922 resultados para nitrogen removal
A study has been conducted focusing on how the phosphorus renrx)val efficiency of a constructed wetland (CW) can be optimized through the selective enrichment of the substratum. Activated alumina and powdered iron were examined as possible enrichment compounds. Using packed glass column trials it was found that alumina was not suitable for the renx)val of ortho-phosphate from solution, while mixtures of powdered iron and quartz sand proved to be very efficient. The evaluation of iron/sand mixtures in CWs planted with cattails was performed in three stages; first using an indoor lab scale wetland, then an outdoor lab scale wetland, and finally in a small scale pilot project. For the lab scale tests, three basic configurations were evaluated: using the iron/sand as a pre-filter, in the root bed. and as a post filter. Primary lagoon effluent was applied to the test cells to simulate actual CW conditions, and the total phosphorus and iron concentrations of the influent and effluent were nfK)nitored. The pilot scale trials were limited to using only a post filter design, due to in-progress research at the pilot site. The lab scale tests achieved average renrK>val efficiencies greater than 91% for all indoor configurations, and greater than 97% for all outdoor configurations. The pilot scale tests had an average renK)val efficiency of 60%. This relatively low efficiency in the pilot scale can be attributed to the post filters being only one tenth the size of the lab scale test in terms of hydraulic loading (6 cm/day vs. 60 cm/day).
The maximum amount of ethyl carbamate (EC), a known animal carcinogen produced by the reaction of urea and ethanol, allowed in alcoholic beverages is regulated by legislation in many countries. Wine yeast produce urea by the metabolism of arginine, the predominant assimilable amino acid in must. This action is due to arginase (encoded by CARl). Regulation of CARl, and other genes in this pathway, is often attributed to a well-documented phenomenon known as nitrogen catabolite repression. The effect of the timing of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) additions on the nitrogen utilization, regulation of CARl, and EC production was investigated. A correlation was found between the timing of DAP addition and the utilization of nitrogen. When DAP was added earlier in the fermentations, less amino nitrogen and more ammonia nitrogen was sequestered from the media by the cells. It was also seen that early DAP addition led to more total nitrogen being used, with a maximal difference of ~25% between fermentations where no DAP was added versus addition at the start of the fermentation. The effect of the timing ofDAP addition on the expression of CARJ during fermentation was analyzed via northern transfer and the relative levels of CARl expression were determined. The trends in expression can be correlated to the nitrogen data and be used to partially explain differences in EC formation between the treatments. EC was quantified at the end of fermentation by GC/MS. In Montrachet yeast, a significant positive correlation was found between the timing of DAP addition, from early to late, and the final EC concentration m the wine (r = 0.9226). In one of the fermentations, EC levels of 30.5 ppb was foimd when DAP was added at the onset of fermentation. A twofold increase (69.5 ppb) was observed when DAP was added after 75% of the sugars were metabolized. When no DAP was added, the ethyl carbamate levels are comparable at a value of 38 ppb. In contrast, the timing of DAP additions do not affect the level EC produced by the yeast ECU 18 in this manner. The study of additional yeast strains shows that the effect of DAP addition to fermentations is strain dependent. Our results reveal the potential importance of the timing of DAP addition to grape must with respect to EC production, and the regulatory effect of DAP additions on the expression of genes in the pathway for arginine metabolism in certain wine yeast strains.
A biochemical predictor of performance during mesophilic anaerobic fermentation of starch wastewater
The aim of this study was to determine the potential of biochemical parameters, such as enzyme activity and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, as monitors of process performance in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor utilizing a starch wastewater. The acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and the ATP content of the UASB sludge were measured in response to changes in flow rate and nutrient loading. Conventional parameters of process performance, such as gas production, acetic acid production, COD, phosphorus, nitrogen and suspended solids loadings and % COD removal were also monitored. The response of both biochemical and conventional parameters to changing process conditions was then compared. Alkaline phosphatase activity exhibited the highest activity over the entire study perioda A high suspended solids loading was observed to upset the system in terms of gas production, acetic acid production and % COD removala The initial rate of increase in alkaline phosphatase activity following an increase in loading was four times as great during process upset than under conditions of good performance. The change in enzyme actiVity was also more sensitive to process upset than changes in acetic acid production. The change in ATP content of the sludge with time suggested that enzyme actiVity was changing independently of the actual viable biomass present. The bacterial composition of the anaerobic sludge granules was similar to that of other sludge bed systems, at the light and scanning electron microscope level. Isolated serum bottle cultures produced several acids involved in anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism. The overall performance of the UASB system indicated that higher loadings of soluble nutrients could have been tolerated by the system.
Multicoloured Asian Lady Beetles (MALB) and 7-spot Lady Beetles that infect vineyards can secrete alkyl-methoxypyrazines when they are processed with the grapes, resulting in wines containing a taint. The main methoxypyrazine associated with this taint is 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IPMP). The wines are described as having aroma and flavours of peanut butter, peanut shells, asparagus and earthy which collectively, have become known as “ladybug taint”. To date, there are no known fining agents used commercially added to juice or wine that are effective in removing this taint. The goal of this project was to use previously identified proteins with an ability to bind to methoxypyrazines at low pH, and subsequently develop a binding assay to test the ability of these proteins to bind to and remove methoxypyrazines from grape juice. The piglet odorant binding protein (plOBP) and mouse major urinary protein (mMUP) were identified, cloned and expressed in the Pichia pastoris expression system. Protein expression was induced using methanol and the proteins were subsequently purified from the induction media using anion exchange chromatography. The purified proteins were freeze-dried and rehydrated prior to use in the methoxypyrazine removal assay. The expression and purification system resulted in yields of approximately 78% of purified plOBP and 62% of purified mMUP from expression to rehydration. Purified protein values were 87 mg of purified plOPB per litre of induction media and 19 mg of purified mMUP per litre of induction medium. In order to test the ability of the protein to bind to the MPs, an MP removal assay was developed. In the assay, the purified protein is incubated with either IPMP or 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) for two hours in either buffer or grape juice. Bentonite is then used to capture the protein-MP complex and the bentonite-protein-MP complex is then removed from solution by filtration. Residual MP is measured in solution following the MP removal assay and compared to that in the starting solution by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). GC/MS results indicated that the mMUP was capable of removing IBMP and IPMP from 300 ng/L in buffer pH 4.0, buffer pH 3.5 and Riesling Juice pH 3.5 down to the limit of quantification of the instrument, which is 6ng/L and 2ng/L for IBMP and IPMP, respectively. The results for the plOBP showed that although it could remove some IBMP, it was only approximately 50-70 ng/L more than bentonite treatment followed by filtration, resulting in approximately 100 ng/L of the MPs being left in solution. pIOBP was not able to remove IPMP in buffer pH 3.5 using this system above that removed by bentonite alone. As well, the pIOBP was not able to remove any additional MPs from Chardonnay juice pH 3.5 above that already removed by the bentonite and filtration alone. The mouse MUP was shown to be a better candidate protein for removal of MPs from juice using this system.
While nitrogen is critical for all plants, they are unable to utilize organically bound nitrogen in soils. Therefore, the majority of plants obtain useable nitrogen through nitrogen fixing bacteria and the microbial decomposition of organic matter. In the majority of cases, symbiotic microorganisms directly furnish plant roots with inorganic forms of nitrogen. More than 80% of all land plants form intimate symbiotic relationships with root colonizing fungi. These common plant/fungal interactions have been defined largely through nutrient exchange, where the plant receives limiting soil nutrients, such as nitrogen, in exchange for plant derived carbon. Fungal endophytes are common plant colonizers. A number of these fungal species have a dual life cycle, meaning that they are not solely plant colonizers, but also saprophytes, insect pathogens, or plant pathogens. By using 15N labeled, Metarhizium infected, wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella) in soil microcosms, I demonstrated that the common endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi Metarhizium spp. are able to infect living soil borne insects, and subsequently colonize plant roots and furnish ts plant host with useable, insect-derived nitrogen. In addition, I showed that another ecologically important, endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, is able to transfer insect-derived nitrogen to its plant host. I demonstrated that these relationships between various plant species and endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi help to improve overall plant health. By using 13C-labeled CO2, added to airtight plant growth chambers, coupled with nuclear magnetic resosnance spectroscopy, I was able to track the movement of carbon from the atmosphere, into the plant, and finally into the root colonized fungal biomass. This indicates that Metarhizium exists in a symbiotic partnership with plants, where insect nitrogen is exchanged for plant carbon. Overall these studies provide the first evidence of nutrient exchange between an insect pathogenic fungus and plants, a relationship that has potentially useful implications on plant primary production, soil health, and overall ecosystem stability.
En concevant que toute société a deux clivages dominants, l’un social et l’autre partisan, cette thèse développe une théorie sur le changement institutionnel. L’hypothèse initiale, selon laquelle les groupes sociaux créés par le premier clivage agiront pour restreindre le changement institutionnel et que le changement aura lieu lors de l’émergence d’un groupe partisan capable de croiser le clivage social, fut testée par les processus traçant les changements qui furent proposés et qui ont eu lieu au sein des conseils nominés en Amérique du Nord britannique. Ces conseils furent modifiés un bon nombre de fois, devenant les chambres secondaires de législatures provinciales avant d’être éventuellement abolies. La preuve supporte l’hypothèse, bien qu’il ne soit pas suffisant d’avoir un groupe partisan qui puisse croiser le clivage qui mène le changement : un débat partisan sur le changement est nécessaire. Ceci remet aussi en cause la théorie prédominante selon laquelle les clivages sociaux mènent à la formation de partis politiques, suggérant qu’il est plus bénéfique d’utiliser ces deux clivages pour l’étude des institutions.
Les rivières reçoivent de l'azote de leurs bassins versants et elles constituent les derniers sites de transformations des nutriments avant leur livraison aux zones côtières. Les transformations de l’azote inorganique dissous en azote gazeux sont très variables et peuvent avoir un impact à la fois sur l’eutrophisation des côtes et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’échelle globale. Avec l’augmentation de la charge en azote d’origine anthropique vers les écosystèmes aquatiques, les modèles d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre prédisent une augmentation des émissions d’oxyde nitreux (N2O) dans les rivières. Les mesures directes de N2O dans le Lac Saint-Pierre (LSP), un élargissement du Fleuve Saint-Laurent (SLR) indiquent que bien qu’étant une source nette de N2O vers l'atmosphère, les flux de N2O dans LSP sont faibles comparés à ceux des autres grandes rivières et fleuves du monde. Les émissions varient saisonnièrement et inter-annuellement à cause des changements hydrologiques. Les ratios d’émissions N2O: N2 sont également influencés par l’hydrologie et de faibles ratios sont observés dans des conditions de débit d'eau plus élevée et de charge en N élevé. Dans une analyse effectuée sur plusieurs grandes rivières, la charge hydraulique des systèmes semble moduler la relation entre les flux de N2O annuels et les concentrations de nitrate dans les rivières. Dans SLR, des tapis de cyanobactéries colonisant les zones à faible concentration de nitrate sont une source nette d’azote grâce à leur capacité de fixer l’azote atmosphérique (N2). Étant donné que la fixation a lieu pendant le jour alors que les concentrations d'oxygène dans la colonne d'eau sont sursaturées, nous supposons que la fixation de l’azote est effectuée dans des micro-zones d’anoxie et/ou possiblement par des diazotrophes hétérotrophes. La fixation de N dans les tapis explique le remplacement de près de 33 % de la perte de N par dénitrification dans tout l'écosystème au cours de la période d'étude. Dans la portion du fleuve Hudson soumis à la marée, la dénitrification et la production de N2 est très variable selon le type de végétation. La dénitrification est associée à la dynamique en oxygène dissous particulière à chaque espèce durant la marée descendante. La production de N2 est extrêmement élevée dans les zones occupées par les plantes envahissantes à feuilles flottantes (Trapa natans) mais elle est négligeable dans la végétation indigène submergée. Une estimation de la production de N2 dans les lits de Trapa durant l’été, suggère que ces lits représentent une zone très active d’élimination de l’azote. En effet, les grands lits de Trapa ne représentent que 2,7% de la superficie totale de la portion de fleuve étudiée, mais ils éliminent entre 70 et 100% de l'azote total retenu dans cette section pendant les mois d'été et contribuent à près de 25% de l’élimination annuelle d’azote.
Ce projet a pour but d’évaluer la capacité de la voie des pentoses phosphates (VPP) dans les racines transgéniques de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum) modifiées pour exprimer différents niveaux de l'hexokinase (HK) et de la triosephosphate isomérase cytosolique (cTPI). Dans les racines, la VPP alimente la voie de l’assimilation de l’azote en equivalents réducteurs et permet donc la biosynthèse des acides aminés. Le glucose-6-phosphate produit par l’HK est consommé par la partie oxydative de la VPP catalysée par la glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PDH) et la 6-phosphogluconate déshydrogénase (6PGDH). Les changements dans l'expression de HK et cTPI peuvent affecter le fonctionnement de la VPP et les mécanismes qui sont liés à l’utilisation des équivalents réducteurs produits par la VPP, comme l'assimilation de l’azote et la synthèse des acides aminés. Afin d’évaluer l’effet des manipulations génétiques de l’HK et de la cTPI sur l’assimilation de l’azote, nous avons cultivé les racines transgéniques sur des milieux contenant des concentrations élevées (7 mM) ou basses (0,7 mM) de nitrate d’ammonium comme source d’azote. Les résultats montrent que la culture sur un milieu riche en azote induit les activités G6PDH et 6PGDH. Les données montrent que la capacité de la VPP est plus grande avec des niveaux élevés en HK ou en cTPI. Nous avons aussi pu démontrer une plus grande activité spécifique de l’HK dans les conditions pauvres en azote. Ces données ont été complémentées par des mesures des pools d’acides aminés dans les racines transgéniques cultivées sur différents niveaux d’azote. Aucune tendance notable des pools d’acides aminés n’a été remarquée dans les racines modifiées pour leur contenu en HK suggèrant que la manipulation de HK n’affecte pas l'assimilation de l’azote. Dans les racines transgéniques modifiées pour la cTPI, les ratios Gln/Glu et Asn/Asp sont plus élevés chez les clones antisens, indiquant une assimilation de l’azote plus élevée. Ces résultats ont démontré l'activation de l'assimilation de l’azote chez les clones antisens cTPI dans les conditions élevées et basses d’azote alors que la manipulation de l’HK n’affecte pas l’assimilation de l’azote.
Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia and consequently increased brain ammonia concentrations, resulting in hepatic encephalopathy. When the liver fails to regulate ammonia concentrations, the brain, devoid of a urea cycle, relies solely on the amidation of glutamate to glutamine through glutamine synthetase, to efficiently clear ammonia. Surprisingly, under hyperammonemic conditions, the brain is not capable of increasing its capacity to remove ammonia, which even decreases in some regions of the brain. This non-induction of glutamine synthetase in astrocytes could result from possible limiting substrates or cofactors for the enzyme, or an indirect effect of ammonia on glutamine synthetase expression. In addition, there is evidence that nitration of the enzyme resulting from exposure to nitric oxide could also be implicated. The present review summarizes these possible factors involved in limiting the increase in capacity of glutamine synthetase in brain, in chronic liver failure.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: It has been proposed that, in acute liver failure, skeletal muscle adapts to become the principle organ responsible for removal of blood-borne ammonia by increasing glutamine synthesis, a reaction that is catalyzed by the cytosolic ATP-dependent enzyme glutamine synthetase. To address this issue, glutamine synthetase expression and activities were measured in skeletal muscle of rats with acute liver failure resulting from hepatic devascularization. METHODS: Glutamine synthetase protein and gene expression were investigated using immunoblotting and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Glutamine synthetase activity and glutamine de novo synthesis were measured using, respectively, a standard enzymatic assay and [13C]-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Glutamine synthetase protein (but not gene) expression and enzyme activities were significantly up-regulated leading to increased de novo synthesis of glutamine and increased skeletal muscle capacity for ammonia removal in acute liver failure. In contrast to skeletal muscle, expression and activities of glutamine synthetase in the brain were significantly decreased. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that skeletal muscle adapts, through a rapid induction of glutamine synthetase, to increase its capacity for removal of blood-borne ammonia in acute liver failure. Maintenance of muscle mass together with the development of agents with the capacity to stimulate muscle glutamine synthetase could provide effective ammonia-lowering strategies in this disorder.
Les marais filtrants artificiels sont des écosystèmes recréés par l’homme dans le but d’optimiser l’épuration des eaux usées. Lors de la sélection d’espèces végétales pour la mise en place de ces marais filtrants, l’utilisation d’une polyculture ainsi que d’espèces indigènes non invasives est de plus en plus recommandée. Néanmoins, la plupart des marais filtrants existants sont des monocultures utilisant des plantes envahissantes, probablement à cause du manque d’évidences scientifiques sur les avantages de la diversité végétale et de la performance des espèces locales. Ainsi, les questions de recherche autour desquelles s’oriente ma thèse sont: Les polycultures présentent-elles un potentiel épuratoire aussi ou plus grand que les monocultures, et une espèce indigène est-elle aussi efficace et performante qu’une espèce exotique envahissante dans des marais filtrants ? Trois expériences ont été conduites afin de répondre à ces questions. J’ai d’abord testé l’influence de la richesse végétale sur l’élimination des polluants en deux dispositifs expérimentaux: 1) comparant deux espèces de plantes émergentes en monoculture ou combinées séquentiellement, et 2) évaluant la performance de quatre espèces flottantes plantées en monoculture par rapport à des associations de deux (avec toutes les combinaisons possibles) et de quatre espèces. Une troisième expérience a été réalisée afin de comparer l’efficacité épuratoire de l’haplotype européen envahissant du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) et de la sous-espèce locale non-invasive (P. australis subsp. americanus). La composition en espèces végétales a produit un effet notable sur la performance des marais filtrants. La comparaison des performances en mono- et en polyculture n’a pas permis de démontrer clairement les avantages de la diversité végétale pour l’élimination des polluants dans les marais filtrants. Toutefois, les marais filtrants plantés avec une combinaison d’espèces étaient aussi efficaces que les monocultures des espèces les plus performantes. La comparaison entre les deux sous-espèces de P. australis indiquent que la sous-espèce indigène pourrait remplacer le roseau exotique envahissant, évitant ainsi les potentiels risques environnementaux sans toutefois compromettre l’efficacité du traitement. Les résultats prometteurs de la sous-espèce indigène de P. australis doivent encore être testés dans des expériences à grande échelle avant d’utiliser largement cette espèce dans les marais filtrants. Nos résultats suggèrent que, dans des conditions où la performance des macrophytes disponibles est inconnue ou ne peut être déterminée, l’utilisation d’une combinaison d’espèces présente les meilleures chances d’accomplir le plus haut niveau possible d’élimination de polluants. De plus, même si la diversité végétale ne présente pas un avantage mesurable en termes d’efficacité épuratoire, celle-ci améliore la résilience des marais filtrants et leur résistance aux stress et aux maladies.
Rampant increases in oil prices and detrimental effects of fossil fuels on the environment have been the main impetus for the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources. Amongst the many possibilities, microalgae have been proposed as a new alternative energy source to fossil fuels, as their growth is both sustainable and ecologically safe. By definition, microalgae are unicellular photosynthetic microorganisms containing chlorophyll a. These organisms are capable of producing large quantities of oils, surpassing that of traditional oil-seed crops, which can be transformed, through chemical processes, into biofuels such as biodiesel or bio-gasoline. Thus, recent research has gone into discovering high lipid producing algal strains, optimising growth media for increased lipid production and developing metabolic engineering to make microalgae a source of biofuel that is competitive to more traditional sources of biofuel and even to fossil fuel. In this context, the research reported here focused on using a mixotrophic growth mode as a way to increase lipid production for certain strains of microalgae. In addition, nitrogen starvation combined with mixotrophy was studied to analyse its effects on lipid production. Mixotrophy is the parallel usage of two trophic modes, in our case photoautotrophy and heterotrophy. Consequently, 12 algal strains were screened for mixotrophic growth, using glycerol as a carbon source. Glycerol is a waste product of the current biodiesel industry; it is a cheap and abundant carbon source present in many metabolic pathways. From this initial screening, several strains were chosen for subsequent experiments involving nitrogen starvation. Nitrogen starvation has been shown to induce lipid accumulation. The results obtained show that a mixotrophic growth mode, using glycerol as a carbon source, enhances lipid production for certain strains. Moreover, lipid enhancement was shown for nitrogen starvation combined with mixotrophic growth mode. This was dependant on time spent under nitrogen starvation and on initial concentrations of the nitrogen source.
Salicylaldehyde Schiff base of amino-methylated polystyrene has been developed as a novel reagent for the removal of Fe(III) from solutions. The selectivity of the metal ion uptake over a wide range of different concentrations of metal ion, effect of pH, ligand concentration and the influence of other foreign ions were studied. A very good selectivity was achieved for the removal of the ion. It was found that 0.01 g of the ligand was sufficient to achieve about 96% removal of the metal ion in terms of concentration (ppm) from a 30 ppm solution in acidic pH.