996 resultados para amphibole olivine


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Strontium isotopes are useful tracers of fluid-rock interaction in marine hydrothermal systems and provide a potential way to quantify the amount of seawater that passes through these systems. We have determined the whole-rock Sr-isotopic compositions of a section of upper oceanic crust that formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise, now exposed at Hess Deep. This dataset provides the first detailed comparison for the much-studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill core from Site 504B. Whole-rock and mineral Sr concentrations indicate that Sr-exchange between hydrothermal fluids and the oceanic crust is complex, being dependent on the mineralogical reactions occurring; in particular, epidote formation takes up Sr from the fluid increasing the 87Sr/86Sr of the bulk-rock. Calculating the fluid-flux required to shift the Sr-isotopic composition of the Hess Deep sheeted-dike complex, using the approach of Bickle and Teagle (1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90221-G) gives a fluid-flux similar to that determined for ODP Hole 504B. This suggests that the level of isotopic exchange observed in these two regions is probably typical for modern oceanic crust. Unfortunately, uncertainties in the modeling approach do not allow us to determine a fluid-flux that is directly comparable to fluxes calculated by other methods.


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Aufbau und Ausdehnung der Schwermineral-Anreicherungen (Ilmenit, Granat, Amphibol) am Strand südlich Skagens wurden in langen Schürfgräben untersucht. Die Seifenlagen ziehen durchgehend vom Kliff-Fuß bis zur mittleren MeereshÃhe hin und liegen meist diskordant auf der alten Strandschichtung. Ihre strandparallele Ausdehnung beträgt bis zu 100 m. Aufgebaut werden sie aus dünnen Schwermineral-Lamellen, die in kleinerem Umfang überall in den Strandablagerungen zu finden sind und hier das Gefüge nachzeichnen (Rippeln, Strandwallschichtung, SchichtstÃrungen). Die Seifenbildung geht in einem Gebiet mit verstärktem Küstenabtrag vor sich (Lee-Erosion südlich der Hafenmolen von Skagen). Dieses deutet darauf hin, daß die Schwerminerale bei Aufarbeitung bereits vorhandener Sedimente infolge ihres unterschiedlichen hydraulischen Verhaltens Zurückbleiben und schließlich angereichert werden. Die KorngrÃßenverteilung der Minerale in verschiedenen Sedimentproben zeigen, daß mit steigender Schwermineral-Anreicherung eine Kornverfeinerung und Zunahme der spezifisch schwersten Minerale (opake Erzminerale und Zirkon) auftritt. In ähnlicher Weise werden die Sortierungswerte besser. Die Aufbereitung des Sedimentes wird, in Anlehnung an v. ENGELHARDT (1939), mit einem doppelten Sortierungsvorgang durch die Wasserbewegung am Strand erklärt. Beim Absinken des Sandes nach dem Brecherschwall tritt eine Vorsortierung ein, die den Abtransport der leichteren und grÃßeren Minerale im Sog begünstigt. Verbindungen zu Vorstellungen der Aufbereitungstechnik (Rundherdverfahren) und Hydrodynamik ('laminare Unterschicht') werden hergestellt. Die Dünensande Skagens sind infolge ihres hohen Schwermineralgehaltes und günstiger ÃquivalentgrÃßen der einzelnen Minerale besonders bedeutsam für die Seifenbildung am Strand.


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Pebble-sized basaltic and glassy clasts were extracted from seamount-derived volcaniclastic debris flows and analyzed for various trace elements, including the rare earths, to determine their genetic relationships and provenance. All the clasts were originally derived from relatively shallow submarine lava flows prior to sedimentary reworking, and have undergone minor low-grade alteration. They are classified into three petrographic groups (A, B, and C) characterized by different phenocryst assemblages and variable abundances and ratios of incompatible elements. Group A (clast from Hole 585) is a hyaloclastite fragment which is olivine-normative and distinct from the other clasts, with incompatibleelement ratios characteristic of transitional or alkali basalts. Groups B and C (clasts from Hole 585A) are quartz-normative, variably plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine phyric tholeiites, all with essentially similar ratios of highly incompatible elements and patterns of enrichment in light rare earth elements (chrondrite-normalized). Variation within Groups B and C was governed by low-pressure fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases, whereas the most primitive compositions of each group may be related by variable partial melting of a common source. The clasts have intraplate chemical characteristics, although relative to oceanic hot-spot-related volcanics (e.g., Hawaiian tholeiites) they are marginally depleted in most incompatible elements. The source region was enriched in all incompatible elements, compared with a depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt source.


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Melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from rocks (magnesian basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, ignimbrite, and dacite) of various age from the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka, were studied by means of their homogenization and by analyzing the glasses in 100 melt inclusions on an electron microprobe and 24 inclusions on an ion probe. The SiO2 concentrations of the melts vary within a broad range of 45-74 wt%, as also are the concentrations of other major components. According to their SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations, the melts are classified into seven groups. The mafic melts (45-53 wt% SiO2) comprise the following varieties: potassic (on average 4.2 wt% K2O, 1.7 wt% Na2O, 1.0 wt% TiO2, and 0.20 wt% P2O5), sodic (3.2% Na2O, 1.1% K2O, 1.1% TiO2, and 0.40% P2O5), and titaniferous with high P2O5 concentrations (2.2% TiO2, 1.1% P2O5, 3.8% Na2O, and 3.0% K2O). The melts of intermediate composition (53-64% SiO2) also include potassic (5.6% K2O, 3.4% Na2O, 1.0% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) and sodic (4.3% Na2O, 2.8% K2O, 1.3% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) varieties. The acid melts (64-74% SiO2) are either potassic (4.5% K2O, 3.6% Na2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.15% P2O5) or sodic (4.5% Na2O, 3.1% K2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.13% P2O5). A distinctive feature of the Gorely volcanic center is the pervasive occurrence of K-rich compositions throughout the whole compositional range (silicity) of the melts. Melt inclusions of various types were sometimes found not only in a single sample but also in the same phenocrysts. The sodic and potassic types of the melts contain different Cl and F concentrations: the sodic melts are richer in Cl, whereas the potassic melts are enriched in F. We are the first to discover potassic melts with very high F concentrations (up to 2.7 wt%, 1.19 wt% on average, 17 analyses) in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The average F concentration in the sodic melts is 0.16 wt% (37 analyses). The melts are distinguished for their richness in various groups of trace elements: LILE, REE (particularly HREE), and HFSE (except Nb). All of the melts share certain geochemical features. The concentrations of elements systematically increase from the mafic to acid melts (except only for the Sr and Eu concentrations, because of active plagioclase fractionation, and Ti, an element contained in ore minerals). The paper presents a review of literature data on volcanic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka area in which melt inclusions with high K2O concentrations (K2O/Na2O > 1) were found. K-rich melts are proved to be extremely widespread in the area and were found on such volcanoes as Avachinskii, Bezymyannyi, Bol'shoi Semyachek, Dikii Greben', Karymskii, Kekuknaiskii, Kudryavyi, and Shiveluch and in the Valaginskii and Tumrok Ranges.


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During ODP Leg 107, the basement of the Tyrrhenian Sea was drilled at Site 650, located in the Marsili basin, and at Sites 651 and 655, both located in the Vavilov basin. In addition, a lava flow was drilled at Site 654 on the Sardinia rifted margin. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth element (REE) and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, were determined in samples of these rocks. Site 654 lava was sampled within uppermost Pliocene postrift sediments. This lava is a basaltic andesite of intraplate affinity, and is analogous to some Plio-Pleistocene tholeiitic lavas from Sardinia. Site 650 basalts, drilled beneath 1.7-1.9-Ma-old basal sediment, are strongly altered and vesicular suggesting a rapid subsidence of the Marsili basin. Based on incompatible trace elements, these basalts show calc-alkaline affinity like some products of the Marsili Seamount and the Eolian arc. The basement of the two sites drilled within Vavilov basin shows contrasting petrologies. Site 655, located along the Gortani ridge in the western part of the basin, drilled a 116-m-thick sequence of basalt flows beneath 3.4-3.6-Ma-old basal sediments. These basalts are chemically relatively homogeneous and show affinity to transitional MORB. Four units consisting of slightly differentiated basaltic lavas, have been identified. Site 655 basalts are geochemically similar to the high Ti lavas from DSDP Leg 42, Site 373 (Vavilov Basin). The basement at Site 651, overlain by 40 m of metalliferous dolostone covered by fossiliferous sediments with an age of 2 Ma, consists of two basalt units separated by a dolerite-albitite intrusive body; serpentinized harzburgites were drilled for 30 m at the base of the hole. The two basalt units of Site 651 are distinct petrochemically, though both show incompatible elements affinity with high-K calc-alkaline/calc-alkaline magmas from Eolian arc. The cpx chemistry and high K/Na ratio of the lower unit lavas suggest a weak alkaline tendency of potassic lineage. Leg 107 basement rock data, together with data from DSDP Site 373 and from dredged samples, indicate that the deepest basins of the central Tyrrhenian Sea are underlain by a complex back-arc basin crust produced by magmas with incompatible element affinities to transitional MORB (Site 655 and DSDP Site 373), and to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline converging plate margin basalts (Sites 650 and 651). This petrogenetic complexity is in accordance with the back-arc setting of the Vavilov and Marsili basins. Other back-arc basin basalts, particularly those from ensialic basins such as the Bransfield Strait (Antarctica), show a comparable petrogenetic complexity (cf., Sounders and Tarney, 1984).


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We examine variations in the ice-rafted sources for sediments in the Iceland/East Greenland offshore marine archives by utilizing a sediment unmixing model and link the results to a coupled iceberg-ocean model. Surface samples from around Iceland and along the E/NE Greenland shelf are used to define potential sediment sources, and these are examined within the context of the down-core variations in mineralogy in the <2 mm sediment fraction from a transect of cores across Denmark Strait. A sediment unmixing model is used to estimate the fraction of sediment <2 mm off NW and N Iceland exported across Denmark Strait; this averaged between 10 and 20%. Both the sediment unmixing model and the coupled iceberg-ocean model are consistent in finding that the fraction of "far-travelled" sediments in the Denmark Strait environs is overwhelmingly of local, mid-East Greenland, provenance, and therefore with a significant cross-channel component to their travel. The Holocene record of ice-rafted sediments denotes a three-part division of the Holocene in terms of iceberg sediment transport with a notable increase in the process starting ca 4000 cal yr BP. This latter increase may represent the re-advance during the Neoglacial period of land-terminating glaciers on the Geikie Plateau to become marine-terminating. The contrast in spectral signals between these cores and the 1500-yr cycle at VM28-14, just south of the Denmark Strait, combined with the coupled iceberg-model results, leads us to speculate that the signal at VM28-14 reflects pulses in overflow waters, rather than an ice-rafted signal.


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The Izu-Bonin forearc basement volcanic rocks recovered from Holes 792E and 793B show the same phenocrystic assemblage (i.e., plagioclase, two pyroxenes, and Fe-Ti oxides ±olivine), but they differ in the crystallization sequence and their phenocryst chemistry. All the igneous rocks have suffered low-grade hydrothermal alteration caused by interaction with seawater. As a result, only clinopyroxenes, plagioclases, and oxides have preserved their primary igneous compositions. The Neogene olivine-clinopyroxene diabasic intrusion (Unit II) recovered from Hole 793B differs from the basement basaltic andesites because it lacks Cr-spinels and contains abundant titanomagnetites (Usp38.5-46.4) and uncommon FeO-rich (FeO = 29%) spinels. It displays petrological and geochemical similarities to the Izu Arc volcanoes and, thus, can be considered as related to Izu-Bonin Arc magmatic activity. The titanomagnetites (Usp28.5-33) in the calc-alkaline andesitic fragments of the Oligocene volcaniclastic breccia in Hole 793B (Unit VI) represent an early crystallization phase. The Plagioclase phenocrysts enclosed in these rocks show oscillatory zoning and are less Ca-rich (An78.6-67.8) than the plagioclase phenocrysts of the diabase sill and the basement basaltic andesites. Their clinopyroxenes are Fe-rich augites (Fs ? 19.4; FeO = 12%) and thus, differ significantly from the clinopyroxenes of the Hole 793B arc-tholeiitic igneous rocks. The 30-32 Ma porphyritic, two-pyroxene andesites recovered from Hole 792E are very similar to the andesitic clasts of the Neogene breccia recovered in Hole 793B (Unit VI). Both rocks have the same crystallization sequence, and similar chemistry of the Fe-Ti oxides, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases: that is, Ti-rich (Usp25.5-30.4) magnetites, Fe-rich augites, and intensely oscillatory zoned plagioclases with bytownitic cores (An86-63) and labradorite rims (An73-68). They display a calc-alkaline differentiation trend (Taylor et al., this volume). So, the basement highly porphyritic andesites recovered at Hole 792E, and the Hole 793B andesitic clasts of Unit VI show the same petrological and geochemical characteristics, which are that of calc-alkaline suites. These Oligocene volcanic rocks represent likely the remnants of the Izu-Bonin normal arc magmatic activity, before the forearc rifting and extension. The crystallization sequence in the basaltic andesites recovered from Hole 793B is olivine-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-Fe-Ti oxides, indicating a tholeiitic differentiation trend for these volcanic rocks. Type i is an olivine-and Cr-spinel bearing basaltic andesite whereas Type ii is a porphyritic pyroxene-rich basaltic andesite. The porphyritic plagioclase-rich basaltic andesite (Type iii) is similar, in most respects, to Type ii lavas but contains plagioclase phenocrysts. The last, and least common lava is an aphyric to sparsely phyric andesite (Type iv). Cr-spinels, included either in the olivine pseudomorphs of Type i lavas or in the groundmass of Type ii lavas, are Cr-rich and Mg-rich. In contrast, Cr-spinels included in clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes (Types i and ii lavas) show lower Cr* and Mg* ratios and higher aluminium contents. Orthopyroxenes from all rock types are Mg-rich enstatites. Clinopyroxenes display endiopsidic to augitic compositions and are TiO2 and Al2O3 depleted. All the crystals exhibit strong zoning patterns, usually normal, although, reverse zoning patterns are not uncommon. The plagioclases show compositions within the range of An90-64. The Fe-Ti oxides of the groundmass are TiO2-poor (Usp16-17). The Hole 793B basaltic andesites show, like the Site 458 bronzites from the Mariana forearc, intermediate features between arc tholeiites and boninites: (1) Cr-spinel in olivine, (2) presence of Mg-rich bronzite, Ca-Mg-rich clinopyroxenes, and Ca-plagioclase phenocrysts, and (3) transitional trace element depletion and epsioln-Nd ratios between arc tholeiites and boninites. Thus, the forearc magmatism of the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arcs, linked to rifting and extension, is represented by a depleted tholeiitic suite that displays boninitic affinities.


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Peridotite samples recovered from IODP Site U1309 at the Atlantis Massif in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were examined to understand magmatic processes for the oceanic core complex formation. Original peridotite was fragmented, and the limited short peridotite intervals are now surrounded by a huge gabbro body probably formed by late-stage melt injections. Each peridotite interval has various petrographical and geochemical features. A spinel harzburgite in contact with gabbro shows evidence of limited melt penetrations causing gradual compositional change, in terms of trace-element compositions of pyroxenes, as well as modal change near the boundary. Geochemistry of clinopyroxenes with least melt effects indicates that the harzburgite is originally mantle residue formed by partial melting under polybaric conditions, and that such a depleted peridotite is one of the components of the oceanic core complex. Some of plagioclase-bearing peridotites, on the other hand, have more complicated origin. Although their original features were partly overprinted by the injected melt, the original peridotites, both residual and non-residual materials, were possibly derived from the upper mantle. This suggests that the melt injected around an upper mantle region or into mantle material fragments. The injected melt was possibly generated at the ridge-segment center and, then, moved and evolved toward the segment end beneath the oceanic core complex.


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The grain-size study and analyses of bulk sediment and clay mineral composition of samples collected from the dominant lithologies recovered at ODP Site 646, located on the northern flank of the Eirik Ridge (Labrador Sea), show variations indicating that contour-following currents, linked to Norwegian Sea Overflow Water (NSOW), have controlled sedimentation since the early Pliocene. These currents were influential until the early Pleistocene, despite the onset of major ice-rafting at about 2.5 Ma. A major mineralogical change occurred during the late Miocene: a decrease in the smectite to illite and chlorite ratio and a decrease of the crystallinity of smectites. This change indicates a renewing of the source rocks, which could result from an important hydrological change at this time. This change also is depicted by grain-size data that suggest the bottom current influence should be set earlier than the Pliocene.