987 resultados para monolithic rod


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One of the important issues in the development of hydroxyapatite (HA)-based biomaterials is the prosthetic infection, which limits wider use of monolithic HA despite superior cellular response. Recently, we reported that ZnO addition to HA can induce bactericidal property. It is therefore important to assess how ZnO addition influences the cytotoxicity property and cell adhesion/proliferation on HA-ZnO composite surfaces in vitro. In the above perspective, the objective of this study is to investigate the cell type and material composition dependent cellular proliferation and viability of pressureless sintered HA-ZnO composites. The combination of cell viability data as well as morphological observations of cultured human osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells and mouse fibroblast L929 cells suggests that HA-ZnO composites containing 10 Wt % or lower ZnO exhibit the ability to support cell adhesion and proliferation. Both SaOS2 and L929 cells exhibit extensive multidirectional network of actin cytoskeleton and cell flattening on the lower ZnO containing (=10 Wt %) HA-ZnO composites. The in vitro results illustrate how variation in ZnO content can influence significantly the cell vitality, as evaluated using MTT biochemical assay. Also, the critical statistical analysis reveals that ZnO addition needs to be carefully tailored to ensure good in vitro cytocompatibility. The underlying reasons for difference in biological properties are analyzed. It is suggested that surface wettability as well as dissolution of ZnO, both contribute to the observed differences in cellular viability and proliferation. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.


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Recent optical kerr effect (OKE) studies have demonstrated that orientational relaxation of rod-like nematogens exhibits temporal power law decay at intermediate times not only near the isotropic–nematic (I–N) phase boundary but also in the nematic phase. Such behaviour has drawn an intriguing analogy with supercooled liquids. We have investigated both collective and single-particle orientational dynamics of a family of model system of thermotropic liquid crystals using extensive computer simulations. Several remarkable features of glassy dynamics are on display including non-exponential relaxation, dynamical heterogeneity, and non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time. Over a temperature range near the I–N phase boundary, the system behaves remarkably like a fragile glass-forming liquid. Using proper scaling, we construct the usual relaxation time versus inverse temperature plot and explicitly demonstrate that one can successfully define a density dependent fragility of liquid crystals. The fragility of liquid crystals shows a temperature and density dependence which is remarkably similar to the fragility of glass forming supercooled liquids. Energy landscape analysis of inherent structures shows that the breakdown of the Arrhenius temperature dependence of relaxation rate occurs at a temperature that marks the onset of the growth of the depth of the potential energy minima explored by the system. A model liquid crystal, consisting of disk-like molecules, has also been investigated in molecular dynamics simulations for orientational relaxation along two isobars starting from the high temperature isotropic phase. The isobars have been so chosen that the phase sequence isotropic (I)–nematic (N)–columnar (C) appears upon cooling along one of them and the sequence isotropic (I)–columnar(C) along the other. While the orientational relaxation in the isotropic phase near the I–N phase transition shows a power law decay at short to intermediate times, such power law relaxation is not observed in the isotropic phase near the I–C phase boundary. The origin of the power law decay in the single-particle second-rank orientational time correlation function (OTCF) is traced to the growth of the orientational pair distribution functions near the I–N phase boundary. As the system settles into the nematic phase, the decay of the single-particle second-rank orientational OTCF follows a pattern that is similar to what is observed with calamitic liquid crystals and supercooled molecular liquids.


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The present article demonstrates how the stiffness, hardness as well as the cellular response of bioinert high-density polyethylene (HDPE) can be significantly improved with combined addition of both bioinert and bioactive ceramic fillers. For this purpose, different amounts of hydroxyapatite and alumina, limited to a total of 40 wt %, have been incorporated in HDPE matrix. An important step in composite fabrication was to select appropriate solvent and optimal addition of coupling agent (CA). In case of chemically coupled composites, 2% Titanium IV, 2-propanolato, tris iso-octadecanoato-O was used as a CA. All the hybrid composites, except monolithic HDPE, were fabricated under optimized compression molding condition (140 degrees C, 0.75 h, 10 MPa pressure). The compression molded composites were characterized, using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Importantly, in vitro cell culture and cell viability study (MTT) using L929 fibroblast and SaOS2 osteoblast-like cells confirmed good cytocompatibility properties of the developed hybrid composites. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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The γ-brass structure was for a long time regarded as a modified bcc structure. It is more accurately described in terms of a 26-atom cluster consisting of four interpenetrating icosahedral clusters. An alternative description in terms of a 38-atom cluster is also illuminating. We discuss the γ-brass structure in terms of the packing of spheres and the packing of ‘almost regular’ tetrahedra and demonstrate a close relationship to the helical sphere packings investigated by Boerdijk, who considered the configuration of touching spheres centred at the vertices of a Coxeter helix, and extended it by adding an extra layer of spheres. Adding a further layer of spheres gives a rod-like structure in which every sphere of the original helix is surrounded by twelve others, configured as a somewhat distorted icosahedron. Thus each tetrahedron of the initial structure is then shared by four icosahedra. This 26-sphere cluster is a slightly distorted form of the 26-atom γ-brass cluster.


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The propagation of axial waves in hyperelastic rods is studied using both time and frequency domain finite element models. The nonlinearity is introduced using the Murnaghan strain energy function and the equations governing the dynamics of the rod are derived assuming linear kinematics. In the time domain, the standard Galerkin finite element method, spectral element method, and Taylor-Galerkin finite element method are considered. A frequency domain formulation based on the Fourier spectral method is also developed. It is found that the time domain spectral element method provides the most efficient numerical tool for the problem considered.


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Two different experimental studies of polymer dynamics based on single-molecule fluorescence imaging have recently found evidence of heterogeneities in the widths of the putative tubes that surround filaments of F-actin during their motion in concentrated solution. In one J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchesner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)], the observations were explained in terms of the statistics of a worm-like chain confined to a potential determined self-consistently by a binary collision approximation, and in the other B. Wang, J. Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010)], they were explained in terms of the scaling properties of a random fluid of thin rods. In this paper, we show, using an exact path integral calculation, that the distribution of the length-averaged transverse fluctuations of a harmonically confined weakly bendable rod (one possible realization of a semiflexible chain in a tube), is in good qualitative agreement with the experimental data, although it is qualitatively different in analytic structure from the earlier theoretical predictions. We also show that similar path integral techniques can be used to obtain an exact expression for the time correlation function of fluctuations in the tube cross section. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4712306]


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Changes in electronic and photovoltaic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals predominantly due to changes in shape are discussed here. Cadmium sulfide (CdS) semiconductor nanocrystals of various shapes (tetrapod, tetrahedron, sphere and rod) obtained using an optimized solvothermal process exhibited a mixed cubic (zinc blende) and hexagonal (wurtzite) crystal structure. The simultaneous presence of the two crystal phases in varying amounts is observed to play a pivotal role in determining both the electronic and photovoltaic properties of the CdS nanocrystals. Light to electrical energy conversion efficiencies (measured in two-electrode configuration laboratory solar cells) remarkably decreased by one order in magnitude from tetrapod -> tetrahedron -> sphere -> rod. The tetrapod-CdS nanocrystals, which displayed the highest light to electrical energy conversion efficiency, showed a favorable shift in position of the conduction band edge leading to highest rate of electron injection (from CdS nanocrystal to the wide band gap semiconductor viz, titanium dioxide, TiO2) and lowest rate of electron-hole recombination (higher free electron lifetimes).


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This contribution reports and analyses the high thermal transport property of hot-pressed TiB2-10 wt.% TiSi2 ceramics. Depending on the test temperature, the thermal conductivity values of the TiB2 composite (which range from 89 to 122W m(-1) K-1) are determined to be 18-25% higher than that of monolithic TiB2. The thermal transport properties are analyzed in terms of electronic and phonon contributions. The electronic contribution is the major component of the thermal conductivity of TiB2 and comparable contributions from both electronic and phonon components are observed for the TiB2-TiSi2 composite. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fine powders of beta-Ga2O3 nanostructures were prepared via low temperature reflux condensation method by varying the pH value without using any surfactant. The pH value of reaction mixture had great influence on the morphology of final products. High crystalline single phase beta-Ga2O3 nanostructures were obtained by thermal treatment at 900 degrees C which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The morphological analysis revealed rod like nanostructures at lower and higher pH values of 6 and 10, while spindle like structures were obtained at pH = 8. The phase purity and presence of vibrational bands were identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The optical absorbance spectrum showed intense absorption features in the UV spectral region. A broad blue emission peak centered at 441 nm due to donor-acceptor gallium-oxygen vacancy pair recombination appeared. The photocatalytic activity toward Rhodamine B under visible light irradiation was higher for nanorods at pH 10.


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Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of hot pressed ZrB2 with different amounts of B4C (0-5 wt%) and ZrB2-SiC composites (10-30 vol% SiC) were investigated experimentally over a wide range of temperature (25-1500 degrees C). Both thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity were found to decrease with increase in temperature for all the hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites. At around 200 degrees C, thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was found to be composition independent. Thermal conductivity of ZrB2-SiC composites was also correlated with theoretical predictions of the Maxwell Eucken relation. The dominated mechanisms of heat transport for all hot pressed ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composites at room temperature were confirmed by Wiedemann Franz analysis by using measured electrical conductivity of these materials at room temperature. It was found that electronic thermal conductivity dominated for all monolithic ZrB2 whereas the phonon contribution to thermal conductivity increased with SiC contents for ZrB2-SiC composites.


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Pure and cadmium doped tin oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrates from aqueous solution of cadmium acetate, tin (IV) chloride and sodium hydroxide by the nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) technique. X-ray diffraction reveals that all films have tetragonal crystalline structure with preferential orientation along (200) plane. On application of the Scherrer formula, it is found that the maximum size of grains is 67 nm. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the grains are of rod and spherical in shape. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis reveals the average ratio of the atomic percentage of pure and Cd doped SnO2 films. The electrical resistivity is found to be 10(2) Omega cm at higher temperature (170 degrees C) and 10(3) Omega cm at lower temperature (30 degrees C). Optical band gap energy was determined from transmittance and absorbance data obtained from UV-vis spectra. Optical studies reveal that the band gap energy decreases from 3.90 eV to 3.52 eV due to the addition of Cd as dopant with different concentrations.


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Procedures were developed for purification and processing of electrodeposited enriched boron powder for control rod application in India's first commercial Proto Type Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). Methodology for removal of anionic (F-, Cl-, BF4-) and cationic (Fe2+, Fe3+, Ni2+) impurities was developed. Parameters for grinding boron flakes obtained after electrodeposition were optimized to obtain the boron powder having particle size less than 100 gm. The rate of removal of impurities was studied with respect to time and concentration of the reagents used for purification. Process parameters for grinding and removal of impurities were optimized. A flowsheet was proposed which helps in minimizing the purification time and concentration of the reagent used for the effective removal of impurities. The purification methodology developed in this work could produce boron that meets the technical specifications for control rod application in a fast reactor.


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A novel composite architecture consisting of a periodic arrangement of closely-spaced spheres of a stiff material embedded in a soft matrix is proposed for extremely high damping and shock absorption capacity. Efficacy of this architecture is demonstrated by compression loading a composite, where multiple steel balls were stacked upon each other in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix, at a low strain-rate of 0.05 s(-1) and a very high strain-rate of >2400 s(-1). The balls slide over each other upon loading, and revert to their original position when the load is removed. Because of imposition of additional strains into the matrix via this reversible, constrained movement of the balls, the composite absorbs significantly larger energy and endures much lesser permanent damage than the monolithic PDMS during both quasi-static and impact loadings. During the impact loading, energy absorbed per unit weight for the composite was, 8 times larger than the monolithic PDMS.


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Recent experimental measurements of the distribution P(w) of transverse chain fluctuations w in concentrated solutions of F-actin filaments B. Wang, J Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010); J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchgessner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)] are shown to be well-fit to an expression derived from a model of the conformations of a single harmonically confined weakly bendable rod. The calculation of P(w) is carried out essentially exactly within a path integral approach that was originally applied to the study of one-dimensional randomly growing interfaces. Our results are generally as successful in reproducing experimental trends as earlier approximate results obtained from more elaborate many-chain treatments of the confining tube potential.


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Among various biologically compatible materials, hydroxyapatite (HA) has excellent bioactivity/osteointegration properties and therefore has been extensively investigated for biomedical applications. However, its inferior fracture toughness limits the wider applications of monolithic HA as a load-bearing implant. To this end, HA-based biocomposites have been developed to improve their mechanical properties (toughness and strength) without compromising biocompatibility. Despite significant efforts over last few decades, the toughness of HA-based composites could not be enhanced beyond 1.5-2 MPa m(1/2), even when measured using indentation techniques. In this perspective, the present work demonstrates how spark plasma sintering can be effectively utilized to develop hydroxyapatite titanium (HA-Ti) composites with varying amounts of Ti (5, 10 and 20 wt.%) with extremely high single edge V-notch beam fracture toughness (4-5 MPa m(1/2)) along with a good combination of elastic modulus and flexural strength. Despite predominant retention of HA and Ti, the combination of critical analysis of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy investigation confirmed the formation of the CaTi4(PO4)(6) phase with nanoscale morphology at the HA/Ti interface and the formation of such a phase has been discussed in reference to possible sintering reactions. The variations in the measured fracture toughness and work of fracture with Ti addition to the HA matrix were further rationalized using the analytical models of crack bridging as well as on the basis of the additional contribution from crack deflection. The present work opens up the opportunity to further enhance the toughness beyond 5 MPa m(1/2) by microstructural designing with the desired combination of toughening phases. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.