1000 resultados para teste de progênies


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The present article deals with the adaptation of the Moral Judgment Test (MJT) for the Portuguese language. The principles of the test, its format and the process of content, construct and criterion validation are presented. In the same way, reliability is discussed using Brazilian research results that produced the necessity of elaborating another dilemma to compose the MJT-xt (extended).


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The objective of this research was to study the accelerated aging test to evaluate the okra vigor seed. Were used four okra seed lots cv. "Santa Cruz". The initial seed lot quality was evaluate by the moisture content, germination, first germination count, speed of germination index and seedling emergence. The experiment was carried out in two phases: the first one the seeds were submitted to the accelerate aging with and without NaCl salt solution aging periods of 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours, at 41 and 45(0) C temperature. The second phase the best procedures as for as accelerated aging and temperatures were repeated. The period of 72h and 41 C with and without NaCl saturated solution was the most adequate for the lot classification in distint vigor levels.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of vermiculite as a substrate for the germination test of 'barbatimao' seeds and to establish what would be the best granulometry and the best moisture intensity to germinate 'barbatimao' seeds. Four replications of 50 seeds were previously scarified with H(2)SO(4) for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the following germination substrates were evaluated: paper rolls moistened with water equivalent to 2.5 times the weight of the dry paper (control); micron, super thin, thin and average sized vermiculite moistened with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper. The germination temperature was 30 C. The percentage of normal seedlings was obtained seven days after sowing (first count) and, then, weekly (up to 28 days). Average time and relative distribution of germination were calculated. It was concluded that the germination of 'barbatimao' seeds can be carried out with either fine vermiculite moistened with water equivalent to 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper or average sized substrate moistened with water equivalent to 0.5 to 2.0 times the weight of dry paper. These treatments resulted in higher and faster germination (21 days), similarly to the paper roll method.


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The densitometrical interpretation is a technical resource that removes both the subjectivity of conventional interpretation and the high operational cost of automatic interpretation. Meanwhile, the densitometric lecture presents variability and this work has the objective of examinating, through Chi-square test, if there exists significative differences of cone overture of the densitometer as to the filter used. The results were the following: the variation that happened in this densitometric lecture, when different cone overture and filter were used, have not invalidated the values that were obtained; the extreme values variations have to be used with attention, so will not be overstep of values among the different elements of soil covering have to be used discerniment to classify this values; the study was in consonance with other authors. -from English summary


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The author use the H2 breath test to study the small bowel microflora of chagasic patients with megaesophagus and/or megacolon. Compare this group with a control one. Find a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the small bowel flora of chagasic group. It is concluded that H2 breath is a simple and useful test to detect alteration in intestinal flora.


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Tuberculosis (TB), an infectious disease readily transmitted between animals and humans, is an great threat to public and animal health a like and has been declared an international emergency. According to the WHO, animal TB is a source of much concern, especially in the poorer countries where there is little awareness of the problem. Thus, improvements in veterinary health are essential, with regard to infection by Mycobacterium bovis, particularly in areas where the public is at risk. The prevalence of infected animals in Brazil is about 1%, whereas, in the dairy cattle region of São Carlos, the average proportion of positive tests was found to be 3. 1% from 1987 to 1996. The current research was carried out to investigate the prevalence, in the region, of dairy cattle reacting positively to the tuberculin test, from 1997 to the first half of 2001. The results were obtained by searching through the data collected by the Federal Inspection Authority, and they indicated an average prevalence of 1.3% over the period, similar to the official national average. It was concluded that bovine TB continues to be present in the region, posing a potential threat of infection to the human population.


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This study aims to compare a psychological evaluation test to classical psychoanalysis in infertile women. Two hundred women were submitted to the Psychological Evaluation Test (PET). The sum of the scores for the responses ranged from 15 to 60 points, with scores ≥ 30 points being defined as psycho-emotional maladjustment (cut-off point: median + 25%). For comparison, a psychologist submitted the patients to a psychological examination simultaneously, who was unaware of the PET results. From the 200 patients, 66 (33%) presented a test with ≥ 30 points (psycho-emotional maladjustment) and 134 (67%) a test with < 30 points (normal). Upon psychological examination, 105 (52.5%) presented an abnormal evaluation and 95 (47.5%) a normal evaluation. For the PET, statistical analysis showed 82% efficiency, 62% sensitivity, 98% positive predictive value, 99% specificity, 70% negative predictive value, likelihood ratio for a positive test result 62, and likelihood ratio for negative test result 0.38. The PET proved to be a useful clinical instrument, being of help for the selection of patients with psychological needs induced by infertility.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: To detect normal values of red phenol thread test in the Brazilian population and compare it between different races, age and sex. Methods: 280 white individuals (560 eyes) and 280 non-white individuals (560 eyes) were analyzed regarding sex and age, and analyzed using the Phenol Red test. Individuals with ocular diseases, contact lens or ocular drug users were excluded from this study. Results: Of the 1,120 evaluated eyes, the mean ± standard deviation result was 19,77±7,90 mm. Conclusion: The mean result found in this study was an intermediate value compared to the previously studied populations (Japanese and American).


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Objective: To determine the accuracy of the variables related to the fixed-height stair-climbing test (SCT) using maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O 2 max) as the gold standard. Methods: The SCT was performed on a staircase consisting of 6 flights (72 steps; 12.16 m total height), with verbal encouragement, in 51 patients. Stair-climbing time was measured, the variables 'work' and 'power' also being calculated. The V̇O2 max was measured using ergospirometry according to the Balke protocol. We calculated the Pearson linear correlation (r), as well as the values of p, between the SCT variables and V̇O2 max. To determine accuracy, the V̇O 2 max cut-off point was set at 25 mL/kg/min, and individuals were classified as normal or altered. The cut-off points for the SCT variables were determined using the receiver operating characteristic curve. The Kappa statistic (k) was used in order to assess concordance. Results: The following values were obtained for the variable 'time': cut-off point = 40 s; mean = 41 ± 15.5 s; r = -0.707; p < 0.005; specificity = 89%; sensibility = 83%; accuracy = 86%; and k = 0.724. For 'power', the values obtained were as follows: cut-off point = 200 w; mean = 222.3 ± 95.2 w; r = 0.515; p < 0.005; specificity = 67%; sensibility= 75%; accuracy = 71%; and k = 0.414. Since the correlation between the variable 'work' and V̇O2 max was not significant, that variable was discarded. Conclusion: Of the SCT variables tested, using V̇O2 max as the gold standard, the variable 'time' was the most accurate.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the genetic divergence in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, aiming to identify the most productive and divergent progenies for the use of improvement program. The test of progenies containing 119 progenies and two commercial controls were planted in March 1990, using 11 × 11 square lattice design, sextuple, partially balanced, disposed in lineal plots with six trees in the spacing of 3,0 × 3,0m. 13 years after planting thinning was realized (selection for DBH), with 50% selection intensity based on Multi-effect index, leaving three trees per plot in all the experiment. The evaluations were done at four situations: A (before the thinning); B (thinned trees); C (remaining trees after thinning) and D (one year after thinning). The analyzed traits were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH), volume, form of stem and wood density. The genetic divergence among the progenies was studied with aid of the canonical variables and of clustering of Tocher method, using the generalized distance matrix of Mahalanobis (D2) as estimate of the genetic similarity. The progenies were grouped in four groups in situation A, fourteen in the situation B, two in the situation C and three in the situation D. The selective thinning of the trees within of the progenies caused a change in the genetic divergence among the progenies, genetically homogenizing the progenies, as demonstrated by the generalized distances of Mahalanobis, clustering of Tocher' and canonical variables methods. The thinning made possible a high uniformity in respect to the relative contribution of the traits for the total genetic divergence. The techniques of clustering were efficient to identify groups of divergent progenies for the use hybridization and little divergent progenies for the use in backcross program.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the estimates of genetic parameters in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. The progeny test was installed in June 1986, following a 10 × 10, triple square lattice design, containing ten trees in linear plots in 3.0 × 3.0m spacing. Twelve years after the planting, a selective thinning based on Multi-effect index (selection for DBH) was performed, leaving six trees per plot. The assessments were done in four situations: A (before thinning); B (among thinned trees); C (among remnant trees at 13 years of age) and D (two years after the thinning). The following traits were analyzed: total height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH), volume (VOL), stem form (FOR), foxtail (FT), wood density at 1.3 m (WD1) and wood density at the half height (WD2). The thinning led to increase in the estimates of variability among progenies for VOL and decrease for ALT and DBH. There was a high and positive genetic correlation among the growth traits, mainly between DBH and VOL. The latter remained unchanged after thinning. The narrow-sense heritabilities at the individual level, showed a slight increase while at the family mean level had a reduction with the thinning. The estimates of breeding values increased with the thinning. This may lead to an easier identification of the best progenies in further selection.


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The aim of this study was to determine the serum activities of enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in Arabian horses submitted to exercise on high-speed equine treadmill. Eleven mature Arabian horse were training and submitted to Standard Incremental Exercise Test on high-speed equine treadmill. Venous blood samples were taken before exercise, immediately and 30 min, 60min, 3h, 6h, 24h, 3 days and 5 days after exercise. The serum activity aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase were determined. The serum activies of AST, CK and LDH increase immediately and returned to baseline value 30 minutes after exercise. The AST enzyme activity increased at 12 hours and 24 hours, CK at 3 hours and 6 hours, and LDH at 24 hours after Standard Incremental Exercise Test.


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Due to the confirmation of its medicinal properties, the demand and the area planted with 'espinheira-santa' have been increasing. However, there are no sources of propagation material with known characteristics. Progenies of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reiss (espinheira-santa), originating from Southern Brazil have been analyzed, and currently comprise a germplasm inventory for the species. Studies included the assessment of in natura growth features (height and production of biomass canopy) and plant chemistry (lignin, phenols and mineral element contents), and targeted the creation of a data base, characterizing populations/progenies to be used in future selection and breeding programs of the species. Among the features assessed, were considered desirable the ones related to productivity (high foliar mass to branch mass ratio) and also the absence of thorns on the leaves. High total phenol and tannin content were observed in all the progenies assessed and these features is desirable as long the absence of toxic effects and preservation of the therapeutic quality of the plant medicinal elements produced can be proved.