870 resultados para subcontract manufacturing
In a certain automobile factory, batch-painting of the body types in colours is controlled by an allocation system. This tries to balance production with orders, whilst making optimally-sized batches of colours. Sequences of cars entering painting cannot be optimised for easy selection of colour and batch size. `Over-production' is not allowed, in order to reduce buffer stocks of unsold vehicles. Paint quality is degraded by random effects. This thesis describes a toolkit which supports IKBS in an object-centred formalism. The intended domain of use for the toolkit is flexible manufacturing. A sizeable application program was developed, using the toolkit, to test the validity of the IKBS approach in solving the real manufacturing problem above, for which an existing conventional program was already being used. A detailed statistical analysis of the operating circumstances of the program was made to evaluate the likely need for the more flexible type of program for which the toolkit was intended. The IKBS program captures the many disparate and conflicting constraints in the scheduling knowledge and emulates the behaviour of the program installed in the factory. In the factory system, many possible, newly-discovered, heuristics would be awkward to represent and it would be impossible to make many new extensions. The representation scheme is capable of admitting changes to the knowledge, relying on the inherent encapsulating properties of object-centres programming to protect and isolate data. The object-centred scheme is supported by an enhancement of the `C' programming language and runs under BSD 4.2 UNIX. The structuring technique, using objects, provides a mechanism for separating control of expression of rule-based knowledge from the knowledge itself and allowing explicit `contexts', within which appropriate expression of knowledge can be done. Facilities are provided for acquisition of knowledge in a consistent manner.
The adaptation of profit sharing creates a fundamental change in employee compensation by making a portion of total compensation directly dependent upon the total profits of the firm and the performance of the employee. The major goal of this study is to test for and measure the impact of the independent variable, a profit sharing plan implemented at Shahvand Industrial Company, upon communication behaviour, communication outcomes, and organisational outcomes as dependent variables. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design with pre and posttest was the research design used to test the effects of profit sharing participation on permanent-part-time operative employees implemented by SIC. Several conclusions were reached as a result of the statistical analysis of the data collected in this study. Overall, few of the hypothesised effects of profit sharing participation appeared to have been realised according to the empirical results of this study. The finding that certain communication behaviours were more favourable for profit sharing participants than for non-participants support the general hypothesis of the integrated profit sharing model. The observed changes in communication behaviours indicate that information sharing and idea generation are important components of the profit sharing process. The results of this study did not reveal any changes in either communication or organisational outcomes. A significant finding of this study is that the implementation of profit sharing plans require a relatively long period of time. Patience is required to achieve high levels of success and management must make long-term commitment to profit sharing. Findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, taking into consideration that most of the previo.us researches on profit sharing have been conducted in Western European or American countries, while the current study was based on data collected from an organisation in a developing country. This implies that the findings reported in this thesis may not be comparable in certain respects to results derived from companies in major industrialised economies.
Cellular manufacturing is widely acknowledged as one of the key approaches to achieving world-class performance in batch manufacturing operations. The design of cellular manufacturing systems (CMS) is therefore crucial in determining a company's competitiveness. This thesis postulated that, in order to be effective the design of CMS should not only be systematic but also systemic. A systemic design uses the concepts of the body of work known as the 'systems approach' to ensure that a truly effective CMS is defined. The thesis examined the systems approach and created a systemic framework against which existing approaches to the design of CMS were evaluated. The most promising of these, Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE), was further investigated using a series of cross-sectional case-studies. Although, in practice, MSE proved to be less than systemic, it appeared to produce significant benefits. This seemed to suggest that CMS design did not need to be systemic to be effective. However, further longitudinal case-studies showed that the benefits claimed were at an operational level not at a business level and also that the performance of the whole system had not been evaluated. The deficiencies identified in the existing approaches to designing CMS were then addressed by the development of a novel CMS design methodology that fully utilised systems concepts. A key aspect of the methodology was the use of the Whole Business Simulator (WBS), a modelling and simulation tool that enabled the evaluation of CMS at operational and business levels. The most contentious aspects of the methodology were tested on a significant and complex case-study. The results of the exercise indicated that the systemic methodology was feasible.
This thesis examines the process of knowledge acquisition by Malaysian manufacturing firms through their involvement in international strategic alliances. The strategic alliances can be with or without equity involvement. Firms involved with a foreign partner with equity involvement are joint venture firms while non-equity involvement are firms that engaged in contractual agreements. Using empirical evidence from 65 international alliances gathered through a survey conducted in high-technology manufacturing sectors, several factors that influence the process of knowledge acquisition are examined. The factors are: learning capacity, experience, goals, active involvement and accessibility to the foreign knowledge. Censored regression analysis and ordered probit analysis are used to analyse the effects of these factors on knowledge acquisition and its determinant parts, and the effects of knowledge acquisition and its determinants on the performance of the alliances. A second questionnaire gathered evidence relating to the factors, which encouraged tacit knowledge transfer between the foreign and Malaysian partners in international alliances. The key findings of the study are: knowledge acquisition in international strategic alliances is influenced by five determining factors; learning capacity, experience, articulated goals, active involvement and accessibility; new technology knowledge, product development knowledge and manufacturing process knowledge are influenced differently by the determining factors; knowledge acquisition and its determinant factors have a significant impact on the firm’s performance; cultural differences tend to moderate the effect on the firm’s performance; acquiring tacit knowledge is not only influenced by the five determinant factors but also by other factors, such as dependency, accessibility, trust, manufacturing control, learning methods and organisational systems; Malaysian firms involved in joint ventures tend to acquire more knowledge than those involved in contractual agreements, but joint ventures also exhibit higher degrees of dependency than contractual agreements; and the presence of R&D activity in the Malaysian partner encourages knowledge acquisition, but the amount of R&D expenditure has no effect on knowledge acquisition.
The role of the production system as a key determinant of competitive performance of business operations- has long been the subject of industrial organization research, even predating the .explicit conceptua1isation of manufacturing, strategy in the literature. Particular emergent production issues such as the globalisation of production, global supply chain management, management of integrated manufacturing and a growing e~busjness environment are expected to critically influence the overall competitive performance and therefore the strategic success of the organization. More than ever, there is a critical need to configure and improve production system and operations competence in a strategic way so as to contribute to the long-term competitiveness of the organization. In order to operate competitively and profitably, manufacturing companies, no matter how well managed, all need a long-term 'strategic direction' for the development of operations competence in order to consistently produce more market value with less cost towards a leadership position. As to the long-term competitiveness, it is more important to establish a dynamic 'strategic perspective' for continuous operational improvements in pursuit of this direction, as well as ongoing reviews of the direction in relation to the overall operating context. However, it also clear that the 'existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development' is incapable of adequately responding to the increasing complexities and variations of contemporary business operations. This has been factually reflected as many manufacturing companies are finding that methodologies advocated in the existing paradigm for developing manufacturing strategy have very limited scale and scope for contextual contingency in empirical application. More importantly, there has also emerged a deficiency in the multidimensional and integrative profile from a theoretical perspective when operationalising the underlying concept of strategic manufacturing management established in the literature. The point of departure for this study was a recognition of such contextual and unitary limitations in the existing paradigm of manufacturing strategy development when applied to contemporary industrial organizations in general, and Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in particular. As China gradually becomes integrated into the world economy, the relevance of Western management theory and its paradigm becomes a practical matter as much as a theoretical issue. Since China markedly differs from Western countries in terms of culture, society, and political and economic systems, it presents promising grounds to test and refine existing management theories and paradigms with greater contextual contingency and wider theoretical perspective. Under China's ongoing programmes of SOE reform, there has been an increased recognition that strategy development is the very essence of the management task for managers of manufacturing companies in the same way as it is for their counterparts in Western economies. However, the Western paradigm often displays a rather naive and unitary perspective of the nature of strategic management decision-making, one which largely overlooks context-embedded factors and social/political influences on the development of manufacturing strategy. This thesis studies the successful experiences of developing manufacturing strategy from five high-performing large-scale SOEs within China’s petrochemical industry. China’s petrochemical industry constitutes a basic heavy industrial sector, which has always been a strategic focus for reform and development by the Chinese government. Using a confirmation approach, the study has focused on exploring and conceptualising the empirical paradigm of manufacturing strategy development practiced by management. That is examining the ‘empirical specifics’ and surfacing the ‘managerial perceptions’ of content configuration, context of consideration, and process organization for developing a manufacturing strategy during the practice. The research investigation adopts a qualitative exploratory case study methodology with a semi-structural front-end research design. Data collection follows a longitudinal and multiple-case design and triangulates case evidence from sources including qualitative interviews, direct observation, and a search of documentations and archival records. Data analysis follows an investigative progression from a within-case preliminary interpretation of facts to a cross-case search for patterns through theoretical comparison and analytical generalization. The underlying conceptions in both the literature of manufacturing strategy and related studies in business strategy were used to develop theoretical framework and analytical templates applied during data collection and analysis. The thesis makes both empirical and theoretical contributions to our understanding of 'contemporary management paradigm of manufacturing strategy development'. First, it provides a valuable contextual contingency of the 'subject' using the business setting of China's SOEs in petrochemical industry. This has been unpacked into empirical configurations developed for its context of consideration, its content and process respectively. Of special note, a lean paradigm of business operations and production management discovered at case companies has significant implications as an emerging alternative for high-volume capital intensive state manufacturing in China. Second, it provides a multidimensional and integrative theoretical profile of the 'subject' based upon managerial perspectives conceptualised at case companies when operationalising manufacturing strategy. This has been unpacked into conceptual frameworks developed for its context of consideration, its content constructs, and its process patterns respectively. Notably, a synergies perspective towards the operating context, competitive priorities and competence development of business operations and production management has significant implications for implementing a lean manufacturing paradigm. As a whole, in so doing, the thesis established a theoretical platform for future refinement and development of context-specific methodologies for developing manufacturing strategy.
The aim of the research is to develop an e-business selection framework for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by integrating established techniques in planning. The research is case based, comprising four case studies carried out in the printing industry for the purpose of evaluating the framework. Two of the companies are from Singapore, while the other two are from Guangzhou, China and Jinan, China respectively. To determine the need of an e-business selection framework for SMEs, extensive literature reviews were carried out in the area of e-business, business planning frameworks, SMEs and the printing industry. An e-business selection framework is then proposed by integrating the three established techniques of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Value Chain Analysis (VCA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The newly developed selection framework is pilot tested using a published case study before actual evaluation is carried out in four case study companies. The case study methodology was chosen because of its ability to integrate diverse data collection techniques required to generate the BSC, VCA and QFD for the selection framework. The findings of the case studies revealed that the three techniques of BSC, VCA and QFD can be integrated seamlessly to complement on each other’s strengths in e-business planning. The eight-step methodology of the selection framework can provide SMEs with a step-by-step approach to e-business through structured planning. Also, the project has also provided better understanding and deeper insights into SMEs in the printing industry.
Theory suggests that firms that adopt innovation share some common characteristics, just as those who do not adopt innovation and firms adopt a particular technology because the functions provided by the chosen technology fulfils their needs. Building on these arguments, this research project investigates the antecedents and consequences of e-business adoption among manufacturing firms in Malaysia. This thesis develops from the existing literature of organisational innovation adoption, information technology and strategic marketing/management. It further adds to the existing literature by using cultural-based predictors representing organisational characteristics consisting of market orientation, innovativeness and organisational learning. The study also formalises the theoretical framework of organisational-environment-technology. This study develops a new construct called technology motivation in addition to the introduction of several e-business technology scales. The results substantiate the significance of firm technology motivation in determining firm adoption of the various e-business initiatives. In addition, business environment and market orientation are found to influence firm choice of technology motivation. Meanwhile, innovativeness and organisational learning are shown to influence the magnitude of a firm’s e-business adoption. Finally, the results show that firm adoption of e-business technology does not influence organisational performance. This investigation clarifies the rationale and importance of firm technology motivation in adopting the various e-business initiatives. It also highlights the importance of having the appropriate organisational culture in ensuring a successful technology adoption.
The starting point of the project was the observation that strategic management is absent in small businesses. The first objective of the project was to examine the reasons causing this situation in Greece, the second one, to examine the appropriateness of the contemporary models of strategic planning for the Greek S.M.E.s, and the third to examine the appropriateness of the alternative approaches to strategic management for the Greek S.M.E.s. The term appropriateness includes (a) the ability of managers to use the models and (b) the ability of the models to assist the managers. The results of the research indicate that none of the two above conditions exists, hence, it is suggested that the contemporary models of strategic management are inappropriate for the Greek S.M.E.s. Many previous research projects on the topic suggest that since the strategic decision making process in S.M.E.s is informal, the whole process is absent or ineffective. Current trends in S.M.E.s' strategic management do not consider the informality of the strategic decision making process as a kind of managerial illness, but as a managerial characteristic. The use of sophisticated data collection and analytical methods does not indicate successful strategic decisions, but it indicates the method large firms use to manage their strategy. According to the literature review, the S.M.E.s' managers avoid the use of the contemporary models of strategic management, because they do not have the knowledge, the resources or the time. Another thesis, expressed by some firms' specialists, suggests that small firms are different from large ones, hence their practice of strategic management should not follow the large firm's prototypes.
Despite the considerable potential of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) for improving the economic performance of many firms, a growing body of literature highlights many instances where realising this potential has proven to be a more difficult task than initially envisaged. Focussing upon the implementation of new manufacturing technologies in several smaller to medium sized enterprises (SME), the research examines the proposition that many of these problems can be attributed in part to inadequate consideration of the integrated nature of such technologies, where the effects of their implementation are not localised, but are felt throughout a business. The criteria for the economic evaluation of such technologies are seen as needing to reflect this, and the research develops an innovative methodology employing micro-computer based spreadsheets, to demonstrate how a series of financial models can be used to quantify the effects of new investments upon overall company performance. Case studies include: the development of a prototype machine based absorption costing system to assist in the evaluation of CNC machine tool purchases in a press making company; the economics and strategy of introducing a flexible manufacturing system for the production of ballscrews; and analysing the progressive introduction of computer based printing presses in a packaging and general print company. Complementary insights are also provided from discussion with the management of several other companies which have experienced technological change. The research was conducted as a collaborative CASE project in the Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees Scheme and was jointly funded by the SERC and Gaydon Technology Limited and later assisted by PE-Inbucon. The findings of the research shows that the introduction of new manufacturing technologies usually requires a fundamental rethink of the existing practices of a business. In particular, its implementation is seen as ideally needing to take place as part of a longer term business and manufacturing strategy, but that short term commercial pressures and limited resources often mean that firms experience difficulty in realising this. The use of a spreadsheet based methodology is shown to be of considerable assistance in evaluating new investments, and is seen as being the limit of sophistication that a smaller business is willing to employ. Several points for effective modelling practice are also given, together with an outline of the context in which a modelling approach is most applicable.
This thesis examines the theoretical and empirical relationship between trade unions and productivity in the Korean auto and cement manufacturing industries, during the 1980s. It challenges the tenets of the existing debate by stressing the contingent nature of this relationship. In particular this thesis pinpoints inadequacies of econometric analysis as the only method of judging this association between union presence and productivity, because this ignores national and historical industrial relations contexts. Moreover, the polarity between positive and negative views of trade union influences on productivity is seen as needlessly limited, failing as it does to consider the full context of labour-management dynamics within the employment relationship. Empirically, this thesis focuses on the unionism and productivity during two contrasting political periods: the first a time of constraint on union action and the second a period of relative freedom. It examines these periods using a full range of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Of particular significant is the inclusion of attitude surveys of the relationship between the presence of unions and productivity conducted amongst workers, managers and trade union officials. The broad conclusion of the thesis is a rejection of the validity of continuing to examine the relationship between trade unions and productivity without locating this within national and historical industrial relations contexts.
The widespread implementation of Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII) systems in this country and abroad and the reported dissatisfaction with their use formed the initial basis of this piece of research which concentrates on the fundamental theory and design of the Closed Loop MRPII system itself. The dissertation concentrates on two key aspects namely; how Master Production Scheduling is carried out in differing business environments and how well the `closing of the loop' operates by checking the capcity requirements of the different levels of plans within an organisation. The main hypothesis which is tested is that in U.K. manufacturing industry, resource checks are either not being carried out satisfactorily or they are not being fed back to the appropriate plan in a timely fashion. The research methodology employed involved initial detailed investigations into Master Scheduling and capacity planning in eight diverse manufacturing companies. This was followed by a nationwide survey of users in 349 companies, a survey of all the major suppliers of Production Management software in the U.K. and an analysis of the facilities offered by current software packages. The main conclusion which is drawn is that the hypothesis is proved in the majority of companies in that only just over 50% of companies are attempting Resource and Capacity Planning and only 20% are successfully feeding back CRP information to `close the loop'. Various causative factors are put forward and remedies are suggested.
This thesis reports the results of research into the connections between transaction attributes and buyer-supplier relationships (BSR) in advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) acquisitions and implementation. It also examines the impact of the different patterns of BSR on performance. Specifically, it addresses the issues of how the three transaction attributes; namely level of complexity, level of asset specificity, and level of uncertainty, can affect the relationships between the technology buyer and suppler in AMT acquisition and implementation, and then to see the impact of different patterns of BSR on the two aspect of performance; namely technology and implementation performance. In understanding the pohenomena, the study mainly draws on and integrates the literature of transaction cost economics theory,buyer-supplier relationships and advanced manufacturing technology as a basis of theoretical framework and hypotheses development.data were gathered through a questionnaire survey with 147 responses and seven semi-structured interviews of manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Quantitative data were analysed mainly using the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) package for structural equation modeling and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) for analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data from interview sessions were used to develop a case study with the intention of providing a richer and deeper understanding on the subject under investigation and to offer triangulation in the research process. he results of the questionnaire survey indicate that the higher the level of technological specificity and uncertainty, the more firms are likely to engage in a closer relationship with technology suppliers.However, the complexity of the technology being implemented is associated with BSR only because it is associated with the level of uncertainty that has direct impact upon BSR.The analysis also provides strong support for the premise that developing strong BSR could lead to an improved performance. However, with high levels of transaction attribute, implementation performance suffers more when firms have weak relationships with technology suppliers than with moderate and low levels of transaction attributes. The implications of the study are offered for both the academic and practitioner audience. The thesis closes with reports on its limitations and suggestions for further research that would address some of these limitations.
The changing face of industry due to the adoption of `New Technology' is briefly discussed, as are the corresponding structural changes in the workforce. The adoption of NC machinery is identified as one of the major innovations affecting the structure of industry. The development of NC machinery, and of relevant programming techniques are reviewed, and the problems arising from its initial sponsorship by the aerospace industry are highlighted. The process of its subsequent diffusion into industry is reviewed. Skill levels adopted for NC use in Britain and Germany are discussed, and analysed to create a structural pattern. These classifications of skill levels are then used to examine the organisational structures adopted by companies utilising NC machines. The greater use made of higher level shop floor skills by German companies is discussed. The results of two surveys of the use made of NC by companies in the North East of England are presented. Effective company organisation for NC use is described, and lack of foresight is shown to lead to vulnerability problems where skills can become concentrated in a few key people. This led to closure of a company in one instance. It is shown that small sub-contract companies have adopted a highly skilled shop floor workforce, and that they have survived in the present hostile economic environment, whilst companies who have used NC to de-skill the shop floor contracted dramatically in the same period. The lack of awareness of the potential for reviewing the product design in relation to the flexibility of NC, so leading to reductions in work in progress levels, is highlighted. Recommendations for skill structures appropriate to various sized companies and suitable training programs are presented to ensure that the full potential of NC machinery is achieved.