776 resultados para travel and tourism


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Joseph Mathia Svoboda's 19th century journal of commercial voyages, travel, and domestic life on the Tigris River from February 1899 to October 1899. Diary 49, PDF Version. jms_049_02_1899_060_pdf.pdf


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Joseph Mathia Svoboda's 19th century journal of commercial voyages, travel, and domestic life on the Tigris River from November 1897 to August 1898. Diary 78, HTML Version. jms_047_11_1897_030_htm.html


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Iowa Spirits Price Book is produced monthly details of the current prices of liquors in Iowa. Formerly titled Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.


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The ABD Promos Newsletter is produced monthly and details Division announcements, holiday schedules, broker promotions and a newly listed codes clip out section.


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Conventional descriptions place conservation activities between the two poles of active restorative intervention and passive abandonment. This paper proposes that site stewards at mining heritage sites often follow presentation strategies that sit outside this neat dualism. Drawing on material presented in the form of three case studies, this paper identifies the actions these strategies entail and considers the results in terms of an aesthetic of decay. To consolidate the argument, a new overarching term is introduced to describe this strategy: contrived dereliction, in order to foreground its essential features. The paper then outlines the advantages, limitations and requirements of contrived dereliction as a heritage management and presentation practice.


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La migration internationale, expérience centrale et de plus en plus féminisée de la mondialisation, semble fortement structurée par les rapports de genre qui peuvent faciliter ou limiter la trajectoire. En outre, une attention particulière doit être portée à la vulnérabilité différenciée des femmes face aux violences dans les processus de recrutement, de déplacement et de passage des frontières. Le contexte de déplacement forcé en étant un particulier, il est essentiel de prendre en compte la situation et le point de vue des femmes en situation de refuge tout comme il est nécessaire de questionner les structures mises en place pour assurer leur accès aux services ainsi que le respect de leurs droits. Dans ce contexte, cette recherche s’intéresse à l’importance de l’interaction entre les différents axes d’inégalités sociales dans la production et la transformation des formes de violences basées sur le genre vécues par les déplacées colombiennes tant dans la phase prédépart, dans l’étape de déplacement que lors de leur insertion dans le pays voisin où elles cherchent refuge : l’Équateur. En plus de s’amalgamer aux autres axes de différenciation sociale tels que l’âge, l’ethnie, la classe sociale et l’orientation sexuelle les caractéristiques vulnérabilisantes liées au genre se dévoilent dans un continuum de violences qui vient à son tour influencer les rapports inégaux. L’utilisation d’un concept comme celui du continuum permet une réflexion sur la nature multi-facétique de la violence. En plus d’aller plus loin que la hiérarchisation des abus, ce concept favorise l’exploration de formes de violences qui, contrairement aux violences extrêmes et directes, sont moins communément étudiées. En effet, les violences basées sur le genre ne sont pas des phénomènes isolés, mais des manifestations qui s’entrecroisent le long d’un continuum au cours duquel elles se supportent, se nourrissent mutuellement et parfois se fusionnent pour se transformer.


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The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)


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The ABD Promos Newsletter is produced monthly and details Division announcements, holiday schedules, broker promotions and a newly listed codes clip out section.


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The ABD Promos Newsletter is produced monthly and details Division announcements, holiday schedules, broker promotions and a newly listed codes clip out section.


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Iowa Spirits Price Book is produced monthly details of the current prices of liquors in Iowa. Formerly titled Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.


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Cette recherche exploratoire examine le concept émergent de « paysage sous-marin » présenté sous la forme d’une étude cas — celui du jardin des Escoumins — situé dans le parc marin du Saguenay – Saint-Laurent, au Québec. On constate, depuis les dernières décennies, deux complications qui s’interposent au concept de paysage sous-marin puisque d’une part on examine un divorce entre les Québécois et le fleuve Saint-Laurent puis d’une autre on observe l’omission fréquente de sa reconnaissance dans la littérature géographique. En somme, deux questions de recherche en découlent, soit : Quels sont les procédés employés pendant le XXe et XXIe siècle dans la construction des paysages sous-marins au Québec ? et : Quel est le rôle des différents acteurs, et plus précisément celui des plongeurs, dans la mise en valeur et la reconnaissance du paysage sous-marin des Escoumins ? La recherche a été accomplie à travers une revue extensive de la littérature régionale et mondiale portant sur ce concept atypique. Par la suite, une enquête de 35 questions soumises à un échantillon de 73 plongeurs québécois a été analysée, ainsi que sept entrevues semi-dirigées avec des acteurs clefs du domaine. Puis, l’étude et la cartographie des relations spatiales entre les plongeurs et les lieux de prédilection de leur activité ont été réalisés. Les résultats démontrent des interrelations complexes entre les caractéristiques de construction de ces paysages sublimes (le territoire, la nordicité, la pratique d’une activité de loisir, la technologie, l’esthétisme ainsi que l’essor économique et touristique) et les acteurs clefs. Comme la « découverte » des paysages alpins au XVIIIe siècle en Europe, la lente mise en valeur des paysages sous-marins au Québec est causée par la marginalité des lieux. Ainsi, la reconnaissance des paysages subaquatiques est en pleine effervescence au Québec et l’intégration de ce concept en aménagement et en planification touristiques devient capitale.


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Background: In 2013, the Revised Dietary Goals for Scotland (SDGs) were published to “indicate the direction of travel, and assist policy development to reduce the burden of obesity and diet-related disease in Scotland”. They include recommendations for foods (fruit and vegetables, oily fish and red meat) and nutrients (energy, energy density, total fat, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, sugar, salt and fibre). Progress towards the SDGs is monitored using a combination of surveys, principally the secondary analysis of the Living Costs and Food Survey (LCFS). Objective: To obtain estimates of food consumption and nutrient intake for Scotland using LCFS data from 2001 to 2013. Results: For SDGs measured using LCFS data there was little progress towards meeting the goals between 2001 and 2013. This was apparent even amongst least deprived households. Despite evidence of progress for fruit and vegetables up to 2010, consumption subsequently dropped; and there was no change in oil rich fish consumption. Mean total red meat consumption meets the SDG and a significant reduction was found between 2001 and 2013, which was partly accounted for by a fall in red meat products such as sausages and burgers. Energy density increased significantly over time despite a dip in 2012. Saturated fat, total fat and sugar intakes remained considerably higher than the SDGs. Overall there were small but significant decreases in the percentage of food energy from saturated fat and sugars, although intakes appear to have risen since 2011. There was no change in fibre intake. Conclusion: The results presented support work by Food Standards Scotland and the Scottish Government to facilitate improvements to the diet to help prevent obesity. Whilst some very small improvements were observed however, new approaches are required to encourage the population towards a healthier diet to secure Scotland’s health in the future. Funded by Food Standards Scotland, Project Number FS424018. Data provided by DEFRA, Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics, ONS and the UK Data Archive.


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This work is an authoritative collection of poems from other cultures for the 21st century. Poets included range from Valerie Bloom, Jackie Kay, Benjamin Zephaniah, Lemn Sissay, Meiling Jin, Tao Lang Pee and Bekleen Leong to Rabrindranath Tagore, Monica Alvi and Chuang Tzu. Comprising over 100 contributions, there is a balance of poets in ethnicity and gender, and of poems in content, form and style. Themes covered include: Food, festivals and festivities; Race, culture and identity; Families, friends and enemies; Travel and landscape; Language and nonsense; The animal world; and, School and playground and Mystery, myth and magic.


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This work presents interactions between quantitative and qualitative river freshwater inputs and the shellfish farming (oyster and mussel) in the Pertuis Charentais. The quantity of freshwater (i.e. salinity) seems to have a weak influence on the shellfish farming contrarily to its quality determined by particulate and dissolved matters contained in the water. In autumn and winter, large precipitations have a "globally positive" effect amending the coastal ecosystem. Associated dissolved nutriments and the organic matter largely determine the quality of the coming spring growth for bred shellfish, itself controlling in turn the annual yield efficiencies. However, in winter their effects are postponed because of strong mineral load, low luminosity and temperature, then limiting the primary production. The spring contributions, directly linked to territorial practices, agriculture and tourism are more variable in quantity and quality from one year to another. They often correspond to high-risk inflows since numerous substances from anthropogenic watersheds can be found diluted in the coastal zone as in the Pertuis Charentais. Their impacts on in situ estuarine ecosystems are still poorly known since these substances are mainly studied and estimated in laboratory in controlled conditions. Several studies showed anthropogenic contaminations (i.e. cadmium, pesticides) could have significant direct or indirect effects on shellfish farming. For instance, the "summer" mortalities between 1990 and 2000 in the South of the Marennes-Oléron bay (MOB), that induced environmental and physiological oyster disorders, could be linked to pesticide effects, measured during consecutive years on the oyster bed of Ronce Perquis in the South of the MOB. The weak results from the spring larval rearing of the IFREMER experimental hatchery in the South of the bay, and chromosomal abnormalities measured on the stocks of wild oysters of the Pertuis could confirm a high-risk spring environment for the shellfish farming. In summer terrestrial inputs are reduced by low precipitations, anthropogenic water removals (drinking water, irrigation) and by plant evapotranspiration. Consequently certain years, a significant salinity increase in water masses of the Pertuis Charentais is observed. However, based on long-term observations, the significant interannual variability noticed in freshwater contributions constitutes one of the most important facts of these last years. When contributions are weak (i.e. 1991 and 2011), the mean annual salinity is 34.5 in the MOB. To the contrary, other years (i.e. 1977, 1981, 1983 and 1988), the mean salinity reduced to 30.5 shows the significant freshwater contributions to the bay. Elsewhere, particularly in the mediterranean region, oyster breeding water conditions characterized by high salinity values show the freshwater does not seem to be necessary for biological functions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Indeed, the oyster embryonic life in particular is well adapted to high salinity values as long as trophic resources are substantial and temperatures remain high. These two factors firstly condition the embryonic survival before the water salinity. Besides, in the Pertuis Charentais, wind conditions and the geographical bloodstock position rather determine the success of the larvae capture than seawater physic-chemical conditions. Finally, a misunderstanding still remains on summer freshwater contributions to the oyster larvae food supply.


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Este trabalho tem como propósito explicitar a relação de injustiça ambiental e as controvérsias entre atores sociais com distintos modos de significação e apropriação territorial no contexto de um conflito ambiental na localidade do Pontal da Barra, praia do Laranjal, Pelotas - RS. Desde uma perspectiva etnográfica, objetiva-se incorporar a dimensão do conflito enquanto elemento central de análise. Para isso, partiu-se da proposta analítica de explicitação do conflito como forma de mapeamento dos diferentes atores sociais em interação, contemplando suas visões, posições, interesses, discursos e estratégias de disputa e legitimação no campo ambiental. Consiste em um conflito ambiental que insurgiu a partir da proposta de implantação de um loteamento residencial no contexto de urbanização do balneário do Laranjal durante a década de 1980, envolvendo os seguintes atores sociais: moradores removidos e os que permanecem no Pontal da Barra; membros da comunidade científica e movimento ambientalista local; empresário do ramo imobiliário e turístico no Pontal da Barra e a intervenção de instâncias públicas. Destaca-se a posição dos moradores, vistos em situação de marginalidade, que passaram a representar obstáculos e entraves, tanto para os interesses imobiliários e turísticos na localidade como para uma parcela significativa de ambientalistas que visam à preservação integral da área do Pontal da Barra. Em conjunto a essas iniciativas de grupos organizados sobressai a posição do Estado enquanto mediador desses conflitos e agente que procura executar estratégias de controle e planejamento do espaço, envolvendo as disputas territoriais e os discursos ambientais em questão. Perante esses órgãos do Estado e setores da iniciativa privada, a situação desses moradores caracteriza-se pela irregularidade fundiária, no qual seu espaço habitado não é reconhecido como deles. Dessa forma, este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da seguinte questão: tendo em vista os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos, como tem se configurado, desde a década de 1980, o conflito ambiental em torno da disputa territorial pelo Pontal da Barra, Pelotas/RS. Nessa perspectiva, busca-se desconstruir a retórica hegemônica e dominante que escamoteia as diferenças e naturaliza as desigualdades entre os atores sociais envolvidos procurando silenciar e despolitizar a participação pública no debate dos conflitos ambientais, para, através desse entendimento, corroborar com a discussão de uma Educação Ambiental crítica que tenha nos conflitos existentes a sua pauta de pesquisa e de ação.