992 resultados para 1809
A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.
The aim of this study was to convert existing faba bean (Vicia faba L.) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from cleaved amplification polymorphic sequences and SNaPshot® formats, which are expensive and time-consuming, to the more convenient KBiosciences competitive allele‐specific PCR (KASP) assay format. Out of 80 assays designed, 75 were validated, though a core set of 67 of the most robust markers is recommended for further use. The 67 best KASP SNP assays were used across two generations of single seed descent to detect unintended outcrossing and to track and quantify loss of heterozygosity, a capability that will significantly increase the efficiency and performance of pure line production and maintenance. This same set of assays was also used to examine genetic relationships between the 67 members of the partly inbred panel, and should prove useful for line identification and diversity studies in the future.
The warm conveyor belt (WCB) of an extratropical cyclone generally splits into two branches. One branch (WCB1) turns anticyclonically into the downstream upper-level tropospheric ridge, while the second branch (WCB2) wraps cyclonically around the cyclone centre. Here, the WCB split in a typical North Atlantic cold-season cyclone is analysed using two numerical models: the Met Office Unified Model and the COSMO model. The WCB flow is defined using off-line trajectory analysis. The two models represent the WCB split consistently. The split occurs early in the evolution of the WCB with WCB1 experiencing maximum ascent at lower latitudes and with higher moisture content than WCB2. WCB1 ascends abruptly along the cold front where the resolved ascent rates are greatest and there is also line convection. In contrast, WCB2 remains at lower levels for longer before undergoing saturated large-scale ascent over the system's warm front. The greater moisture in WCB1 inflow results in greater net potential temperature change from latent heat release, which determines the final isentropic level of each branch. WCB1 also exhibits lower outflow potential vorticity values than WCB2. Complementary diagnostics in the two models are utilised to study the influence of individual diabatic processes on the WCB. Total diabatic heating rates along the WCB branches are comparable in the two models with microphysical processes in the large-scale cloud schemes being the major contributor to this heating. However, the different convective parameterisation schemes used by the models cause significantly different contributions to the total heating. These results have implications for studies on the influence of the WCB outflow in Rossby wave evolution and breaking. Key aspects are the net potential temperature change and the isentropic level of the outflow which together will influence the relative mass going into each WCB branch and the associated negative PV anomalies at the tropopause-level flow.
This document outlines a practical strategy for achieving an observationally based quantification of direct climate forcing by anthropogenic aerosols. The strategy involves a four-step program for shifting the current assumption-laden estimates to an increasingly empirical basis using satellite observations coordinated with suborbital remote and in situ measurements and with chemical transport models. Conceptually, the problem is framed as a need for complete global mapping of four parameters: clear-sky aerosol optical depth δ, radiative efficiency per unit optical depth E, fine-mode fraction of optical depth ff, and the anthropogenic fraction of the fine mode faf. The first three parameters can be retrieved from satellites, but correlative, suborbital measurements are required for quantifying the aerosol properties that control E, for validating the retrieval of ff, and for partitioning fine-mode δ between natural and anthropogenic components. The satellite focus is on the “A-Train,” a constellation of six spacecraft that will fly in formation from about 2005 to 2008. Key satellite instruments for this report are the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) radiometers on Aqua, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) radiometer on Aura, the Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances (POLDER) polarimeter on the Polarization and Anistropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences Coupled with Observations from a Lidar (PARASOL), and the Cloud and Aerosol Lider with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) lidar on the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). This strategy is offered as an initial framework—subject to improvement over time—for scientists around the world to participate in the A-Train opportunity. It is a specific implementation of the Progressive Aerosol Retrieval and Assimilation Global Observing Network (PARAGON) program, presented earlier in this journal, which identified the integration of diverse data as the central challenge to progress in quantifying global-scale aerosol effects. By designing a strategy around this need for integration, we develop recommendations for both satellite data interpretation and correlative suborbital activities that represent, in many respects, departures from current practice
Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.
We provide new evidence on sea surface temperature (SST) variations and paleoceanographic/paleoenvironmental changes over the past 1500 years for the north Aegean Sea (NE Mediterranean). The reconstructions are based on multiproxy analyses, obtained from the high resolution (decadal to multidecadal) marine record M2 retrieved from the Athos basin. Reconstructed SSTs show an increase from ca. 850 to 950 AD and from ca. 1100 to 1300 AD. A cooling phase of almost 1.5 �C is observed from ca. 1600 AD to 1700 AD. This seems to have been the starting point of a continuous SST warming trend until the end of the reconstructed period, interrupted by two prominent cooling events at 1832 ± 15 AD and 1995 ± 1 AD. Application of an adaptive Kernel smoothing suggests that the current warming in the reconstructed SSTs of the north Aegean might be unprecedented in the context of the past 1500 years. Internal variability in atmospheric/oceanic circulations systems as well as external forcing as solar radiation and volcanic activity could have affected temperature variations in the north Aegean Sea over the past 1500 years. The marked temperature drop of approximately ~2 �C at 1832 ± 15 yr AD could be related to the 1809 АD ‘unknown’ and the 1815 AD Tambora volcanic eruptions. Paleoenvironmental proxy-indices of the M2 record show enhanced riverine/continental inputs in the northern Aegean after ca. 1450 AD. The paleoclimatic evidence derived from the M2 record is combined with a socio-environmental study of the history of the north Aegean region. We show that the cultivation of temperature-sensitive crops, i.e. walnut, vine and olive, co-occurred with stable and warmer temperatures, while its end coincided with a significant episode of cooler temperatures. Periods of agricultural growth in Macedonia coincide with periods of warmer and more stable SSTs, but further exploration is required in order to identify the causal links behind the observed phenomena. The Black Death likely caused major changes in agricultural activity in the north Aegean region, as reflected in the pollen data from land sites of Macedonia and the M2 proxy-reconstructions. Finally, we conclude that the early modern peaks in mountain vegetation in the Rhodope and Macedonia highlands, visible also in the M2 record, were very likely climate-driven.
SPOAN is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder which was recently characterized by our group in a large inbred Brazilian family with 25 affected individuals. This condition is clinically defined by: 1. congenital optic atrophy; 2. progressive spastic paraplegia with onset in infancy; and 3. progressive motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. Overall, we are now aware of 68 SPOAN patients (45 females and 23 males, with age ranging from 5 to 72 years), 44 of which are presented here for the first time. They were all born in the same geographic micro region. Those 68 patients belong to 43 sibships, 40 of which exhibit parental consanguinity. Sixty-one patients were fully clinically evaluated and 64 were included in the genetic investigation. All molecularly studied patients are homozygotes for D11S1889 at 11q13. This enabled us to reduce the critical region for the SPOAN gene from 4.8 to 2.3 Mb, with a maximum two point lod score of 33.2 (with marker D11S987) and of 27.0 (with marker D11S1889). Three genes located in this newly defined critical region were sequenced, but no pathogenic mutation was detected. The gene responsible for SPOAN remains elusive.
Modeling of spatial dependence structure, concerning geoestatistics approach, is an indispensable tool for fixing parameters that define this structure, applied on interpolation of values in places that are not sampled, by kriging techniques. However, the estimation of parameters can be greatly affected by the presence of atypical observations on sampled data. Thus, this trial aimed at using diagnostics techniques of local influence in spatial linear Gaussians models, applied at geoestatistics in order to evaluate sensitivity of maximum likelihood estimators and restrict maximum likelihood to small perturbations in these data. So, studies with simulated and experimental data were performed. Those results, obtained from the study of real data, allowed us to conclude that the presence of atypical values among the sampled data can have a strong influence on thematic maps, changing, therefore, the spatial dependence. The application of diagnostics techniques of local influence should be part of any geoestatistic analysis, ensuring that the information from thematic maps has better quality and can be used with greater security by farmers.
Why even look at Politian, an unfinished failure? While it is true that Politian was a failure for its time and surely one of Poe's least successful attempts, it may improve on a stage with a more modern perspective. If not solely for examination of Poe's artistic effort, Politian also warrants a closer read due to its historical relevance by way of Beauchamp and Sharp. Poe, a most fastidious editor of his work, was ultimately required because of financial constraints to lay aside Politian in its unfinished state. As a result, the unedited Politian may provide insight into the writing process of Poe that other polished pieces cannot, and that, if nothing else, warrants a more precise study of his play.
O nome de Claude Elwood Shannon não é totalmente estranho aos pesquisadores de Comunicação Social. No entanto, parte de sua importância para a história da comunicação no século XX é pouco conhecida. Sua dissertação de mestrado e o artigo dela derivado (A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits) foram essenciais para que o computador se tornasse uma máquina de comunicação e, conseqüentemente, penetrasse em nossa sociedade na forma como ocorre hoje. Este artigo revisa o primeiro grande trabalho de Shannon e explicita sua participação no contexto atual da comunicação.
Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada com 462 alunos de graduação em administração, na região da grande São Paulo, sobre a percepção deles como consumidores, avaliando-se o comportamento inovador em relação à existência de recompensa para empresas que apresentam responsabilidade socioambiental. Partiu-se de um levantamento bibliográfico nas publicações da área e de um focus group com especialistas e gestores da área e em seguida se procedeu à elaboração de um do tipo Likert com 28 assertivas. Para a análise de dados foi empregado o método de modelagem de equações estruturais, buscando-se estabelecer uma avaliação causal entre dois constructos importância e reconhecimento por parte de consumidores das empresas socioambientalmente corretas. Foram mensurados também cinco itens sociodemográficos dos participantes. Como resultado obteve-se um valor do grau de aderência entre os dois constructos de 0,86, indicando haver tal relação causal forte. Assim, este estudo permitiu comprovar a existência de inovação no comportamento do consumidor, que passa a recompensar, na decisão de compra, empresas socioambientalmente responsáveis.
Entre 1942 e 1943, jornais dos Diários Associados proferiram um discurso considerado baluarte da retórica humanitária dos Aliados, em reportagens sobre o internamento de prisioneiros do Eixo em campos de concentração brasileiros, envolvendo realidades e representações acerca da idéia de humanitarismo de guerra. Pretendeu-se analisar o discurso dessa imprensa, quanto à possibilidade de construções de imagens políticas, veiculadas à época, desenhando na opinião pública um imaginário político acerca das formas de tratamento de “súditos do Eixo” em campos de concentrações brasileiros durante a II Guerra Mundial.
Este texto versa sobre a temática social no cinema brasileiro e tem como objeto dois filmes que, realizados com quase 50 anos de diferença, são ambientados em favelas do Rio de Janeiro e abordam os problemas sociais vividos pela população excluída nos grandes centros urbanos. Para compreender as semelhanças e diferenças entre as duas produções, procedeu-se ao estudo comparativo, realizado segundo a análise estrutural da narrativa, a partir do qual foi possível concluir que nessas obras existem semelhanças quanto ao eixo temático, à linearidade e ao realismo documental, mas também distinções em relação à maneira como apresentam a população favelada e quanto ao tom.
Artigo disponível na íntegra em http://www.scielo.br/pdf/interc/v34n2/a08v34n2
O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar dois grupos de crianças, vítimas e não vítimas de violência doméstica, no que se refere aos problemas enfrentados e relatados com os professores e os colegas, as estratégias de coping adotadas e a manifestação da agressividade no ambiente escolar. A amostra foi composta por 87 crianças de ambos os sexos, 49 vítimas de violência doméstica e 38 não vítimas, com idades entre sete e doze anos. As crianças vítimas de violência doméstica apontaram com maior freqüência as agressões verbais por parte da professora como problema e utilizam agressões físicas como estratégia de coping mais do que as outras crianças. As crianças não vítimas citam com maior freqüência a busca de apoio de outras pessoas como estratégia para lidar com seus problemas junto aos colegas. Os resultados da Escala de Percepção de Professores dos Comportamentos Agressivos de Crianças na Escola mostram que as crianças vítimas de violência são percebidas como mais agressivas que as outras e que os meninos são percebidos como mais agressivos que as meninas. Estes dados foram discutidos segundo a Abordagem Ecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano. Concluiu-se que o aprofundamento de estudos sobre a conceitualização das estratégias de coping, enfatizando, especialmente, os aspectos do contexto e das relações hierárquicas, e manifestação da agressividade em crianças vítimas de violência doméstica pode trazer maiores esclarecimentos e subsídios para programas de intervenção que promovam a resiliência e adaptação sadia dessas crianças na escola.