956 resultados para tradição patriarcal


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Die Beziehung zwischen Literatur und Gesellschaft wurden, im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert. Die Wissenschaftler analysieren manchmal die Aspekten der sozialen Realität, sie betonen manchmal die Natur der literarischen Werk. Wir glauben, dass Antonio Candido einen Gleichgewichtszustand erreicht, als er das Konzept der strukturellen Reduktion oder Formalisierung entwickelt. Nämlich, der Prozess, bei dem die menschliche und soziale Leben zu einem Bestandteil der literarischen Struktur wird. Der Autor tritt eine Einbahnstraße und er kann Daten aus der sozialen Ordnung aufholen, ohne dabei die Materialität des Textes den Augen verlieren. Und das sind die theoretische Annahmen, die die Entwicklung dieser Arbeit leiten. Wir wollen zu zeigen, dass die Struktur der mamediana Lyrik aufdeckt, signifikante Daten der Gesellschaft, in der der Autore eingefügt wurde enthüllt. Folglich, wir analysieren soziale Thema, das sein Werk durchzieht. Zuerst, wir untersuchen, wie Zila Mamede den Alltag der Gesellschaft vertreten. Von der strukturellen Organisation der Gedichte, wir erkennen, das die Episode aus kleiner Städte ein Akt des Widerstands gegen die fragmentierte Profil der kapitalistischen Gesellschaf sind. Das ist, warum sie doch eng mit der Idee der Tradition erscheinen. Die dichotome Beziehung zwischen den regionalen Daten und der Element der Modernisierung etabliert, sie wird durch die Organisation des Raumes verstärkt. Während die Stadt bei konkrete gesellschaftliche Ordnung Spitzenbeträge verweist, hat die Landschaft eine harmonische und warme Form. Allgemeinen, die moderne Stadt von Zila Mamede geformt, ist eine Abbild der Industriegesellschaft. Die Bilder die Landschaft sind ein Gegenmittel gegen die Feindseligkeiten Merkmale der neuen urbanen Zustand. So, die Landschaft hat die Funktion von Umstrukturierung der Persönlichkeit des Einzelnen durch die Erfahrung der großen Städte betroffen verdinglichenden. Der Konflikt, der durch das lyrische mamediana läuft, sind Reflexionen des Prozesses der Modernisierung der Stadt Natal, ihres eigenen Landes die politische Instabilität, sie durch verschiedene staatliche Programme ging, während Der Autor seine literarische Tätigkeit verfolgt


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El objetivo de esta Tesis es la investigación literaria de la vida y la obra del poeta potiguar Walflan de Queiroz (1930-1995). Después de más de 17 años de su muerte, su poesía clama por una suerte crítica capaz de identificar sus características formales y estéticas. En ese sentido, se realiza el rescate de la producción poética de Walflan de Queiroz, con el fin de ofrecer los elementos que motivaron su discurso, su lirismo. Se pretende demostrar sus principales temas, como por ejemplo, el tenor metafísico, la angustia existencial, las pasiones platónicas, la muerte, la soledad, el silencio y la influencia de los poetas extranjeros, especialmente de la tradición romántica y simbolista, así como la manifestación de la religiosidad, de lo sagrado desde siempre encadenada a diversas tradiciones religiosas del mundo. Siendo así, la Tesis tiene como base teórica los fundamentos de la tradición poética y del imaginario religioso diluidos a lo largo de todo el estudio


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Atualmente, os conceitos de mundos de letramentos e agência social nos permitem observar o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas às práticas sociais e às ações transformadoras que influenciam, de forma decisiva, a vida de jovens seminaristas e a vida das comunidades das quais fazem parte. Com este trabalho objetivamos contextualizar social e culturalmente os letramentos na esfera do lar e a influência da família na formação do seminarista bem como evidenciar o papel do grupo de jovens na formação pessoal e o fortalecimento do sentimento de autoestima produzido pela relação de confiança e pela delegação de responsabilidades. Procuramos, por fim, descrever os principais pilares formadores do Seminário, como agência de letramento, e sua importância na formação identitária do seminarista. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico cuja metodologia baseia-se em análise de narrativas semiestruturadas e questionários sócio avaliativos. Os fundamentos teóricos que sustentam nossa pesquisa estão ancorados nos estudos de letramento (BARTON, HAMILTON, IVANI, 2000; STREET, 2003; OLIVEIRA, 2010), na Análise do Discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001), no Realismo Crítico (ARCHER, 2000; AHEARN, 2001), na Sociologia (GIDDENS, 2003, 2005); (SZTOMPKA, 2005), no Interacionismo Simbólico (BERGER, P. L., LUCKMANN, 2009). A análise dos dados nos permitiu: 1) (re)afirmar o papel da instituição família como a principal guardiã do conjunto de ideias e valores, os quais fortalecem as representações sociais associadas a essa instituição, sendo responsáveis pela formação identitária de nossos colaboradores; 2) reconhecer o importante papel social desempenhado por instituições sociais informais que, com o objetivo de promover ações evangelizadoras e solidárias, proporcionam aos seus catequizados o desenvolvimento de múltiplas competências direcionadas à agência pessoal e social, dentre as quais destacamos as Pastorais como fortes aliadas nesse processo formador de identidades sociais positivas, porque os indivíduos que delas participam adquirem competências agentivas que são responsáveis por transformações de ordem pessoal e social; 3) descrever os processos formadores que permitem a manutenção da tradição dentro de uma instituição religiosa. Nossos achados apontam para a necessidade de compreendermos a sociedade como constituída e constituinte de muitos e diversos mundos de letramento, os quais estão a serviço de todo aquele que consegue se perceber como ser atuante no mundo


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The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte


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La recherche presentée, realisée sur le domaine de la méthaphysique, s´agit de rassembler des pressupositions pour une fondamentation ontologique de la technologie de l´Information, basé sur la philophie de Martin Heidegger; foncièrement, sur l´analytique existentiel du Dasein dans l´ouvrage Être et Temps. À partir de la pensée sur ce qui est aujourd´hui , il s´agit d´investiguer sur quels fondaments la Nouvelle Tecnologie se fut érigée de façon a que nous sommes engajés au projet de numérisation des étants que en même temps que destine l´homme a l´oubli de l´Être, l´offre la possibilité de transformation. Le rapport entre la question de l´Être et la question de la technique est analysé comme des chemins croisés et dans ce carrefour il devient possible penser ce qui est technique, ce qui est information pour Heidegger et de quel façon les modes existentiels du Dasein sont prêtes pour caractériser l ´homme au sein de la tecnologie de l´information. Par cette appropriation, il reste penser comment c´est possible l´ouverture d´une perspective de reconduction de l´homme à la vérité de l´Être. Finalement, la structuration des fondements rends possible la réflexion discursive général: avec qui nous nous ocuppons, comme nous sommes, dans quelle direction nous nous acheminons, les thèmes générales, respectivement, des trois chapitres. Les points d´investigation du premier chapitre son: a) La caractérisation précise du Dasein, appuyé sur des considerations de Benedito Nunes, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida et Rüdiger Safränski; b) Le concept de technique et son essence chez Heidegger; c) la distinction entre technique et technologie, appuyé sur le pensée de J. Ellul, Michel Séris, Otto Pöggeler, Michel Haar, Dominique Janicaud; c) Le concept de cibernetique chez Heidegger et chez Norbert Wiener; d) La caractérisation preliminaire d´information, l´analyse étimologique e philosophique, l´avis de Heidegger te les théories de Rafael Capurro; f) L´Analyse du phénomène de la numérisation des étants, des considérations de Virilio, et l´analyse d´un concept de virtuel avec Henri Bergson et Gilles Deleuze. Dans le deuxième chapitre, l´analyse des existentiels du Dasein vers le sommaire des fondements de base pour la caractérisation de la technologie de l´information comme un problème philosophique. Finalement, aprés avoir presenté les concepts introdutoires que délimitent le questionement, suivi par les indications et pressupositions ontologiques trouvés sur Être et Temps, le troisième chapitre disserte sur le péril, ce qui sauve et la sérénité, les trois mots-clés de la pensée heideggerienne sur la technique que permettent l´approche conclusif de la question


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The aim of the present dissertation constitutes to analyse the way in how light assumes the meaning of universal bond in the cosmovision of Marsilio Ficino, especially from his works Quid sit lumen, De Sole, De Amore and De Vita. The influence of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) in the history of occidental thought is impressive. Besides having translated to Latin the important texts of the neoplatonic tradition, Ficino presided over the Academy of Careggi, congregating important humanists in the top of the Renaissance. His treatises on love, beauty, light, magic and immortality of the soul have influenced strongly the production of other thinkers. The subject of light is of fundamental importance among his works since it is deeply related with all the other aspects of his philosophy. For him, light is spiritual emanation that perpasses everything without staining itself. Originated how the divine goodness, the light blows up in beauty in multiplicity, setting fire on the soul that truily contemplates it and that identifies whith it. The starting point of this loving relation between man and deity is, therefore, the physical world, that occults in itself the metaphysical light.


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Common understanding about what freedom means has always been more or less related to the power to realize something intended, desired, a capability. Therefore, being free is commonly interpreted under the concept of free-will and the category of possibility to act. Although there are predecessors in History of Philosophy, Schopenhauer refuses the thesis of free will proposing otherwise the denial of willing (to live) as the ultimate possibility for human freedom, if not the only one left. The thesis that would make him famous was deeply misunderstood and so miscarried somewhat due to the way it was many times presented by the means of exotic examples wrapped in a mystical mood besides exaltations to Eastern traditions, which may satisfy anthropological curiosity instead of being capable to satisfy the reader in a philosophical way. It seems to result from Schopenhauer s thought a kind of pessimism against life. Otherwise, typical readings on the Schopenhauerian thesis are found full of inconsistencies once closely regarded, which blame does not belong to the author but to his interpreters. A new reading about the denial of willing as the ultimate possibility for human freedom demands a criticism on the inconsistencies and prejudgments deep grounded. For this, we firstly clarify the ways of understanding the willing nothing , which cannot be reduced to the mere refusal or conformism, being instead positively understood as a special manner of willing: the admission of oneself for the sake of one is. A few more than a century later The world as will and representation came to light, Heidegger proposes in his fundamental ontology that the proper being-free concerns to originary decision by which, in anguish of being suspended in nothingness, Dasein renders itself singular as the being who is in-a-world and to-death, concluding that the ultimate possibility of freedom is being-free-to-death. Developing the hypothesis that freedom, properly understood, concerns to nothingness as to indeterminate possibilities, we seek for a dialogue between Schopenhauer s thought and existential philosophy aiming to reconstitute and overcome Metaphysics tradition turning the question about freedom into a matter of Ontology. From the factual existence perspective, as we must show, every human activity (or inactivity) is ordinarily mediated by representations, in which me and world appear as distinct entities. So, each one among determininate individuals finds itself connected to the things in the world by interest, which proper concept must be sufficiently explored. Starting from this point, we may proceed to detailed analysis of usual representations of freedom aiming their destruction by Ontology and then reaching existential thesis according to Kierkegaard and Heidegger. Turning back to the analysis of Schopenhauer s work, we conclude existential understanding of freedom as will-to-be can also be found in Schopenhauer. In this way, denial of willing means ultimate freedom once the Will turns back to its own essence by suppressing the world as representation, which means the originary absolute indetermination of the extreme possibility to-be


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We indicate the idea of nexus or conexio, thought of as intelligible connection with the intelligent, the foundation on which the reason why you can understand and name, even if inadequately, what the intellect sees incomprehensible and unnameably. Thus, it opens a way for our research: we will take the idea of nexus as fundamental to the interpretation of the divine names and the "metaphysics of the unnameably" and we show how the divine names, mainly in possest, mirrored in the Trinity, relatedness of the principle and therefore also the nexus. For that you need to think some preliminary questions: we will place Nicholas of Cusa in the tradition of medieval Christian Neoplatonism, we resume some discussions on the problem of naming and the philosophy of language in his thinking, we will reflect such thinking is molded from active dialogue with the tradition and how it is your speculation is founded upon the dynamic and dialectical relationship between philosophy and theology to be thought of in our text using the relationship between faith and understandig (intellectus). After introductory clarify these issues we will come to consider introductory understanding of the Trinitarian Beginning and speculation about the nexus taking as its starting point from where the De venatione sapientiae nexus or conexio is designed as a hunting field of wisdom and the First Book of De docta ignorantia where the maximum is now thought of as one and triune. From the Second Book of the same work and the Idiota. De mente we will show in what sense the universe and men, as imago dei, imitate the eternal Trinity. Finally, we will resume the notion of the scientia aenigmatica of De beryllo and some information that will clarify that Nicholas assumes the divine names as enigmas. Finally, we will try to show that the enigmatic or symbolic names also mirror the triune Beginning principle. So, before we return some traces of this aspect in some divine names and texts of the "late period" and then conclude with that which in itself already indicates the nexus and therefore the trinity: possest


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Through a careful examination of the relationship between Zoroastrianism and the Western tradition, and a detailed and critical reading of the writings of Nietzsche, this work aims at showing to what extent the character Zarathustra , his discourses and poetical-philosophical thoughts, and related passages from many distinct Nietzschean works, directly or undirectly reflect a philosophy that harvests contributions from the Zoroastrian tradition or its headways (in the Judeo-Greco-Christian tradition, and furthermore in the whole Western philosophical tradition). Supplied with this provisions, and with the interpretation cast upon them, Nietzschean philosophy questions the entire Western tradition of thought, and proposes its replacement by a new attitude towards life. This work also intends to show the way the Nietzschean Zarathustra was built up, in the writings of the German philosopher, together with the idea of making, out of the namesake character of the ancient Iranian prophet (Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism), the herald of that important text that intended to bring the German language to its highest perfection , clumping together, and leading to a prophetic-poetic climax consonant with the meaning of the Earth , Nietzsche s key ideas about the rectification of the most fatal of errors and about the death of God . An elaborate investigation has been pursued after the reasons and manners of the building up of Nietzsche s Zarathustra mirroring its Iranian namesake (sections 1.1 to 1.6), and a survey of the works of Nietzsche has suggested unquestionable relations with the Zoroastrian tradition, mostly through the Jewish, Greek or Christian repercussions of this tradition. These relations have been put in context, in many framings (sections 2.1 to 2.3.2), in the ambit of the most fatal of errors - the - creation of morals in the very occasion of its transposition to metaphysics (Ecce Homo, Why I am a destiny , 3). Through an evaluation of the possible circumstances and repercussions of the death of God , the relations between Nietzsche s writings and Zoroastrian tradition have been investigated (sections 3.1 to 3.7), allowing the understanding of this event as an essential component, and tragic outcome, of the rectification of the most fatal of errors


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Este estudo busca esclarecer e discutir a reflexão de Hannah Arendt sobre a crise na educação no mundo contemporâneo enquanto crise político-filosófica da modernidade. Trata-se de explicitar de que forma o significado da educação está atrelado às condições de instituição, compartilhamento e conservação do mundo comum e humano. Com o intuito de reconstruir as análises da autora sobre os reflexos da crise político-filosófica da modernidade na esfera prépolítica da educação, esta pesquisa investiga de que modo o fim da tradição metafísica, o esfacelamento da autoridade, o obscurecimento da esfera pública e a moderna alienação do mundo promoveram uma profunda degradação das capacidades humanas de construir, conservar e compartilhar pela ação e pelo discurso um mundo que possa sobreviver e permanecer um lugar não mortal para seres que nascem e morrem. Palavras-chave: Hannah Arendt; Educação; Crise; Modernidade; Autoridade; Espaço Público.


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It is investigating why reason Nietzsche affirms, in 1888, when revises his work (Ecce Homo), that to be exactly with The Birth of Tragedy it will be necessary to forget some things , and, in spite of, insist, in the same writing, in naming himself the first tragic philosopher - that is, the opposite and antipode of a pessimistic philosopher . Nietzsche elaborates in The Birth of Tragedy a theory about tragic starting from the opposition and complementarity among Apollo and Dionysian, rationalism and instinct, and in the refusal of the pessimistic perspective. The objective of the dissertation is to discuss how the theory of tragedy modifies due to the rupture with the inspiring of the first moment of the nietzschian philosophy, Schopenhauer and Wagner - maybe the such things to be forgotten about The Birth of Tragedy - and the implications of this rupture, that transforms the philosophy of Nietzsche in dissident of the metaphysical tradition. Like this, it is noticed that there is more continuity than estrangement in what concerns to the definition of tragic, just announced in 1871. By the sentence of the eternal return to the concept of will of power Nietzsche elaborates a tragic perspective, marked by the Dionysian celebration of the life, also acted through the pessimism dionisiac , defined in Gaya Science's § 370 (1881-2), and of the sentence of the love fate, enunciated in the §276 of the same work; all those concepts, discussed in this research, concentrate, decisively, the acceptance idea and statement of life, or more precisely, the decline of the tragic hero, between joy and ruin


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Geological and Geomorphological Sites of the Towns of Acari, Carnaúba dos Dantas and Currais Novos, Seridó Region of the Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, consist s of a study about geological, geomorphological, mineralogical, palaeontological and archaeological features of the study area, aiming the identification of sites that presents scientific, historical, cultural, economic and ecological excellent importance, and that they deserve to receive special protection for its maintenance for the gifts and future generations. It was developed according with methods adopted for the Brazilian Commitee of Geological and Paleontological Sites SIGEP/UNESCO and by Initiati ve of Sofia for the Preservation of the Mineral Diversity of the Planet, objectifying the description of the main sites, the its environmental problematic and proposal of protectionistic measures. Seven sites with features and typical structures had been identified that they deserve to be aim of protection. In the Acari town, three sites had been identified: geological -geomorphologicalarchaeological site Barra of the Carnaúba; geological-geomorphological site of the Gargalheiras; and geological-geomorphological site Bico of Arara. In Carnaúba of the Dantas, the geomorphological complex river of the Bojo that possesss canyons and deep throats, with rocky-arts registers of the three great rocky-arts traditions of northeast: Northeast Seridó Sub-tradition, Wasteland and Itaquatiara. In the Currais Novos town, 3 sites had been also identified: geomorphological site Canyon of the Apertados; geomorphological-archaeological-palaeontological complex of the Totoró; e, geologicalmineralogical site Brejuí. Because to the environmental problematic that it involves each one of the identified sites, it is proposed, as a guarantee of protection to these sites, its economic exploitation with the ecogeotouristic activity, that it aims at to the integration of the community in programs of environmental education and others, besides providing to the generation of job and income for the towns. Finally, a series of measures is suggested that they aim at to the efectivation of the activity and to the protection of the sites that they can be classified as natural heritage, in accordance with the denomination of UNESCO, in its program World Natural Heritage


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This work treats about the speeches that produced the crisis of symbols of Ceará, researching on matters and ways of expression of space between 1950s and 1970s. Therefore, we search discursive practices that since the end of nineteenth century built the identity of Ceará and in the middle of twentieth century produced the crisis of modes of seeing and telling the space in front of enunciations of the national modernization, especially with the emergence of politics by SUDENE to the Northeast, the progressive actions by Catholic Church, the defense of tradition by regional literature of union of Ceará Clã. The contradictions between the glorification and fear the modernization of Brazil produced on the space speeches that his identity would be fractured, that the old symbols of drought, cangaço, mysticism and colonels declined. Among analyzed speeches, we centered the analysis of Trilogia da Maldição formed of novels O Dragão, of 1964, Os Verdes Abutres da Colina and João Pinto de Maria: a biografia de um louco by José Alcides Pinto. In this novel, the enunciation of the crisis of symbologies about the space produced another aesthetic, the allegory, which, mixed with the mystical and melancholy, in search of ways to restore the language of the old themes Ceará, drop of Ceará the same stigma of anti-modern space, where the images of delay changed icons of a fractured identity in front of the modern streams, where the word was transformed in the dimension precarious and redeemer of the tradition, of old, of nature, of the plenitude of senses. In Jose Alcides, the colonel returns as the origin of the lost space, the drought is the revolt of God against the devil place, the apocalypse, the end imminent threat to the village, signs that fantastic, however, are in dialogue with the settings space and time in which they were produced


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Cette dissertation propose l analyse des Mémoires de Olivier de La Marche, homme de la cour qui a vécu comme serviteur des maisons de Bourgogne et d Autriche de l année 1439 jusqu à 1502. Nous avons compris sa littérature comme particulière pour l époque, car elle est née motivé par les questions personnelles de l auteur. C est pourquoi qu elle s est éloignée des genres littéraires liés à la fonction de servir aux propos du prince, particulièrement les chroniques. Nous avons cru que ces intentions particulières ont eu l origine dans la tradition de la mémoire médiévale, qui a répandu de l oral pour l écrit pendant la fin de la Moyen Âge. Cette écriture de la mémoire, réglementée à l expérience de qui écrivait, a promu la naissance de l individu quand il a cherché assumer les lieux du personnage et du témoin des événements dans l espace du texte . Telle affirmation nous avons conduit jusqu à la fonction des discours qui ont créé des espaces dans l oeuvre. Motivé par la vision spécialisée comme maître d hôtel, tels discours ont produit un espace de la cour idéal, capable de justifier la personnalité de l auteur et de lui consacrer comme le maître de la pratique de la courtoisie


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Based on the relation history, literature and space, this work examines the production and the closing of the representation of the hinterland in the Romance d A Pedra do Reino of the paraiban writer Ariano Suassuna. Inspired by method proposed by deconstructionist by Jacques Derrida, our reflection decomposes the writing scene of Suassuna by means of it s tracks to interpret the operation of the representation of the space-hinterland for the speech of the writer. Being thus, we present the elements chosen for Suassuna to weave an identification it s with this space-hinterland, taking a priori as a sentimental place and of familiar origin . The construction of this relation of belonging in great is measured grounded for a familiar memory entangled in the context politician who culminated in the Revolution of 1930 and that he resulted for the writer in the death of father. Suassuna launches a look on the identity and the Brazilian culture that guided in the tradition concept it searchs to deny the gift grounding its speech in the return to the past, a past order . Specifically in it s romance we notice to exist the fusing of these tracks in the production of a representation of the hinterland that it intends to close a concept of this space and its culture. Soon, the idea of kingdom sends to the space of the enchantments manufactured in infancy and retaken by the intellectual radical who in the anxiety of honor the father figure, does not save efforts in constructing a space representation that, over all, either faithful the representation that it searchs to trace of proper itself. Under one it marks of universality , the hinterland-kingdom of Suassuna if discloses eurocentric in the measure where it perpetuates discurse the filiation of the European cultural traditions.