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AIMS: To study weight, length, body composition, sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), and respiratory quotient (RQ) at birth and at 5 mo of age in both adequate-for-gestational-age (AGA) and large-for-gestational-age (LGA) subjects; to compare the changes in body weight and body composition adjusting for gender, age, SEE, RQ and several maternal factors; to investigate the contribution of initial SEE and RQ to changes in body weight and body composition. METHODS: Sixty-nine neonates were recruited among term infants in the University Hospital of Verona, Italy. Forty-nine subjects participated until follow-up. At birth and follow-up, weight and length were measured and arm-fat area and arm-muscle area were calculated from triceps and subscapular skinfolds. SEE and RQ were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: At birth, weight, length, arm-muscle and arm-fat areas were significantly higher in LGA subjects than in AGA subjects. Weight status, SEE and RQ at birth did not explain the relative weight change after adjusting for gestational weight, placental weight, age at follow-up and gender. Arm-fat area and weight/length ratio at birth were negatively associated with relative changes in body weight after adjusting for the above variables (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Early growth from birth to 5 mo of life is significantly affected by body size and adiposity at birth. Fatter newborns had a slower growth rate than thinner newborns.
Laboratory values of the most commonly assayed clinical chemistry variables were determined in selected elderly and healthy ambulatory populations. The upper and lower limits (2.5 and 97.5 fractiles) were compared with the adult reference values in use in university hospitals of Switzerland. The results suggest that conventional adult reference values can be used for most variables in the elderly and that these values are also useful in an ambulatory population.
An attractive treatment of cancer consists in inducing tumor-eradicating CD8(+) CTL specific for tumor-associated Ags, such as NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a strongly immunogenic cancer germ line gene-encoded tumor-associated Ag, widely expressed on diverse tumors. To establish optimal priming of ESO-specific CTL and to define critical vaccine variables and mechanisms, we used HLA-A2/DR1 H-2(-/-) transgenic mice and sequential immunization with immunodominant DR1- and A2-restricted ESO peptides. Immunization of mice first with the DR1-restricted ESO(123-137) peptide and subsequently with mature dendritic cells (DCs) presenting this and the A2-restriced ESO(157-165) epitope generated abundant, circulating, high-avidity primary and memory CD8(+) T cells that efficiently killed A2/ESO(157-165)(+) tumor cells. This prime boost regimen was superior to other vaccine regimes and required strong Th1 cell responses, copresentation of MHC class I and MHC class II peptides by the same DC, and resulted in upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1, and thus egress of freshly primed CD8(+) T cells from the draining lymph nodes into circulation. This well-defined system allowed detailed mechanistic analysis, which revealed that 1) the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2 played key roles in CTL priming, namely by upregulating on naive CD8(+) T cells the chemokine receptor CCR5; 2) the inflammatory chemokines CCL4 (MIP-1beta) and CCL3 (MIP-1alpha) chemoattracted primed CD4(+) T cells to mature DCs and activated, naive CD8(+) T cells to DC-CD4 conjugates, respectively; and 3) blockade of these chemokines or their common receptor CCR5 ablated priming of CD8(+) T cells and upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1. These findings provide new opportunities for improving T cell cancer vaccines.
Buchheit, M, Al Haddad, H, Millet GP, Lepretre, PM, Newton, M, and Ahmaidi, S. Cardiorespiratory and cardiac autonomic responses to 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in team sport players. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): xxx-xxx, 2009-The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT) is an attractive alternative to classic continuous incremental field tests for defining a reference velocity for interval training prescription in team sport athletes. The aim of the present study was to compare cardiorespiratory and autonomic responses to 30-15IFT with those observed during a standard continuous test (CT). In 20 team sport players (20.9 +/- 2.2 years), cardiopulmonary parameters were measured during exercise and for 10 minutes after both tests. Final running velocity, peak lactate ([La]peak), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were also measured. Parasympathetic function was assessed during the postexercise recovery phase via heart rate (HR) recovery time constant (HRRtau) and HR variability (HRV) vagal-related indices. At exhaustion, no difference was observed in peak oxygen uptake (&OV0312;o2peak), respiratory exchange ratio, HR, or RPE between 30-15IFT and CT. In contrast, 30-15IFT led to significantly higher minute ventilation, [La]peak, and final velocity than CT (p < 0.05 for all parameters). All maximal cardiorespiratory variables observed during both tests were moderately to well correlated (e.g., r = 0.76, p = 0.001 for &OV0312;o2peak). Regarding ventilatory thresholds (VThs), all cardiorespiratory measurements were similar and well correlated between the 2 tests. Parasympathetic function was lower after 30-15IFT than after CT, as indicated by significantly longer HHRtau (81.9 +/- 18.2 vs. 60.5 +/- 19.5 for 30-15IFT and CT, respectively, p < 0.001) and lower HRV vagal-related indices (i.e., the root mean square of successive R-R intervals differences [rMSSD]: 4.1 +/- 2.4 and 7.0 +/- 4.9 milliseconds, p < 0.05). In conclusion, the 30-15IFT is accurate for assessing VThs and &OV0312;o2peak, but it alters postexercise parasympathetic function more than a continuous incremental protocol.
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha sigut generar dades especifiques locals de dos zones agroecològiques diferents d’Etiòpia ( el woreda Wukro i el woreda Abaya), mesurar l’estat de seguretat alimentària de la seva població, i els determinants socioeconòmics que els afecten, així com identificar els principals problemes metodològics, interpretatius que afecten a aquestes mesures i, en conseqüència, les intervencions que se’n poden derivar.
FUNDAMENTO: Determinar la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y por el VIH, así como los factores asociados, en la población de usuarios del programa de reducción de riesgos de la ciudad de Lleida. MÉTODOS: La muestra la formaron los nuevos usuarios del programa en el período abril-junio de 1996, entre los los cuales se realizó un cuestionario para la recogida de datos de las variables: edad, sexo, resultado de la prueba de la tuberculina, vacunación BCG, conocimiento de la serología frente al VIH, ingreso en prisión y años de consumo de heroína. Se calculó la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y por el VIH, con el intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%. La asociación de ambas variables con el resto de variables del estudio se determinó mediante la odds ratio (OR) y su IC del 95% . RESULTADOS: Acudieron 150 pacientes diferentes, de los cuales 45 eran nuevos usuarios. De ellos, el 80,0% eran varones, con una edad media de 31,1 años. La prevalencia de la coinfección fue del 8,9% (IC 95% 2,8-22,1). La prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa fue de 27,3% (IC 95% 12,4-43,0), siendo superior en los que tenían antecedentes de ingreso en prisión (OR=3,4; IC 95% 0,5-27,4). La prevalencia de la infección por el VIH fue del 36,1% (IC 95% 21,3-53,8), siendo superior en los que tenían una antigüedad, en el consumo de heroína, superior a los 11 años ( OR = 7,3; IC 95% 1,0-65,9). CONCLUSIONES: El antecedente de ingreso en prisión es el principal factor de riesgo de la infección tuberculosa. Los años de consumo se asocian con la infección por el VIH, especialmente a partir de los 11 años. Los programas de reducción de riesgos de nuestro país deberían realizar actividades de control de la infección tuberculosa y por VIH.
Background: Development of three classification trees (CT) based on the CART (Classification and Regression Trees), CHAID (Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection) and C4.5 methodologies for the calculation of probability of hospital mortality; the comparison of the results with the APACHE II, SAPS II and MPM II-24 scores, and with a model based on multiple logistic regression (LR). Methods: Retrospective study of 2864 patients. Random partition (70:30) into a Development Set (DS) n = 1808 and Validation Set (VS) n = 808. Their properties of discrimination are compared with the ROC curve (AUC CI 95%), Percent of correct classification (PCC CI 95%); and the calibration with the Calibration Curve and the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR CI 95%). Results: CTs are produced with a different selection of variables and decision rules: CART (5 variables and 8 decision rules), CHAID (7 variables and 15 rules) and C4.5 (6 variables and 10 rules). The common variables were: inotropic therapy, Glasgow, age, (A-a)O2 gradient and antecedent of chronic illness. In VS: all the models achieved acceptable discrimination with AUC above 0.7. CT: CART (0.75(0.71-0.81)), CHAID (0.76(0.72-0.79)) and C4.5 (0.76(0.73-0.80)). PCC: CART (72(69- 75)), CHAID (72(69-75)) and C4.5 (76(73-79)). Calibration (SMR) better in the CT: CART (1.04(0.95-1.31)), CHAID (1.06(0.97-1.15) and C4.5 (1.08(0.98-1.16)). Conclusion: With different methodologies of CTs, trees are generated with different selection of variables and decision rules. The CTs are easy to interpret, and they stratify the risk of hospital mortality. The CTs should be taken into account for the classification of the prognosis of critically ill patients.
Este trabajo pretende replicar con muestras españolas un estudio americano diseñado para evaluar las relaciones entre el rasgo Búsquesa de Sensaciones, Extraversión, Neuroticismo y Psicoticismo, con el interés por la contemplación o lectura de sucesos violentos, morbosos y sexuales en los medios de comunicación (o reales). El estudio se realizó a partir de inventarios autoinformados de curiosidad morbosa, cuestionarios de personalidad y autopuntuaciones de asistencia a películas pornográficas y de terror. Los resultados obtenidos informan de una relación positiva entre las escalas de Búsqueda de Sensaciones (EBS) y las escalas de Curiosidad Morbosa (CTM-CTS). Ello sugiere como hipótesis que los altos buscadores de sensaciones podrían estar interesados en estímulos que aumentan la actividad del sistema central de catecolaminas. Para ello se parte de hallazgos experimentales previos que apuntan que películas morbosas de terror o sexuales aumentan los niveles de las catecolaminas periféricas.
El trabajo que se presenta en este artículo se sitúa en el contexto bilingüe de la provincia de Lleida en la que coexisten dos lenguas en contacto, el catalán y el castellano, si bien existe un predominio de uso familiar y escolar de la primera de ellas. En este contexto, nuestro estudio analiza cómo influyen en el rendimiento en matemáticas las variables del contexto educativo de condición lingüística familiar y situación socio-profesional de la familia, así como las variables individuales de conciente intelectual y autoconcepto matemático. Los resultados globales muestran, en primer lugar, la importancia del lenguaje como instrumento mediador de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de contenidos matemáticos, ya que el rendimiento de los alumnos en esta área curricular está en función del dominio y el uso de la lengua vehicular de la enseñanza —el catalán—. En segundo lugar, se constata una correlación significativa entre el rendimiento matemático y las variables individuales de cociente intelectual y el autoconcepto sobre el propio rendimiento matemático.