933 resultados para server-side


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Aunque se han logrado importantes avances en estudios de laboratorio con diseños experimentales poco representativos (e.g., Farrow y Reid, 2012; Nieminen, Piirainen, Salmi, y Linnamo, 2013), a día de hoy, todavía se desconoce a cabalidad cómo los jugadores de tenis de diferente nivel de pericia calibran o ajustan sus movimientos a las demandas espacio-temporales presentes en la tarea de resto de un primer servicio. ! Escasos trabajos se han llevado a cabo in situ y a la mayoría se les puede cuestionar algún aspecto de la metodología empleada. Así pues, en varios estudios la frecuencia de grabación ha sido limitada (e.g., a 50 Hz en Jackson y Gudgeon, 2004; Triolet, Benguigui, Le Runigo y Williams, 2013), o la velocidad del saque ha sido visiblemente inferior a la habitual (cf. Carboch, Süss y Kocib, 2014; Williams, Singer y Weigelt, 1998). También, en algunos estudios los participantes experimentados no han sido jugadores de nivel internacional (e.g., Avilés, Ruiz, Sanz y Navia, 2014), y el tamaño muestral ha sido muy pequeño (e.g., Gillet, Leroy, Thouvarecq, Mégrot y Stein, 2010). ! Además, en los diferentes trabajos se han utilizado una diversidad de métodos e instrumentos de medida y los criterios de codificación del inicio de los movimientos y de las respuestas han diferido; como consecuencia el lapso visomotor de respuesta (LVMr) ha sido muy dispar variando considerablemente de 198 a 410 ms. Considerando los inconvenientes señalados anteriormente, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar un modelo técnico de regulación temporal de los movimientos y de la respuesta del restador, tomando en cuenta el flujo continuo de información proporcionado por el sacador. Para ello, se realizó un análisis cronométrico de los restos de doce jugadores de diferente nivel deportivo (seis internacionales y seis nacionales) que respondieron de forma natural enviando sus devoluciones hacia las dianas. Se grabaron las acciones de los restadores y sacadores con una cámara Casio Exilim Pro Ex-F1 de alta velocidad (300 Hz) y luego se realizó un análisis imagen por imagen cada 3.33 ms. Una vez obtenidos los datos de los vídeos se realizaron análisis con las pruebas de ANOVA de un factor, ANCOVA con la velocidad del saque como covariable, U de Mann-Whitney y Chi-cuadrado de Pearson. En cuanto a la regulación del movimiento hasta el momento del despegue, los jugadores internacionales iniciaron sus acciones antes que los jugadores nacionales lo que podría indicar una mejor preparación al ejecutar los movimientos como reflejo del nivel de pericia. Los jugadores internacionales iniciaron la elevación del pie posterior a -293 ms y los jugadores nacionales a -202 ms. Todas estas acciones se fueron enlazando unas con otras y fue en el momento del impacto del sacador donde los restadores demostraron una remarcable coordinación perceptivo-motriz. Por consiguiente, los jugadores internacionales despegaron e iniciaron el vuelo a tan solo -6.5 ms del impacto y los jugadores nacionales lo hicieron más tarde a +19.5 ms. A lo largo de la secuencia temporal, todo parece indicar que las informaciones que utilizan los restadores interactúan entre sí; información más temprana y menos fiable para anticipar o moverse antes e información más tardía y más fiable para regular la temporalización de las acciones. Los restadores de nivel internacional y nacional anticiparon a nivel espacial en un bajo porcentaje (7.7% vs. 13.6%) y en tiempos similares (-127 vs. -118 ms) sugiriendo que la utilización de variables ópticas tempranas y menos fiables solo se produce en contadas ocasiones. Por otra parte, estos datos se relacionan con una gran precisión en la respuesta ya que tanto los jugadores internacionales como los nacionales demostraron un alto porcentaje de acierto al responder (95.4% vs. 96.7%). Se había señalado que los jugadores internacionales y nacionales se diferenciarían en el tiempo de caída (i.e., aterrizaje) del primer pie del salto preparatorio, sin embargo ese efecto no fue encontrado (128 vs. 135 ms). Tampoco se hallaron diferencias en el porcentaje de caída con el pie contrario a la dirección de la pelota (58% vs. 62%). Donde sí ambos grupos se diferenciaron fue en el tiempo de caída del segundo pie (147 vs. 168 ms). Esta diferencia de 21 ms fue crucial y fue una prueba de la mayor rapidez de los jugadores internacionales; sugiriendo que ésta acción se podría relacionar con el momento del inicio de la respuesta. Aunque los jugadores internacionales hayan demostrado ser más rápidos en relación con sus capacidades funcionales, ambos grupos no se diferenciaron en todas las variables relacionadas con el LVMr. Ellos no utilizaron esos valiosos milisegundos ganados en el instante de la caída del segundo pie para responder más pronto, ya que el LVMr del miembro superior fue el mismo para ambos grupos (179 vs. 174 ms). Es como si hubiesen tenido todo el tiempo del mundo para seguir ajustando sus acciones hasta el propio golpeo. Además, estos tiempos largos sugieren que en la gran mayoría de los restos la información clave que determinó la respuesta fue detectada (extraída) en momentos cercanos al golpeo del sacador y en la primera parte del vuelo de la pelota. Asimismo, se constató que en general el LVMr se ve influenciado por el tipo de información utilizada. De esta manera, cuando se tomaron en cuenta los ensayos en los que hubo anticipación espacial reflejados en el LVMr del cuerpo entero los tiempos disminuyeron (152 vs. 136 ms). Por otra parte, existieron ocasiones (13%) en los que tanto los jugadores internacionales como los nacionales respondieron tarde recibiendo saques directos (208 vs. 195 ms). Es muy posible que en estos casos los jugadores hayan tenido problemas para detectar la información respondiendo fuera de los márgenes temporales de acción lo que mermó su rendimiento. Lo mismo pudo haber ocurrido cuando ambos grupos de jugadores corrigieron el movimiento del miembro superior tras el impacto (17% vs. 10%) lo que aumentó el tiempo en responder al redirigir la respuesta hacia el lado correcto (208 vs. 205 ms). Además, los jugadores internacionales obtuvieron tiempos de movimiento menores que el de los jugadores nacionales (509 vs. 531 ms) lo que se reflejó en un tiempo total de actuación menor (683 vs. 703 ms). Por último, en cuanto al rendimiento del resto, los jugadores internacionales obtuvieron valores superiores a los jugadores nacionales (1.3 vs. 0.9). ABSTRACT Although there have been significant advances in laboratory studies with unrepresentative experimental designs (e.g., Farrow y Reid, 2012; Nieminen, Piirainen, Salmi, y Linnamo, 2013), today it is still unknown to full extent how tennis players of different levels of expertise calibrate or adjust their movements to the spatial-temporal demands present in the return of a first serve. Few studies have been carried out in situ and some aspects of the methodology most of them used can be questioned. Thus, in several studies the recording frequency has been limited (e.g., a 50 Hz en Jackson y Gudgeon, 2004; Triolet, Benguigui, Le Runigo y Williams, 2013), or serve speed was visibly lower than the usual one (cf. Carboch, Süss y Kocib, 2014; Williams, Singer y Weigelt, 1998). Also, in some studies, experienced participants have not played at international level (e.g., Avilés, Ruiz, Sanz y Navia, 2014), and the sample size has been very small (e.g., Gillet, Leroy, Thouvarecq, Mégrot y Stein, 2010). Furthermore, different works have used a variety of methods and measurement instruments and coding criteria of the onset of movements and responses have differed; due to this, visuomotor response delay (LVMr) has been very uneven, varying considerably from 198-410 ms. Considering the drawbacks mentioned above, this study aimed to determine a technical model of temporal regulation of movements and returner’s response, taking into account the continuous flow of information provided by the server. For this, a chronometric analysis of the returns of twelve players (six international and six national) of different sports level, that naturally responded by hitting their returns towards the targets, was performed. Actions of servers and returners were recorded with a Casio Exilim Pro Ex-F1 high speed camera (300 Hz) and then every 3.33 ms analysis was made frame by frame. Once the data of the videos were obtained, analyses were performed using one factor ANOVA test, ANCOVA with the speed of the serve as a covariate, U of Mann- Whitney and Pearson’s Chi-square test. As for the regulation of movement until the moment of serve, international players began their actions before national players, which could indicate that they were better prepared to execute movements reflecting the level of their expertise. International players began raising the rear foot at -293 ms and national players at -202 ms. All these actions were being linked to each other and it was at the moment of impact of the server when the receivers demonstrated a remarkable perceptual-motor coordination. Therefore, international players took off and started their flight just -6.5 ms before the serve and national players did the same somewhat later: +19.5 ms after the serve. Along the timeline, everything seems to indicate that the information used by returners interact with each other; early information which is less reliable to anticipate or move before, and later information more reliable appears to regulate the timing of actions. Returners of international and national levels anticipated at spatial level in a low percentage (7.7% vs. 13.6%) and in similar times (-127 vs. -118 ms) suggesting that the use of early and less reliable optical variables is only produced on rare occasions. Moreover, these data relate to a precise response as both international and national players showed a high percentage of success in responding (95.4% vs. 96.7%). It had been noted that international and national players would differ in the time the fall (i.e., landing) of the first foot of the split-step, however, this effect was not found (128 vs. 135 ms). No differences in the percentage of fall with the opposite foot to the direction of the ball (58% vs. 62%) were found. Where the two groups differed was in the time of the fall of the second foot (147 vs. 168 ms). This difference of 21 ms was crucial and it was a proof of mayor speed of international players; suggesting that this action could be related to the onset time of response. Although international players have proven to be faster in relation to their functional capabilities, both groups did not differ in all variables related to LVMr. They did not use those precious milliseconds earned at the time of the fall of the second foot to respond as soon, since the LVMr of the upper limb was the same for both groups (179 vs. 174 ms). It is as if they had all the time in the world to continue to adjust their actions until the return itself. Furthermore, these long times suggest that in the vast majority of the returns, key information that determined the response was detected (pick-up) in moments close to the hit of the server and in the first part of the ball flight. It was also found that in general the LVMr is influenced by the type of information used. Thus, when taking into account the trials during which there was spatial anticipation, reflected in LVMr of the whole body, the times decreased (152 vs. 136 ms). On the other hand, there were occasions (13%) where both international and national players responded late, thus receiving aces (208 vs. 195 ms). It is quite possible that in these cases the players have had trouble to pick-up information, responding out of temporary margins of action, which affected their performance. The same could have occurred when both groups of players corrected upper limb movement after impact (17% vs. 10%), which increased the time to respond and to redirect the return towards the right side (208 vs. 205 ms). Moreover, international players scored lower movement times than the national players (509 vs. 531 ms), which was reflected in a shorter total response time (683 vs. 703 ms). Finally, as far as the performance of return is concerned, international players scored above the national players values (1.3 vs. 0.9).


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Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) is a polyphagous predatory mite which feeds on pollen and small arthropod preys like whiteflies, thrips and mites. This species is widely used in IPM programs in greenhouses, being essential for its success, to obtain information about the non target effects of the pesticides currently used in those crops where the mite is artificially released. This work describes a laboratory contact residual test for evaluating lethal (mortality after 72 hour exposure to fresh residues) and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility of the surviving mites) of eleven modern pesticides to adults of A. swirskii. Spiromesifen is lipogenesis inhibitor; flonicamid a selective feeding inhibitor with a mode of action not totally known; flubendiamide a modulator of the rhyanodin receptor, sulfoxaflor has a complex mode of action not totally ascertained; metaflumizone is a voltage dependent sodium channel blocker; methoxyfenozide is an IGR, spirotetramat inhibits lipids; abamectin and emamectin activate the Cl- channel; spinosad is a neurotix naturalyte and deltamethrin a pyrethroid used as positive standard. Selected pesticides are effective against different key pests present in horticultural crop areas and were always applied at the maximum field recommended concentration in Spain if registered, or at the concentration recommended by the supplier. Out of the tested pesticides, spiromesifen, flonicamid, flubendiamide, sulfoxaflor, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide and spirotetramat were harmless to adults of the predatory mite (IOBC toxicity class 1). The rest of pesticides exhibited some negative effects: emamectin was slightly harmful (IOBC 2), deltamethrin moderately harmful (IOBC 3) and spinosad and abamectin harmful (IOBC 4). Further testing under more realistic conditions is needed for those pesticides having some harmful effect on the mite prior deciding their joint use or not. Key words: Amblyseius swirskii, adults, laboratory, residual test, spiromesifen, flonicamid, flubendiamide, sulfoxaflor, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spirotetramat, emamectin, deltamethrin, abamectin, spinosad.


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Polymers of N-substituted glycines (“peptoids”) containing chiral centers at the α position of their side chains can form stable structures in solution. We studied a prototypical peptoid, consisting of five para-substituted (S)-N-(1-phenylethyl)glycine residues, by NMR spectroscopy. Multiple configurational isomers were observed, but because of extensive signal overlap, only the major isomer containing all cis-amide bonds was examined in detail. The NMR data for this molecule, in conjunction with previous CD spectroscopic results, indicate that the major species in methanol is a right-handed helix with cis-amide bonds. The periodicity of the helix is three residues per turn, with a pitch of ≈6 Å. This conformation is similar to that anticipated by computational studies of a chiral peptoid octamer. The helical repeat orients the amide bond chromophores in a manner consistent with the intensity of the CD signal exhibited by this molecule. Many other chiral polypeptoids have similar CD spectra, suggesting that a whole family of peptoids containing chiral side chains is capable of adopting this secondary structure motif. Taken together, our experimental and theoretical studies of the structural properties of chiral peptoids lay the groundwork for the rational design of more complex polypeptoid molecules, with a variety of applications, ranging from nanostructures to nonviral gene delivery systems.


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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, microtubules are organized by the spindle pole body (SPB), which is embedded in the nuclear envelope. Microtubule organization requires the γ-tubulin complex containing the γ-tubulin Tub4p, Spc98p, and Spc97p. The Tub4p complex is associated with cytoplasmic and nuclear substructures of the SPB, which organize the cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules. Here we present evidence that the Tub4p complex assembles in the cytoplasm and then either binds to the cytoplasmic side of the SPB or is imported into the nucleus followed by binding to the nuclear side of the SPB. Nuclear import of the Tub4p complex is mediated by the essential nuclear localization sequence of Spc98p. Our studies also indicate that Spc98p in the Tub4p complex is phosphorylated at the nuclear, but not at the cytoplasmic, side of the SPB. This phosphorylation is cell cycle dependent and occurs after SPB duplication and nucleation of microtubules by the new SPB and therefore may have a role in mitotic spindle function. In addition, activation of the mitotic checkpoint stimulates Spc98p phosphorylation. The kinase Mps1p, which functions in SPB duplication and mitotic checkpoint control, seems to be involved in Spc98p phosphorylation. Our results also suggest that the nuclear and cytoplasmic Tub4p complexes are regulated differently.


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Voltage-gated K+ channels are complexes of membrane-bound, ion-conducting α and cytoplasmic ancillary (β) subunits. The primary physiologic effect of coexpression of α and β subunits is to increase the intrinsic rate of inactivation of the α subunit. For one β subunit, Kvβ1.1, inactivation is enhanced through an N-type mechanism. A second β subunit, Kvβ1.2, has been shown to increase inactivation, but through a distinct mechanism. Here we show that the degree of enhancement of Kvβ1.2 inactivation is dependent on the amino acid composition in the pore mouth of the α subunit and the concentration of extracellular K+. Experimental conditions that promote C-type inactivation also enhance the stimulation of inactivation by Kvβ1.2, showing that this β subunit directly stimulates C-type inactivation. Chimeric constructs containing just the nonconserved N-terminal region of Kvβ1.2 fused with an α subunit behave in a similar fashion to coexpressed Kvβ1.2 and α subunit. This shows that it is the N-terminal domain of Kvβ1.2 that mediates the increase in C-type inactivation from the cytoplasmic side of the pore. We propose a model whereby the N terminus of Kvβ1.2 acts as a weakly binding “ball” domain that associates with the intracellular vestibule of the α subunit to effect a conformational change leading to enhancement of C-type inactivation.


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DNA binding activity of p53 is crucial for its tumor suppressor function. Our recent studies have shown that four molecules of the DNA binding domain of human p53 (p53DBD) bind the response elements with high cooperativity and bend the DNA. By using A-tract phasing experiments, we find significant differences between the bending and twisting of DNA by p53DBD and by full-length human wild-type (wt) p53. Our data show that four subunits of p53DBD bend the DNA by 32–36°, whereas wt p53 bends it by 51–57°. The directionality of bending is consistent with major groove bends at the two pentamer junctions in the consensus DNA response element. More sophisticated phasing analyses also demonstrate that p53DBD and wt p53 overtwist the DNA response element by ≈35° and ≈70°, respectively. These results are in accord with molecular modeling studies of the tetrameric complex. Within the constraints imposed by the protein subunits, the DNA can assume a range of conformations resulting from correlated changes in bend and twist angles such that the p53–DNA tetrameric complex is stabilized by DNA overtwisting and bending toward the major groove at the CATG tetramers. This bending is consistent with the inherent sequence-dependent anisotropy of the duplex. Overall, the four p53 moieties are placed laterally in a staggered array on the external side of the DNA loop and have numerous interprotein interactions that increase the stability and cooperativity of binding. The novel architecture of the p53 tetrameric complex has important functional implications including possible p53 interactions with chromatin.


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Ribozymes of hepatitis delta virus have been proposed to use an active-site cytosine as an acid-base catalyst in the self-cleavage reaction. In this study, we have examined the role of cytosine in more detail with the antigenomic ribozyme. Evidence that proton transfer in the rate-determining step involved cytosine 76 (C76) was obtained from examining cleavage activity of the wild-type and imidazole buffer-rescued C76-deleted (C76Δ) ribozymes in D2O and H2O. In both reactions, a similar kinetic isotope effect and shift in the apparent pKa indicate that the buffer is functionally substituting for the side chain in proton transfer. Proton inventory of the wild-type reaction supported a mechanism of a single proton transfer at the transition state. This proton transfer step was further characterized by exogenous base rescue of a C76Δ mutant with cytosine and imidazole analogues. For the imidazole analogues that rescued activity, the apparent pKa of the rescue reaction, measured under kcat/KM conditions, correlated with the pKa of the base. From these data a Brønsted coefficient (β) of 0.51 was determined for the base-rescued reaction of C76Δ. This value is consistent with that expected for proton transfer in the transition state. Together, these data provide strong support for a mechanism where an RNA side chain participates directly in general acid or general base catalysis of the wild-type ribozyme to facilitate RNA cleavage.


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Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are randomly sequenced cDNA clones. Currently, nearly 3 million human and 2 million mouse ESTs provide valuable resources that enable researchers to investigate the products of gene expression. The EST databases have proven to be useful tools for detecting homologous genes, for exon mapping, revealing differential splicing, etc. With the increasing availability of large amounts of poorly characterised eukaryotic (notably human) genomic sequence, ESTs have now become a vital tool for gene identification, sometimes yielding the only unambiguous evidence for the existence of a gene expression product. However, BLAST-based Web servers available to the general user have not kept pace with these developments and do not provide appropriate tools for querying EST databases with large highly spliced genes, often spanning 50 000–100 000 bases or more. Here we describe Gene2EST (http://woody.embl-heidelberg.de/gene2est/), a server that brings together a set of tools enabling efficient retrieval of ESTs matching large DNA queries and their subsequent analysis. RepeatMasker is used to mask dispersed repetitive sequences (such as Alu elements) in the query, BLAST2 for searching EST databases and Artemis for graphical display of the findings. Gene2EST combines these components into a Web resource targeted at the researcher who wishes to study one or a few genes to a high level of detail.


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MetaFam is a comprehensive relational database of protein family information. This web-accessible resource integrates data from several primary sequence and secondary protein family databases. By pooling together the information from these disparate sources, MetaFam is able to provide the most complete protein family sets available. Users are able to explore the interrelationships among these primary and secondary databases using a powerful graphical visualization tool, MetaFamView. Additionally, users can identify corresponding sequence entries among the sequence databases, obtain a quick summary of corresponding families (and their sequence members) among the family databases, and even attempt to classify their own unassigned sequences. Hypertext links to the appropriate source databases are provided at every level of navigation. Global family database statistics and information are also provided. Public access to the data is available at http://metafam.ahc.umn.edu/.


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The helicity in water has been determined for several series of alanine-rich peptides that contain single lysine residues and that are N-terminally linked to a helix-inducing and reporting template termed Ac-Hel1. The helix-propagating constant for alanine (sAla value) that best fits the properties of these peptides lies in the range of 1.01-1.02, close to the value reported by Scheraga and coworkers [Wojcik, J., Altmann, K.-H. & Scheraga, H.A. (1990) Biopolymers 30, 121-134], but significantly lower than the value assigned by Baldwin and coworkers [Chakrabartty, A., Kortemme, T. & Baldwin, R.L. (1994) Protein Sci. 3,843-852]. From a study of conjugates Ac-Hel1-Ala(n)-Lys-Ala(m)-NH2 and analogs in which the methylene portion of the lysine side chain is truncated, we find that the unusual helical stability of Ala(n)Lys peptides is controlled primarily by interactions of the lysine side chain with the helix barrel, and only passively by the alanine matrix. Using 1H NMR spectroscopy, we observe nuclear Overhauser effect crosspeaks consistent with proton-proton contacts expected for these interactions.


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Several di- and tripeptides containing protected purine (adenine) and pyrimidine (thymine) residues on their side chains were synthesized. The parent amino acids alpha, alpha-dialkylated in a symmetrical manner. An effective coupling procedure was developed for these sterically hindered amino acids: the fluoren-9-ylmethyloxycarbonyl-protected amino acid was dehydrated to its oxazolinone form, which was coupled in good yields with amino esters in hot tetrachloroethane.


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Pigments destroyed during photoinhibition of water-splitting photosystem II core complexes from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were studied. Under conditions of a transiently inactivated donor side, illumination leads to an irreversible inhibition of the electron transfer at the donor side that is paralleled by the destruction of chlorophylls a absorbing maximally around 674 and 682 nm. The observed stochiometry of 1 +/- 0.1 destroyed chlorophyll per inhibited photosystem II suggests that chlorophyll destruction could be the primary photodamage causing the inhibition of photosystem II under these conditions.


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The orphan nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is expressed in the adrenal cortex and gonads and regulates the expression of several P450 steroid hydroxylases in vitro. We examined the role of SF-1 in the adrenal glands and gonads in vivo by a targeted disruption of the mouse SF-1 gene. All SF-1-deficient mice died shortly after delivery. Their adrenal glands and gonads were absent, and persistent Mullerian structures were found in all genotypic males. While serum levels of corticosterone in SF-1-deficient mice were diminished, levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were elevated, consistent with intact pituitary corticotrophs. Intrauterine survival of SF-1-deficient mice appeared normal, and they had normal serum level of corticosterone and ACTH, probably reflecting transplacental passage of maternal steroids. We tested whether SF-1 is required for P450 side-chain-cleavage enzyme (P450scc) expression in the placenta, which expresses both SF-1 and P450scc, and found that in contrast to its strong activation of the P450scc gene promoter in vitro, the absence of SF-1 had no effect on P450scc mRNA levels in vivo. Although the region targeted by our disruption is shared by SF-1 and by embryonal long terminal repeat-binding protein (ELP), a hypothesized alternatively spliced product, we believe that the observed phenotype reflects absent SF-1 alone, as PCR analysis failed to detect ELP transcripts in any mouse tissue, and sequences corresponding to ELP are not conserved across species. These results confirm that SF-1 is an important regulator of adrenal and gonadal development, but its regulation of steroid hydroxylase expression in vivo remains to be established.


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We present an analysis that synthesizes information on the sequence, structure, and motifs of antigenic peptides, which previously appeared to be in conflict. Fourier analysis of T-cell antigenic peptides indicates a periodic variation in amino acid polarities of 3-3.6 residues per period, suggesting an amphipathic alpha-helical structure. However, the diffraction patterns of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules indicate that their ligands are in an extended non-alpha-helical conformation. We present two mutually consistent structural explanations for the source of the alpha-helical periodicity, based on an observation that the side chains of MHC-bound peptides generally partition with hydrophobic (hydrophilic) side chains pointing into (out of) the cleft. First, an analysis of haplotype-dependent peptide motifs indicates that the locations of their defining residues tend to force a period 3-4 variation in hydrophobicity along the peptide sequence, in a manner consistent with the spacing of pockets in the MHC. Second, recent crystallographic determination of the structure of a peptide bound to a class II MHC molecule reveals an extended but regularly twisted peptide with a rotation angle of about 130 degrees. We show that similar structures with rotation angles of 100-130 degrees are energetically acceptable and also span the length of the MHC cleft. These results provide a sound physical chemical and structural basis for the existence of a haplotype-independent antigenic motif which can be particularly important in limiting the search time for antigenic peptides.