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Synaptic-vesicle exocytosis is mediated by the vesicular Ca(2+) sensor synaptotagmin-1. Synaptotagmin-1 interacts with the SNARE protein syntaxin-1A and acidic phospholipids such as phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). However, it is unclear how these interactions contribute to triggering membrane fusion. Using PC12 cells from Rattus norvegicus and artificial supported bilayers, we show that synaptotagmin-1 interacts with the polybasic linker region of syntaxin-1A independent of Ca(2+) through PIP2. This interaction allows both Ca(2+)-binding sites of synaptotagmin-1 to bind to phosphatidylserine in the vesicle membrane upon Ca(2+) triggering. We determined the crystal structure of the C2B domain of synaptotagmin-1 bound to phosphoserine, allowing development of a high-resolution model of synaptotagmin bridging two different membranes. Our results suggest that PIP2 clusters organized by syntaxin-1 act as molecular beacons for vesicle docking, with the subsequent Ca(2+) influx bringing the vesicle membrane close enough for membrane fusion.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is a partner in the European project DETERMINE, building on its previous involvement in the Closing the Gap project in 2004-2006. In Year 2 the DETERMINE project focused on identifying and exploring economic arguments to support action on social determinants of health inequalities. Working document #4 'Economic arguments for addressing social determinants of health inequalities' presents the findings.
Chronic conditions are responsible for a significant proportion of early deaths. They reduce quality of life in many of the adults living with them, represent substantial financial costs to patients and the health and social care system, and cause a significant loss of productivity to the economy. This report contains estimates and forecasts of the population prevalence of stroke, and it shows how it varies across the island and what change is expected between 2007, 2015 and 2020.
The mechanism of action of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; ecstasy) involves the carrier-mediated and potentially vesicular release of monoamines. We assessed the effects of the sympatholytic 45;₂-adrenergic receptor agonist clonidine (150 μg p.o.), which inhibits the neuronal vesicular release of norepinephrine, on the cardiovascular and psychotropic response to MDMA (125 mg p.o.) in 16 healthy subjects. The study used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design with four experimental sessions. The administration of clonidine 1 h before MDMA reduced the MDMA-induced increases in plasma norepinephrine concentrations and blood pressure but only to the extent that clonidine lowered norepinephrine levels and blood pressure compared with placebo. Thus, no interaction was found between the cardiovascular effects of the two drugs. Clonidine did not affect the psychotropic effects or pharmacokinetics of MDMA. The lack of an interaction of the effects of clonidine and MDMA indicates that vesicular release of norepinephrine, which is inhibited by clonidine, does not critically contribute to the effects of MDMA in humans. Although clonidine may be used in the treatment of stimulant-induced hypertensive reactions, the present findings do not support a role for 45;₂-adrenergic receptor agonists in the prevention of psychostimulant dependence.
In contrast to mice from the majority of inbred strains, BALB mice develop aberrant Th2 responses and suffer progressive disease after infection with Leishmania major. These outcomes depend on the production of Interleukin 4, during the first 2 d of infection, by CD4+ T cells that express the Vbeta4-Valpha8 T cell receptors specific for a dominant I-A(d) restricted epitope of the LACK antigen from L. major. In contrast to this well established role of IL-4 in Th2 cell maturation, we have recently shown that, when limited to the initial period of activation of dendritic cells by L. major preceding T cell priming, IL-4 directs DCs to produce IL-12, promotes Th1 cell maturation and resistance to L. major in otherwise susceptible BALB/c mice. Thus, the antagonistic effects that IL-4 can have on Th cell development depend upon the nature of the cells (DCs or primed T cells) targeted for IL-4 signaling.
Drugs misuse
Chief Medical Officer Annual Report 2010
RATIONALE: AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1 46;-D-ribofuranoside) is prohibited in sport according to rules established by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Doping control laboratories identify samples where AICAR abuse is suspected by measuring its urinary concentration and comparing the observed level with naturally occurring concentrations. As the inter-individual variance of urinary AICAR concentrations is large, this approach requires a complementary method to unambiguously prove the exogenous origin of AICAR. Therefore, a method for the determination of carbon isotope ratios (CIRs) of urinary AICAR has been developed and validated. METHODS: Concentrated urine samples were fractionated by means of liquid chromatography for analyte cleanup. Derivatization of AICAR yielding the trimethylsilylated analog was necessary to enable CIR determinations by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The method was tested for its repeatability and stability over time and a linear mixing model was applied to test for possible isotopic discrimination. A reference population of n = 63 males and females was investigated to calculate appropriate reference limits to differentiate endogenous from exogenous urinary AICAR. These limits were tested by an AICAR elimination study. RESULTS: The developed method fulfills all the requirements for adequate sports drug testing and was found to be fit for purpose. The investigated reference population showed a larger variability in the CIR of AICAR than of the endogenous steroids. Nevertheless, the calculated thresholds for differences between AICAR and endogenous steroids can be applied straightforwardly to evaluate suspicious doping control samples with the same statistical confidence as established e.g. for testosterone misuse. These thresholds enabled the detection of a single oral AICAR administration for more than 40 h. CONCLUSIONS: Determination of thee CIRs is the method of choice to distinguish between an endogenous and an exogenous source of urinary AICAR. The developed method will enable investigations into doping control samples with elevated urinary concentrations of AICAR and clearly differentiate between naturally produced/elevated and illicitly administered AICAR.
L'atàxia amb downbeat nystamgus (ADBN) es una síndrome clínica que cursa amb atàxia vestíbulo-cerebel•losa i downbeat nystagmus. Es va valorar la seguretat i eficàcia del bloquejador de canal de potassi 4-aminopiridina (4-AP) pel tractament d'aquesta entitat. Es varen incloure nou pacients, es va realitzar una avaluació basal i visites mensuals fins als 90 dies. El fàrmac va ser ben tolerat. El 33% dels pacients van presentar milloria objectiva a l'escala de l'equilibri de Berg i el 66% milloria subjectiva i major autonomia. El nombre total de caigudes va disminuir desde 13 fins a 1. La 4-AP millora l'equilibri en pacients amb ADBN.
Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer - Report on Oesophageal Cancer 2000 (pdf 4000Kb)
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, interleukins (IL) 2, 4, 6, and 10, and IgG oligoclonal bands (IgG OB) in vitro production was assessed, after whole-blood stimulation with lipopolysaccharide or concanavalin A, in 61 patients presenting with relapsing-remitting, relapsing-progressive, or chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis patients were receiving no treatment or azathioprine (AZA), cyclosporin, cyclophosphamide, subcutaneous interferon (IFN) beta 1 a, or corticosteroids (CST). Statistical correlations significantly showed that: (a) AZA lowers TNF-alpha (P = 0.002) and increases IL-4 production (P = 0.0024), and IFN-beta 1 a increases TNF-alpha and decreases IL-4 levels; (b) CST has a negative effect on TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-4 synthesis; and (c) AZA, IFN-beta 1 a, and CST diminish IgG OB synthesis (P = 0.001). Although our study of the dynamics of TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 in vitro production generally found no statistically significant correlations (partly explained by the limited number of values in the various groups), IL-6 was shown to drop during the periods surrounding relapse (P = 0.05) in the absence of treatment, while TNF-alpha (P = 0.04) and IL-6 (P < 0.05) dropped before exacerbation in the presence of AZA. In vitro production of TNF-alpha was closely and positively correlated with that of IL-6, independently of clinical features. The enhanced production of IL-10 detected before or at relapse with AZA and IFN-beta 1 a (trends) may interfere with initiation of the immune reaction and with the development of new CNS lesions. Some discrepancies with previously published results stress the difficulties in studying the state of stimulation of different populations of leukocytes by using a variety of in vitro stimuli and in establishing a correlation between mRNA studies and the amount of final or active protein produced.