988 resultados para radiography panoramic


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Les objectifs de cette étude étaient (1) de décrire la localisation et la sévérité des lésions d’ostéoarthrose (OA) chroniques acquises naturellement au niveau du grasset équin grâce à l’échographie (US), la radiographie (XR), la tomodensitométrie (CT) et l’évaluation macroscopique (ME), (2) de comparer la performance diagnostique de chacune des modalities d’imagerie avec ME et (3) d’évaluer quantitativement la densité osseuse sous-chondrale lors d’OA du grasset chez le cheval à la tomodensitométrie. Des évaluations post mortem radiographique, tomodensitométrique et échographique ont été réalisées sur 23 grassets cadavériques et comparées à l’évaluation macroscopique. Des associations significatives ont été notées entre le «osteophytes global score» de toutes les modalités (US, p=0.04; XR, p=0.005; CT, p˂0.0001) et ME. De plus, la tomodensitométrie a démontré la plus forte association. Les ostéophytes étaient principalement localisés au niveau de l’articulation fémorotibiale médiale et cette articulation présentait également les scores d’ostéophytes les plus sévères. Un patron spécifique d’ostéophytes associé à l’insertion de la capsule articulaire sur le condyle fémoral médial a été mis en évidence. La nouvelle projection radiographique (Ca10Pr5L-CrDiMO) a été utile dans la détection des ostéophytes de la région intercondylaire. Les grades d’ostéophytes (0-3) ne différaient pas significativement selon la modalité dans la majorité des sites. La faible sensibilité/spécificité a indiqué que la sclérose de l’os sous-chondral et l’applatissement des condyles fémoraux ne semblent pas être des indicateurs fiables d’OA du grasset équin. L’OA du grasset équin est associée à une réduction de la densité osseuse sous-chondrale et des sites spécifiques de résorption/kystes sous-chondraux ont été notés chez certains spécimens.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a musculoskeletal pathology. It is a complex spinal curvature in a 3-D space that also affects the appearance of the trunk. The clinical follow-up of AIS is decisive for its management. Currently, the Cobb angle, which is measured from full spine radiography, is the most common indicator of the scoliosis progression. However, cumulative exposure to X-rays radiation increases the risk for certain cancers. Thus, a noninvasive method for the identification of the scoliosis progression from trunk shape analysis would be helpful. In this study, a statistical model is built from a set of healthy subjects using independent component analysis and genetic algorithm. Based on this model, a representation of each scoliotic trunk from a set of AIS patients is computed and the difference between two successive acquisitions is used to determine if the scoliosis has progressed or not. This study was conducted on 58 subjects comprising 28 healthy subjects and 30 AIS patients who had trunk surface acquisitions in upright standing posture. The model detects 93% of the progressive cases and 80% of the nonprogressive cases. Thus, the rate of false negatives, representing the proportion of undetected progressions, is very low, only 7%. This study shows that it is possible to perform a scoliotic patient's follow-up using 3-D trunk image analysis, which is based on a noninvasive acquisition technique.


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Scoliosis is a 3D deformity of the spine and rib cage. Extensive validation of 3D reconstruction methods of the spine from biplanar radiography has already been published. In this article, we propose a novel method to reconstruct the rib cage, using the same biplanar views as for the 3D reconstruction of the spine, to allow clinical assessment of whole trunk deformities. This technique uses a semi-automatic segmentation of the ribs in the postero-anterior X-ray view and an interactive segmentation of partial rib edges in the lateral view. The rib midlines are automatically extracted in 2D and reconstructed in 3D using the epipolar geometry. For the ribs not visible in the lateral view, the method predicts their 3D shape. The accuracy of the proposed method has been assessed using data obtained from a synthetic bone model as a gold standard and has also been evaluated using data of real patients with scoliotic deformities. Results show that the reconstructed ribs enable a reliable evaluation of the rib axial rotation, which will allow a 3D clinical assessment of the spine and rib cage deformities.


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Among the external manifestations of scoliosis, the rib hump, which is associated with the ribs' deformities and rotations, constitutes the most disturbing aspect of the scoliotic deformity for patients. A personalized 3-D model of the rib cage is important for a better evaluation of the deformity, and hence, a better treatment planning. A novel method for the 3-D reconstruction of the rib cage, based only on two standard radiographs, is proposed in this paper. For each rib, two points are extrapolated from the reconstructed spine, and three points are reconstructed by stereo radiography. The reconstruction is then refined using a surface approximation. The method was evaluated using clinical data of 13 patients with scoliosis. A comparison was conducted between the reconstructions obtained with the proposed method and those obtained by using a previous reconstruction method based on two frontal radiographs. A first comparison criterion was the distances between the reconstructed ribs and the surface topography of the trunk, considered as the reference modality. The correlation between ribs axial rotation and back surface rotation was also evaluated. The proposed method successfully reconstructed the ribs of the 6th-12th thoracic levels. The evaluation results showed that the 3-D configuration of the new rib reconstructions is more consistent with the surface topography and provides more accurate measurements of ribs axial rotation.


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Dental caries persists to be the most predominant oral disease in spite of remarkable progress made during the past half- century to reduce its prevalence. Early diagnosis of carious lesions is an important factor in the prevention and management of dental caries. Conventional procedures for caries detection involve visual-tactile and radiographic examination, which is considered as “gold standard”. These techniques are subjective and are unable to detect the lesions until they are well advanced and involve about one-third of the thickness of enamel. Therefore, all these factors necessitate the need for the development of new techniques for early diagnosis of carious lesions. Researchers have been trying to develop various instruments based on optical spectroscopic techniques for detection of dental caries during the last two decades. These optical spectroscopic techniques facilitate noninvasive and real-time tissue characterization with reduced radiation exposure to patient, thereby improving the management of dental caries. Nonetheless, a costeffective optical system with adequate sensitivity and specificity for clinical use is still not realized and development of such a system is a challenging task.Two key techniques based on the optical properties of dental hard tissues are discussed in this current thesis, namely laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy for detection of tooth caries and demineralization. The work described in this thesis is mainly of applied nature, focusing on the analysis of data from in vitro tooth samples and extending these results to diagnose dental caries in a clinical environment. The work mainly aims to improve and contribute to the contemporary research on fluorescence and diffuse reflectance for discriminating different stages of carious lesions. Towards this, a portable and compact laser-induced fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopic system (LIFRS) was developed for point monitoring of fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectra from tooth samples. The LIFRS system uses either a 337 nm nitrogen laser or a 404 nm diode laser for the excitation of tooth autofluorescence and a white light source (tungsten halogen lamp) for measuring diffuse reflectance.Extensive in vitro studies were carried out on extracted tooth samples to test the applicability of LIFRS system for detecting dental caries, before being tested in a clinical environment. Both LIF and DR studies were performed for diagnosis of dental caries, but special emphasis was given for early detection and also to discriminate between different stages of carious lesions. Further the potential of LIFRS system in detecting demineralization and remineralization were also assessed.In the clinical trial on 105 patients, fluorescence reference standard (FRS) criteria was developed based on LIF spectral ratios (F500/F635 and F500/F680) to discriminate different stages of caries and for early detection of dental caries. The FRS ratio scatter plots developed showed better sensitivity and specificity as compared to clinical and radiographic examination, and the results were validated with the blindtests. Moreover, the LIF spectra were analyzed by curve-fitting using Gaussian spectral functions and the derived curve-fitted parameters such as peak position, Gaussian curve area, amplitude and width were found to be useful for distinguishing different stages of caries. In DR studies, a novel method was established based on DR ratios (R500/R700, R600/R700 and R650/R700) to detect dental caries with improved accuracy. Further the diagnostic accuracy of LIFRS system was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve. On the basis of these results, the LIFRS system was found useful as a valuable adjunct to the clinicians for detecting carious lesions.


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Els objectius del projecte es divideixen en tres blocs: Primerament, realitzar una segmentació automàtica del contorn d'una imatge on hi ha una massa central. Tot seguit, a partir del contorn trobat, caracteritzar la massa. I finalment, utilitzant les característiques anteriors classificar la massa en benigne o maligne. En el projecte s'utilitza el Matlab com a eina de programació. Concretament les funcions enfocades al processat de imatges del toolbox de Image processing (propi de Matlab) i els classificadors de la PRTools de la Delft University of Technology


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We present a new approach to model and classify breast parenchymal tissue. Given a mammogram, first, we will discover the distribution of the different tissue densities in an unsupervised manner, and second, we will use this tissue distribution to perform the classification. We achieve this using a classifier based on local descriptors and probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature. We studied the influence of different descriptors like texture and SIFT features at the classification stage showing that textons outperform SIFT in all cases. Moreover we demonstrate that pLSA automatically extracts meaningful latent aspects generating a compact tissue representation based on their densities, useful for discriminating on mammogram classification. We show the results of tissue classification over the MIAS and DDSM datasets. We compare our method with approaches that classified these same datasets showing a better performance of our proposal


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In order to develop applications for z;isual interpretation of medical images, the early detection and evaluation of microcalcifications in digital mammograms is verg important since their presence is often associated with a high incidence of breast cancers. Accurate classification into benign and malignant groups would help improve diagnostic sensitivity as well as reduce the number of unnecessa y biopsies. The challenge here is the selection of the useful features to distinguish benign from malignant micro calcifications. Our purpose in this work is to analyse a microcalcification evaluation method based on a set of shapebased features extracted from the digitised mammography. The segmentation of the microcalcifications is performed using a fixed-tolerance region growing method to extract boundaries of calcifications with manually selected seed pixels. Taking into account that shapes and sizes of clustered microcalcifications have been associated with a high risk of carcinoma based on digerent subjective measures, such as whether or not the calcifications are irregular, linear, vermiform, branched, rounded or ring like, our efforts were addressed to obtain a feature set related to the shape. The identification of the pammeters concerning the malignant character of the microcalcifications was performed on a set of 146 mammograms with their real diagnosis known in advance from biopsies. This allowed identifying the following shape-based parameters as the relevant ones: Number of clusters, Number of holes, Area, Feret elongation, Roughness, and Elongation. Further experiments on a set of 70 new mammogmms showed that the performance of the classification scheme is close to the mean performance of three expert radiologists, which allows to consider the proposed method for assisting the diagnosis and encourages to continue the investigation in the sense of adding new features not only related to the shape


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It has been shown that the accuracy of mammographic abnormality detection methods is strongly dependent on the breast tissue characteristics, where a dense breast drastically reduces detection sensitivity. In addition, breast tissue density is widely accepted to be an important risk indicator for the development of breast cancer. Here, we describe the development of an automatic breast tissue classification methodology, which can be summarized in a number of distinct steps: 1) the segmentation of the breast area into fatty versus dense mammographic tissue; 2) the extraction of morphological and texture features from the segmented breast areas; and 3) the use of a Bayesian combination of a number of classifiers. The evaluation, based on a large number of cases from two different mammographic data sets, shows a strong correlation ( and 0.67 for the two data sets) between automatic and expert-based Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System mammographic density assessment


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A recent trend in digital mammography is computer-aided diagnosis systems, which are computerised tools designed to assist radiologists. Most of these systems are used for the automatic detection of abnormalities. However, recent studies have shown that their sensitivity is significantly decreased as the density of the breast increases. This dependence is method specific. In this paper we propose a new approach to the classification of mammographic images according to their breast parenchymal density. Our classification uses information extracted from segmentation results and is based on the underlying breast tissue texture. Classification performance was based on a large set of digitised mammograms. Evaluation involves different classifiers and uses a leave-one-out methodology. Results demonstrate the feasibility of estimating breast density using image processing and analysis techniques


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A new approach to mammographic mass detection is presented in this paper. Although different algorithms have been proposed for such a task, most of them are application dependent. In contrast, our approach makes use of a kindred topic in computer vision adapted to our particular problem. In this sense, we translate the eigenfaces approach for face detection/classification problems to a mass detection. Two different databases were used to show the robustness of the approach. The first one consisted on a set of 160 regions of interest (RoIs) extracted from the MIAS database, being 40 of them with confirmed masses and the rest normal tissue. The second set of RoIs was extracted from the DDSM database, and contained 196 RoIs containing masses and 392 with normal, but suspicious regions. Initial results demonstrate the feasibility of using such approach with performances comparable to other algorithms, with the advantage of being a more general, simple and cost-effective approach


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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Objetivos : evaluar las características operativas del examen físico en el diagnóstico de neumonía y evaluar su acuerdo inter-observador. Marco de referencia : los estudios que avaluaron al examen físico como prueba diagnóstica en neumonía son metodológicamente deficientes. Diseño : estudio ciego de corte transversal para evaluación de prueba diagnóstica. Pacientes : adultos quienes consultan al servicio de urgencias y hospitalización de la FCI por síntomas respiratorios agudos o exacerbación de los mismos. Mediciones : examen físico por dos observadores independientes, toma de radiografía de tórax y lectura por radiólogo experto. Se tomaron los datos que permitieron calcular el índice de severidad de neumonía (PSI). Resultados : de 198 pacientes, 85(42%) tenían neumonía radiográficamente. Las características operativas del examinador1 fueron: Sensibilidad:63.2%, Especificidad:54,1%, LR(+)=1,36, LR(-)=0,68; para el examinador2: Sensibilidad:34,3%, Especificidad:71,7%, LR(+)=1,17, LR(-)=0,92. La correlación entre diagnóstico clínico para derrame pleural fue k=-0,052, no significativa (p=0,445); y para neumonía k=0.25 significativa (p=0.022). Al medirse la severidad de neumonía por PSI, la sensibilidad aumento estratificada a severidad (II:Sensibilidad:40%; III:Sensibilidad: 57%; IV:Sensibilidad;75%; V:Sensibilidad:80%). Conclusiones : el examen físico no es sensible ni especifico en el diagnóstico de neumonía. Existe un índice de acuerdo débil en el examen físico de tórax para el diagnóstico de derrame pleural y neumonía Es más probable el diagnóstico clínico de neumonía al aumentar la severidad por PSI.


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Introducción: la utilidad de las radiografías de tórax rutinarias se encuentra en discusión, con estudios que avalan su uso y, en el otro extremo, estudios que solo encuentran utilidad marginal. Objetivos: determinar la eficacia diagnóstica y terapéutica de las radiografías de tórax rutinarias matutinas en pacientes pediátricos bajo ventilación mecánica y la identificación de subgrupos en quienes dichas radiografías sean de mayor utilidad. Metodología: estudio prospectivo, analítico, transversal, realizado en pacientes de un mes a 18 años, sometidos a ventilación mecánica por más de 48 horas, entre diciembre de 2010 a noviembre de 2011. Se emplearon las pruebas de X2 de Pearson y el test de Fischer. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizaron los programas Statgraphics y SPSS, versión 15. Resultados: se evaluaron 53 pacientes con 536 radiografías. Los hallazgos fueron principalmente menores. Los hallazgos mayores solo corresponden al 10.3% de los casos, siendo principalmente mal posición del tubo endotraqueal y nuevos infiltrados infecciosos. No fue posible establecer subgrupos pero los datos sugieren mayor utilidad de dichas radiografías en pacientes de menor edad y peso, así como en los sometidos a alto soporte ventilatorio. Conclusiones: la utilidad de las radiografías rutinarias en pacientes pediátricos es marginal, siendo necesaria la realización de nuevos estudios para establecer su eficacia diagnóstica y su utilidad en subgrupos de pacientes. Palabras clave: radiografía de tórax, rayos x de tórax, radiología, unidad de cuidado intensivo, unidad de cuidado crítico.


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La EPOC es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo y su prevalencia en Bogotá alcanza hasta 8,5%. Las exacerbaciones están asociadas a deterioro funcional y de la calidad de vida por lo que se consideran un factor cardinal de la enfermedad. En la literatura se ha descrito que las infecciones por bacterias y/o virus son las responsables del 78% de las exacerbaciones. Estos datos han sido descritos en poblaciones diferentes y no hay datos en la literatura que muestren cual es la epidemiología local de las exacerbaciones de EPOC y menos aún de aquellas que se asocian a consolidaciones neumónicas. Objetivo: Comparar la microbiología de las exacerbaciones severas de la EPOC que requieren ingreso a UCI con y sin infiltrados alveolares. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se estudiaron pacientes con EPOC que ingresaron a la UCI Médica de la FCI-IC por exacerbación severa, asociada o no a infiltrados alveolares. Se tomaron muestras de microbiología, serológicas y radiografía de tórax para evaluar la etiología de la exacerbación, si se asocia a coinfección viral y a consolidación neumónica o no. Resultados: No se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la microbiología de los diferentes grupos evaluados. Se encontró un resistencia global del 24% y llama la atención que hay una alta prevalencia de Serratia Marcescens AMPc entre los 2 grupos, germen que no está descrito como patógeno común en la literatura. Se encontraron diferencias en cuanto a factores de riesgo para presentar neumonía asociada como lo son un mayor índice de paquetes/año (55.1.6 vs. 36.3 paq/año, sig.=0.021). Así mismo se demostró que los pacientes con neumonía asociada presentan mayor necesidad de IOT (48.9 vs. 23.9, sig.=0.013). No hay diferencia significativa en desenlaces como mortalidad (20.5 vs. 13.0, sig.=0.346). Conclusiones: A pesar de no haber diferencia microbiológica entre los 2 grupos se encontraron variables como factores de riesgo y variables clínicas que pueden ayudar a proponer planes de manejo en los dos escenarios. El hecho de encontrar un paciente con neumonía asociada al cuadro de exacerbación no debe afectar en la toma de decisiones en relación al tratamiento antibiótico.