891 resultados para post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity
Observational and theoretical work towards the separation of foreground emission from the cosmic microwave background is described. The bulk of this work is in the design, construction, and commissioning of the C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS), an experiment to produce a template of the Milky Way Galaxy's polarized synchrotron emission. Theoretical work is the derivation of an analytical approximation to the emission spectrum of spinning dust grains.
The performance of the C-BASS experiment is demonstrated through a preliminary, deep survey of the North Celestial Pole region. A comparison to multiwavelength data is performed, and the thermal and systematic noise properties of the experiment are explored. The systematic noise has been minimized through careful data processing algorithms, implemented both in the experiment's Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based digital backend and in the data analysis pipeline. Detailed descriptions of these algorithms are presented.
The analytical function of spinning dust emission is derived through the application of careful approximations, with each step tested against numerical calculations. This work is intended for use in the parameterized separation of cosmological foreground components and as a framework for interpreting and comparing the variety of anomalous microwave emission observations.
This thesis presents two different forms of the Born approximations for acoustic and elastic wavefields and discusses their application to the inversion of seismic data. The Born approximation is valid for small amplitude heterogeneities superimposed over a slowly varying background. The first method is related to frequency-wavenumber migration methods. It is shown to properly recover two independent acoustic parameters within the bandpass of the source time function of the experiment for contrasts of about 5 percent from data generated using an exact theory for flat interfaces. The independent determination of two parameters is shown to depend on the angle coverage of the medium. For surface data, the impedance profile is well recovered.
The second method explored is mathematically similar to iterative tomographic methods recently introduced in the geophysical literature. Its basis is an integral relation between the scattered wavefield and the medium parameters obtained after applying a far-field approximation to the first-order Born approximation. The Davidon-Fletcher-Powell algorithm is used since it converges faster than the steepest descent method. It consists essentially of successive backprojections of the recorded wavefield, with angular and propagation weighing coefficients for density and bulk modulus. After each backprojection, the forward problem is computed and the residual evaluated. Each backprojection is similar to a before-stack Kirchhoff migration and is therefore readily applicable to seismic data. Several examples of reconstruction for simple point scatterer models are performed. Recovery of the amplitudes of the anomalies are improved with successive iterations. Iterations also improve the sharpness of the images.
The elastic Born approximation, with the addition of a far-field approximation is shown to correspond physically to a sum of WKBJ-asymptotic scattered rays. Four types of scattered rays enter in the sum, corresponding to P-P, P-S, S-P and S-S pairs of incident-scattered rays. Incident rays propagate in the background medium, interacting only once with the scatterers. Scattered rays propagate as if in the background medium, with no interaction with the scatterers. An example of P-wave impedance inversion is performed on a VSP data set consisting of three offsets recorded in two wells.
For damaging response, the force-displacement relationship of a structure is highly nonlinear and history-dependent. For satisfactory analysis of such behavior, it is important to be able to characterize and to model the phenomenon of hysteresis accurately. A number of models have been proposed for response studies of hysteretic structures, some of which are examined in detail in this thesis. There are two popular classes of models used in the analysis of curvilinear hysteretic systems. The first is of the distributed element or assemblage type, which models the physical behavior of the system by using well-known building blocks. The second class of models is of the differential equation type, which is based on the introduction of an extra variable to describe the history dependence of the system.
Owing to their mathematical simplicity, the latter models have been used extensively for various applications in structural dynamics, most notably in the estimation of the response statistics of hysteretic systems subjected to stochastic excitation. But the fundamental characteristics of these models are still not clearly understood. A response analysis of systems using both the Distributed Element model and the differential equation model when subjected to a variety of quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions leads to the following conclusion: Caution must be exercised when employing the models belonging to the second class in structural response studies as they can produce misleading results.
The Massing's hypothesis, originally proposed for steady-state loading, can be extended to general transient loading as well, leading to considerable simplification in the analysis of the Distributed Element models. A simple, nonparametric identification technique is also outlined, by means of which an optimal model representation involving one additional state variable is determined for hysteretic systems.
The proper targeting of membrane proteins is essential to the viability of all cells. Tail-anchored (TA) proteins, defined as having a single transmembrane helix at their C-terminus, are post-translationally targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by the GET pathway (Guided Entry of TA proteins). In the yeast pathway, the handover of TA substrates is mediated by the heterotetrameric Get4/Get5 (Get4/5) complex, which tethers the co-chaperone Sgt2 to the central targeting factor, the Get3 ATPase. Although binding of Get4/5 to Get3 is critical for efficient TA targeting, the mechanisms by which Get4 regulates Get3 are unknown. To understand the molecular basis of Get4 function, we used a combination of structural biology, biochemistry, and cell biology. Get4/5 binds across the Get3 dimer interface, in an orientation only compatible with a closed Get3, providing insight into the role of nucleotide in complex formation. Additionally, this structure reveals two functionally distinct binding interfaces for anchoring and ATPase regulation, and loss of the regulatory interface leads to strong defects in vitro and in vivo. Additional crystal structures of the Get3-Get4/5 complex give rise to an alternate conformation, which represents an initial binding interaction mediated by electrostatics that facilitates the rate of subsequent inhibited complex formation. This interface is supported by an in-depth kinetic analysis of the Get3-Get4/5 interaction confirming the two-step complex formation. These results allow us to generate a refined model for Get4/5 function in TA targeting.
The layout of a typical optical microscope has remained effectively unchanged over the past century. Besides the widespread adoption of digital focal plane arrays, relatively few innovations have helped improve standard imaging with bright-field microscopes. This thesis presents a new microscope imaging method, termed Fourier ptychography, which uses an LED to provide variable sample illumination and post-processing algorithms to recover useful sample information. Examples include increasing the resolution of megapixel-scale images to one gigapixel, measuring quantitative phase, achieving oil-immersion quality resolution without an immersion medium, and recovering complex three dimensional sample structure.
The hydrodynamic forces acting on a solid particle in a viscous, incompressible fluid medium at low Reynolds number flow is investigated mathematically as a prerequisite to the understanding of transport processes in two-phase flow involving solid particles and fluid. Viscous interaction between a small number of spherical particles and continuous solid boundaries as well as fluid interface are analyzed under a “point-force” approximation. Non-spherical and elastic spherical particles in a simple shear flow area are then considered. Non-steady motion of a spherical particle is briefly touched upon to illustrate the transient effect of particle motion.
A macroscopic continuum description of particle-fluid flow is formulated in terms of spatial averages yielding a set of particle continuum and bulk fluid equations. Phenomenological formulas describing the transport processes in a fluid medium are extended to cases where the volume concentration of solid particles is sufficiently high to exert an important influence. Hydrodynamic forces acting on a spherical solid particle in such a system, e.g. drag, torque, rotational coupling force, and viscous collision force between streams of different sized particles moving relative to each other are obtained. Phenomenological constants, such as the shear viscosity coefficient, and the diffusion coefficient of the bulk fluid, are found as a function of the material properties of the constituents of the two-phase system and the volume concentration of solid. For transient heat conduction phenomena, it is found that the introduction of a complex conductivity for the bulk fluid permits a simple mathematical description of this otherwise complicated process. The rate of heat transfer between particle continuum and bulk fluid is also investigated by means of an Oseen-type approximation to the energy equation.
Experimental measurements of rate of energy loss were made for protons of energy .5 to 1.6 MeV channeling through 1 μm thick silicon targets along the <110>, <111>, and <211> axial directions, and the {100}, {110}, {111}, and {211} planar directions. A .05% resolution automatically controlled magnetic spectrometer was used. The data are presented graphically along with an extensive summary of data in the literature. The data taken cover a wider range of channels than has previously been examined, and are in agreement with the data of F. Eisen, et al., Radd. Eff. 13, 93 (1972).
The theory in the literature for channeling energy loss due to interaction with local electrons, core electrons, and distant valence electrons of the crystal atoms is summarized. Straggling is analyzed, and a computer program which calculates energy loss and straggling using this theory and the Moliere approximation to the Thomas Fermi potential, VTF, and the detailed silicon crystal structure is described. Values for the local electron density Zloc in each of the channels listed above are extracted from the data by graphical matching of the experimental and computer results.
Zeroth and second order contributions to Zloc as a function of distance from the center of the channel were computed from ∇2VTF = 4πρ for various channels in silicon. For data taken in this work and data of F. Eisen, et al., Rad. Eff. 13, 93 (1972), the calculated zeroth order contribution to Zloc lies between the experimentally extracted Zloc values obtained by using the peak and the leading edge of the transmission spectra, suggesting that the observed straggling is due both to statistical fluctuations and to path variation.
This thesis examines several examples of systems in which non-Abelian magnetic flux and non-Abelian forms of the Aharonov-Bohm effect play a role. We consider the dynamical consequences in these systems of some of the exotic phenomena associated with non-Abelian flux, such as Cheshire charge holonomy interactions and non-Abelian braid statistics. First, we use a mean-field approximation to study a model of U(2) non-Abelian anyons near its free-fermion limit. Some self-consistent states are constructed which show a small SU(2)-breaking charge density that vanishes in the fermionic limit. This is contrasted with the bosonic limit where the SU(2) asymmetry of the ground state can be maximal. Second, a global analogue of Chesire charge is described, raising the possibility of observing Cheshire charge in condensedmatter systems. A potential realization in superfluid He-3 is discussed. Finally, we describe in some detail a method for numerically simulating the evolution of a network of non-Abelian (S3) cosmic strings, keeping careful track of all magnetic fluxes and taking full account of their non-commutative nature. I present some preliminary results from this simulation, which is still in progress. The early results are suggestive of a qualitatively new, non-scaling behavior.
The evoked response, a signal present in the electro-encephalogram when specific sense modalities are stimulated with brief sensory inputs, has not yet revealed as much about brain function as it apparently promised when first recorded in the late 1940's. One of the problems has been to record the responses at a large number of points on the surface of the head; thus in order to achieve greater spatial resolution than previously attained, a 50-channel recording system was designed to monitor experiments with human visually evoked responses.
Conventional voltage versus time plots of the responses were found inadequate as a means of making qualitative studies of such a large data space. This problem was solved by creating a graphical display of the responses in the form of equipotential maps of the activity at successive instants during the complete response. In order to ascertain the necessary complexity of any models of the responses, factor analytic procedures were used to show that models characterized by only five or six independent parameters could adequately represent the variability in all recording channels.
One type of equivalent source for the responses which meets these specifications is the electrostatic dipole. Two different dipole models were studied: the dipole in a homogeneous sphere and the dipole in a sphere comprised of two spherical shells (of different conductivities) concentric with and enclosing a homogeneous sphere of a third conductivity. These models were used to determine nonlinear least squares fits of dipole parameters to a given potential distribution on the surface of a spherical approximation to the head. Numerous tests of the procedures were conducted with problems having known solutions. After these theoretical studies demonstrated the applicability of the technique, the models were used to determine inverse solutions for the evoked response potentials at various times throughout the responses. It was found that reliable estimates of the location and strength of cortical activity were obtained, and that the two models differed only slightly in their inverse solutions. These techniques enabled information flow in the brain, as indicated by locations and strengths of active sites, to be followed throughout the evoked response.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o gênero textual parte e suas implicações para o ensino. Para isso, fizemos uma descrição do gênero, tendo por base a perspectiva de Mikhail Bakhtin de análise do discurso em um diálogo com a perspectiva de análise do discurso de Patrick Charaudeau. A parte segundo as Instruções Gerais para a Correspondência, as Publicações e os Atos Administrativos no âmbito do Exército (IG 10-42), é a correspondência que tramita no âmbito de uma OM, por meio da qual o militar se comunica com um de seus pares ou superior hierárquico, em objeto de serviço, podendo ser utilizado suporte eletrônico (...), ou ser substituída por mensagem eletrônica, sempre que houver meios físicos adequados. (BRASIL, 2002, p. 18). Portanto, ele é um documento oficial de circulação interna que exige uma linguagem formal para relatar, solicitar ou informar algo a alguma autoridade, dentre outras possibilidades, ou seja, o propósito comunicativo da parte, de maneira genérica, é relatar uma ocorrência, solicitar algum direito, informar dados necessários para a confecção de algum outro documento etc. Por estar inserido no domínio discursivo militar, em que as formas padronizadas orientam a produção dos gêneros que neles estão circunscritos, deve seguir regras para a sua escrita. Por essa razão, o ensino da parte está presente no currículo da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, que forma o oficial combatente de carreira do Exército Brasileiro em bacharel em Ciências Militares. Dessa forma, apresentamos neste trabalho uma proposta para o ensino do gênero, tendo como aporte teórico as sequências didáticas postuladas pela Escola de Genebra. Apesar de essa Escola trazer uma proposta didática para o ensino de gêneros no ensino fundamental, observamos que a teoria é adequada ao ensino de um gênero em qualquer nível de escolaridade àquele que está sendo inserido em um domínio discursivo
Devido a sua alta incidência, mortalidade e custos elevados, o câncer de mama feminino é considerado um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Sua etiologia envolve uma interação de diversos fatores denominados de risco os quais podem ser ambientais e genéticos. A história familiar positiva para câncer de mama é um importante fator de risco para o desenvolvimento dessa patologia. Conhecer esses fatores e as medidas de proteção permite que mulheres com risco elevado possam criar estratégias pessoais que venham minimizar os danos causados pela doença. Diante do exposto, o presente estudo tem como objetivos avaliar o nível de conhecimento de mulheres acerca do risco de desenvolverem câncer de mama em decorrência do vínculo familiar com a população portadora desta neoplasia matriculada no Hospital do Câncer III, unidade do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) especializada no tratamento e controle do câncer de mama, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; descrever as características sociodemográficas das mulheres familiares de pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama e descrever a história reprodutiva e hormonal, bem como seus hábitos de cuidado com a saúde. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo exploratório sob a perspectiva quantitativa, transversal e descritiva com 52 mulheres que acompanhavam suas familiares internadas em unidade clínica e cirúrgica do Hospital do Câncer III. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período entre julho e agosto de 2011. A técnica de amostragem adotada foi a não probabilística, intencional Para o cálculo amostral aplicou-se a fórmula de população infinita. Foram selecionadas as seguintes variáveis para compor o estudo: aspectos sociodemográficos, aspectos da vida reprodutiva e hormonal, aspectos de cuidados com a saúde e aspectos de esclarecimento relacionados à patologia/doença. Realizou-se entrevista estruturada com utilização de um formulário composto por 63 questões. A descrição das variáveis foi feita através de frequência simples e porcentagem. Resultados: 61,5% eram filhas, 34,6% eram irmãs e 3,8% eram mães, 40,4% moram no município do Rio de Janeiro, 86,4% encontram-se na faixa etária entre 29 e acima de 51 anos de idade, 32% são pardas, 46,1% apresentavam 2 grau completo, 46,2% são do lar, 15,4% tiveram menarca precoce, 7,7 % tiveram na menopausa tardia, 7,7% fizeram Terapia de Reposição Hormonal, 38,5% nunca engravidaram, 3,8% engravidaram após 30 anos, 3,8% não amamentaram, 42,4% usam anticoncepcional hormonal por mais de 5 anos e 40,4% nunca fizeram descanso ou faz por tempo inferior a 6 meses, 7,7% e 7,6% nunca fizeram e apresenta mais de 24 meses que fizeram exame ginecológico. Quanto ao grau de esclarecimento 34% concordaram com as afirmativas sobre fatores de risco, 65% concordaram com medidas preventivas e os profissionais de saúde foram os que mais transmitiram informação sobre o câncer de mama. Conclusão: ser familiar de primeiro grau associado à falta de esclarecimento sobre a doença torna essas mulheres mais vulneráveis em relação à população geral feminina. Torna-se oportuno para a enfermagem estratégias educativas que visem à promoção da saúde e que contribuam para a modificação do panorama da doença, em razão da detecção mais precoce.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar pinos pré-fabricados de fibra de vidro (White Post DC/FGM) submetidos à customização por desgaste da porção apical. Experimento 1: 5 pinos n. 4 foram divididos em 5 grupos (G) de acordo com o instrumento de desgaste: GA - sem desgaste, GB- mini torno industrial (Dentsply), GC - ponta diamantada n. 3195F (KG Sorensen), GD - disco de lixa de granulação média (Sof-Lex/3M/ESPE), GE- alicate (Tramontina). Observou-se a micromorfologia dos pinos em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (ZEISS/DSM 960). Experimento 2: 60 pinos de diferentes diâmetros foram divididos em 6 grupos: G0 - pinos n. 0,5, G1 - pinos n. 1, G2 - pinos n. 2, G3 - pinos n. 3, G4 - pinos n.4, G5 - pinos n. 4 com terço apical desgastado com discos de lixa até o equivalente ao terço apical dos pinos n. 2. Os pinos foram submetidos ao teste de flexão de 3 pontos na máquina de ensaios universal (Instron 5500 R), conforme ISO 10477. Experimento 3: 20 caninos humanos permanentes sofreram tratamento endodôntico e remoção das coroas clínicas padronizando 15 mm de remanescente radicular. Os dentes foram incluídos em resina acrílica com simulação do ligamento periodontal, receberam férula de 2 mm e foram divididos em 2 grupos: GI - pinos n. 4 cimentados em condutos preparados com broca equivalente ao pino (FGM), GII - pinos n. 4 customizados no terço apical cimentados em condutos preparados com brocas (FGM) equivalentes aos pinos n. 2 em 10 mm e n. 4 em 5 mm. Os pinos foram cimentados com cimento resinoso (Rely X U100/3M/ESPE), os corpos de prova receberam coroas diretas de resina composta (Enforce Core/Dentsply) padronizadas com coras de policarbonato (TDV) e foram submetidos ao teste de resistência à fratura na Instron a 45da ferramenta cilíndrica, com força de 500 N aplicada a 2 mm da incisal na face palatina/lingual, com velocidade de 0,5 mm/min até falha. O padrão de fratura foi classificado em favorável ou desfavorável. Os resultados foram tratados estatisticamente por teste de análise de variância (ANOVA, p<0,05). Os resultados dos testes de flexão e fratura foram respectivamente: G0 - 58,406,40; G1 - 83,959,43; G2- 103,4219,17; G3 - 160,7817,30; G4 - 170,4711,28; G5 - 106,3521,96; GI - 303,0262,21 e GII - 402,81131,97. O padrão de fratura foi tratado por Mann-Whitney que observou semelhança estatística entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que o desgaste de pinos de fibra de vidro com pontas diamantadas ou discos de lixa produz alterações micromorfológicas aceitáveis. O corte com alicate deve ser evitado. A customização por desgaste da porção apical de pinos de fibra de vidro diminui a resistência à flexão a valores aceitáveis. Dentes restaurados com pinos de fibra de vidro customizados por desgaste possuem resistência à fratura superior a dentes restaurados com pinos intactos. A customização por desgaste facilita a adaptação do pino ao conduto radicular e preserva a estrutura dental.
Neste trabalho aplicamos métodos espectrais para a determinação da configuração inicial de três espaços-tempos contendo buracos negros. Para isto apresentamos primeiro a foliação do espaço-tempo em hipersuperfícies tridimensionais espaciais parametrizadas pela função temporal t. Este processo é chamado de decomposição 3+1 [2] [5]. O resultado deste processo são dois conjuntos de equações classificadas em equações de vínculo e evolução [4]. As equações de vínculo podem ser divididas em vínculos Hamiltoniano e dos momentos. Para a obtenção dos dados iniciais dos problemas estudados aqui, apenas a equação de vínculo Hamiltoniano será resolvida numericamente, pois as equações de vínculo dos momentos possuem solução analítica nestes casos. Uma pequena descrição dos métodos espectrais é apresentada, destacando-se os método de Galerkin, método pseudoespectral ou de colocação e método de Tau, que são empregados na resolução das equações de vínculo Hamiltoniano dos problemas estudados. Verificamos que os resultados obtidos neste trabalho superam aqueles produzidos por Kidder e Finn [15], devido a uma escolha diferente das funções de base, que aqui satisfazem uma das condições de contorno.
利用电子束热蒸发方法在K9玻璃基底上沉积氧化锆薄膜,并对其中一些样品用低能O2^+进行了后处理.采用表面热透镜技术测量薄膜样品表面弱吸收,采用显微镜观察样品离子后处理前后的显微缺陷密度.测试结果表明:经离子后处理样品表面的缺陷密度从18.6/mm^2降低到6.2/mm^2,且其激光损伤阈值从15.9 J/cm^2提高到23.1 J/cm^2,样品的平均吸收率从处理前的1.147×10^-4降低到处理后的9.56×10^-5.通过对处理前后样品的表面微缺陷密度、吸收率及损伤形貌等的分析发现:离子后处理可以降