684 resultados para windmill turbine
An integrated mathematical model for the simulation of an offshore wind system performance is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed turbine in deep water equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using multiple point full-power clamped three-level converter, converting the energy of a variable frequency source in injected energy into the electric network with constant frequency, through a HVDC transmission submarine cable. The mathematical model for the drive train is a concentrate two mass model which incorporates the dynamic for the blades of the wind turbine, tower and generator due to the need to emulate the effects of the wind and the floating motion. Controller strategy considered is a proportional integral one. Also, pulse width modulation using space vector modulation supplemented with sliding mode is used for trigger the transistors of the converter. Finally, a case study is presented to access the system performance.
A possible future scenario for the water injection (WI) application has been explored as an advanced strategy for modern GDI engines. The aim is to verify whether the PWI (Port Water Injection) and DWI (Direct Water Injection) architectures can replace current fuel enrichment strategies to limit turbine inlet temperatures (TiT) and knock engine attitude. In this way, it might be possible to extend the stoichiometric mixture condition over the entire engine map, meeting possible future restrictions in the use of AES (Auxiliary Emission Strategies) and future emission limitations. The research was first addressed through a comprehensive assessment of the state-of-the-art of the technology and the main effects of the chemical-physical water properties. Then, detailed chemical kinetics simulations were performed in order to compute the effects of WI on combustion development and auto-ignition. The latter represents an important methodology step for accurate numerical combustion simulations. The water injection was then analysed in detail for a PWI system, through an experimental campaign for macroscopic and microscopic injector characterization inside a test chamber. The collected data were used to perform a numerical validation of the spray models, obtaining an excellent matching in terms of particle size and droplet velocity distributions. Finally, a wide range of three-dimensional CFD simulations of a virtual high-bmep engine were realized and compared, exploring also different engine designs and water/fuel injection strategies under non-reacting and reacting flow conditions. According to the latter, it was found that thanks to the introduction of water, for both PWI and DWI systems, it could be possible to obtain an increase of the target performance and an optimization of the bsfc (Break Specific Fuel Consumption), lowering the engine knock risk at the same time, while the TiT target has been achieved hardly only for one DWI configuration.
L'oggetto della tesi è la modellazione numerica di pali di fondazione per turbine eoliche in ambiente offshore. Il metodo di modellazione comprende l'interpretazione di prove CPT per l'estrapolazione dei parametri geotecnici del terreno, la creazione di un modello dell'interazione tra struttura e terreno tramite il software agli elementi finiti Abaqus, la sua verifica, l'ottimizzazione dell'estensione del modello del terreno e della mesh e la simulazione numerica del comportamento di pali caricati assialmente in compressione. Grazie al confronto con i risultati di test su modelli fisici, eseguiti nel laboratorio dell'istituto Fraunhofer IWES di Hannover, di tre pali aventi la stessa geometria ma installati in punti con diverse condizioni di compattazione della sabbia, è stata possibile la messa a punto di una strategia di simulazione più accurata possibile e la sua validazione. A conclusione del lavoro è stato eseguito un esempio di design di una fondazione jacket per una turbina eolica offshore.
Combined Cooling Heat and Power Generation (CCHP) or trigeneration has been considered worldwide as a suitable alternative to traditional energy systems in terms of significant energy saving and environmental conservation. The development and evaluation of a solar driven micro-CCHP system based on a ORC cogenerator and an Adsorption Chiller (AC) experimental prototypes has been the focus of this PhD research. The specific objectives of the overall project are: • To design, construct and evaluate an innovative Adsorption Chiller in order to improve the performances of the AC technology. • To thermodynamically model the proposed micro-scale solar driven CHP system and to prove that the concept of trigeneration through solar energy combined with an organic Rankine turbine cycle (ORC) and an adsorption chiller (AC) is suitable for residential applications.
This work deals with the development of calibration procedures and control systems to improve the performance and efficiency of modern spark ignition turbocharged engines. The algorithms developed are used to optimize and manage the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to control the knock and the exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. The described work falls within the activity that the research group started in the previous years with the industrial partner Ferrari S.p.a. . The first chapter deals with the development of a control-oriented engine simulator based on a neural network approach, with which the main combustion indexes can be simulated. The second chapter deals with the development of a procedure to calibrate offline the spark advance and the air-to-fuel ratio to run the engine under knock-limited conditions and with the maximum admissible exhaust gas temperature at the turbine inlet. This procedure is then converted into a model-based control system and validated with a Software in the Loop approach using the engine simulator developed in the first chapter. Finally, it is implemented in a rapid control prototyping hardware to manage the combustion in steady-state and transient operating conditions at the test bench. The third chapter deals with the study of an innovative and cheap sensor for the in-cylinder pressure measurement, which is a piezoelectric washer that can be installed between the spark plug and the engine head. The signal generated by this kind of sensor is studied, developing a specific algorithm to adjust the value of the knock index in real-time. Finally, with the engine simulator developed in the first chapter, it is demonstrated that the innovative sensor can be coupled with the control system described in the second chapter and that the performance obtained could be the same reachable with the standard in-cylinder pressure sensors.
This study investigates the effect of an additive process in manufacturing of thick composites. Airstone 780 E epoxy resin and 785H Hardener system is used in the analysis since it is widely used wind turbine blade, namely thick components. As a fiber, fabric by SAERTEX (812 g/m2) with a 0-90 degrees layup direction is used. Temperature overshoot is a major issue during the manufacturing of thick composites. A high temperature overshoot leads to an increase in residual stresses. These residual stresses are causing warping, delamination, dimensional instability, and undesired distortion of composite structures. A coupled thermo-mechanical model capable of predicting cure induced residual stresses have been built using the commercial FE software Abaqus®. The possibility of building thick composite components by means of adding a finite number of sub-laminates has been investigated. The results have been compared against components manufactured following a standard route. The influence of pre-curing of the sub-laminates has also been addressed and results compared with standard practice. As a result of the study, it is found that introducing additive process can prevent temperature overshoot to occur and benefits the residual stresses generation during the curing process. However, the process time required increases by 50%, therefore increasing the manufacturing costs. An optimized cure cycle is required to minimize process time and cure induced defects simultaneously.
All structures are subjected to various loading conditions and combinations. For offshore structures, these loads include permanent loads, hydrostatic pressure, wave, current, and wind loads. Typically, sea environments in different geographical regions are characterized by the 100-year wave height, surface currents, and velocity speeds. The main problems associated with the commonly used, deterministic method is the fact that not all waves have the same period, and that the actual stochastic nature of the marine environment is not taken into account. Offshore steel structure fatigue design is done using the DNVGL-RP-0005:2016 standard which takes precedence over the DNV-RP-C203 standard (2012). Fatigue analysis is necessary for oil and gas producing offshore steel structures which were first constructed in the Gulf of Mexico North Sea (the 1930s) and later in the North Sea (1960s). Fatigue strength is commonly described by S-N curves which have been obtained by laboratory experiments. The rapid development of the Offshore wind industry has caused the exploration into deeper ocean areas and the adoption of new support structural concepts such as full lattice tower systems amongst others. The optimal design of offshore wind support structures including foundation, turbine towers, and transition piece components putting into consideration, economy, safety, and even the environment is a critical challenge. In this study, fatigue design challenges of transition pieces from decommissioned platforms for offshore wind energy are proposed to be discussed. The fatigue resistance of the material and structural components under uniaxial and multiaxial loading is introduced with the new fatigue design rules whilst considering the combination of global and local modeling using finite element analysis software programs.
La miscelazione di sistemi gas-liquido all’interno di recipienti meccanicamente agitati ritrova molte applicazioni industriali. I recipienti meccanicamente agitati rappresentano la scelta più conveniente poiché consentono una dispersione ottimale della fase dispersa all’interno della fase continua ed uno scambio di materia e di calore efficiente. I parametri chiave sono il consumo di potenza, l’hold-up di gas ed il regime gas-impeller. La fase sperimentale è stata sviluppata mediante l’utilizzo di un reattore pilota operante con tre turbine Rushton. Il consumo di potenza è stato valutato ed i risultati ottenuti dalle analisi di laboratorio sono stati confrontati con la correlazione empirica di Warmoeskerken (1986). Le tecniche impiegate in passato per la caratterizzazione dei sistemi gas-liquido sono caratterizzate da diversi svantaggi quali la possibilità di essere utilizzate solo per lo studio di sistemi trasparenti, l’intrusività ed i costi alti. Attualmente, la tomografia a resistenza elettrica (ERT) è una delle tecniche di ispezione più utilizzate grazie alla sua potenzialità di fornire informazioni qualitative e quantitativi. Uno degli obiettivi di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di validare una metodologia da seguire per la caratterizzazione dei sistemi gas-liquido. L’ERT è stata utilizzata per la valutazione dell’hold-up di gas e per l’identificazione del regime instaurato all’interno dell’apparecchiatura. I risultati sono stati confrontati con le valutazioni visive e le correlazioni proposte dalla letteratura. La strumentazione dell’ERT comprende un sistema di sensori, un sistema di acquisizione dati (DAS) ed un computer sul quale è installato il software per la ricostruzione dell’immagine, il quale, generalmente, è basato sull’algoritmo linear back - projection. Ulteriore obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di investigare sulla convenienza di adoperare un software più sofisticato per la ricostruzione dell’immagine.
Lo stabilimento forlivese di Bonfiglioli S.p.A., centrale nella produzione di riduttori epicicloidali per macchine mobili, escavatori, turbine eoliche e mobilità elettrica, è un elemento fondamentale per il successo dell’azienda che da anni è leader di mercato nella produzione di motoriduttori, azionamenti e inverter per numerosi settori. Questo fa sì che tale impianto sia da tempo oggetto di importanti investimenti per incrementare la produttività, migliorare la logistica interna, soddisfare standard di sicurezza e qualità di prodotto e di processo sempre più alti. Il presente elaborato si inserisce tra le attività di efficientamento dei flussi logistici di stabilimento e punta a valutare la possibilità di ricollocamento di un’isola robotizzata per montaggio di kit planetario all’interno del macro-reparto di assemblaggio, in previsione di investimenti attuali e futuri che ridisegneranno lo scenario produttivo interno. Per valutare la convenienza di spostamento è stata eseguita un’analisi costi-benefici, confrontando l’ubicazione attuale e un’alternativa possibile, condivisa con i responsabili dell’ente di ingegneria di processo, prendendo in esame i vantaggi che questa seconda porterebbe. È inoltre stato fatto un primo dimensionamento di massima (e cautelativo) per un’eventuale creazione di un supermarket per i kit montati dalla cella in esame. Scopo principale dell’elaborato oltre a quello di mettere in luce i miglioramenti possibili dei flussi logistici interni grazie allo spostamento di tale isola, è anche quello di portare una metodologia di analisi che possa poi essere riutilizzata e migliorata per progetti di relayout futuri a più ampio respiro, in un’ottica sempre più “Lean”.