874 resultados para tonic Inhibition
Galectin-1 (Gal-1), the prototype of a family of β -galactoside-binding proteins, has been shown to attenuate experimental acute and chronic inflammation. In view of the fact that endothelial cells (ECs), but not human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), expressed Gal-1 we tested here the hypothesis that the protein could modulate leukocyte-EC interaction in inflammatory settings. In vitro, human recombinant (hr) Gal-1 inhibited PMN chemotaxis and trans-endothelial migration. These actions were specific as they were absent if Gal-1 was boiled or blocked by neutralizing antiserum. In vivo, hrGal-1 (optimum effect at 0.3 μg equivalent to 20 pmol) inhibited interleukin-1β-induced PMN recruitment into the mouse peritoneal cavity. Intravital microscopy analysis showed that leukocyte flux, but not their rolling velocity, was decreased by an anti-inflammatory dose of hrGal-1. Binding of biotinylated Gal-1 to resting and post-adherent human PMNs occurred at concentrations inhibitory in the chemotaxis and transmigration assays. In addition, the pattern of Gal-1 binding was differentially modulated by PMN or EC activation. In conclusion, these data suggest the existence of a previously unrecognized function of Gal-1, that is inhibition of leukocyte rolling and extravasation in experimental inflammation. It is possible that endogenous Gal-1 may be part of a novel anti-inflammatory loop in which the endothelium is the source of the protein and the migrating PMNs the target for its anti-inflammatory action.
Type-1 diabetic patients experience hyperketonemia caused by an increase in fatty acid metabolism. Thus, the aim of this study was to measure the effect of ketone bodies as suppressors of oxidizing species produced by stimulated neutrophils. Both acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate have suppressive effect on the respiratory burst measured by luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. Through measurements of hypochlorous acid production, using neutrophils or the myeloperoxidase/H2O2/Cl- system, it was found that acetoacetate but not 3-hydroxybutyrate is able to inhibit the generation of this antimicrobial oxidant. The superoxide anion scavenging properties were confirmed by ferricytochrome C reduction and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence assays. However, ketone bodies did not alter the rate of oxygen uptake by stimulated neutrophils, measured with an oxygen electrode. A strong inhibition of the expression of the cytokine IL-8 by cultured neutrophils was also observed; this is discussed with reference to the antioxidant-like property of acetoacetate. © 2004 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
Leaf-cutting ants are known to be a serious pest for agriculture due to the high amounts of vegetal matter from crops used by them in order to cultivate a symbiotic fungus on which they rely for food and enzymes. The mutualism between the fungus and the ants is a point to be explored when alternative methods of control are being thought of. Considering that some plants are naturally resistant to phytophagous insects, some natural products (secondary metabolites) should be evaluated with respect to their insecticide and/or fungicide properties. In this paper we isolated eight coumarins from four different plant species and we determined their effect on the development of the symbiotic fungus of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens. With the exception of clausarin, all the other coumarins were inhibitory from 64 μg mL-1 through 80 μg mL-1 and xanthyletin inhibited the fungus at 25 μ mL -1. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) undergoes a specific post-translational modification called hypusination. This modification is required for the functionality of this protein. The compound N1-guanyl-1,7-diaminoheptane (GC7) is a potent and selective inhibitor of deoxyhypusine synthase, which catalyses the first step of eIF5A hypusination process. In the present study, the effects of GC7 on cell death were investigated using two cell lines: melan-a murine melanocytes and Tm5 marine melanoma. In vitro treatment with GC7 increased by 3-fold the number of cells presenting DNA fragmentation in Tm5 cells. Exposure to GC7 also decreased viability to both cell lines. This study also describes, for the first time, the in vivo antitumour effect of GC7, as indicated by impaired melanoma growth in C57BL/6 mice. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Membrane fusion is an essential step in the entry of enveloped viruses into their host cells triggered by conformational changes in viral glycoproteins. We have demonstrated previously that modification of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) abolished conformational changes on VSV glycoprotein and the fusion reaction catalyzed by the virus. In the present study, we evaluated whether treatment with DEPC was able to inactivate the virus. Infectivity and viral replication were abolished by viral treatment with 0.5 mM DEPC. Mortality profile and inflammatory response in the central nervous system indicated that G protein modification with DEPC eliminates the ability of the virus to cause disease. In addition, DEPC treatment did not alter the conformational integrity of surface proteins of inactivated VSV as demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and competitive ELISA. Taken together, our results suggest a potential use of histidine (His) modification to the development of a new process of viral inactivation based on fusion inhibition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
EPSP synthase (EPSPS) is an essential enzyme in the shikimate pathway, transferring the enolpyruvyl group of phosphoenolpyruvate to shikimate-3-phosphate to form 5-enolpyruvyl-3-shikimate phosphate and inorganic phosphate. This enzyme is composed of two domains, which are formed by three copies of βαβαββ-folding units; in between there are two crossover chain segments hinging the nearly topologically symmetrical domains together and allowing conformational changes necessary for substrate conversion. The reaction is ordered with shikimate-3-phosphate binding first, followed by phosphoenolpyruvate, and then by the subsequent release of phosphate and EPSP. N-[phosphomethyl]glycine (glyphosate) is the commercial inhibitor of this enzyme. Apparently, the binding of shikimate-3-phosphate is necessary for glyphosate binding, since it induces the closure of the two domains to form the active site in the interdomain cleft. However, it is somehow controversial whether binding of shikimate-3-phosphate alone is enough to induce the complete conversion to the closed state. The phosphoenolpyruvate binding site seems to be located mainly on the C-terminal domain, while the binding site of shikimate-3-phosphate is located primarily in the N-terminal domain residues. However, recent results demonstrate that the active site of the enzyme undergoes structural changes upon inhibitor binding on a scale that cannot be predicted by conventional computational methods. Studies of molecular docking based on the interaction of known EPSPS structures with (R)- phosphonate TI analogue reveal that more experimental data on the structure and dynamics of various EPSPS-ligand complexes are needed to more effectively apply structure-based drug design of this enzyme in the future. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis that presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Because of the great number of neutrophils polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) found in the P. brasiliensis granuloma, studies have been done to evaluate the role of these cells during the development of the infection. This fungus is found intracellularly in PMN and monocytes/macrophages, suggesting that it is capable of evading damage and surviving inside these cells. Thus, in the present study, we investigated whether P. brasiliensis can prolong the lifetime of PMN, and if this process would be related with IL-8 levels. PMN apoptosis and intracellular levels of IL-8 were analysed by flow cytometry and culture supernatants IL-8 levels were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that coincubation with P. brasiliensis yeast cells results in an inhibition of PMN apoptosis, which was associated with increase in IL-8 production by these cells. Cocultures treatment with monoclonal antibody anti-IL-8 reversed the inhibitory effect of P. brasiliensis on PMN apoptosis, besides to increase spontaneous apoptosis of these cells. These data show that, in contrast to other microbial pathogens that drive phagocytes into apoptosis to escape killing, P. brasiliensis can extend the lifetime of normal human PMN by inducing autocrine IL-8 production. © 2008 The Authors.
Metals are natural components in ecosystems; however, if these elements are in excess, they can have adverse effects on living organisms. This study analyzes the interference of copper, lead, iron and cadmium in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities in zebrafish. AChE was significantly inhibited in vitro by copper, iron, lead and cadmium at higher concentrations (10 and 20 mmol/L), whereas CbE was inhibited only at a concentration of 20 mmol/L. In vivo, only lead and cadmium were able to cause AChE inhibition at higher concentrations, while iron didn't cause any changes, and copper promoted an increase in AChE activity at a concentration of 0.06 mg/L. CbE activity did not change at any of the times (two and seven days) and concentrations tested, except in the case of copper exposure, which resulted in a decrease in CbE activity. Indeed, iodoacetamide treatment didn't changed AChE neither CbE activities, results which indicate that the metal inhibiting effect is probably not due to its biding to thiol groups close the active site of the enzyme. This outcome reveals that metals are important esterase inhibitors in zebrafish, and should be considered in environmental monitoring studies that use esterase inhibition as exposure biomarkers of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
During initial development, both X chromosomes are active in females, and one of them must be silenced at the appropriate time in order to dosage compensate their gene expression levels to male counterparts. Silencing involves epigenetic mechanisms, including histone deacetylation. Major X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in bovine occurs between hatching and implantation, although in vitro culture conditions might disrupt the silencing process, increasing or decreasing X-linked gene expression. In this study, we aimed to address the roles of histone deacetylase inhibition by trichostatin A (TSA) on female preimplantation development.We tested the hypothesis that by enhancing histone acetylation, TSA would increase the percentage of embryos achieving 16-cell stage, reducing percentage of embryos blocked at 8-cell stage, and interfere with XCI in IVF embryos. We noticed that after TSA treatment, acetylation levels in individual blastomeres of 8-16 cell embryos were increased twofold on treated embryos, and the samewas detected for blastocysts. Changes among blastomere levels within the same embryo were diminished on TSA group, as low-acetylated blastomeres were no longer detected. The percentage of embryos that reached the 5th cleavage cycle 118 h after IVF, analyzed by Hoechst staining, remained unaltered after TSA treatment. Then, we assessed XIST and G6PD expression in individual female bovine blastocysts by quantitative real-time PCR. Even though G6PD expression remained unaltered after TSA exposure, XIST expression was eightfold decreased, and we also detected a major decrease in the percentage of blastocysts expressing detectable XIST levels after TSA treatment. Based on these results, we conclude that HDAC is involved on XCI process in bovine embryos, and its inhibition might delay X chromosome silencing and attenuate aberrant XIST expression described for IVF embryos. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.
A Aniba canelilla (H.B.K) Mez, conhecida popularmente como casca-preciosa é uma espécie da família Lauraceae que apresenta ampla distribuição na região amazônica. O chá das folhas e das cascas são utilizados na medicina popular como digestivo, carminativo e antiinflamatório. Neste estudo decidiu-se avaliar se esta atividade é devida a um de seus principais constituintes, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano. A amostra obtida por purificação do óleo essencial de Aniba canelilla possui 97,5% de 1-nitro-2-feniletano foi fornecida pelo Laboratório de Engenharia Química da UFPA. Nos modelos de nocicepção foram realizados os testes da contorção abdominal, placa quente e formalina. Enquanto que nos modelos de inflamação foram realizados a dermatite induzido pelo óleo de croton, edema de pata induzido por dextrana e carragenina e peritonite induzido pela carragenina. No teste de contorção abdominal induzido por ácido acético, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 15, 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o número de contorções abdominais. No teste de placa quente (55 0,5 C), o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 50, 100 e 200 mg/kg não induziu alterações no tempo de latência quando comparado ao grupo controle. No teste de formalina, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o estímulo álgico na 2 fase do teste. Além disso, a antinocicepção foi revertida pela naloxona na segunda fase. Na dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg reduziu de maneira significativa o eritema em relação ao grupo controle (inibição de 73% e 79%, respectivamente). Nos edemas de pata induzido por carragenina e dextrana, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano foi capaz de impedir o desenvolvimento do edema, nas doses de 25 e 50 mg/kg, em comparação com o grupo controle. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o 1-nitro-2-feniletano na dose de 25 mg/kg reduziu o número de células globais e o número de neutrófilos quando comparado ao grupo controle (inibição de 22,55% e 38,13%, respectivamente). Nossos resultados sugerem que o 1-nitro-2-feniletano tem atividade antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória, provavelmente, de origem periférica, além disso, os resultados sugerem que os receptores opióides estão envolvidos no efeito antinociceptivo do 1-nitro-2-feniletano.
Hyptis crenata (Pohl) ex Benth. é uma planta herbácea, medicinal e aromática, pertencente à família lamiaceae, conhecida popularmente como salva-do-marajó, malva-do-marajó e hortelã-bravo. Distribui-se no estuário do Rio Amazonas, Pantanal e no estado de Minas-Gerais. Seu óleo essencial é caracterizado pela presença de monoterpenos e sesquiterpenos. É utilizada popularmente como sudorífico, tônico, estimulante, bem como para tratar inflamação de olhos e garganta, constipação e artrite. Baseado nessas informações, decidiu-se avaliar a atividade antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória do óleo essencial desta espécie (OEHc) através dos seguintes testes: teste das contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético, placa quente, formalina, dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, edemas induzidos por dextrana e carragenina e peritonite induzida por carragenina. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se ANOVA seguida de um método de múltiplas comparações (Teste de Student-Newman-Keuls ou teste "t" de Student). O óleo foi extraído por hidrodestilação, obtendo um rendimento de 0,6%. É composto predominantemente por monoterpenos (94,5%). A dose letal media DL50 foi de 5000 mg/kg. Nas contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético o óleo (250, 350 e 500 mg/kg) reduziu de forma significante de maneira dose-dependente estas contorções em 22,56%, 60,76% e 75,53%, respectivamente, cujo coeficiente de correlação linear foi de r = 0,9341 e DE50 = 364,22 mg/kg. No teste da placa quente, o óleo não foi capaz de aumentar o tempo de latência de maneira significante. No teste da formalina, o OEHc produziu uma inibição da 1 fase em 26,49% e da 2 fase em 43,39%. Além disso, a naloxona reverteu o efeito do OEHc neste teste. Na dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, o OEHc reduziu o edema de maneira significante em 44,26%. No edema induzido por dextrana, o óleo foi capaz de impedir o desenvolvimento do edema na dose de 364,22 mg/kg de maneira significante em relação ao grupo controle. Porém, no edema induzido por carragenina esta inibição não foi observada. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o OEHc reduziu o número de leucócitos e o de neutrófilos em 47,55% e 66,47%, respectivamente. A partir dos resultados obtidos, sugere-se que o OEHc apresenta atividade antinociceptiva provavelmente através da ação direta sobre as fibras nociceptivas, além de sugerir que os receptores opióides possam estar envolvidos neste processo; e atividade antiinflamatória provavelmente de origem periférica. Pode-se sugerir, também, que os possíveis componentes responsáveis por essas ações sejam os compostos monoterpênicos presentes no OEHc.
We investigated the participation of A1 or A2 receptors in the gonadotrope and their role in the regulation of LH and FSH secretion in adult rat hemipituitary preparations, using adenosine analogues. A dose-dependent inhibition of LH and FSH secretion was observed after the administration of graded doses of the R-isomer of phenylisopropyladenosine (R-PIA; 1 nM, 10 nM, 100 nM, 1 µM and 10 µM). The effect of R-PIA (10 nM) was blocked by the addition of 8-cyclopentyltheophylline (CPT), a selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, at the dose of 1 µM. The addition of an A2 receptor-specific agonist, 5-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (MECA), at the doses of 1 nM to 1 µM had no significant effect on LH or FSH secretion, suggesting the absence of this receptor subtype in the gonadotrope. However, a sharp inhibition of the basal secretion of these gonadotropins was observed after the administration of 10 µM MECA. This effect mimicked the inhibition induced by R-PIA, supporting the hypothesis of the presence of A1 receptors in the gonadotrope. R-PIA (1 nM to 1 µM) also inhibited the secretion of LH and FSH induced by phospholipase C (0.5 IU/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest the presence of A1 receptors and the absence of A2 receptors in the gonadotrope. It is possible that the inhibition of LH and FSH secretion resulting from the activation of A1 receptors may have occurred independently of the increase in membrane phosphoinositide synthesis.
In previous studies, we demonstrated biphasic purinergic effects on prolactin (PRL) secretion stimulated by an adenosine A2 agonist. In the present study, we investigated the role of the activation of adenosine A1 receptors by (R)-N6-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine (R-PIA) at the pituitary level in in vitro PRL secretion. Hemipituitaries (one per cuvette in five replicates) from adult male rats were incubated. Administration of R-PIA (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 µM) induced a reduction of PRL secretion into the medium in a U-shaped dose-response curve. The maximal reduction was obtained with 0.1 µM R-PIA (mean ± SEM, 36.01 ± 5.53 ng/mg tissue weight (t.w.)) treatment compared to control (264.56 ± 15.46 ng/mg t.w.). R-PIA inhibition (0.01 µM = 141.97 ± 15.79 vs control = 244.77 ± 13.79 ng/mg t.w.) of PRL release was blocked by 1 µM cyclopentyltheophylline, a specific A1 receptor antagonist (1 µM = 212.360 ± 26.560 ng/mg t.w.), whereas cyclopentyltheophylline alone (0.01, 0.1, 1 µM) had no effect. R-PIA (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 µM) produced inhibition of PRL secretion stimulated by both phospholipase C (0.5 IU/mL; 977.44 ± 76.17 ng/mg t.w.) and dibutyryl cAMP (1 mM; 415.93 ± 37.66 ng/mg t.w.) with nadir established at the dose of 0.1 µM (225.55 ± 71.42 and 201.9 ± 19.08 ng/mg t.w., respectively). Similarly, R-PIA (0.01 µM) decreased (242.00 ± 24.00 ng/mg t.w.) the PRL secretion stimulated by cholera toxin (0.5 mg/mL; 1050.00 ± 70.00 ng/mg t.w.). In contrast, R-PIA had no effect (468.00 ± 34.00 ng/mg t.w.) on PRL secretion stimulation by pertussis toxin (0.5 mg/mL; 430.00 ± 26.00 ng/mg t.w.). These results suggest that inhibition of PRL secretion after A1 receptor activation by R-PIA is mediated by a Gi protein-dependent mechanism.
The influence of melatonin on the developmental pattern of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors was investigated in embryonic 8-day-old chick retinal cells in culture. The functional response to acetylcholine was measured in cultured retina cells by microphysiometry. The maximal functional response to acetylcholine increased 2.7 times between the 4th and 5th day in vitro (DIV4, DIV5), while the Bmax value for 125I-a-bungarotoxin was reduced. Despite the presence of a8-like immunoreactivity at DIV4, functional responses mediated by a-bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic acetylcholine receptors were observed only at DIV5. Mecamylamine (100 µM) was essentially without effect at DIV4 and DIV5, while dihydro-ß-erythroidine (10-100 µM) blocked the response to acetylcholine (3.0 nM-2.0 µM) only at DIV4, with no effect at DIV5. Inhibition of melatonin receptors with the antagonist luzindole, or melatonin synthesis by stimulation of D4 dopamine receptors blocked the appearance of the a-bungarotoxin-sensitive response at DIV5. Therefore, a-bungarotoxin-sensitive receptors were expressed in retinal cells as early as at DIV4, but they reacted to acetylcholine only after DIV5. The development of an a-bungarotoxin-sensitive response is dependent on the production of melatonin by the retinal culture. Melatonin, which is produced in a tonic manner by this culture, and is a key hormone in the temporal organization of vertebrates, also potentiates responses mediated by a-bungarotoxin-sensitive receptors in rat vas deferens and cerebellum. This common pattern of action on different cell models that express a-bungarotoxin-sensitive receptors probably reflects a more general mechanism of regulation of these receptors.
O transtorno epiléptico apresenta alta prevalência e severidade. Além da gravidade da epilepsia per se, este distúrbio pode ser acompanhado de várias comorbidades, sendo a depressão a principal comorbidade psiquiátrica. Os mecanismos envolvidos na relação epilepsia/depressão ainda não estão bem esclarecidos, e sabe-se que o tratamento de ambos os distúrbios pode ser problemático, já que alguns anticonvulsivantes podem causar ou aumentar sintomas depressivos, enquanto alguns antidepressivos parecem aumentar a susceptibilidade a convulsões. Por outro lado, estudos têm demonstrado que alguns antidepressivos, além de seguros, também possuem atividade anticonvulsivante como a venlafaxina, um inibidor da recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina (IRSN). Considerando que a duloxetina, outro IRSN, apresenta uma inibição mais potente sobre transportados monoaminérgicos e que não existe nada na literatura a respeito de sua influência sobre convulsões apesar de que está sendo aplicado atualmente na clínica, o objetivo do nosso estudo é verificar o possível efeito anticonvulsivante da duloxetina através do modelo de convulsões induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol (PTZ) em camundongos. Para tal, camundongos foram pré-tratados com duloxetina (10, 20, 40 mg/kg/i.p.) e trinta minutos após receberam uma injeção intraperitoneal de PTZ (60 mg/kg). Por vinte minutos os animais foram monitorados para a avaliação dos tempos de latência para o primeiro espasmo mioclônico e a primeira crise tônico-clônica, como também o tempo de duração das convulsões e de sobrevida. A análise eletroencefalográfica foi utilizada para avaliar a severidade das crises (aumento da amplitude das ondas). Após esse período os animais foram sacrificados, o córtex cerebral dissecado e análises bioquímicas (atividade da superóxido desmutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), níveis de nitritos e peroxidação lipídica) foram feitas para investigação dos mecanismos pelos quais a droga influencia as convulsões. Os resultados preliminares demonstraram que a duloxetina apresenta atividade anticonvulsivante, sendo capaz de aumentar significativamente o tempo de latência tanto para o primeiro espasmo clônico, como para a primeira convulsão tônico-clônica induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol. Ainda a avaliação eletroencefalográfica demonstrou que a duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg diminuiu significativamente a amplitude das ondas enquanto a dose de 40 mg/kg aumentou significativamente a amplitude em comparação a todos os tratamentos. Quanto à avaliação da influência no estresse oxidativo, animais tratados apenas com PTZ apresentaram um aumento significativo do nível de peroxidação lipídica, e diminuição da atividade da SOD e da CAT. Quanto ao nível de nitritos não houve nenhuma alteração significativa entre os tratamentos. A duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg se mostrou efetiva para evitar as alterações induzidas pelo PTZ nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo avaliados. A atividade anticonvulsivante da duloxetina (20 mg/kg) colabora com a teoria que tem sido apresentada nos últimos ano de que a modulação da neurotransmissão serotonérgica e noradrenérgica pode ter efeito anticonvulsivante. Ainda, a capacidade da duloxetina de inibir a exacerbação do estresse oxidativo envolvido nas convulsões induzidas pelo PTZ corrobora com estudos que demonstram que algumas substâncias anticonvulsivantes podem modular as convulsões pelo menos em parte por sua atividade antioxidante. Portanto concluímos que a duloxetine é um adjuvante promissor para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentam a comorbidade epilepsia e depressão.