997 resultados para 185-1149D
O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar a associação de marcadores moleculares do tipo "single nucleotide polymorphism" (SNP) para os genes FAD3A, FAD3B e FAD3C com o conteúdo de ácido linolênico (18:3) em sementes de soja e analisar a influência dos parâmetros genéticos destes marcadores nesta característica. Foram genotipadas 185 progênies F2 derivadas do cruzamento entre A29 (mutante para os três genes FAD3, 1% de 18:3) e Tucunaré (genótipo selvagem, 11% de 18:3). Os marcadores moleculares para os genes FAD3A, FAD3B e FAD3C explicaram a variação do conteúdo de 18:3 nas populações segregantes F2 e F2:3. Além disso, as substituições alélicas no loco FAD3A proporcionam maiores variações no conteúdo de 18:3 que as substituições nos outros dois locos.
The objective of this work was to estimate the mating system parameters of a andiroba (Carapa guianensis) population using microsatellite markers and the mixed and correlated mating models. Twelve open‑pollinated progeny arrays of 15 individuals were sampled in an area with C. guianensis estimated density of 25.7 trees per hectare. Overall, the species has a mixed reproductive system, with a predominance of outcrossing. The multilocus outcrossing rate (t m = 0.862) was significantly lower than the unity, indicating that self‑pollination occurred. The rate of biparental inbreeding was substantial (t m ‑ t s = 0.134) and significantly different from zero. The correlation of selfing within progenies was high (r s = 0.635), indicating variation in the individual outcrossing rate. Consistent with this result, the estimate of the individual outcrossing rate ranged from 0.598 to 0.978. The multilocus correlation of paternity was low (r p(m) = 0.081), but significantly different from zero, suggesting that the progenies contain full‑sibs. The coancestry within progenies (Θ = 0.185) was higher and the variance effective size (Ne(v) = 2.7) was lower than expected for true half‑sib progenies (Θ = 0.125; Ne(v) = 4). These results suggest that, in order to maintain a minimum effective size of 150 individuals for breeding, genetic conservation, and environmental reforestation programs, seeds from at least 56 trees must be collected.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of different agro-residues as a carbon source in the fruiting substrates of Flammulina velutipesmushroom and the effect of supplementation with the nitrogen sources spent brewer's yeast and rice bran. The following fruiting substrates were evaluated: rubber wood sawdust (SD), paddy straw (PS), palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), and palm-pressed fiber (PPF). Cultivation was done on each agro-residue, based on formulations consisting of two substrates at the ratios of 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3. Mycelial growth rate and basidiocarp yield were evaluated. The best fruiting substrates were PS+EFB (25:75), PS+PPF (50:50), and PPF (100), with biological efficiency of 185.09±36.98, 150.89±50.35, and 129.06±14.51%, respectively. No significant effects of supplementation with rice bran and spent yeast were observed on mycelial growth rate and biological efficiency. The cultivation of F. velutipes on oil palm wastes does not require additional nitrogen sources.
This paper calls for greater attention from researchers into the nature of humor translation as an interdisciplinary area that should be of interest to translation and humor studies. It includes a brief review of the complexity of translation and the problems posed by traditional approaches. The paper introduces a number of parameters that may be of assistance in developing joke typologies for translators or translation scholars. A model is presented for structuring joke-types according to binary branching. An attempt is then made to combine the model with ideas and concepts put forward in Attardo (2002). The result is a binary branch tree for the 6 Knowledge Resources and the hierarchical structure that Attardo claims they have. One important conclusion is that sameness, or similarity, may have little to do with funniness, and, if this is so, it is going to create a dilemma for translators wishing to achieve equivalent effect.
L’obesitat infantil, és un dels problemes de salut pública més greus del segle XXI, on la prevalença ha augmentat de manera alarmant a nivell mundial. Aquesta es defineix com una malaltia crònica i multifactorial, que sol iniciar-se en la infantesa i a l’adolescència. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és conèixer la prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat en la població adolescent de Girona, i relacionar amb aquesta, els hàbits alimentaris, els hàbits d’activitat física, l’entitat de l’institut-escola, hores de son i nivell màxim d’estudis dels progenitors. Material i mètodes: Estudi descriptiu, observacional i transversal sobre una mostra de la població adolescent de Girona de 14 a 16 anys (n=185), els quals se’ls va administrar un qüestionari on es van recollir les variables relacionades amb l’estudi. L’obesitat i el sobrepès es van definir com valors de l’índex de massa corporal iguals o superiors als valors dels percentils 97 i 85, respectivament, de les taules de referencia de la OMS de 2007. Resultats: La prevalença de sobrepès i d’obesitat en la població adolescent de Girona és del 20% i del 3,78%, respectivament. El sobrepès i l’obesitat (23,78%) ha afectat més al sexe masculí (27,7%) respecte el femení (19,8%). S’ha establert relació significativa entre la prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat amb el nivell màxim d’estudis dels progenitors. Hi ha més prevalença de sobrepès i obesitat a l’institut públic en vers el privat amb un 26,7% respecte el 18,5%. Conclusions: Segons la bibliografia consultada, la població adolescent de Girona presenta més elevada la prevalença de sobrepès però no pel que fa la prevalença d’obesitat
Background To determine the diagnostic and prognostic capability of urinary and tumoral syndecan-1 (SDC-1) levels in patients with cancer of the urinary bladder. Methods SDC-1 levels were quantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 308 subjects (102 cancer subjects and 206 non-cancer subjects) to assess its diagnostic capabilities in voided urine. The performance of SDC-1 was evaluated using the area under the curve of a receiver operating characteristic curve. In addition, immunohistochemical (IHC) staining assessed SDC-1 protein expression in 193 bladder specimens (185 cancer subjects and 8 non-cancer subjects). Outcomes were correlated to SDC-1 levels. Results Mean urinary levels of SDC-1 did not differ between the cancer subjects and the non-cancer subjects, however, the mean urinary levels of SDC-1 were reduced in high-grade compared to low-grade disease (p < 0.0001), and in muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) compared to non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) (p = 0.005). Correspondingly, preliminary data note a shift from a membranous cellular localization of SDC-1 in normal tissue, low-grade tumors and NMIBC, to a distinctly cytoplasmic localization in high-grade tumors and MIBC was observed in tissue specimens. Conclusion Alone urinary SDC-1 may not be a diagnostic biomarker for bladder cancer, but its urinary levels and cellular localization were associated with the differentiation status of patients with bladder tumors. Further studies are warranted to define the potential role for SDC-1 in bladder cancer progression.
Background To determine the diagnostic and prognostic capability of urinary and tumoral syndecan-1 (SDC-1) levels in patients with cancer of the urinary bladder. Methods SDC-1 levels were quantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 308 subjects (102 cancer subjects and 206 non-cancer subjects) to assess its diagnostic capabilities in voided urine. The performance of SDC-1 was evaluated using the area under the curve of a receiver operating characteristic curve. In addition, immunohistochemical (IHC) staining assessed SDC-1 protein expression in 193 bladder specimens (185 cancer subjects and 8 non-cancer subjects). Outcomes were correlated to SDC-1 levels. Results Mean urinary levels of SDC-1 did not differ between the cancer subjects and the non-cancer subjects, however, the mean urinary levels of SDC-1 were reduced in high-grade compared to low-grade disease (p < 0.0001), and in muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) compared to non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) (p = 0.005). Correspondingly, preliminary data note a shift from a membranous cellular localization of SDC-1 in normal tissue, low-grade tumors and NMIBC, to a distinctly cytoplasmic localization in high-grade tumors and MIBC was observed in tissue specimens. Conclusion Alone urinary SDC-1 may not be a diagnostic biomarker for bladder cancer, but its urinary levels and cellular localization were associated with the differentiation status of patients with bladder tumors. Further studies are warranted to define the potential role for SDC-1 in bladder cancer progression.
In adaptive immunity, Th17 lymphocytes produce the IL-17 and IL-22 cytokines that stimulate mucosal antimicrobial defenses and tissue repair. In this study, we observed that the TLR5 agonist flagellin induced swift and transient transcription of genes encoding IL-17 and IL-22 in lymphoid, gut, and lung tissues. This innate response also temporarily enhanced the expression of genes associated with the antimicrobial Th17 signature. The source of the Th17-related cytokines was identified as novel populations of CD3(neg)CD127(+) immune cells among which CD4-expressing cells resembling lymphoid tissue inducer cells. We also demonstrated that dendritic cells are essential for expression of Th17-related cytokines and so for stimulation of innate cells. These data define that TLR-induced activation of CD3(neg)CD127(+) cells and production of Th17-related cytokines may be crucial for the early defenses against pathogen invasion of host tissues.
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 185
An attractive treatment of cancer consists in inducing tumor-eradicating CD8(+) CTL specific for tumor-associated Ags, such as NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a strongly immunogenic cancer germ line gene-encoded tumor-associated Ag, widely expressed on diverse tumors. To establish optimal priming of ESO-specific CTL and to define critical vaccine variables and mechanisms, we used HLA-A2/DR1 H-2(-/-) transgenic mice and sequential immunization with immunodominant DR1- and A2-restricted ESO peptides. Immunization of mice first with the DR1-restricted ESO(123-137) peptide and subsequently with mature dendritic cells (DCs) presenting this and the A2-restriced ESO(157-165) epitope generated abundant, circulating, high-avidity primary and memory CD8(+) T cells that efficiently killed A2/ESO(157-165)(+) tumor cells. This prime boost regimen was superior to other vaccine regimes and required strong Th1 cell responses, copresentation of MHC class I and MHC class II peptides by the same DC, and resulted in upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1, and thus egress of freshly primed CD8(+) T cells from the draining lymph nodes into circulation. This well-defined system allowed detailed mechanistic analysis, which revealed that 1) the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2 played key roles in CTL priming, namely by upregulating on naive CD8(+) T cells the chemokine receptor CCR5; 2) the inflammatory chemokines CCL4 (MIP-1beta) and CCL3 (MIP-1alpha) chemoattracted primed CD4(+) T cells to mature DCs and activated, naive CD8(+) T cells to DC-CD4 conjugates, respectively; and 3) blockade of these chemokines or their common receptor CCR5 ablated priming of CD8(+) T cells and upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1. These findings provide new opportunities for improving T cell cancer vaccines.
Orosomucoid (ORM) phenotyping has been performed on 329 unrelated Swiss subjects, using immobilized pH gradients with 8 M urea and 2% v/v 2-mercaptoethanol followed by immunoblotting. After desialylation the band patterns of ORM confirmed that the polymorphism of the structural locus ORM1 is controlled by three codominant autosomal alleles (ORM1*F1, ORM1*S and ORM1*F2). One rare and one new allele were detected. The rare variant, tentatively assigned to the second structural locus ORM2, is observed in a cathodal position and named ORM2 B1. The new variant, tentatively assigned to the first structural locus ORM1, is observed in a region located between ORM1 S and ORM1 F2, and named ORM1 F3. Moreover, the pI values of the ORM variants have been measured accurately with Immobiline Dry Plates (LKB): they were found to be within the pH range 4.93-5.14.
S'apliquen els mètodes d'optimització que ofereix el mètode matemàtic de la programació lineal i es fa una valoració sobre aquesta aplicació en l'enginyeria d'edificació mitjançant exemples de problemes proposats.
RESUME Après transplantation hépatique (TH), il persiste une morbidité et une mortalité liées aux complications immunologiques, infectieuses, rénales, vasculaires et, en particulier, aux complications biliaires - le "talon d'Achille" de la TH. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons analysé la fréquence et les caractéristiques des complications biliaires après TH dans l'expérience du CHUV à Lausanne entre 1988 et 2003. Au total 185 transplantations orthotopiques ont été réalisées chez 168 patients de décembre 1988 à mars 2003 (103 patients transplantés étaient de sexe masculin et 65 de sexe féminin). L'âge moyen pour les hommes était de 51 ans, celui de femmes étant de 49. Pendant la TH, une anastomose cholédoco-cholédocienne a été réalisée à 168 reprises et une anastomose cholédoco-jejunale à 17 reprises. Trente cas de complications biliaires ont été recensés, soit 16% des cas, avec un taux de mortalité de 0% durant le traitement de ces complications. Il s'agissait d'obstructions biliaires, fuites biliaires, lithiase biliaire isolée et sténoses biliaires. Les complications biliaires après TH restent donc relativement fréquentes et sont parfois graves. Elles nécessitent un diagnostic précoce et doivent être suspectées lors de fièvre, d'ictère, de douleurs abdominales ou de cholestase. En conclusion, l'incidence et le type de complications retrouvés dans la série lausannoise sont représentatifs des résultats observés dans d'autres centres de TH. Le traitement adéquat de ces complications, souvent graves, est de la plus haute importance et aura un impact important sur le pronostic.
En aquest treball s’han radiomarcat, un total de 4 gripaus corredors (Bufo calamita) que posteriorment foren alliberats a la Bassa de l’Astor, per tal d’estudiar les estratègies comportamentals de l’espècie en una zona semi-àrida. Dels 4 animals alliberats, un es perdé als pocs dies, la resta foren seguits mitjançant radioseguiment uns 64 dies, entre finals d’hivern i principis de primavera del 2007. En el treball de seguiment s’anotà en cada una de les localitzacions la temperatura ambiental del moment i la freqüència a la qual emetia l’emissor. Donat que es tenien els emissors calibrats, a partir d’aquesta freqüència es podia obtenir la temperatura a la qual es trobava l’emissor, és a dir la temperatura corporal del gripau en aquest cas. Mitjançant programes estadístics s’ha pogut determinar que durant el període hivernal i principis de primavera existeix una relació estadísticament significativa entre la variació de la temperatura ambiental i la temperatura corporal dels gripaus. Aquesta relació no es dona però en el període estival. Això fa pensar que el comportament del calamita esdevé una forma de termoregulació actuant per tal d’evitar extrems crítics de temperatura i humitat. S’ha pogut determinar també que gràcies a les característiques dels refugis utilitzats en la zona d’estudi (munts de pedres o caus d’altres espècies) els gripaus aconsegueixen mantenir-se en ambients on la variació de temperatura és inferior a la variació de la temperatura exterior. Així la variació de la temperatura corporal dels gripaus és també inferior. Pel que fa als moviments entre els diferents refugis, aquests han variat en funció de cada animal. La distància mitja recorreguda en el total dels desplaçaments ha estat d’uns 185 metres lineals. Aquests desplaçaments s’han donat sempre en dies de pluja o l’endemà d’un dia de pluja.