895 resultados para power system analysis
Ancillary service plays a key role in maintaining operation security of the power system in a competitive electricity market. The spinning reserve is one of the most important ancillary services that should be provided effectively. This paper presents the design of an integrated market for energy and spinning reserve service with particular emphasis on coordinated dispatch of bulk power and spinning reserve services. A new market dispatching mechanism has been developed to minimize the cost of service while maintaining system security. Genetic algorithms (GA) are used for finding the global optimal solutions for this dispatch problem. Case studies and corresponding analyses have been carried out to demonstrate and discuss the efficiency and usefulness of the proposed method.
O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a teoria da Paridade de Poder de Compra em sua versão absoluta e relativa para o Brasil no período de 1995 a 2010, utilizando procedimentos da econometria visando estabelecer através de testes de hipóteses a validação ou rejeição da teoria da Paridade do Poder de Compra. Para a verificação serão utilizados os testes de Dickey-Fuller (DF), Dickey-Fuller Ampliado (ADF) e testes de Cointegração de Engle e Granger e Joahansen. Adotamos para o estudo os países EUA e Brasil, tendo em vista o fluxo de comércio entre estes países e sua importância na economia mundial. Através dos índices de preço IPA e PPI analisarse- á a validação da teoria da Paridade de Poder de Compra em sua versão relativa e absoluta, chegando-se a conclusão de aceitação de sua versão relativa e rejeição de sua versão absoluta.
The simulation of a power system such as the More Electric Aircraft is a complex problem. There are conflicting requirements of the simulation, for example in order to reduce simulation run-times, power ratings that need to be established over long periods of the flight can be calculated using a fairly coarse model, whereas power quality is established over relatively short periods with a detailed model. An important issue is to establish the requirements of the simulation work at an early stage. This paper describes the modelling and simulation strategy adopted for the UK TIMES project, which is looking into the optimisation of the More Electric Aircraft from a system level. Essentially four main requirements of the simulation work have been identified, resulting in four different types of simulation. Each of the simulations is described along with preliminary models and results.
Aim: Identify the incidence of vitreomacular traction (VMT) and frequency of reduced vision in the absence of other coexisting macular pathology using a pragmatic classification system for VMT in a population of patients referred to the hospital eye service. Methods: A detailed survey of consecutive optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans was done in a high-throughput ocular imaging service to ascertain cases of vitreomacular adhesion (VMA) and VMT using a departmental classification system. Analysis was done on the stages of traction, visual acuity, and association with other macular conditions. Results: In total, 4384 OCT scan episodes of 2223 patients were performed. Two hundred and fourteen eyes had VMA/VMT, with 112 eyes having coexisting macular pathology. Of 102 patients without coexisting pathology, 57 patients had VMT grade between 2 and 8, with a negative correlation between VMT grade and number of Snellen lines (r= -0.61717). There was a distinct cutoff in visual function when VMT grade was higher than 4 with the presence of cysts and sub retinal separation and breaks in the retinal layers. Conclusions: VMT is a common encounter often associated with other coexisting macular pathology. We estimated an incidence rate of 0.01% of VMT cases with reduced vision and without coexisting macular pathology that may potentially benefit from intervention. Grading of VMT to select eyes with cyst formation as well as hole formation may be useful for targeting patients who are at higher risk of visual loss from VMT.
Since the development of large scale power grid interconnections and power markets, research on available transfer capability (ATC) has attracted great attention. The challenges for accurate assessment of ATC originate from the numerous uncertainties in electricity generation, transmission, distribution and utilization sectors. Power system uncertainties can be mainly described as two types: randomness and fuzziness. However, the traditional transmission reliability margin (TRM) approach only considers randomness. Based on credibility theory, this paper firstly built models of generators, transmission lines and loads according to their features of both randomness and fuzziness. Then a random fuzzy simulation is applied, along with a novel method proposed for ATC assessment, in which both randomness and fuzziness are considered. The bootstrap method and multi-core parallel computing technique are introduced to enhance the processing speed. By implementing simulation for the IEEE-30-bus system and a real-life system located in Northwest China, the viability of the models and the proposed method is verified.
A typical electrical power system is characterized by centr alization of power gene- ration. However, with the restructuring of the electric sys tem, this topology is changing with the insertion of generators in parallel with the distri bution system (distributed gene- ration) that provides several benefits to be located near to e nergy consumers. Therefore, the integration of distributed generators, especially fro m renewable sources in the Brazi- lian system has been common every year. However, this new sys tem topology may result in new challenges in the field of the power system control, ope ration, and protection. One of the main problems related to the distributed generati on is the islanding formation, witch can result in safety risk to the people and to the power g rid. Among the several islanding protection techniques, passive techniques have low implementation cost and simplicity, requiring only voltage and current measuremen ts to detect system problems. This paper proposes a protection system based on the wavelet transform with overcur- rent and under/overvoltage functions as well as infomation of fault-induced transients in order to provide a fast detection and identification of fault s in the system. The propo- sed protection scheme was evaluated through simulation and experimental studies, with performance similar to the overcurrent and under/overvolt age conventional methods, but with the additional detection of the exact moment of the fault.
The penetration of the electric vehicle (EV) has increased rapidly in recent years mainly as a consequence of advances in transport technology and power electronics and in response to global pressure to reduce carbon emissions and limit fossil fuel consumption. It is widely acknowledged that inappropriate provision and dispatch of EV charging can lead to negative impacts on power system infrastructure. This paper considers EV requirements and proposes a module which uses owner participation, through mobile phone apps and on-board diagnostics II (OBD-II), for scheduled vehicle charging. A multi-EV reference and single-EV real-time response (MRS2R) online algorithm is proposed to calculate the maximum and minimum adjustable limits of necessary capacity, which forms part of decision-making support in power system dispatch. The proposed EV dispatch module is evaluated in a case study and the influence of the mobile app, EV dispatch trending and commercial impact is explored.
The renewable energy sources (RES) will play a vital role in the future power needs in view of the increasing demand of electrical energy and depletion of fossil fuel with its environmental impact. The main constraints of renewable energy (RE) generation are high capital investment, fluctuation in generation and requirement of vast land area. Distributed RE generation on roof top of buildings will overcome these issues to some extent. Any system will be feasible only if it is economically viable and reliable. Economic viability depends on the availability of RE and requirement of energy in specific locations. This work is directed to examine the economic viability of the system at desired location and demand.
La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative qui se caractérise principalement par la présence de symptômes moteurs. Cependant, d’autres symptômes, dits non moteurs, sont fréquents dans la MP et assombrissent le pronostic; ceux ci incluent notamment les désordres du sommeil et les troubles cognitifs. De fait, sur une période de plus de 10 ans, jusqu’à 90 % des patients avec la MP développeraient une démence. L’identification de marqueurs de la démence dans la MP est donc primordiale pour permettre le diagnostic précoce et favoriser le développement d’approches thérapeutiques préventives. Plusieurs études ont mis en évidence la contribution du sommeil dans les processus de plasticité cérébrale, d’apprentissage et de consolidation mnésique, notamment l’importance des ondes lentes (OL) et des fuseaux de sommeil (FS). Très peu de travaux se sont intéressés aux liens entre les modifications de la microarchitecture du sommeil et le déclin cognitif dans la MP. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer, sur le plan longitudinal, si certains marqueurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG) en sommeil peuvent prédire la progression vers la démence chez des patients atteints de la MP. La première étude a évalué les caractéristiques des OL et des FS durant le sommeil lent chez les patients avec la MP selon qu’ils ont développé ou non une démence (MP démence vs MP sans démence) lors du suivi longitudinal, ainsi que chez des sujets contrôles en santé. Comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux sujets contrôles, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une diminution de la densité, de l’amplitude et de la fréquence des FS. La diminution de l’amplitude des FS dans les régions postérieures était associée à de moins bonnes performances aux tâches visuospatiales chez les patients MP démence. Bien que l’amplitude des OL soit diminuée chez les deux groupes de patients avec la MP, celle ci n’était pas associée au statut cognitif lors du suivi. La deuxième étude a évalué les marqueurs spectraux du développement de la démence dans la MP à l’aide de l’analyse quantifiée de l’EEG en sommeil lent, en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil. Les patients MP démence présentaient une diminution de la puissance spectrale sigma durant le sommeil lent dans les régions pariétales comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Durant le sommeil paradoxal, l’augmentation de la puissance spectrale en delta et en thêta, de même qu’un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG, caractérisé par un rapport plus élevé des basses fréquences sur les hautes fréquences, était associée au développement de la démence chez les patients avec la MP. D’ailleurs, dans la cohorte de patients, un plus grand ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal dans les régions temporo occipitales était associé à des performances cognitives moindres aux épreuves visuospatiales. Enfin, durant l’éveil, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une augmentation de la puissance spectrale delta, un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG ainsi qu’une diminution de la fréquence dominante occipitale alpha comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Cette thèse suggère que des anomalies EEG spécifiques durant le sommeil et l’éveil peuvent identifier les patients avec la MP qui vont développer une démence quelques années plus tard. L’activité des FS, ainsi que le ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil, pourraient donc servir de marqueurs potentiels du développement de la démence dans la MP.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Oil palm has increasingly been established on peatlands throughout Indonesia. One of the concerns is that the drainage required for cultivating oil palm in peatlands leads to soil subsidence, potentially increasing future flood risks. This study analyzes the hydrological and economic effects of oil palm production in a peat landscape in Central Kalimantan. We examine two land use scenarios, one involving conversion of the complete landscape including a large peat area to oil palm plantations, and another involving mixed land use including oil palm plantations, jelutung (jungle rubber; (Dyera spp.) plantations, and natural forest. The hydrological effect was analyzed through flood risk modeling using a high-resolution digital elevation model. For the economic analysis, we analyzed four ecosystem services: oil palm production, jelutung production, carbon sequestration, and orangutan habitat. This study shows that after 100 years, in the oil palm scenario, about 67% of peat in the study area will be subject to regular flooding. The flood-prone area will be unsuitable for oil palm and other crops requiring drained soils. The oil palm scenario is the most profitable only in the short term and when the externalities of oil palm production, i.e., the costs of CO2 emissions, are not considered. In the examined scenarios, the social costs of carbon emissions exceed the private benefits from oil palm plantations in peat. Depending upon the local hydrology, income from jelutung, which can sustainably be grown in undrained conditions and does not lead to soil subsidence, outweighs that from oil palm after several decades. These findings illustrate the trade-offs faced at present in Indonesian peatland management and point to economic advantages of an approach that involves expansion of oil palm on mineral lands while conserving natural peat forests and using degraded peat for crops that do not require drainage.
The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This thesis aims to describe and demonstrate the developed concept to facilitate the use of thermal simulation tools during the building design process. Despite the impact of architectural elements on the performance of buildings, some influential decisions are frequently based solely on qualitative information. Even though such design support is adequate for most decisions, the designer will eventually have doubts concerning the performance of some design decisions. These situations will require some kind of additional knowledge to be properly approached. The concept of designerly ways of simulating focuses on the formulation and solution of design dilemmas, which are doubts about the design that cannot be fully understood nor solved without using quantitative information. The concept intends to combine the power of analysis from computer simulation tools with the capacity of synthesis from architects. Three types of simulation tools are considered: solar analysis, thermal/energy simulation and CFD. Design dilemmas are formulated and framed according to the architect s reflection process about performance aspects. Throughout the thesis, the problem is investigated in three fields: professional, technical and theoretical fields. This approach on distinct parts of the problem aimed to i) characterize different professional categories with regards to their design practice and use of tools, ii) investigate preceding researchers on the use of simulation tools and iii) draw analogies between the proposed concept, and some concepts developed or described in previous works about design theory. The proposed concept was tested in eight design dilemmas extracted from three case studies in the Netherlands. The three investigated processes are houses designed by Dutch architectural firms. Relevant information and criteria from each case study were obtained through interviews and conversations with the involved architects. The practical application, despite its success in the research context, allowed the identification of some applicability limitations of the concept, concerning the architects need to have technical knowledge and the actual evolution stage of simulation tools
Creative ways of utilising renewable energy sources in electricity generation especially in remote areas and particularly in countries depending on imported energy, while increasing energy security and reducing cost of such isolated off-grid systems, is becoming an urgently needed necessity for the effective strategic planning of Energy Systems. The aim of this research project was to design and implement a new decision support framework for the optimal design of hybrid micro grids considering different types of different technologies, where the design objective is to minimize the total cost of the hybrid micro grid while at the same time satisfying the required electric demand. Results of a comprehensive literature review, of existing analytical, decision support tools and literature on HPS, has identified the gaps and the necessary conceptual parts of an analytical decision support framework. As a result this research proposes and reports an Iterative Analytical Design Framework (IADF) and its implementation for the optimal design of an Off-grid renewable energy based hybrid smart micro-grid (OGREH-SμG) with intra and inter-grid (μG2μG & μG2G) synchronization capabilities and a novel storage technique. The modelling design and simulations were based on simulations conducted using HOMER Energy and MatLab/SIMULINK, Energy Planning and Design software platforms. The design, experimental proof of concept, verification and simulation of a new storage concept incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell is also reported. The implementation of the smart components consisting Raspberry Pi that is devised and programmed for the semi-smart energy management framework (a novel control strategy, including synchronization capabilities) of the OGREH-SμG are also detailed and reported. The hybrid μG was designed and implemented as a case study for the Bayir/Jordan area. This research has provided an alternative decision support tool to solve Renewable Energy Integration for the optimal number, type and size of components to configure the hybrid μG. In addition this research has formulated and reported a linear cost function to mathematically verify computer based simulations and fine tune the solutions in the iterative framework and concluded that such solutions converge to a correct optimal approximation when considering the properties of the problem. As a result of this investigation it has been demonstrated that, the implemented and reported OGREH-SμG design incorporates wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, two fuel cell units and a diesel generator is a unique approach to Utilizing indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with other μ-grids is the most effective and optimal way of electrifying developing countries with fewer resources in a sustainable way, with minimum impact on the environment while also achieving reductions in GHG. The dissertation concludes with suggested extensions to this work in the future.