820 resultados para religious discovery


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In questa tesi vengono analizzate le principali tecniche di Resource Discovery in uso nei sistemi di Grid Computing, valutando i principali vantaggi e svantaggi di ogni soluzione. Particolare attenzione verrà riposta sul Resource Discovery ad Agenti, che si propone come architettura capace di risolvere in maniera definitiva i classici problemi di queste reti. All'interno dell'elaborato, inoltre, ogni tecnica presentata verrà arricchita con una sua implementazione pratica: tra queste, ricordiamo MDS, Chord e l'implementazione Kang.


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L'argomento di questa tesi è l'architettura di rete Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN), progettata per operare nelle reti “challenged”, dove la suite di protocolli TCP/IP risulta inefficace a causa di lunghi ritardi di propagazione del segnale, interruzioni e disturbi di canale, ecc. Esempi di reti “challenged” variano dalle reti interplanetarie alle Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Le principali implementazioni dell'architettura DTN sono DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION, sviluppata da NASA JPL per applicazioni spaziali. Una grande differenza tra reti spaziali e terrestri è che nello spazio i movimenti dei nodi sono deterministici, mentre non lo sono per i nodi mobili terrestri, i quali generalmente non conoscono la topologia della rete. Questo ha portato allo sviluppo di diversi algoritmi di routing: deterministici per le reti spaziali e opportunistici per quelle terrestri. NASA JPL ha recentemente deciso di estendere l'ambito di applicazione di ION per supportare anche scenari non deterministici. Durante la tesi, svolta presso NASA JPL, mi sono occupato di argomenti diversi, tutti finalizzati a questo obiettivo. Inizialmente ho testato la nuova implementazione dell'algoritmo IP Neighbor Discovery (IPND) di ION, corretti i bug e prodotta la documentazione ufficiale. Quindi ho contribuito ad integrare il Contact Graph Routing (CGR) di ION nel simulatore DTN “ONE” utilizzando la Java Native Interface (JNI) come ponte tra il codice Java di ONE e il codice C di ION. In particolare ho adattato tutte le librerie di ION necessarie per far funzionare CGR all'interno dell'ambiente di ONE. Infine, dopo aver analizzato un dataset di tracce reali di nodi mobili, ho contribuito a progettare e a sviluppare OCGR, estensione opportunistica del CGR, quindi ne ho curato l'integrazione in ONE. I risultati preliminari sembrano confermare la validità di OCGR che, una volta messo a punto, può diventare un valido concorrente ai più rinomati algoritmi opportunistici.


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Mobile devices are now capable of supporting a wide range of applications, many of which demand an ever increasing computational power. To this end, mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been proposed to address the limited computation power, memory, storage, and energy of such devices. An important challenge in MCC is to guarantee seamless discovery of services. To this end, this thesis proposes an architecture that provides user-transparent and low-latency service discovery, as well as automated service selection. Experimental results on a real cloud computing testbed demonstrated that the proposed work outperforms state of-the-art approaches by achieving extremely low discovery delay.


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Grazie alla costante evoluzione tecnologica, negli ultimi anni sempre più oggetti di vita quotidiana stanno accedendo ad Internet. Il proliferare dei dispositivi “smart” ha dato il via ad una nuova rivoluzione tecnologica: quella di Internet of Things (IoT), che sta portando nelle mani degli utenti un elevatissimo numero di informazioni in grado di offrire notevoli benefici alla vita di ogni giorno. Per poter accedere ai dati messi a disposizione risulterà necessario realizzare un servizio in grado di consentire la scoperta, l’accesso e l’interazione con i nodi della rete che si occuperanno della gestione delle informazioni. In letteratura sono già disponibili alcuni di questi meccanismi, ma essi presentano dei difetti che verrebbero ancor più accentuati dalle ridotte capacità computazionali dei terminali IoT. In questo progetto di tesi verrà presentato un servizio di discovery per gateway IoT Kura-based, pensato, grazie all’utilizzo del protocollo di messaggistica MQTT, per operare con terminali dalle performance limitate ed in situazioni di scarsa connettività. Il servizio realizzato prevede che degli smartphone Android richiedano a tutti i gateway in una determinata località i parametri per entrare nel loro network. La richiesta verrà inviata mediante un messaggio MQTT pubblicato in un topic location-specific su un broker remoto. I gateway che riceveranno il messaggio, se interessati alle caratteristiche del client, gli risponderanno comunicando i dati di accesso al network in modo che il dispositivo possa auto-configurarsi per accedervi. Ad accesso avvenuto client e gateway comunicheranno in modo diretto attraverso un broker locale. In fase di testing si valuteranno le performance del servizio analizzando i tempi di risposta e l’utilizzo di risorse lato gateway, e l’assorbimento di potenza lato client.


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Epothilones are bacterial macrolides with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity, which have served as successful lead structures for the discovery of several clinical candidates for cancer treatment. Overall, seven epothilone-type agents have been advanced to clinical evaluation in humans so far and one of these has been approved by the FDA in 2007 for clinical use in breast cancer patients. Notwithstanding these impressive numbers, however, the structural diversity represented by the collection of epothilone analogs that have been (or still are) investigated clinically is rather limited and their individual structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. In contrast, we have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macro-lactones, whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of conformationally constrained side chains, the removal of the C(3)-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C(12) with nitrogen. The latter modification leads to aza-macrolides that may be described as 'non-natural natural products'.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and tamoxifen is the preferred drug for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treatment. Many of these cancers are intrinsically resistant to tamoxifen or acquire resistance during treatment. Consequently, there is an ongoing need for breast cancer drugs that have different molecular targets. Previous work has shown that 8-mer and cyclic 9-mer peptides inhibit breast cancer in mouse and rat models, interacting with an unsolved receptor, while peptides smaller than eight amino acids did not. We show that the use of replica exchange molecular dynamics predicts the structure and dynamics of active peptides, leading to the discovery of smaller peptides with full biological activity. Simulations identified smaller peptide analogues with the same conserved reverse turn demonstrated in the larger peptides. These analogues were synthesized and shown to inhibit estrogen-dependent cell growth in a mouse uterine growth assay, a test showing reliable correlation with human breast cancer inhibition.


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In 2011, researchers at Bucknell University and Illinois Wesleyan University compared the search efficacy of Serial Solutions Summon, EBSCO Discovery Service, Google Scholar and conventional library databases. Using a mixed-methods approach, qualitative and quantitative data was gathered on students’ usage of these tools. Regardless of the search system, students exhibited a marked inability to effectively evaluate sources and a heavy reliance on default search settings. On the quantitative benchmarks measured by this study, the EBSCO Discovery Service tool outperformed the other search systems in almost every category. This article describes these results and makes recommendations for libraries considering these tools.


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This paper explores the religious implications of eroticism in Western culture since the Sexual Revolution, a period at once applauded for its open and immanent view of sexuality and denounced for its shamelessness and promiscuity. After discussing the work and effects of Alfred C. Kinsey, the father of the Sexual Revolution, I focus on a critical appraisal of Kinsey written by French theorist Georges Bataille (“Kinsey, the Underworld and Work,” in L’Erotisme, 1957). Bataille situates contemporary Western sexuality within a larger historical movement towards the “desacralization” of all aspects of human life: sex, under the scientific gaze of the Kinsey team, became simply another “object” to be analyzed and classified, and “good” sex defined solely in terms of frequency and explosiveness of orgasm. For many, including Hugh Hefner, this approach to sex occasioned a refreshing awakening from the long dark night of Victorian sexual repression. However, as Bataille’s protégé Foucault has shown, the scientific approach to sexuality often masks a desire to control and delimit sexual behaviour, not “liberate” it. Moreover, Bataille makes the point that the desacralization of sexuality denudes sex of a vital component—eroticism—which is necessary for real pleasure and ecstasy. Beyond the “moral” critiques one often hears leveled against Kinsey and his work, Bataille provides a “religious” critique, one that stands, perhaps surprisingly, on the “near side” of sexuality.


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Radiation metabolomics has aided in the identification of a number of biomarkers in cells and mice by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS) and in rats by gas chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry (GCMS). These markers have been shown to be both dose- and time-dependent. Here UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS was used to analyze rat urine samples taken from 12 rats over 7 days; they were either sham-irradiated or γ-irradiated with 3 Gy after 4 days of metabolic cage acclimatization. Using multivariate data analysis, nine urinary biomarkers of γ radiation in rats were identified, including a novel mammalian metabolite, N-acetyltaurine. These upregulated urinary biomarkers were confirmed through tandem mass spectrometry and comparisons with authentic standards. They include thymidine, 2'-deoxyuridine, 2'deoxyxanthosine, N(1)-acetylspermidine, N-acetylglucosamine/galactosamine-6-sulfate, N-acetyltaurine, N-hexanoylglycine, taurine and, tentatively, isethionic acid. Of these metabolites, 2'-deoxyuridine and thymidine were previously identified in the rat by GCMS (observed as uridine and thymine) and in the mouse by UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS. 2'Deoxyxanthosine, taurine and N-hexanoylglycine were also seen in the mouse by UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS. These are now unequivocal cross-species biomarkers for ionizing radiation exposure. Downregulated biomarkers were shown to be related to food deprivation and starvation mechanisms. The UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS approach has aided in the advance for finding common biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure.