1000 resultados para tendência de mudanças


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The genus Brachycephalus is endemic to the Atlantic rainforest and is distributed mainly in the southeastern and southern Brazil. Currently, it has 17 recognized species, most of them, associated with mountainous habitats along the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira ridges. Here we use an ecological niche modelling approach based on climatic variables, to assess the potential niche of the mountainous species of this genus. The model generated was then projected to future scenarios considering the last IPCC report, in order to estimate the impacts of climate changes on these species distribution. Results show a decrease in the total suitable area for the mountainous Brachycephalus species, as well as tendencies already observed for other organisms, such as, pole and upward migrations. A southern area on Planalto de Paranapiacaba increases in suitability for these species. We suggest special efforts on new surveys and conservation on the northern part of their distribution, once this seems to be the region more affected by climate changes on the projected scenarios


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Insetos e outros invertebrados desempenham papel chave nos ecossistemas terrestres por estarem envolvidos com processos de decomposição, ciclagem de nutrientes, polinização, dispersão e predação de sementes, etc. A fragmentação de habitats reduz sua área original, podendo causar extinções locais, alteração na composição e abundância de espécies e levar à perda de processos naturais das comunidades. Além disso, modifica os padrões de distribuição dos organismos, leva a uma redução da fonte de recursos disponíveis, interfere na dinâmica metapopulacional e gera efeitos negativos na abundância e diversidade genética, que pode contribuir para o declínio de muitas espécies. Neste estudo foram identificadas as mudanças de uso e ocupação dos solos ocorridas nos últimos 35 anos no entorno da Reserva de Cerrado de Corumbataí e sua influência sobre sua fauna de abelhas, tendo como referência levantamentos de espécies realizados nos anos de 1982, 1983 e 1984 e em seguida nos anos de 2000 e 2001. As espécies de abelha foram separadas por guildas de polinização para refletir melhor sua diversidade funcional na área de estudo. A vegetação visitada por estas abelhas foi separada de acordo com o bioma ao qual pertence e elaborou-se mapas temáticos de uso e cobertura do solo dos anos de 1975, 1981 e 2010 a partir de geoprocessamento no Spring 5.0 e criação de um Plano de Informação contendo a máscara de 10 Km de raio no entorno do fragmento a partir de imagens de composição colorida das bandas 4, 2, 3 (RGB) do LANDSAT 5, resolução de 30 m e LANDSAT 1 e 2 com resolução de 60 m disponibilizadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Os polígonos presentes na área de estudo de foram classificados de acordo com seu uso e ocupação em remanescentes florestais, áreas antrópicas e florestas plantadas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Ultimamente várias áreas da ciência vêm se unindo a fim de compreender, elucidar, retardar e reverter o processo do envelhecimento da pele. Tal processo deve ser estudado, pois as mudanças no aspecto exterior podem revelar disfunções que ocorrem internamente, além de trazer conseqüências psíquicas sobre o comportamento da pessoa, tanto diante de si mesma como diante das outras. A utilização de matérias-primas naturais orgânicas em formulações farmacêuticas e cosméticas segue uma tendência de mercado, haja vista o grande impulso que o mercado orgânico tem ocasionado na economia. Dentre estas matérias-primas, destaca-se a utilização do cacau orgânico que, pelo fato de ser rico em compostos polifenólicos e taninos condensados, acredita-se apresentar potencial ação antioxidante. Associados a sistemas nanoestruturados inovadores, como os sistemas líquido-cristalinos constituídos por silicones formadores de filme, a ação antioxidante do cacau orgânico pode, dessa forma, ser potencializada. Este trabalho tem como objetivos desenvolver e caracterizar sistemas líquido-cristalinos acrescidos de extrato de semente de cacau orgânico, avaliar a estabilidade físico-química e a atividade antioxidante das formulações obtidas. Realizou-se a caracterização do pó de cacau por microscopia óptica. A partir do pó do cacau, obteve-se extratos hidroalcóolicos do pó, a partir do qual foram quantificados compostos fenólicos utilizando o reagente Folin-Ciocalteu e determinada a atividade antioxidante com base na ação seqüestrante do radical 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazila (DPPH). Posteriormente, o extrato foi incorporado em um sistema constituído por acido oléico e polioxietileno 20 cetil éter, o qual foi caracterizado estruturalmente empregando análises de microscopia de luz polarizada, espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) e comportamento reológico... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study is supposed to identify the Environmental Education of the State of São Paulo that offers Environmental Education programs based on companies proposals. It was carried out a survey of private companies proposals for Environmental Education to schools from Rio Claro city. An analysis of the documents found on their programmes was done, through knowledge, participation and values, whereas the prospect of an Environmental Education toward the construction of citizenship. A trend was identified in materials of submitting an Environmental Education based on knowledge and actions involving changes claim based on antropocentric values and day by day concepts. Many of these proposals are restricted to important days and ⁄ or specific activities, that are taken in an certain way.


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A estrutura do comércio bilateral entre o Brasil e a República Popular da China - China alterou-se ao longo das décadas de 1990 e 2000 e dos anos 2010 e 2011, que correspondem ao período de análise. Os indicadores monetários e físicos aqui utilizados sugerem que essa relação bilateral de comércio apresenta impacto negativo sobre o meio ambiente e uma tendência exponencial deste impacto. Os indicadores físicos parecem permitir uma extrapolação maior do que os monetários: apesar da China estar contribuindo com uma parcela maior com as mudanças climáticas - maior valor absoluto de emissão de CO2 das exportações -, o Brasil está contribuindo proporcionalmente mais do que aquele país para a insustentabilidade global. Assim, a dinâmica dessa estrutura aponta para aumento da vulnerabilidade do setor exportador brasileiro, tanto no aspecto ambiental como no tecnológico, fator primordial para minimização do impacto sobre o ecossistema local e global


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From the informations collected on the Commercial Football Club, the city of Ribeirao Preto, there was a case study in order to identify and describe the management model adopted by the club, to overcome the financial and administrative crisis. It was used as reference to analyze the concepts of social capital and historic capital, considered decisive for the choice of the management model adopted. In addition, we also used the proposals contained in sports management studies to identify the business model chosen by the Commercial Club Football Club. In the final considerations argued that the adopted model already includes some results, as the club qualified to participate the Series A-1 League football Paulista, one of the targets set by the new management of the club


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This assignment intents to analyze the recover and the research of the cultural legacy identity of Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium to the inhabitants of the city of São José dos Campos-SP. That initiative becomes present through the importancy of the sanatorium to the public health of Vale do Paraíba in the decades between 30 and 70, of the 20th century. Nowadays this place refuges a park, presenting a reexamination of its space, with the possibility of the leisure practice, entertaining and tourism. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium Park presents itself conserving a landscape that is able of being inserted in a continuum past-present resignifying ways of appropriation and use. The word patrimony has many meanings and it‟s commonly associated to the set of goods that someone, the society or an entity owns. Transporting in a determinate territory, the patrimony starts to be a set of goods that are in its limits of administrative competency. (BARRETO, 2000). More than this, the cultural-historical patrimony guard a relation of belonging between it and the entity that has it. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium was inaugurated in 1924, with the project of the architect, Ramos de Azevedo, constituting an architectural ensemble placed under governmental trust as a historical and cultural patrimony of the state in 2001. It has a grove with centenary vegetal species like: MOGNO, PEROBA ROSA, JEQUITIBÁ and JACARANDA, constituting also a natural patrimony important for the city. There are projects like “Leitura no Bosque” and it‟s visited by the local population. Today the city seeks a new identity for that place transforming it in the center of industrial and technologic study


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Since the 60's, the population censuses have revealed a high degree of social inequality in Brazil. The concentration of income, as measured by the Gini index, showed persistently high since then. After the year 2001, we note that the trajectory stability is disrupted and the Gini index begins to show a downward trend. In relation to poverty, there has been two periods in recent history in which there was consistent decrease in the proportion of poor in the years immediately after the Real Plan in 2003 and in the year 2003 onwards. This research aimed to analyze poverty and income distribution in rural Brazil. In this crop sector, it is noted that the average perceived by the rural population is below the Brazilian income and, therefore, there is an increase in the number of poor. In addition, income in rural areas is less concentrated compared to the urban environment. Finally, as occurred in Brazil, there is a rural improvement in indicators of poverty and inequality in the last 10 years. Finally, this paper analyzes the changes that may have contributed to the fall in inequality and rural poverty, including the policy of rural settlement, the credit program to the family farmer (PRONAF) and rural retirement


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In recent years speleothem has been intensely studied due to its great potential of registering paleoclimate proxies but some considerably uncertaintiesregarding speleothem proxy interpretation still exist. In order to minimize these uncertainties, multi-proxy approach has been used. Here is presented the strontium isotope record from Bunker cave, northwest Germany. This cave was previously studied and has proved well record paleoclimate changes during Holocene for central Europe.87Sr/86Sr ratio is presented for rain water, A-horizon soil (water and leachate), C-horizon soil (water and leachate), host rock and host rock leachate, drip water and from a stalagmite (Bu4) previously dated covering the Holocene. Upper soil presented the higher values in contrast with host rock (lower values). Drip water and C-horizon presented intermediated ratios. Sr isotopesare used to track the source of 87Sr/86Sr in the Bunker system, resulting in a mixture between A-horizon soil, C-horizon soil and host rock. A decreasing trend in Bu4 indicates change in the Sr source in the system


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This research is aimed at discussing the ways in which social agents influence global warming, analyzing the discourse of social actors involved in the debate on climate change, since there is a wide divergence in the scientific community about how man is able to modify the climate on a global scale. In fact the debate that permeates the issues beyond the limits of science and enter into a political-economic framework that takes extraordinary proportions. This emphasis can be very unscientific in the fundamental design concepts, or even creating a trivialization of the media. The main way to convey these concepts is to disclose them in the media, but the media has enormous power to transform the concepts and often manipulate the news by creating a common sense goes against the interests of the scientific community. Thus was conducted extensive research in major newspapers and magazines that move in the country. We surveyed the first two papers which were: “Folha de S. Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo”, during the period from January 2000 to December 2008, totaling 3285 units for the newspaper Folha and 2555 for the newspaper Estadão. Subsequently a survey was made of data published in two journals that move at the national level, and these are the magazines VEJA and ÉPOCA for the same period. By performing these steps, it was concluded that several factors involving the media and climate change, such as topic relevance, types of approaches, perspectives of analysis, the staff development, supplies, among other factors of utmost importance for building news. As a result we can say that the media in fulfilling its role of mediator scientific, disclosing only a vision that permeates the scientific debate. The newspaper media, especially newspapers, has an informative and instantaneous. Often this preoccupation...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The current study has aimed to analyze changes in strategies at the International Monetary Fund that occurred during the 1980s and 1990s. The analysis is done through the the recovery of the 1980s international economic scene, amid the global recession and debt crisis, and shows how the course of the decade and influenced changes under recommendations provided by the IMF to countries with balance of payments crisis. Furthermore, the paper also describes the changes in the international financial system, in some countries which have adopted them and also to the International Monetary Fund itself


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC