897 resultados para middle layer
Background: Interest in the development of dairy products naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) exists. However, feeding regimens that enhance the CLA content of milk also increase concentrations of trans-18:1 fatty acids. The implications for human health are not yet known. Objective: This study investigated the effects of consuming dairy products naturally enriched in cis-9,trans-11 CLA (and trans-11 18:1) on the blood lipid profile, the atherogenicity of LDL, and markers of inflammation and insulin resistance in healthy middle-aged men. Design: Healthy middle-aged men (n = 32) consumed ultra-heat-treated milk, butter, and cheese that provided 0.151 g/d (control) or 1.421 g/d (modified) cis-9,trans-11 CLA for 6 wk. This was followed by a 7-wk washout and a crossover to the other treatment. Results: Consumption of dairy products enriched with cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-11 18:1 did not significantly affect body weight, inflammatory markers, insulin, glucose, triacylglycerols, or total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol but resulted in a small increase in the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. The modified dairy products changed LDL fatty acid composition but had no significant effect on LDL particle size or the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. Overall, increased consumption of full-fat dairy products and naturally derived trans fatty acids did not cause significant changes in cardiovascular disease risk variables, as may be expected on the basis of current health recommendations. Conclusion: Dairy products naturally enriched with cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-11 18: 1 do not appear to have a significant effect on the blood lipid profile.
Apolipoprotein L1 in plasma is associated with high- density lipoprotein. Novel APOL1 polymorphisms are investigated along with the association of two common haplotypes (Lys166Glu, Ile244Met, Lys271Arg) with circulating lipid and glucose levels. Although the amino acid substitutions occur in the amphipathic alpha helices region involved in lipid binding, these substitutions were found not to independently account for variability in circulating lipid and glucose levels in 149 middle age males.
An exaggerated postprandial lipaemic response is thought to play a central role in the development of an atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype, a recognized lipid risk factor for coronary heart disease. A small number of limited studies have compared postprandial lipaemia in subjects of varying age, but have not investigated mechanisms underlying age-associated changes in postprandial lipaemia. In order to test the hypothesis that impaired lipaemia in older subjects is associated with loss of insulin sensitivity, the present study compared the postprandial lipaemic and hormone responses for 9 h following a standard mixed meal in normolipidaemic healthy young and middle-aged men. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL) activities were determined in post-heparin plasma 9 h postprandially and on another occasion under fasting conditions. Postprandial plasma glucose (P < 0.02), retinyl ester (indirect marker for chylomicron particles; P < 0.005) and triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoprotein (density < 1.006 g/ml fraction of plasma) TAG (P < 0.05) and retinyl ester (P < 0.005) responses were higher in middle-aged men, whereas plasma insulin responses were lower in this group (P < 0.001). Fasting and 9 h postprandial LPL and HL activities were also significantly lower in the middle-aged men compared with the young men (P < 0.006). In conclusion, the higher incremental postprandial TAG response in middle-aged men than young men was attributed to the accumulation of dietary-derived TAG-rich lipoproteins (density < 1.006 g/ml fraction of plasma) and occurred in the absence of marked differences in fasting TAG levels between the two groups. Fasting and postprandial LPL and HL activities were markedly lower in middle-aged men, but lack of statistical associations between measures of insulin response and post-heparin lipase activities, as well as between insulin and measures of postprandial lipaemia, suggest that this lower activity cannot be attributed to lack of sensitivity of lipases to activation by insulin. Alternatively, post-heparin lipase activities may not be good markers for the insulin-sensitive component of lipase that is activated postprandially.
The present study examined the effects of a pre-movement delay on the kinematics of prehension in middle childhood. Twenty-five children between the ages of 5 and 11 years made visually open-loop reaches to two different sized objects at two different distances along the midline. Reaches took place either (i) immediately, or (ii) 2 s after the occlusion of the stimulus. In all age groups, reaches following the pre-movement delay were characterised by longer movement durations, lower peak velocities, larger peak grip apertures and longer time spent in the final slow phase of the movement. This pattern of results suggests that the representations that control the transport and grasp component are affected similarly by delay, and is consistent with the results previously reported for adults. Such representations therefore appear to develop before the age of 5. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The creation of Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) offers the Consumer Electronics industry a mechanism to truly unwire consumer products, leading to portability and ease of installation as never seen before. WPAN's can offer data-rates exceeding those that are required to convey high quality broadcast video, thus users can easily connect to high quality video for multimedia presentations in education, libraries, advertising, or have a wireless connection at home. There have been many WPAN proposals, but this paper concentrates on ECMA-368 as this standard has the largest industrial and implementers' forum backing. This paper discusses the technology behind ECMA-368, the required numerical bandwidth, buffer memory requirements and implementation considerations while concentrating on supporting all the offered data-rates'.
MPJ Express is our implementation of MPI-like bindings for Java. In this paper we discuss our intermediate buffering layer that makes use of the so-called direct byte buffers introduced in the Java New I/O package. The purpose of this layer is to support the implementation of derived datatypes. MPJ Express is the first Java messaging library that implements this feature using pure Java. In addition, this buffering layer allows efficient implementation of communication devices based on proprietary networks such as Myrinet. In this paper we evaluate the performance of our buffering layer and demonstrate the usefulness of direct byte buffers. Also, we evaluate the performance of MPJ Express against other messaging systems using Myrinet and show that our buffering layer has made it possible to avoid the overheads suffered by other Java systems such as mpiJava that relies on the Java Native Interface.
MPJ Express is our implementation of MPI-like bindings for Java. In this paper we discuss our intermediate buffering layer that makes use of the so-called direct byte buffers introduced in the Java New I/O package. The purpose of this layer is to support the implementation of derived datatypes. MPJ Express is the first Java messaging library that implements this feature using pure Java. In addition, this buffering layer allows efficient implementation of communication devices based on proprietary networks such as Myrinet. In this paper we evaluate the performance of our buffering layer and demonstrate the usefulness of direct byte buffers. Also, we evaluate the performance of MPJ Express against other messaging systems using Myrinet and show that our buffering layer has made it possible to avoid the overheads suffered by other Java systems such as mpiJava that relies on the Java Native Interface.
The creation of Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) offers the Consumer Electronics industry a mechanism to truly unwire consumer products, leading to portability and ease of installation as never seen before. WPAN's can offer data-rates exceeding those that are required to convey high quality broadcast video, thus users can easily connect to high quality video for multimedia presentations in education, libraries, advertising, or have a wireless connection at home. There have been many WPAN proposals, but this paper concentrates on ECMA-368 as this standard has the largest industrial and implementers' forum backing. With the aim to effective consumer electronic define and create cost equipment this paper discusses the technology behind ECMA-368 physical layer, the design freedom availabilities, the required processing, buffer memory requirements and implementation considerations while concentrating on supporting all the offered data-rates(1).
The electrochemistry of Pt nanostructured electrodes is investigated using hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV). Here a liquid crystal templating process is used to produce platinum-modified electrodes with a range of surface areas (roughness factor 42.4-280.8). The electroreduction of molecular oxygen at these nanostructured platinum surfaces is used to demonstrate the ability of HMV to discriminate between faradaic and nonfaradaic electrode reactions. The HMV approach shows that the reduction of molecular oxygen experiences considerable signal loss within the high pseudocapacitive region of the voltammetry. Evidence for the contribution of the double layer to transient mass transfer events is presented. In addition, a model circuit and appropriate theoretical analysis are used to illustrate the transient responses of a time variant faradaic component. This in conjunction with the experimental evidence shows that, far from being a passive component in this system, the double layer can contribute to HMV faradaic reactions under certain conditions.
The cloud-air transition zone at stratiform cloud edges is an electrically active region where droplet charging has been predicted. Cloud edge droplet charging is expected from vertical flow of cosmic ray generated atmospheric ions in the global electric circuit. Experimental confirmation of stratiform cloud edge electrification is presented here, through charge and droplet measurements made within an extensive layer of supercooled stratiform cloud, using a specially designed electrostatic sensor. Negative space charge up to 35 pC m−3 was found in a thin (<100 m) layer at the lower cloud boundary associated with the clear air-cloud conductivity gradient, agreeing closely with space charge predicted from the measured droplet concentration using ion-aerosol theory. Such charge levels carried by droplets are sufficient to influence collision processes between cloud droplets.
Observations of boundary-layer cloud have been made using radar and lidar at Chilbolton, Hampshire, UK. These have been compared with output from 7 different global and regional models. Fifty-five cloudy days have been composited to reveal the mean diurnal variation of cloud top and base heights, cloud thickness and liquid water path of the clouds. To enable like-for-like comparison between model and observations, the observations have been averaged on to the grid of each model. The composites show a distinct diurnal cycle in observed cloud; the cloud height exhibits a sinusoidal variation throughout the day with a maximum at around 1600 and a minimum at around 0700 UTC. This diurnal cycle is captured by six of the seven models analysed, although the models generally under-predict both cloud top and cloud base heights throughout the day. The two worst performing models in terms of cloud boundaries also have biases of around a factor of two in liquid water path; these were the only two models that did not include an explicit formulation for cloud-top entrainment.
A numerical mesoscale model is used to make a high-resolution simulation of the marine boundary layer in the Persian Gulf, during conditions of offshore flow from Saudi Arabia. A marine internal boundary layer (MIBL) and a sea-breeze circulation (SBC) are found to co-exist. The sea breeze develops in the mid-afternoon, at which time its front is displaced several tens of kilometres offshore. Between the coast and the sea-breeze system, the MIBL that occurs is consistent with a picture described in the existing literature. However, the MIBL is perturbed by the SBC, the boundary layer deepening significantly seaward of the sea-breeze front. Our analysis suggests that this strong, localized deepening is not a direct consequence of frontal uplift, but rather that the immediate cause is the retardation of the prevailing, low-level offshore wind by the SBC. The simulated boundary-layer development can be accounted for by using a simple 1D Lagrangian model of growth driven by the surface heat flux. This model is obtained as a straightforward modification of an established MIBL analytic growth model.
Strong vertical gradients at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves and can produce radar ducts. A three-dimensional, time-dependent, nonhydrostatic numerical model was used to simulate the propagation environment in the atmosphere over the Persian Gulf when aircraft observations of ducting had been made. A division of the observations into high- and low-wind cases was used as a framework for the simulations. Three sets of simulations were conducted with initial conditions of varying degrees of idealization and were compared with the observations taken in the Ship Antisubmarine Warfare Readiness/Effectiveness Measuring (SHAREM-115) program. The best results occurred with the initialization based on a sounding taken over the coast modified by the inclusion of data on low-level atmospheric conditions over the Gulf waters. The development of moist, cool, stable marine internal boundary layers (MIBL) in air flowing from land over the waters of the Gulf was simulated. The MIBLs were capped by temperature inversions and associated lapses of humidity and refractivity. The low-wind MIBL was shallower and the gradients at its top were sharper than in the high-wind case, in agreement with the observations. Because it is also forced by land–sea contrasts, a sea-breeze circulation frequently occurs in association with the MIBL. The size, location, and internal structure of the sea-breeze circulation were realistically simulated. The gradients of temperature and humidity that bound the MIBL cause perturbations in the refractivity distribution that, in turn, lead to trapping layers and ducts. The existence, location, and surface character of the ducts were well captured. Horizontal variations in duct characteristics due to the sea-breeze circulation were also evident. The simulations successfully distinguished between high- and low-wind occasions, a notable feature of the SHAREM-115 observations. The modeled magnitudes of duct depth and strength, although leaving scope for improvement, were most encouraging.