999 resultados para montana Tech Library
As engineers, we are trained to use logical, rational problem solving to insure our mines operate at maximum efficiency. We tend to use the same technical approach to design safety into all mining systems. This works well for machines, but not so much for the human component. Recent insights in the field of behavioral economics provide useful ideas for addressing the fact that we are driven by emotions more often than by rational thought. Understanding the nonrational aspect of human behavior is an important piece of any safety system design.
In this issue...Copper Guard, Homecoming, Sigma Rho, Mountain View Methodist Church, Faculty Wives, Phil Judd, Glee Club, Mineral Club, Great Northern Railway
In this issue...United Nations meeting, Newman Club, Sylvia White, Veteran's Day, Glee Club, Montana Power Company, Harvest Festival Dance, Joe Knuckey's Melody Makers
In this issue...Thanksgiving, Fallout Shelters, Petroleum Engineering, Alumni News, Columbia Riding Club, Debate Team, The March of Dimes, National College Queen
In this issue...Anaconda Railroad, Professor Stout, International Club, Hord's Jewelry, KXLF Television station, Coed Club, cyclone fence, Ray Kotow
In this issue...Fish and Game Commission, Peace Corps, Great Falls Brewery, George D. McDonald, Glee club, Intramural basketball, Sugar Bowl, Metals Bank
In this issue...Sylvia White, Speed Skating, President Kennedy, St. John's Church, Mineral Club, Magma Yearbook, Honor roll, Montana Power Company
In this issue...Magma Yearbook, Marvin Senne, Continental Oil Company, NASA, Circle K Club, Mine Rescue training, Walter Mitty, International Club, Stu Stadler
In this issue...Butte Civic Orchestra, bed protest, St. Patrick's Day mixer, Coed Club, Mickey O'Brien, baseball, chemistry, Main Hall, United States Senator, Barry Goldwater
In this issue...Big Butte, M-Day, World's Fair, Montana Day, Photo club, Frank Panisko, Great Falls Brewery, Newman Club Immaculate Conception Church
Electrospinning (ES) can readily produce polymer fibers with cross-sectional dimensions ranging from tens of nanometers to tens of microns. Qualitative estimates of surface area coverage are rather intuitive. However, quantitative analytical and numerical methods for predicting surface coverage during ES have not been covered in sufficient depth to be applied in the design of novel materials, surfaces, and devices from ES fibers. This article presents a modeling approach to ES surface coverage where an analytical model is derived for use in quantitative prediction of surface coverage of ES fibers. The analytical model is used to predict the diameter of circular deposition areas of constant field strength and constant electrostatic force. Experimental results of polyvinyl alcohol fibers are reported and compared to numerical models to supplement the analytical model derived. The analytical model provides scientists and engineers a method for estimating surface area coverage. Both applied voltage and capillary-to-collection-plate separation are treated as independent variables for the analysis. The electric field produced by the ES process was modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics software to determine a correlation between the applied field strength and the size of the deposition area of the ES fibers. MATLAB scripts were utilized to combine the numerical COMSOL results with derived analytical equations. Experimental results reinforce the parametric trends produced via modeling and lend credibility to the use of modeling techniques for the qualitative prediction of surface area coverage from ES. (Copyright: 2014 American Vacuum Society.)
Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA) is the measurement of variation in different isotopes of same elements in a material. This technique is well-established in the natural sciences and has been long part of the methodological arsenal in fields such as geology and biology. More recently this technique has begun to be utilized in the social sciences, moving from initial applications in anthropology to potential uses in geography, public health, forensic science, and others. This presentation will discuss the techniques behind SIRA, examples of current applications in the natural and social sciences, and potential avenues of future research.
This presentation provides an overview of his transcontinental research on giant goldenrod an invasive plant species in Europe that originates from North America. He investigated the effects of reintroduction on the plant’s performance, the plant’s effect on species richness and the relationship between the plant’s competitive effects and its ecotypic variation.
Recent advances in high temperature electrochemical devices have prompted research into potential materials for component fabrication.
Since the 19th century, enormous amounts of time and money were invested in the exploration and development of Montana’s natural resources. These investments generated tremendous volumes of geologic, geophysical, and environmental data. Over the years, many of these data have been stored, forgotten, lost, or destroyed. In this lecture, Peggy discusses the steps the Bureau is taking to rescue and make the data available to the public.