroscopic single bundle PCL reconstructions in tibial tunnel technique were performed. The routine postoperative radiographs were screened according to previously defined quality criterions. After critical analysis, the radiographs of 48 patients (48 knees) were enrolled in the study. 10 patients had simultaneous ACL reconstruction and 7 had PCL revision surgery. The tibial tunnel was placed under direct arthroscopic control through a posteromedial portal using a standard tibial aming device. Key anatomical landmarks were the exposed tibial insertion of the PCL and the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. First, the centre of the posterior tibial tunnel outlet on the a-p view was determined by digital analysis of the postoperative radiographes. Its distance to the medial tibial spine was measured parallel to the tibia plateau. The mediolateral position was expressed by the ratio between the distance of the tunnel outlet to the medial border and the total width of the tibial plateau. On the lateral view the vertical tunnel position was measured perpendicularly to a tangent of the medial tibial plateau. All measurement were repeated at least twice and carried out by two examiners. Results: The mean mediolateral tunnel position was 49.3 ± 4.6% (ratio), 6.7 ± 3.6 mm lateral to the medial tibial spine. On the lateral view the tunnel centre was 10.1 ± 4.5 mm distal to the bony surface of the medial tibial plateau. Neurovascular damage was observed in none of our patients. Conclusion: The results of this radiological study confirm that exclusive arthroscopic control for tibial tunnel placement in PCL reconstruction yields reproducible and accurate results according to the literature. Our technique avoids radiation, facilitates the operation room setting and enables the surgeon to visualize the anatomic key landmarks for tibial tunnel placement.
In 2008, two highly discussed trials regarding the impact of glycemic control in type 2 diabetes, ACCORD and AVANCE, have been published. They showed a modest benefit of optimal glycemic control on morbidity and conflicting results on mortality, with an excess in the intensive treatment group of ACCORD. However several questionable aspects can be pointed out, the most prominent being the very limited duration of the intervention. This constrasts strongly with the long-term postintervention outcomes of UKPDS, which show a persistant benefit of glycemic control during 10 years of post-trial follow-up. These findings emphasize the need for an individualized approach of type 2 diabetic patients, aiming at the best possible control of all risk factors while minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia.
Invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis are major complications in surgical and onco-hematological patients, and still associated with an important morbidity and mortality. A large number of studies highlighted the potential role of host genetic polymorphisms that may influence susceptibility to fungal pathogens, but many were limited by insufficient statistical power, problematic design, and/or lack of replication. However, some relevant polymorphisms are now emerging from well-conducted studies whose associations have been replicated and/or are supported by strong biological evidence. Such polymorphisms together with other biomarkers may play a role in the prediction, diagnosis, and management of severe fungal infections in high-risk patients in the coming years.
Evolution through natural selection suggests unnecessary genes are lost. We observed that the yeast Candida glabrata lost the gene encoding a phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase (PHO5) present in many yeasts including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, C. glabrata still had phosphate starvation-inducible phosphatase activity. Screening a C. glabrata genomic library, we identified CgPMU2, a member of a three-gene family that contains a phosphomutase-like domain. This small-scale gene duplication event could allow for sub- or neofunctionalization. On the basis of phylogenetic and biochemical characterizations, CgPMU2 has neofunctionalized to become a broad range, phosphate starvation-regulated acid phosphatase, which functionally replaces PHO5 in this pathogenic yeast. We determined that CgPmu2, unlike ScPho5, is not able to hydrolyze phytic acid (inositol hexakisphosphate). Phytic acid is present in fruits and seeds where S. cerevisiae grows, but is not abundant in mammalian tissues where C. glabrata grows. We demonstrated that C. glabrata is limited from an environment where phytic acid is the only source of phosphate. Our work suggests that during evolutionary time, the selection for the ancestral PHO5 was lost and that C. glabrata neofunctionalized a weak phosphatase to replace PHO5. Convergent evolution of a phosphate starvation-inducible acid phosphatase in C. glabrata relative to most yeast species provides an example of how small changes in signal transduction pathways can mediate genetic isolation and uncovers a potential speciation gene.
BACKGROUND & AIM: Immune-modulating nutritional formula containing arginine, omega-3 fatty acids and nucleotides has been demonstrated to decrease complications and length of stay in surgical patients. This study aims at assessing the impact of immune-modulating formula on hospital costs in gastrointestinal cancer surgical patients in Switzerland. METHOD: Based on a previously published meta-analysis, the relative risks of overall and infectious complications with immune-modulating versus standard nutrition formula were computed. Swiss hospital costs of patients undergoing gastrointestinal cancer surgery were retrieved. A method was developed to compute the patients' severity level, not taking into account the complications from the surgery. Incremental costs of complications were computed for both treatment groups, and sensitivity analyses were carried out. RESULTS: Relative risk of complications with pre-, peri- and post-operative use of immune-modulating formula was 0.69 (95%CI 0.58-0.83), 0.62 (95%CI 0.53-0.73) and 0.73 (95%CI 0.35-0.96) respectively. The estimated average contribution of complications to the cost of stay was CHF 14,949 (euro10,901) per patient (95%CI 10,712-19,186), independently of case's severity. Based on this cost, immune-modulating nutritional support decreased costs of hospital stay by CHF 1638 to CHF 2488 per patient (euro1195-euro1814). Net hospital savings were present for baseline complications rates as low as 5%. CONCLUSION: Immune-modulating nutritional solution is a cost-saving intervention in gastrointestinal cancer patients. The additional cost of immune-modulating formula are more than offset by savings associated with decreased treatment of complications.
This article reviews: 1) some of the results of drug eluting stents (SYNTAX and FAME); 2) the questionnable benefit of physical training in heart failure patients (HF-ACTION); 3) the benefit on cardiac remodelling of cardiac resynchronisation in heart failure patients (REVERSE study) and 4) the role of rate over rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure (AF-CHF study); this article also reports the encouraging evolution of new technology allowing percutaneous implantation of stents-valves. Finally, this article address the screening of athletes for cardiac diseases.
El presente trabajo pretende comprobar si existe una percepción uniforme del proceso de envejecimiento o si bien esta percepción es múltiple y dependiente de las dimensiones o caracteristicas concretas que se tomen en consideración. Se administró un protocolo de respuesta en el que 186 universitarios estimaron la evolución a 10 largo del ciclo vital de 16 dimensiones diferentes (salud, capacidad de movimiento,rapidez, agudeza sensorial, fuerza fisica, memoria, inteligencia, felicidad, ilusión, dependencia, sabiduria, belleza, productividad, recursos económicos, prestigio social y poder). Nuestros resultados indican que, aunque 10 mas frecuente es que el envejecimiento se equipare a declive, se pueden encontrar cuatro patrones diferenciales de percepción del envejecimiento, que tienen que ver con la naturaleza biológica, psicológica o social de la dimensión evaluada. También se encontró que la cantidad de declive atribuida al paso de la madurez a la vejez no correlacionaba o 10 hacia de forma muy baja con el contacto que 10s sujetos tenian con personas de mas de 65 años.
BACKGROUND: Multislice CT (MSCT) combined with D-dimer measurement can safely exclude pulmonary embolism in patients with a low or intermediate clinical probability of this disease. We compared this combination with a strategy in which both a negative venous ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT were needed to exclude pulmonary embolism. METHODS: We included 1819 consecutive outpatients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism in a multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial comparing two strategies: clinical probability assessment and either D-dimer measurement and MSCT (DD-CT strategy [n=903]) or D-dimer measurement, venous compression ultrasonography of the leg, and MSCT (DD-US-CT strategy [n=916]). Randomisation was by computer-generated blocks with stratification according to centre. Patients with a high clinical probability according to the revised Geneva score and a negative work-up for pulmonary embolism were further investigated in both groups. The primary outcome was the 3-month thromboembolic risk in patients who were left untreated on the basis of the exclusion of pulmonary embolism by diagnostic strategy. Clinicians assessing outcome were blinded to group assignment. Analysis was per protocol. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00117169. FINDINGS: The prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 20.6% in both groups (189 cases in DD-US-CT group and 186 in DD-CT group). We analysed 855 patients in the DD-US-CT group and 838 in the DD-CT group per protocol. The 3-month thromboembolic risk was 0.3% (95% CI 0.1-1.1) in the DD-US-CT group and 0.3% (0.1-1.2) in the DD-CT group (difference 0.0% [-0.9 to 0.8]). In the DD-US-CT group, ultrasonography showed a deep-venous thrombosis in 53 (9% [7-12]) of 574 patients, and thus MSCT was not undertaken. INTERPRETATION: The strategy combining D-dimer and MSCT is as safe as the strategy using D-dimer followed by venous compression ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT for exclusion of pulmonary embolism. An ultrasound could be of use in patients with a contraindication to CT.
Our previous investigation on Candida glabrata azole-resistant isolates identified two isolates with unaltered expression of CgCDR1/CgCDR2, but with upregulation of another ATP-binding cassette transporter, CgSNQ2, which is a gene highly similar to ScSNQ2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of the two isolates (BPY55) was used here to elucidate this phenomenon. Disruption of CgSNQ2 in BPY55 decreased azole resistance, whereas reintroduction of the gene in a CgSNQ2 deletion mutant fully reversed this effect. Expression of CgSNQ2 in a S. cerevisiae strain lacking PDR5 mediated not only resistance to azoles but also to 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide, which is a ScSNQ2-specific substrate. A putative gain-of-function mutation, P822L, was identified in CgPDR1 from BPY55. Disruption of CgPDR1 in BPY55 conferred enhanced azole susceptibility and eliminated CgSNQ2 expression, whereas introduction of the mutated allele in a susceptible strain where CgPDR1 had been disrupted conferred azole resistance and CgSNQ2 upregulation, indicating that CgSNQ2 was controlled by CgPDR1. Finally, CgSNQ2 was shown to be involved in the in vivo response to fluconazole. Together, our data first demonstrate that CgSNQ2 contributes to the development of CgPDR1-dependent azole resistance in C. glabrata. The overlapping in function and regulation between CgSNQ2 and ScSNQ2 further highlight the relationship between S. cerevisiae and C. glabrata.