1000 resultados para tempo linear
Searching and handling time of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) larvae fed on Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The objective of this research was to determine the searching and handling times of three larval instars of C. externa fed on U. ambrosiae at densities of 30, 40 and 50 per vial, with the feeding of the larvae at the preceding instars being U. ambrosiae nymphs or Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1819) eggs. The larvae were maintained at 25 ± 2 ºC, 70 ± 10% RH and a 14-h photophase. A completely randomized design in a 6 x 3 factorial scheme with 12 replicates was adopted. The shortest searching time was found for the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of C. externa, and this parameter was variable depending on the feeding given to the larvae previously. The handling time was similar for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. The longest searching time was found at an aphid density of 30, as compared to densities of 40 and 50 prey, with which there were no significant differences. Prey density did not have any influence on handling time.
We consider the application of normal theory methods to the estimation and testing of a general type of multivariate regressionmodels with errors--in--variables, in the case where various data setsare merged into a single analysis and the observable variables deviatepossibly from normality. The various samples to be merged can differ on the set of observable variables available. We show that there is a convenient way to parameterize the model so that, despite the possiblenon--normality of the data, normal--theory methods yield correct inferencesfor the parameters of interest and for the goodness--of--fit test. Thetheory described encompasses both the functional and structural modelcases, and can be implemented using standard software for structuralequations models, such as LISREL, EQS, LISCOMP, among others. An illustration with Monte Carlo data is presented.
The network revenue management (RM) problem arises in airline, hotel, media,and other industries where the sale products use multiple resources. It can be formulatedas a stochastic dynamic program but the dynamic program is computationallyintractable because of an exponentially large state space, and a number of heuristicshave been proposed to approximate it. Notable amongst these -both for their revenueperformance, as well as their theoretically sound basis- are approximate dynamic programmingmethods that approximate the value function by basis functions (both affinefunctions as well as piecewise-linear functions have been proposed for network RM)and decomposition methods that relax the constraints of the dynamic program to solvesimpler dynamic programs (such as the Lagrangian relaxation methods). In this paperwe show that these two seemingly distinct approaches coincide for the network RMdynamic program, i.e., the piecewise-linear approximation method and the Lagrangianrelaxation method are one and the same.
O presente trabalho tem por objectivo compreender a relação entre a prática dos jogos e das brincadeiras e o tempo de recreio, na Escola Básica Integrada “13 de Janeiro” de Palmarejo. Para isso, adoptámos a pesquisa quantitativa, que foi feita através das tabelas, do programa (Word 2007). A recolha e a análise de dados, submeteu-se a uma amostra de 36 alunos e 12 professores, num universo de 847 alunos e 25 professores. Através dos resultados, constatámos que os alunos brincam e jogam sempre em grupo. Esses grupos, escolhem muitas vezes, os jogos praticados por muitos alunos. O que os leva, a procurar os grupos que realizam os jogos da actualidade. Notou-se a frequência da brincadeira de palmadinha no (1º, 2º e 3º ano de escolaridade); o jogo 35 no (4º,5º e 6º ano) e futebol (6º ano). Os jogos eram realizados em diferentes espaços. Os alunos da 3ª fase e do 2º ano ocupavam, mais vezes, a placa as proximidades da mesma; Os da 2ª fase, ocupavam espaço à frente das suas salas e os alunos do 1º ano, ocupavam à frente da cozinha. Esses espaços não são os mais desejados pelos alunos. Alguns da 1ª e 2ª fase, preferem brincar e jogar à frente da cozinha, enquanto, a maioria dos alunos da 3ª fase, brincavam, onde preferem sempre. A fundamentação foi sustentada pelos autores Huizinga, Nallin, Piaget, Souza, Cruz, Vygotsky, Sá Fernandes, Delalande, Marques et all, Pellegrini & Perlmutter, Caillois, Liempd, Suarez, etc. Contudo, os jogos e as brincadeiras, fazem do recreio, o mundo, onde todas mostram o que são “crianças”. E sem esses, acaba-se a alegria. Por isso, os professores devem levar em conta, o recreio. Para isso, a Educação Física terá de ser a “alma gémea” dos mesmos.
The choice network revenue management model incorporates customer purchase behavioras a function of the offered products, and is the appropriate model for airline and hotel networkrevenue management, dynamic sales of bundles, and dynamic assortment optimization.The optimization problem is a stochastic dynamic program and is intractable. A certainty-equivalencerelaxation of the dynamic program, called the choice deterministic linear program(CDLP) is usually used to generate dyamic controls. Recently, a compact linear programmingformulation of this linear program was given for the multi-segment multinomial-logit (MNL)model of customer choice with non-overlapping consideration sets. Our objective is to obtaina tighter bound than this formulation while retaining the appealing properties of a compactlinear programming representation. To this end, it is natural to consider the affine relaxationof the dynamic program. We first show that the affine relaxation is NP-complete even for asingle-segment MNL model. Nevertheless, by analyzing the affine relaxation we derive a newcompact linear program that approximates the dynamic programming value function betterthan CDLP, provably between the CDLP value and the affine relaxation, and often comingclose to the latter in our numerical experiments. When the segment consideration sets overlap,we show that some strong equalities called product cuts developed for the CDLP remain validfor our new formulation. Finally we perform extensive numerical comparisons on the variousbounds to evaluate their performance.
Standard methods for the analysis of linear latent variable models oftenrely on the assumption that the vector of observed variables is normallydistributed. This normality assumption (NA) plays a crucial role inassessingoptimality of estimates, in computing standard errors, and in designinganasymptotic chi-square goodness-of-fit test. The asymptotic validity of NAinferences when the data deviates from normality has been calledasymptoticrobustness. In the present paper we extend previous work on asymptoticrobustnessto a general context of multi-sample analysis of linear latent variablemodels,with a latent component of the model allowed to be fixed across(hypothetical)sample replications, and with the asymptotic covariance matrix of thesamplemoments not necessarily finite. We will show that, under certainconditions,the matrix $\Gamma$ of asymptotic variances of the analyzed samplemomentscan be substituted by a matrix $\Omega$ that is a function only of thecross-product moments of the observed variables. The main advantage of thisis thatinferences based on $\Omega$ are readily available in standard softwareforcovariance structure analysis, and do not require to compute samplefourth-order moments. An illustration with simulated data in the context ofregressionwith errors in variables will be presented.
We introduce several exact nonparametric tests for finite sample multivariatelinear regressions, and compare their powers. This fills an important gap inthe literature where the only known nonparametric tests are either asymptotic,or assume one covariate only.
A new algorithm called the parameterized expectations approach(PEA) for solving dynamic stochastic models under rational expectationsis developed and its advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Thisalgorithm can, in principle, approximate the true equilibrium arbitrarilywell. Also, this algorithm works from the Euler equations, so that theequilibrium does not have to be cast in the form of a planner's problem.Monte--Carlo integration and the absence of grids on the state variables,cause the computation costs not to go up exponentially when the numberof state variables or the exogenous shocks in the economy increase. \\As an application we analyze an asset pricing model with endogenousproduction. We analyze its implications for time dependence of volatilityof stock returns and the term structure of interest rates. We argue thatthis model can generate hump--shaped term structures.
Electron microscopy was used to monitor the fate of reconstituted nucleosome cores during in vitro transcription of long linear and supercoiled multinucleosomic templates by the prokaryotic T7 RNA polymerase and the eukaryotic RNA polymerase II. Transcription by T7 RNA polymerase disrupted the nucleosomal configuration in the transcribed region, while nucleosomes were preserved upstream of the transcription initiation site and in front of the polymerase. Nucleosome disruption was independent of the topology of the template, linear or supercoiled, and of the presence or absence of nucleosome positioning sequences in the transcribed region. In contrast, the nucleosomal configuration was preserved during transcription from the vitellogenin B1 promoter with RNA polymerase II in a rat liver total nuclear extract. However, the persistence of nucleosomes on the template was not RNA polymerase II-specific, but was dependent on another activity present in the nuclear extract. This was demonstrated by addition of the extract to the T7 RNA polymerase transcription reaction, which resulted in retention of the nucleosomal configuration. This nuclear activity, also found in HeLa cell nuclei, is heat sensitive and could not be substituted by nucleoplasmin, chromatin assembly factor (CAF-I) or a combination thereof. Altogether, these results identify a novel nuclear activity, called herein transcription-dependent chromatin stabilizing activity I or TCSA-I, which may be involved in a nucleosome transfer mechanism during transcription.
A forma fraca da Hipótese de Eficiência de Mercado (HEM) é das três formas de eficiência propostas por Fama (1970) aquela que tem sido mais testada ao longo do tempo, em grande parte devido à disponibilidade de informação relativa aos dados históricos dos títulos. De acordo com esta hipótese, é impossível obter ganhos anormais através de estratégias de investimento com base em padrões dos preços passados. O objectivo deste trabalho é o de testar a hipótese de eficiência de mercado, na sua forma fraca, tendo por base os dois principais índices de acções do mercado de capitais ibérico ˗˗ o índice de acções português (Portuguese Stock Index, PSI-20) e o índice de acções espanhol (Spanish Stock Index, IBEX-35) ˗˗ no período compreendido entre Janeiro de 1997 a Dezembro de 2010. Para tal, recorre-se a uma metodologia baseada em quatro testes para analisar a hipótese de passeio aleatório: teste de correlação linear, teste de sequências, teste de raiz unitária e teste do rácio de variância. Todos estes testes foram realizados através dos softwares estatísticos EVIEWS 7.0 e SPSS 17.0. Os testes efectuados reportam resultados empíricos mistos. Apesar da hipótese de passeio aleatório ser suportada pelo teste de correlação linear, para as rendibilidades diárias dos dois índices de acções, e pelo teste de sequências para as rendibilidades diárias em relação ao IBEX-35, verifica-se que existem fortes evidências que conduzem à rejeição desta hipótese. Por conseguinte, a hipótese de eficiência na forma fraca também é rejeitada para os dois mercados bolsistas.
O problema de otimização de mínimos quadrados e apresentado como uma classe importante de problemas de minimização sem restrições. A importância dessa classe de problemas deriva das bem conhecidas aplicações a estimação de parâmetros no contexto das analises de regressão e de resolução de sistemas de equações não lineares. Apresenta-se uma revisão dos métodos de otimização de mínimos quadrados lineares e de algumas técnicas conhecidas de linearização. Faz-se um estudo dos principais métodos de gradiente usados para problemas não lineares gerais: Métodos de Newton e suas modificações incluindo os métodos Quasi-Newton mais usados (DFP e BFGS). Introduzem-se depois métodos específicos de gradiente para problemas de mínimos quadrados: Gauss-Newton e Levenberg-Larquardt. Apresenta-se uma variedade de exemplos selecionados na literatura para testar os diferentes métodos usando rotinas MATLAB. Faz-se uma an alise comparativa dos algoritmos baseados nesses ensaios computacionais que exibem as vantagens e desvantagens dos diferentes métodos.