979 resultados para - irradiated worms
The pathology induced in turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) by two capillariid nematodes, Baruscapillaria obsignata and Eucoleus annulatus is described together with data on prevalences, mean infection and range of worm burdens. B. obsignata occurred with a prevalence of 72.5% in the 40 examined hosts in a range of 2-461 nematodes and a mean intensity of 68.6, whereas E. annulatus was present in 2.5% of the animals, with a total amount of five recovered parasites. Gross lesions were not observed in the parasitized birds. Lesions due to B. obsignata mainly consisted of the thickening of intestinal villi with a mild mixed inflammatory infiltrate with the presence of mononuclear cells and heterophils. The lesions induced by E. annulatus were represented by foci of inflammatory infiltrate with heterophils in the crop epithelium and esophagus of a single infected female. These are the first pathological findings related to the presence of capillariid worms in turkeys to be reported in Brazil so far. Capillaria anatis, although present, was not pathogenic to the investigated turkeys.
The activity of lovastatin associated with oxamniquine or praziquantel against schistosomiasis mansoni was evaluated in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Forty days after infection, mice were treated with lovastatin, 400 mg/kg for five consecutive days by oral route, and on the last day of this sequence with 50 mg/kg oxamniquine or with 200 mg/kg praziquantel, both by oral route, single dose. Fifteen days later, the animals were perfused in parallel with an untreated control group. Studies were carried out in vitro, using lovastatin in culture medium containing S. mansoni worms proceeding from experimentally infected mice. In the in vivo trials, the association of lovastatin with oxamniquine or praziquantel did not show any additive action, but there were oogram changes when lovastatin was associated with oxamniquine. In vitro lovastatin was able to interrupt the maturation of S. mansoni eggs, which remained at the 1st or 2nd stages, depending on the dose used. The total number of morphologically dead eggs found in culture of worms exposed to 2 µg/ml or 4 µg/ml concentrations of lovastatin was significantly higher than the number of viable eggs. Using the probe Hoescht 33258 it was observed that 70% of the eggs considered morphologically viable in the treated groups (against 16% in the control group) were labeled, indicating that the majority of the viable eggs had membrane permeability increased due to lovastatin action.
The antischistosomal activity of clonazepam, when administered alone or in association with oxamniquine and praziquantel, was experimentally evaluated in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. The animals were treated 45 days post-infection with a single dose, by oral route, according to three treatment schedules: clonazepam 25 mg/kg and sacrificed 15 min, 1h or 4 h after treatment; clonazepam 1.0, 2.5 or 10.0 mg/kg and sacrificed 15 days post-treatment or with the dose of 10 mg/kg in association with oxamniquine 50 mg/kg or praziquantel 200 mg/kg, single dose, orally, every schedule with a control group. The efficacy of the drugs in vivo was assessed by means of worm counts and their distribution in mesentery and liver, mortality and oogram changes. In the chemotherapeutic schedules used, clonazepam did not present antischistosomal activity and the result of the association of this drug with oxamniquine or praziquantel was not significantly different from the one obtained when these two last drugs were administered alone. In the in vitro experiments, the worms exposed to 0.6 mg/mL clonazepam remained motionless throughout the 8-day-period of observation, without egg-laying, whereas the worms of the control group showed normal movements, egg-laying and hatching of miracidia on the last day of observation. The results obtained in the present study confirm the action of clonazepam on S. mansoni adult worm, in vitro, causing total paralysis of males and females. However, no additive or synergistic effects were observed when clonazepam were used in association with oxamniquine or praziquantel.
En los transplantes de progenitores hematopoyéticos, la sangre de cordón umbilical es una fuente establecida de células madre hematopoyéticas que presenta como mayor ventaja una menor incidencia de enfermedades de injerto contra el huésped. Sin embargo, el bajo número de células madre obtenidas de una sola unidad limita su utilización a un número reducido de pacientes. Las células madre hematopoyéticas se definen por su capacidad de automantenimiento y reconstitución de todo el sistema hematopoyético de un huésped trasplantado. En ratón, la combinación de los marcadores de superficie Lin- LSK junto con los marcadores de la familia SLAM, ha permitido establecer una jerarquía en las poblaciones de células madre y progenitores hematopoyéticos. Sin embargo, la población de células madre hematopoyéticas humanas CD34+CD38- es heterogénea y las subpoblaciones de progenitores y células madre no están bien establecidas. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es determinar si los marcadores de la familia SLAM podrían redefinir la población de células madre hematopoyéticas humanas CD34+CD38- de forma similar a lo sucedido en ratón. En este trabajo se describe una nueva población de progenitores hematopoyéticos en sangre de cordón umbilical caracterizada por el fenotipo CD34+CD38-CD150+CD135-. Lon ensayos realizados tanto in vitro como in vivo han demostrado que esta población esta formada por células con capacidad de autorrenovación, de diferenciación a todos los linajes hematopoyéticos, y de reconstitución a corto y largo plazo de un modelo murino inmunodeficiente irradiado. Por otro lado, con la finalidad de obtener un número suficiente de progenitores hematopoyéticos para ser trasplantados, se han estudiado diferentes sistemas de expansión in vitro. Se ha observado que el ácido valproico (un inhibidor de las histona deacetilasas) y la activación de la vía de Notch, promueven el mantenimiento y expansión de los progenitores hematopoyéticos reduciendo los procesos de diferenciación.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of diphenyl dimethyl bicarboxylate (DDB) and dexamethasone alone and in combination with praziquantel on various parasitological, immunological and pathological parameters reflecting disease severity and morbidity in murine schistosomiasis. DDB and dexamethasone had no effect on worm burden but altered tissue egg distribution. This indicates that, under the schedule used, neither drug interfered with the development of adult worms or oviposition, but both can modulate liver pathology. Dexamethasone resulted in a greater reduction in granuloma size than did DDB. Dexamethasone-treated mice also showed lower levels of serum gamma interferon (IFN-γ), interleukin-12 (IL-12) and IL-4, together with higher IL-10 levels, than infected untreated control animals. These data suggest that dexamethasone is a convenient and promising coadjuvant agent that results in decreased morbidity in murine schistosomiasis.
The rat lungworm Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a worldwide-distributed zoonotic nematode that can cause human eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. Here, for the first time, we report the isolation of A. cantonensis from Achatina fulica from two Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro (specifically the municipalities of Barra do Piraí, situated at the Paraiba River Valley region and São Gonçalo, situated at the edge of Guanabara Bay) and Santa Catarina (in municipality of Joinville). The lungworms were identified by comparing morphological and morphometrical data obtained from adult worms to values obtained from experimental infections of A. cantonensis from Pernambuco, Brazil, and Akita, Japan. Only a few minor morphological differences that were determined to represent intra-specific variation were observed. This report of A. cantonensis in South and Southeast Brazil, together with the recent report of the zoonosis and parasite-infected molluscs in Northeast Brazil, provide evidence of the wide distribution of A. cantonensis in the country. The need for efforts to better understand the role of A. fulica in the transmission of meningoencephalitis in Brazil and the surveillance of molluscs and rodents, particularly in ports, is emphasized.
Culex is the largest genus of Culicini and includes vectors of several arboviruses and filarial worms. Many species of Culex are morphologically similar, which makes their identification difficult, particularly when using female specimens. To aid evolutionary studies and species distinction, molecular techniques are often used. Sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from 16 species of the genus Culex and one of Lutzia were used to assess their genomic variability and to verify their applicability in the phylogenetic analysis of the group. The distance matrix (uncorrected p-distance) that was obtained revealed intragenomic and intraspecific variation. Because of the intragenomic variability, we selected ITS2 copies for use in distance analyses based on their secondary structures. Neighbour-joining topology was obtained with an uncorrected p-distance. Despite the heterogeneity observed, individuals of the same species were grouped together and correlated with the current, morphology-based classification, thereby showing that ITS2 is an appropriate marker to be used in the taxonomy of Culex.
To elucidate the mechanisms of antischistosoma resistance, drug-resistant Schistosoma mansoni laboratory isolates are essential. We developed a new method for inducing resistance to praziquantel (PZQ) using successive drug treatments of Biomphalaria glabrata snails infected with S. mansoni. Infected B. glabrata were treated three times with 100 mg/kg PZQ for five consecutive days with a one-week interval between them. After the treatment, the cercariae (LE-PZQ) produced from these snails and the LE strains (susceptible) were used to infect mice. Forty-five days after infection, mice were treated with 200, 400 or 800 mg/kg PZQ. Thirty days post-treatment, we observed that the mean number of worms recovered by perfusion was significantly higher in the group of mice infected with the LE-PZQ isolate treated with 200 and 400 mg/kg in comparison to the LE strain with the same treatment. Moreover, there was a significant difference between the ED50 (effective dose required to kill 50% of the worms) of the LE-PZQ isolate (362 mg/kg) and the LE strain (68 mg/kg). In the in vitro assays, the worms of the LE-PZQ isolate were also less susceptible to PZQ. Thus, the use of infected snails as an experimental model for development of resistance to S. mansoni is effective, fast, simple and cheap.
In this study, we investigated the expression and activity of liver cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and praziquantel (PZQ) kinetics in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Swiss Webster (SW) mice of both genders were infected (100 cercariae) on postnatal day 10 and killed on post-infection days (PIDs) 30 or 55. Non-infected mice of the same age and sex served as controls. Regardless of mouse sex, infection depressed the activities of CYP1A [ethoxy/methoxy-resorufin-O-dealkylases (EROD/MROD)], 2B9/10 [pentoxy/benzyloxy-resorufin-O-dealkylases (PROD, BROD)], 2E1 [p-nitrophenol-hydroxylase (PNPH)] and 3A11 [erythromycin N-demethylase (END)] on PID 55 but not on PID 30. On PID 55, infection decreased liver CYP mRNA levels (real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction). On PID 30, whereas mRNA levels remained unaltered in males, they were depressed in females. Plasma PZQ (200 and 400 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally) levels were measured (high-performance liquid chromatography) at different post-treatment intervals. In males and females, infection delayed the PZQ clearance on PID 55, but not on PID 30. Therefore, it can be concluded that schistosomiasis down-modulated CYP expression and activity and delayed PZQ clearance on PID 55, when a great number of parasite eggs were lodged in the liver. On PID 30, when egg-laying was initiated by the worms, no change of CYP expression and activity was found, except for a depression of CYP1A2 and 3A11 mRNAs in female mice.
Members of the leucine-rich repeat protein family are involved in diverse functions including protein phosphatase 2-inhibition, cell cycle regulation, gene regulation and signalling pathways. A novel Schistosoma mansoni gene, called SmLANP, presenting homology to various genes coding for proteins that belong to the super family of leucine-rich repeat proteins, was characterized here. SmLANP was 1184bp in length as determined from cDNA and genomic sequences and encoded a 296 amino acid open reading frame that spanning from 6 to 894bp. The predicted amino acid sequence had a calculated molecular weight of 32kDa. Analysis of the predicted sequence indicated the presence of 3 leucine-rich domains (LRR) located in the N-terminal region and an aspartic acid rich region in the C-terminal end. SmLANP transcript is expressed in all stages of the S. mansoni life cycle analyzed, exhibiting the highest expression level in males. The SmLANP protein was expressed in a GST expression system and antibodies raised in mice against the recombinant protein. By immunolocalization assay, using adult worms, it was shown that the protein is mainly present in the cell nucleus through the whole body and strongly expressed along the tegument cell body nuclei of adult worms. As members of this family are usually involved in protein-protein interaction, a yeast two hybrid assay was conducted to identify putative binding partners for SmLANP. Thirty-six possible partners were identified, and a protein ATP synthase subunit alpha was confirmed by pull down assays, as a binding partner of the SmLANP protein.
Praziquantel (PZQ) is currently the only drug widely used for the treatment of schistosomiasis, but the antimalarial drug mefloquine (Mef) possesses interesting antischistosomal properties. Combination therapy with these two drugs has been suggested as a strategy for transmission control, as PZQ is active against adult worms and Mef is active against schistosomula. To examine the efficacy of combination therapy, Schistosoma mansoni-reinfected mice were separated into seven groups: untreated (I), treated with PZQ in doses of 200 mg/kg (II) or 1,000 mg/kg (III), treated with Mef in doses of 200 mg/kg (IV) or 400 mg/kg (V); each dose was divided equally and given on two consecutive days. Group VI was treated with doses of PZQ + Mef as in groups II and IV, respectively, while group VII was treated with PZQ + Mef as in groups III and V, respectively. PZQ + Mef at the reduced doses of 200 mg/kg each enhanced the therapeutic efficacy over the reduced PZQ dose alone as shown by a very high reduction in the total numbers of mature worms (95% vs. 49%), immature worms (96% vs. 29%) and the complete eradication of immature females, mature females and immature eggs. The reduction in worm burden was associated with the healing of hepatic granulomatous lesions and the normalisation of all liver enzymes. Therefore, the use of Mef with PZQ is more effective than PZQ alone and should be considered for clinical trials in humans as a potential treatment regimen to prevent treatment failures in areas with high rates of schistosomiasis.
PURPOSE: When treating peripheral ectatic disease-like pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), corneal cross-linking with UV-A and riboflavin (CXL) must be applied eccentrically to the periphery of the lower cornea, partly irradiating the corneal limbus. Here, we investigated the effect of standard and double-standard fluence corneal cross-linking with riboflavin and UV-A (CXL) on cornea and corneal limbus in the rabbit eye in vivo. METHODS: Epithelium-off CXL was performed in male New Zealand White rabbits with two irradiation diameters (7 mm central cornea, 13 mm cornea and limbus), using standard fluence (5.4 J/cm(2)) and double-standard fluence (10.8 J/cm(2)) settings. Controls were subjected to epithelial removal and riboflavin instillation, but were not irradiated with UV-A. Following CXL, animals were examined daily until complete closure of the epithelium, and at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Animals were killed and a corneoscleral button was excised and processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: For both irradiation diameters and fluences tested, no signs of endothelial damage or limbal vessel thrombosis were observed, and time to re-epithelialization was similar to untreated controls. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed no differences in the p63 putative stem cell marker expression pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Even when using fluence twice as high as the one used in current clinical CXL settings, circumferential UV-A irradiation of the corneal limbus does not alter the regenerative capacity of the limbal epithelial cells, and the expression pattern of the putative stem cell marker p63 remains unchanged. This suggests that eccentric CXL may be performed safely in PMD.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a nematode that causes abdominal angiostrongyliasis, a widespread human parasitism in Latin America. This study aimed to characterize the protease profiles of different developmental stages of this helminth. First-stage larvae (L1) were obtained from the faeces of infected Sigmodon hispidus rodents and third-stage larvae (L3) were collected from mollusks Biomphalaria glabrata previously infected with L1. Adult worms were recovered from rodent mesenteric arteries. Protein extraction was performed after repeated freeze-thaw cycles followed by maceration of the nematodes in 40 mM Tris base. Proteolysis of gelatin was observed by zymography and found only in the larval stages. In L3, the gelatinolytic activity was effectively inhibited by orthophenanthroline, indicating the involvement of metalloproteases. The mechanistic class of the gelatinases from L1 could not be precisely determined using traditional class-specific inhibitors. Adult worm extracts were able to hydrolyze haemoglobin in solution, although no activity was observed by zymography. This haemoglobinolytic activity was ascribed to aspartic proteases following its effective inhibition by pepstatin, which also inhibited the haemoglobinolytic activity of L1 and L3 extracts. The characterization of protease expression throughout the A. costaricensis life cycle may reveal key factors influencing the process of parasitic infection and thus foster our understanding of the disease pathogenesis.
BACKGROUND In cervical postoperative radiotherapy, the target volume is usually the same as the extension of the previous dissection. We evaluated a protocol of selective irradiation according to the risk estimated for each dissected lymph node level. METHODS Eighty patients with oral/oropharyngeal cancer were included in this prospective clinical study between 2005 and 2008. Patients underwent surgery of the primary tumor and cervical dissection, with identification of positive nodal levels, followed by selective postoperative radiotherapy. Three types of selective nodal clinical target volume (CTV) were defined: CTV0, CTV1, and CTV2, with a subclinical disease risk of <10%, 10-25%, and 25% and a prescribed radiation dose of <35 Gy, 50 Gy, and 66-70 Gy, respectively. The localization of node failure was categorized as field, marginal, or outside the irradiated field. RESULTS A consistent pattern of cervical infiltration was observed in 97% of positive dissections. Lymph node failure occurred within a high-risk irradiated area (CTV1-CTV2) in 12 patients, marginal area (CTV1/CTVO) in 1 patient, and non-irradiated low-risk area (CTV0) in 2 patients. The volume of selective lymph node irradiation was below the standard radiation volume in 33 patients (mean of 118.6 cc per patient). This decrease in irradiated volume was associated with greater treatment compliance and reduced secondary toxicity. The three-year actuarial nodal control rate was 80%. CONCLUSION This selective postoperative neck irradiation protocol was associated with a similar failure pattern to that observed after standard neck irradiation and achieved a significant reduction in target volume and secondary toxicity.
Résumé Objectifs : La thérapie photodynamique a pour but la destruction sélective du tissu néoplasique par interaction de lumière, d'oxygène et d'une substance photosensibilisatrice (la Protoporphyrine IX dans notre étude). Malgré une accumulation sélective du photosensibilisateur dans le tissu tumoral, la thérapie photodynamique du carcinome urothélial de la vessie peut endommager les cellules normales de l'épithélium urinaire. La prévention de ces lésions est importante pour la régénération de la muqueuse. Notre étude sur un modèle in vitro d'urothélium porcin étudie l'influence de la concentration du photosensibilisateur, des paramètres d'irradiation et de la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS) sur les effets photodynamique. Le but était de déterminer les conditions seuil pour épargner l'urothélium sain. Méthode: Dans une chambre de culture transparente à deux compartiments, des muqueuses vésicales de porc maintenues en vie ont été incubées avec une solution d'hexyl-aminolévulinate (HAL), le précurseur de la Protoporphyrine IX. Ces muqueuses ont ensuite été irradiées avec des doses lumineuses croissantes en lumière bleue et en lumière blanche, et les altérations cellulaires ont été évaluées par microscopie électronique à balayage et par un colorant fluorescent, le Sytox green. Nous avons également évalué la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène parla mesure de la fluorescence intracellulaire de Rhodamine 123 (R123), produit de l'oxydation de la Dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR123) non fluorescente. Ces valeurs ont été corrélées avec celles du photo blanchiment de la PAIX. Résultats : Le taux de mortalité cellulaire était dépendant de la concentration de PAIX. Après 3 heures d'incubation, la valeur seuil de dose lumineuse pour la lumière bleu était de 0.15 et 0.75 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 et 75 mW/cm2, respectivement) et pour la lumière blanche de 0.55 J/cm2 (irradiante 30 mW/cm2). Le taux de photo blanchiment était inversement proportionnel à l'irradiante. Le système de détection des intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène DHR123/R123 a démontré une bonne corrélation avec les valeurs seuil pour toutes les conditions d'irradiation utilisées. Conclusions : Nous avons déterminé les doses lumineuses permettant d'épargner 50% des cellules urothéliales saines. L'utilisation d'une faible irradiante associée à des systèmes permettant de mesurer la production d'intermédiaires réactifs de l'oxygène dans les tissus irradiés pourrait améliorer la dosimétrie in vivo et l'efficacité de la thérapie photodynamique. Abstract Background and Objectives: Photodynamic therapy of superficial bladder cancer may cause damages to the normal surrounding bladder wall. Prevention of these is important for bladder healing. We studied the influence of photosensitizes concentration, irradiation parameters and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the photodynamically induced damage in the porcine urothelium in vitro. The aim was to determine the threshold conditions for the cell survival. Methods: Living porcine bladder mucosae were incubated with solution of hexylester of 5-aminolevulinic acid (HAL). The mucosae were irradiated with increasing doses and cell alterations were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and by Sytox green fluorescence. The urothelial survival score was correlated with Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) photobleaching and intracellular fluorescence of Rhodamine 123 reflecting the ROS production. Results: The mortality ratio was dependent on PpIX concentration. After 3 hours of incubation, the threshold radiant exposures for blue light were 0.15 and 0.75 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 and 75 mW/cm2, respectively) and for white light 0.55 J/cm2 (irradiance 30 mW/cm2). Photobleaching rate increased with decreasing irradiance. Interestingly, the DHR123/R123 reporter system correlated well with the threshold exposures under all conditions used. Conclusions: we have determined radiant exposures sparing half of normal urothelial cells. We propose that the use of low irradiance combined with systems reporting the ROS production in the irradiated tissue could improve the in vivo dosimetry and optimize the PDT.