1000 resultados para 133-825B
We use benthic foraminifers to reconstruct the Neogene paleobathymetric history of the Marion Plateau, Queensland Plateau, Townsville Trough, and Queensland Trough on the northeastern Australian margin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 133). Western Queensland Plateau Site 811/825 (present depth, ~938 m) deepened from the neritic zone (0-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone (200-600 m) during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), with further deepening into the middle bathyal zone (600-1000 m) occurring during the late Miocene (~7 Ma). A depth transect across the southern Queensland Plateau shows that deepening from the outer neritic zone (100-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone began during the latest Miocene (~6 Ma) at the deepest location (Site 813, present depth, 539.1 m), whereas the shallower Sites 812 and 814 (present depths, 461.6 and 520.4 m, respectively) deepened during the late Pliocene (~2.7 and ~2.9 Ma). At Marion Plateau Site 815 (present depth, 465.5 m), water depth increased during the late Miocene (~6.7 Ma) from the outer neritic to the upper bathyal zone. Nearby Site 816 (present water depth, 437.3 m) contains Pliocene upper bathyal assemblages that directly overlie middle Miocene shallow neritic deposits; the timing of the deepening is uncertain because of a late Miocene hiatus. On the northern slope of the Townsville Trough (Site 817, present depth, 1015.8 m), benthic foraminifers and sponge spicules indicate deepening from the lower upper bathyal (400-600 m) to the middle bathyal zone in the late Miocene (by ~6.8 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunas at nearby Site 818 (present water depth, 752.1 m) do not show evidence of paleobathymetric change; however, a late Pliocene (~2-3 Ma) increase in downslope transport may have been related to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau. Site 822 (present depth, 955.2 m), at the base of the Great Barrier Reef slope, deepened from the upper bathyal to the middle bathyal zone during the late Pliocene (by ~2.3 Ma). Queensland Trough Site 823 (present depth, 1638.4 m) deepened from the middle bathyal to the lower bathyal (1000-2000 m) zone during the late Miocene (~6.5 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunal changes at these Leg 133 sites indicate that rapid deepening occurred during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), late Miocene (6-7 Ma), and late Pliocene (2-3 Ma) along the northeastern Australian margin.
The textural and compositional characteristics of the 400 m sequence of Pleistocene wackestones and packstones intersected at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 820 reflect deposition controlled by fluctuations in sea-level, and by variations in the rate of sediment supply. The development of an effective reefal barrier adjacent to Site 820, between 760 k.y. and 1.01 Ma, resulted in a marked reduction in sediment accumulation rates on the central Great Barrier Reef outermost shelf and upper slope. This marked change corresponds with the transition from sigmoidal prograding seismic geometry in the lower 254 m of the sequence, to aggradational geometry in the top 146 m. The reduction in the rate of sediment accumulation that followed development of the reefal barrier also caused a fundamental change in the way in which fluctuations in sea-level controlled sediment deposition. In the lower, progradational portion of the sequence, sea-level cyclicity is represented by superimposed coarsening-upward cycles. Although moderately calcareous throughout (mostly 35%-75% CaCO3), the depositional system acted in a similar manner to siliciclastic shelf depositional systems. Relative sea-level rises resulted in deposition of more condensed, less calcareous, fine, muddy wackestones at the base of each cycle. Sea-level highstands resulted in increased sedimentation rates and greater influx of coarse bioclastic material. Continued high rates of sedimentation of both coarse bioclastic material and mixed carbonate and terrigenous mud marked falling and low sea-levels. This lower part of the sequence therefore is dominated by coarse packstones, with only thin wackestone intervals representing transgressions. In contrast, sea-level fluctuations following formation of an effective reefal barrier produced a markedly different sedimentary record. The more slowly deposited aggradational sequence is characterized by discrete thin interbeds of relatively coarse packstone within a predominantly fine wackestone sequence. These thin packstone beds resulted from relatively low sedimentation rates during falling and low sea-levels, with much higher rates of muddy sediment accumulation during rising and high sea-levels. The transition from progradational to aggradational sequence geometry therefore corresponds to a transition from a "siliciclastic-type" to a "carbonate-type" depositional system.
The derivation of a detailed sea-surface paleotemperature curve for the middle Miocene-Holocene (10-0 Ma) from ODP Site 811 on the Queensland Plateau, northeast Australia, has clarified the role of sea-surface temperature fluctuations as a control on the initiation and development of the extensive carbonate platforms of this region. This curve was derived from isotopic analyses of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber, and converted to temperature using the surface-water paleotemperature equation accounting for variations in global ice volume. The accuracy of these data were confirmed by derivation of paleotemperatures using the water column isotopic gradient (Delta delta18O), corrected for salinity and variations in seafloor water mass temperature. Results indicate that during this period surface-water temperatures were, on average, greater than the minimum required for tropical reef growth (20°C; Veron, 1986), with the exception of the late Miocene and earliest early Pliocene (10-4.9 Ma), when there were repeated intervals of temperatures between 18-20°C. Tropical reef growth on the Queensland Plateau was extensive from the early to early middle Miocene (~21-13 Ma), after which reef development began to decline. A lowstand near 11 Ma probably exposed shallower portions of the plateau; after re-immersion near 7 Ma, the areal extent of reef development was greatly reduced (~ 50%). Paleotemperature data from Site 811 indicate that decreased sea-surface temperatures were likely to have been instrumental in reducing the area of active reef growth on the Queensland Plateau. Reduced reefal growth rates continued until the late Pliocene or Quaternary, despite the increase of average sea-surface paleotemperatures to 22-23°C. Studies on modern corals show that when sea-surface temperatures are below ~24°C, as they were from the late Miocene to the Pleistocene off northeast Australia, corals are stressed and growth rates are greatly reduced. Consequently, when temperatures are in this range, corals have difficulty keeping pace with subsidence and changing environmental factors. In the late Pliocene, sedimentation rates increased due to increases in non-reefal carbonate production and falling sea levels. It was not until the mid-Quaternary (0.6-0.7 Ma) that sea-surface paleotemperatures increased above 24°C as a result of the formation of a western Coral Sea warm water pool. Because of age discrepancies, it is unclear exactly when an effective barrier developed on the central Great Barrier Reef; the formation of the warm water pool was likely to have either assisted the formation of this barrier and/or permitted increased coral growth rates. Fluctuations in sea-surface temperature can account for much of the observed spatial and temporal variations of reef growth and carbonate platform distribution off northeast Australia, and therefore we conclude that paleotemperature variations are a critical control on the development of carbonate platforms, and must be considered an important cause of ancient platform "drowning".