705 resultados para prostheses


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Durante el desarrollo de un niño pueden ocurrir diversas anomalías y distorsiones en el crecimiento de los huesos que resultan en distintos problemas. Independientemente de las razones por las que ocurren, si son detectadas y tratadas con tiempo sus secuelas pueden ser minimizadas o eliminadas. Este trabajo continúa el proyecto integrador de ingeniería mecánica del ingeniero Matías Korten. En ese trabajo se realizaron ensayos termomecánicos a alambres de NiTi para caracterizar las fuerzas desarrolladas y la influencia de diferentes parámetros geométricos y físicos en las mismas. El Dr. J. Groiso propone la fabricación de un dispositivo pseudoelástico y biocompatible de NiTi para corregir deformaciones angulares en huesos. En este trabajo, se buscó caracterizar nuevamente el material NiTi, validar los resultados obtenidos en ese trabajo y diseñar un dispositivo que permita la caracterización del material de forma más confiable. Se desarrolló un modelo computacional de un hueso en 3D que permite obtener el campo de tensiones sobre la placa de crecimiento al aplicar una fuerza superficial sobre los tornillos. Se analizaron los resultados con distintas formas de aplicación de la fuerza, la zona afectada por la prótesis al cambiar la posición de los tornillos y se hizo un análisis de sensibilidad en el rango (según bibliografía) del módulo de elasticidad de la placa de crecimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación de un dispositivo de NiTi puede generar las tensiones necesarias para impulsar el crecimiento del hueso en la dirección correcta.


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A perda de dentes além de afectar a mastigação e a estética, altera também o equilíbrio do sistema estomatognático, observando-se de imediato alterações na posição dos dentes adjacentes e dos dentes oponentes. Torna-se, portanto, imprescindível para a reposição da saúde oral do paciente a reabilitação com recurso a próteses fixas ou removíveis. No que diz respeito às próteses parciais removíveis (PPR´s) estas visam a substituição dos dentes perdidos, sendo facilmente removidas e inseridas pelo paciente, sem qualquer intervenção do médico dentista e, apoiam-se directamente na mucosa e nos dentes. Enquanto as PPR´s acrílicas são suportadas pela mucosa, mediante uma ampla área de contacto, as próteses esqueléticas são suportadas pelos dentes pilares através da colocação de retentores. No caso específico das PPR´s, é fundamental que o profissional de saúde tenha em consideração a importância do planeamento correcto e adequado da reabilitação oral. Para isso, pode e deve utilizar o paralelómetro, determinando assim correctamente a localização dos planos-guia, dos apoios e retentores necessários. Guiando-se por estes princípios fundamentais, qualquer reabilitação com recurso às PPR´s pode ser bem sucedida quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional.


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Introduction - The harmony between the stump and the prosthesis is critical to allow it to fulfill its function enabling an efficient gait. A well fitted socket, with an efficient and comfortable suspension, allows the amputee to continue their daily living activities, maintaining the stump functional, making this correlation between socket and suspension very important in the functionality of the prosthesis, mobility and overall satisfaction with the device. Of our knowledge, the quantitative correlation between all of these factors as not yet been assessed. The objective of this study is to verify and confirm the process of decision-making for four different trans-tibial prostheses with suspension systems: Hypobaric(A), PIN(B), Classic Suction(C) and Vacuum Active –VASS(D) according data provided by gait efficiency (mlO2/kg/m) imagiology (pistonning) and amputee perception.


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This work was developed in the form of a case study to measure the efficiency of gait and conclude if the tested suspension systems differ in the efficiency in a various tested transtibial prostheses,based on the data provided by radiologic images, indirect calorimetry and perception of the patient. Introduction - The suspension system and the stump adjustment to the socket plays an important role in the functionality of the prosthesis, the mobility of the amputee and overall satisfaction with the device. The comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related. The harmony between the residual limb and prosthesis is crucial to that this meets its function and enable effective March and allow the amputated the continuity of their Daily day activities, keeping the stump functional. Comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related, suspension systems should prevent excessive longitudinal and rotational transverse displacement of the stump within the socket, these systems should help stabilize and enhance the connection of the prosthesis to the residual limb, reducing the pistonning, increased proprioception and providing a more natural gait.


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Durante el desarrollo de un niño pueden ocurrir diversas anomalías y distorsiones en el crecimiento de los huesos que resultan en distintos problemas. Independientemente de las razones por las que ocurren, si son detectadas y tratadas con tiempo sus secuelas pueden ser minimizadas o eliminadas. Este trabajo continúa el proyecto integrador de ingeniería mecánica del ingeniero Matías Korten. En ese trabajo se realizaron ensayos termomecánicos a alambres de NiTi para caracterizar las fuerzas desarrolladas y la influencia de diferentes parámetros geométricos y físicos en las mismas. El Dr. J. Groiso propone la fabricación de un dispositivo pseudoelástico y biocompatible de NiTi para corregir deformaciones angulares en huesos. En este trabajo, se buscó caracterizar nuevamente el material NiTi, validar los resultados obtenidos en ese trabajo y diseñar un dispositivo que permita la caracterización del material de forma más confiable. Se desarrolló un modelo computacional de un hueso en 3D que permite obtener el campo de tensiones sobre la placa de crecimiento al aplicar una fuerza superficial sobre los tornillos. Se analizaron los resultados con distintas formas de aplicación de la fuerza, la zona afectada por la prótesis al cambiar la posición de los tornillos y se hizo un análisis de sensibilidad en el rango (según bibliografía) del módulo de elasticidad de la placa de crecimiento. Se concluye que la aplicación de un dispositivo de NiTi puede generar las tensiones necesarias para impulsar el crecimiento del hueso en la dirección correcta.


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Dois estágios cirúrgicos, somados a um período de cicatrização de três a seis meses, com a ausência de cargas funcionais foram estabelecidos por Bränemark, em 1977, como protocolo cirúrgico da terapia com implantes osteointegrados. Somente após esse tempo de cicatrização, poderia ocorrer a activação dos implantes e confecção das próteses. O desenvolvimento de vários estudos, com a finalidade de abreviar esse período de cicatrização, a simplificação da terapia restauradora, somados aos avanços tecnológicos, e aos altos índices de sucesso, tornaram os implantes imediatos com carga imediata, uma realidade na reabilitação total ou parcial com implantes, abreviando o tempo de cicatrização, com a colocação de uma prótese provisória imediata, logo no final do primeiro estágio cirúrgico. Para a pesquisa bibliográfica foram utilizadas as palavras-chave immediate loading, immediate provisionalization, post-extractive implant, immediate implant, single tooth implant, post extraction sockets, immediate temporization.


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Os cimentos dentários na função de preencher a interface entre a superfície dentária e superfície interna da prótese nos coloca frente a uma diversidade de substratos e técnicas. O presente trabalho visou rever conceitos associados aos cimentos dentários, a evolução destes materiais junto aos diferentes sistemas cerâmicos e suas limitações no seu universo bem como a estratégia da sua aplicação em superfícies resistentes ou não ao ácido condicionante. Para alcançar a resposta de qual o melhor método na escolha de um material para cimentação de próteses fixas, este trabalho também apresenta uma comparação entre os cimentos dentários convencionais e resinosos. Este trabalho consiste numa revisão bibliográfica de forma a pesquisar de forma geral os cimentos de uso na medicina dentária. Foi realizada uma pesquisa, em abril de 2016, nas bases de dados da PubMed e B-on e em obras de caráter científico com o intuito de recolher informações sobre o assunto em um intervalo temporal de 10 anos. Os critérios escolhidos foram casos clínicos, revisão de literatura e estudos in vitro, segundo o seu rigor científico e interesse para o tema. O resultado sobre os testes de resistência utilizados nos estudos, os testes de aderência do cimento ao dente podem variar amplamente. O tratamento de superfícies e a evolução tecnológica podem ser eficazes na escolha desses materiais, bem como a comparação dos tipos de falhas que ocorrem na interface adesivas. A conclusão que se obteve é que os materiais raramente são comparados com um padrão e muitas vezes as condições experimentais variam.


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Il existe un besoin clinique pour les prothèses vasculaires de faible diamètre (< 6 mm), notamment pour effectuer des pontages vasculaires. Les prothèses synthétiques de faible diamètre, n’ayant pas d’endothélium, sont sujettes à la thrombose. Ainsi les chirurgiens préfèrent utiliser les vaisseaux autologues des patients. Pour cela, la veine saphène est de loin la plus utilisée. Cependant, de nombreux patients n’ont pas de vaisseaux adéquats, soit parce qu’ils ont déjà été utilisés, soit parce qu’ils sont malades. Pour pallier ce manque, le LOEX a développé un substitut vasculaire reconstruit en laboratoire par la méthode d’auto-assemblage du génie tissulaire. Ces substituts, faits à partir de cellules humaines, ont une longue période de production et ne peuvent être faits à l’avance ni préservés. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est le développement d’une prothèse vasculaire de faible diamètre facilitant le transfert du laboratoire vers la clinique. S’inspirant de travaux antérieurs, les travaux focalisent sur des prothèses obtenues à partir de fibroblastes dermiques humains puis décellularisés. Comme la réponse immunitaire se fait principalement contre les cellules et non pas contre la matrice extracellulaire, la décellularisation permet de gagner une compatibilité immunitaire inter-individu, voire inter-espèce. Ainsi, des prothèses ont été implantées dans six rats pendant six mois sans immunosuppression avec un taux de succès de 83%. Les explants présentaient une infiltration cellulaire suggérant la formation d’une nouvelle media recouverte d’un endothélium. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré qu’il était également possible de produire des prothèses de grandeur et diamètre adéquats pour une utilisation clinique. Ces prothèses ont été préservées durant trois mois sans altérer leurs propriétés mécaniques. Nous avons également endothélialisé des vaisseaux qui ont ensuite été conditionnés en bioréacteur durant une semaine. Le processus entraînait une compaction de la matrice extracellulaire et un gain dans la résistance à la traction du matériau. En conclusion, les prothèses vasculaires décellularisées offrent deux avantages majeurs facilitant ainsi les essais précliniques et accélérant leur transfert du laboratoire vers les patients.


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Nos pacientes com defeitos ósseos palatinos congénitos ou adquiridos, quando a possibilidade de reconstrução cirúrgica não existe, poderá ter de se utilizar uma prótese obturadora palatina, com vista ao restabelecimento das funções do sistema estomatognático, tais como, a fonética, deglutição e mastigação. Contudo, esta necessidade não é só funcional mas também estética e psicológica, com vista a melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. As próteses obturadoras palatinas têm vindo a desenvolver há alguns séculos, com o aprimoramento das técnicas de confecção e materiais dentários que auxiliam na elaboração, cada vez mais eficientes, principalmente no que se refere a sua adaptação. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre próteses obturas palatinas utilizando as palavras-chave: maxillary birth bony defects; maxillary acquired bony defects; obturator prosthesis; prosthetic rehabilitation in maxillary defects; inflatable hollow obturator; prosthodontic rehabilitation of maxillary defects. Os objectivos deste trabalho foi o de conhecer os diferentes tipos de próteses obturadoras palatinas utilizadas na reabilitação de pacientes com defeitos ósseos palatinos, bem como, as suas indicações, contra-indicações, os cuidados de utilização e o protocolo clínico e laboratorial de confecção. As próteses obturadoras palatinas são assim uma solução possível na reabilitação funcional de um número grande de pacientes com defeitos ósseos palatinos, no entanto, o seu sucesso está dependente do correcto planeamento e da execução clínica e laboratorial cuidadosa.


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Työssä selvitettiin sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien nykyteknologian taso. Selvitettäviä asioita olivat keskushermoston ja proteesin välisen hermokytkennän toteutustapa, sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien keskeiset tekniset ominaisuudet sekä käsiproteesin mekaaniset toteutustavat. Tutkimus suoritettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Työhön valittiin esimerkkejä kaupallisesti saatavilla olevista käsiproteeseista jotka löytyivät internetistä hakemalla kaikkein edisty-neintä käsiproteesia. Työstä rajattiin pois proteesin suora kytkeminen keskushermostoon. Liikeinformaation välitys aivoilta proteesille onnistuu mittaamalla lihassähkökäyrä erilaisilla ihon ja lihasten päälle, ihon alle lihaksien yhteyteen tai suoraan hermojen yhteyteen asete-tuilla elektrodeilla. Lihassähkökäyrän mittaamisessa ihon pinnalta on ongelmana sähkömag-neettinen säteily, hiki, joka muuttaa ihon impedanssia ja elektrodien meneminen pois paikal-taan. Ihon alle asetettavat elektrodit kapseloituvat, mikä heikentää niiden toimintaa ja nii-den ihon läpi kulkevat johdot voivat altistaa kohdan infektioille tai takertua johonkin. Her-moihin suorassa kosketuksissa olevat elektrodit aiheuttavat lisäksi hermopinteen. Kohden-netulla uudelleenhermotuksella voidaan hermosyyt johtaa lihaksiin, jolloin lihaksista saa-daan biologiset vahvistimet lihassähkökäyrää varten tai korvaavalle ihoalueelle, johon koh-distuva kosketus tuottaa tuntemuksen käteen kohdistuvasta kosketuksesta. Käden menet-tämisen myötä menetettävät hermo-ohjaustiedot voivat osittain korvautua aivojen mukau-tuvuuden ansiosta, mikä mahdollistaa tekokäden käyttämisen oppimisen samalla tavoin kuin polkupyörällä ajon. Hermotakaisinkytkentä mahdollistaa proteesin paremman hallin-nan. On mahdollista valmistaa keinoihoa johon kohdistuva paine saa aikaan muutoksen sen sähköisissä ominaisuuksissa, mitä voidaan sitten käyttää varsinaisen hermoärsytyksen luo-van laitteen, kuten tynkää ärsyttävän täryttimen, ohjaamisessa. On mahdollista valmistaa keinolihaksia joiden avulla nivelten liike voidaan toteuttaa luonnollisen kaltaisilla rakenteilla ja jotka ovat jopa kymmeniä kertoja voimakkaampia kuin aidot lihakset. Nykyteknologian avulla on mahdollista rakentaa käsiproteesi joka liikeradoiltaan, voimal-taan ja hermotakaisinkytkennän osalta vastaa lähes täydellisesti aitoa ihmiskättä. Haasteena on vielä kokeiluasteella oleva teknologian taso sekä korkea hinta.


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Background: The use of artificial endoprostheses has become a routine procedure for knee and hip joints while ankle arthritis has traditionally been treated by means of arthrodesis. Due to its advantages, the implantation of endoprostheses is constantly increasing. While finite element analyses (FEA) of strain-adaptive bone remodelling have been carried out for the hip joint in previous studies, to our knowledge there are no investigations that have considered remodelling processes of the ankle joint. In order to evaluate and optimise new generation implants of the ankle joint, as well as to gain additional knowledge regarding the biomechanics, strain-adaptive bone remodelling has been calculated separately for the tibia and the talus after providing them with an implant. Methods: FE models of the bone-implant assembly for both the tibia and the talus have been developed. Bone characteristics such as the density distribution have been applied corresponding to CT scans. A force of 5,200 N, which corresponds to the compression force during normal walking of a person with a weight of 100 kg according to Stauffer et al., has been used in the simulation. The bone adaptation law, previously developed by our research team, has been used for the calculation of the remodelling processes. Results: A total bone mass loss of 2% in the tibia and 13% in the talus was calculated. The greater decline of density in the talus is due to its smaller size compared to the relatively large implant dimensions causing remodelling processes in the whole bone tissue. In the tibia, bone remodelling processes are only calculated in areas adjacent to the implant. Thus, a smaller bone mass loss than in the talus can be expected. There is a high agreement between the simulation results in the distal tibia and the literature regarding. Conclusions: In this study, strain-adaptive bone remodelling processes are simulated using the FE method. The results contribute to a better understanding of the biomechanical behaviour of the ankle joint and hence are useful for the optimisation of the implant geometry in the future.


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Background: Among other causes the long-term result of hip prostheses in dogs is determined by aseptic loosening. A prevention of prosthesis complications can be achieved by an optimization of the tribological system which finally results in improved implant duration. In this context a computerized model for the calculation of hip joint loadings during different motions would be of benefit. In a first step in the development of such an inverse dynamic multi-body simulation (MBS-) model we here present the setup of a canine hind limb model applicable for the calculation of ground reaction forces. Methods: The anatomical geometries of the MBS-model have been established using computer tomography- (CT-) and magnetic resonance imaging- (MRI-) data. The CT-data were collected from the pelvis, femora, tibiae and pads of a mixed-breed adult dog. Geometric information about 22 muscles of the pelvic extremity of 4 mixed-breed adult dogs was determined using MRI. Kinematic and kinetic data obtained by motion analysis of a clinically healthy dog during a gait cycle (1 m/s) on an instrumented treadmill were used to drive the model in the multi-body simulation. Results and Discussion: As a result the vertical ground reaction forces (z-direction) calculated by the MBS-system show a maximum deviation of 1.75%BW for the left and 4.65%BW for the right hind limb from the treadmill measurements. The calculated peak ground reaction forces in z- and y-direction were found to be comparable to the treadmill measurements, whereas the curve characteristics of the forces in y-direction were not in complete alignment. Conclusion: In conclusion, it could be demonstrated that the developed MBS-model is suitable for simulating ground reaction forces of dogs during walking. In forthcoming investigations the model will be developed further for the calculation of forces and moments acting on the hip joint during different movements, which can be of help in context with the in silico development and testing of hip prostheses.


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Background: There are several numerical investigations on bone remodelling after total hip arthroplasty (THA) on the basis of the finite element analysis (FEA). For such computations certain boundary conditions have to be defined. The authors chose a maximum of three static load situations, usually taken from the gait cycle because this is the most frequent dynamic activity of a patient after THA. Materials and methods: The numerical study presented here investigates whether it is useful to consider only one static load situation of the gait cycle in the FE calculation of the bone remodelling. For this purpose, 5 different loading cases were examined in order to determine their influence on the change in the physiological load distribution within the femur and on the resulting strain-adaptive bone remodelling. First, four different static loading cases at 25%, 45%, 65% and 85% of the gait cycle, respectively, and then the whole gait cycle in a loading regime were examined in order to regard all the different loadings of the cycle in the simulation. Results: The computed evolution of the apparent bone density (ABD) and the calculated mass losses in the periprosthetic femur show that the simulation results are highly dependent on the chosen boundary conditions. Conclusion: These numerical investigations prove that a static load situation is insufficient for representing the whole gait cycle. This causes severe deviations in the FE calculation of the bone remodelling. However, accompanying clinical examinations are necessary to calibrate the bone adaptation law and thus to validate the FE calculations.


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Background: Ceramic materials are used in a growing proportion of hip joint prostheses due to their wear resistance and biocompatibility properties. However, ceramics have not been applied successfully in total knee joint endoprostheses to date. One reason for this is that with strict surface quality requirements, there are significant challenges with regard to machining. High-toughness bioceramics can only be machined by grinding and polishing processes. The aim of this study was to develop an automated process chain for the manufacturing of an all-ceramic knee implant. Methods: A five-axis machining process was developed for all-ceramic implant components. These components were used in an investigation of the influence of surface conformity on wear behavior under simplified knee joint motion. Results: The implant components showed considerably reduced wear compared to conventional material combinations. Contact area resulting from a variety of component surface shapes, with a variety of levels of surface conformity, greatly influenced wear rate. Conclusions: It is possible to realize an all-ceramic knee endoprosthesis device, with a precise and affordable manufacturing process. The shape accuracy of the component surfaces, as specified by the design and achieved during the manufacturing process, has a substantial influence on the wear behavior of the prosthesis. This result, if corroborated by results with a greater sample size, is likely to influence the design parameters of such devices.