962 resultados para metals in urine


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Speciation of metals in a synthetic freshwater was comparatively evaluated using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films and a Chemical Equilibrium Model. The labile fractions of Cu and Zn quantified by DGT were similar to the ones measured by ASV. The labile species of Cd and Pb could not be determined by both experimental methods due to the formation of inert complexes with organic ligands in the sample. Despite the differences among the methods, the speciation results obtained by the use of DGT and ASV agreed well with predictions made by the chemical equilibrium model.


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This study aimed to evaluate the chemical elements levels in soil, submitted to different management systems and use by the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry - EDXRF. The systems were T1 - agro forestry (SAF), T2 - Native Field (CN), T3 - Native Forest (NM), T4 - Tillage Forest (PF); T5 - conventional tillage system (SPC) and T6 - System tillage (NT). Samples were collected at 0-10 and 10-20 cm, dried and ground for analysis in EDX-720. The soil showed no difference in the average concentrations of chemical elements analyzed in the profiles, but the systems presented different concentrations of metal elements, and T3 had the highest K, Ca and Zn at 0-10 cm and higher contents of K, Ca, Cu, Zn and Mn in the layer of 10-20 cm.


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This paper describes selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction of ttMA from urine samples followed by derivatization and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The analytical calibration curve ranged from 0.3 to 7.0 mg L-1 (r = 0.999) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.3 mg L-1. The method was applied for the determination of ttMA in urine samples from smokers and concentrations detected ranged from < LOQ to 1.64 mg L-1. Thus, the proposed method proved adequate for the determination of urinary ttMA in the biomonitoring of occupational exposure to low levels of benzene.


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A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic drop for simultaneous extraction of trace amounts of nickel, cobalt and copper followed by their determination with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. 300 µL of acetone and 1-undecanol was injected into an aqueous sample containing diethyldithiocarbamate complexes of metal ions. For a sample volume of 10 mL, enrichment factors of 277, 270 and 300 and detection limits of 1.2, 1.1 and 1 ng L-1 for nickel, cobalt and copper were obtained, respectively. The method was applied to the extraction and determination of these metals in different water samples.


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This study aims to evaluate the bioaccumulation of macronutrients and heavy metals in the golden mussel according to its collection site and seasonality in the aquaculture area of the reservoir from April/2009 to March/2010. There is no difference (p > 0.05) in the concentration of metals with respect to the point of collection. The concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd and Pb were higher (p < 0.05) in spring and summer than in fall and winter. Values of the heavy-metal pollution index (MPI) for collection point and seasonality indicate environmental contamination in the aquaculture area.


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Spent nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries and salts of nickel and cadmium were placed in two different columns of soil for a period of two years. A leaching solution was passed through them at ambient temperature in this period. The behavior of metals in each column was then evaluated. Under the conditions of the experiment, cadmium and nickel demonstrated the potential to contaminate and affect the natural cycles of soil. The disposal of Ni-Cd batteries directly to the soil also increased the concentration of nickel (349 mg kg-1) and cadmium (2890 mg kg-1), sometimes exceeding the intervention values defined in CONAMA resolution 420/09.


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In rivers, sediments act as sinks for retaining contaminants. This study evaluated the influence of sediment humic substances (HS) on the bioavailability of metals. The levels of metals in sediments and HS indicated that most are complexed with HS. Characterization of HS showed a high degree of humification. The complexation capacity of HS for metals established the affinity order:Pb2+metals.


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This paper describes a comparative study between the procedures of deconvolution and the second-order derivative of square wave voltammograms to achieve separation of the voltammetric peaks of levofloxacin (LEVO) and norfloxacin (NOR), for their simultaneous quantification in urine samples. The obtained results indicate that the use of second-derivative voltammograms coupled with carbon screen-printed electrodes is the most efficient approach for completely separating the voltammetric peaks of LEVO and NOR. In addition, this approach has produced detection limits lower than 1.0 µmol L-1 and a wide linear range for both drugs. The proposed method was successfully used to simultaneously determine LEVO and NOR in spiked human and bovine urine samples with recovery percentages close to 100% for all analyzed samples.


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Bioaccumulation of Ag, Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn was determined in the gills and liver of Cyprinus carpio and related to concentrations in the sediment and water of the Alagados Reservoir, Ponta Grossa/Paraná. Cd and Fe exceeded the legal limit for water. Fe was the most abundant metal in the reservoir's water and sediment. The metals in the sediment were below the level of probable adverse effects on biota. There were no significant differences between sampling sites for water and sediment. Liver and gills had higher concentrations of Al, Fe and Zn, with a significant increase in Al (P > 0.05) compared to the increase in weight and size of the specimens. Statistically, gills showed higher concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn and Zn and liver higher concentrations of Cu and Fe. Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn showed significant differences (P < 0.01) between the organs. The bioaccumulation factors (BAF) showed that the interaction of water with gills promotes greater accumulation of metals in this organ. Despite the low concentrations in the reservoir, bioaccumulation of metals in gills and liver of C. carpio occurs by its interaction with contaminated water and sediment, respectively.


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Styrene is used in a variety of chemical industries. Environmental and occupational exposures to styrene occur predominantly through inhalation. The major metabolite of styrene is present in two enantiomeric forms, chiral R- and S- hydroxy-1-phenyl-acetic acid (R-and S-mandelic acid, MA). Thus, the concentration of MA, particularly of its enantiomers, has been used in urine tests to determine whether workers have been exposed to styrene. This study describes a method of analyzing mandelic acid using molecular imprinting techniques and HPLC detection to perform the separation of diastereoisomers of mandelic acid. The molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared by non-covalent molecular imprinting using (+) MA, (-) MA or (+) phenylalanine, (-) phenylalanine as templates. Methacrylic acid (MAA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) were copolymerized in the presence of the template molecules. The bulk polymerization was carried out at 4ºC under UV radiation. The resulting MIP was grounded into 25~44¼m particles, which were slurry packed into analytical columns. After the template molecules were removed, the MIP-packed columns were found to be effective for the chromatographic resolution of (±)-mandelic acid. This method is simpler and more convenient than other chromatographic methods.


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There are small amounts of valuable metals, such as indium, gallium and germanium, in zinc process solutions. Their solvent extraction was studied in this work in sulphate solutions containing zinc and other metals present in industrial solutions. It was discovered, that a commercial bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (D2EHPA) extractant can be used to extract indium and gallium. Indium was extracted separately at a higher acid concentration than gallium. Zinc was co-extracted faster than gallium and almost as much as gallium at the same pH. However, the scrubbing of zinc was possible using a dilute sulphuric acid and a short contact time while gallium losses were small. Both indium and gallium were stripped with sulphuric acid. Germanium was extracted with 5,8-diethyl-7-hydroxydodecane-6-oxime with the commercial name of LIX 63. Unlike other metals in the solution the extraction of germanium increased with different extractants as the acidity increased. Germanium extraction isotherm was measured for a 125 g/L sulfuric acid solution. The loaded organic phase was washed with pure water. It removed the co-extracted acid and part of the germanium and extracted impurities such as iron and copper. Germanium was stripped using a NaOH solution. A process model utilizing own experimentally determined extraction, scrubbing and stripping isotherms was made with HSC Sim software developed by Outotec Oyj. The model based on McCabe–Thiele diagrams was used in sizing the necessary amount of stages and phase ratios in a recovery process. It was concluded, that indium, gallium and germanium can be recovered in the process from a feed where their concentrations are low (<300 ppm). In an example case the feed contained also more than 20 g/L zinc and 2–8 g/L iron, aluminium and copper. The recoveries of indium, gallium and germanium were more than 90 % when 1–3 stages were used in each extraction, scrubbing and stripping section. Since the number of stages is small mixer-settlers would be well suited for this purpose.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kompleksoituvien metallien erotusta kloridiliuoksesta ioninvaihdolla. Kirjallisessa osassa perehdyttiin metallikompleksien muodostumiseen, ja erityisesti hopean, kalsiumin, magnesiumin, lyijyn ja sinkin muodostamiin komplekseihin kloridin ja nitraatin kanssa. Kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin myös metallien erottamista kiintopetikolonneissa jatkuvatoimisilla ioninvaihtomenetelmillä. Tässä työssä jatkuvatoimisen ioninvaihdon prosessivaihtoehdot jaoteltiin pyöriviin ja paikallaan pysyviin kolonneihin, sekä tarkasteltiin eri prosessivaihtoehtoja kolonnien kytkentöjen suhteen. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenarvoisten metallien erottamista yhdenarvoisista metalleista sekä luotiin koedataa vastaavanlaisen erotusprosessin simulointiin. Kokeissa käytettiin anioninvaihtohartsia ja kelatoivaa selektiivistä ioninvaihtohartsia. Kahdenarvoisen kalsiumin, magnesiumin, lyijyn ja sinkin adsorptiota hartseihin tutkittiin tasapaino-, kinetiikka- ja kolonnikokeilla. Anioninvaihtohartsilla tehtyjen tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeiden tulokset osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi tehokkaasti sinkkiä kloridiliuoksista, koska sinkki muodostaa stabiileja anionisia klorokomplekseja. Muiden tutkittujen kahdenarvoisten metallien adsorptio hartsiin oli huomattavasti vähäisempää. Tulosten perusteella tutkittu anioninvaihtohartsi on hyvä vaihtoehto sinkin erottamiseen muista tutkituista kahdenarvoisista metalleista kloridiympäristössä. Kelatoivalla hartsilla tehdyt tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeet osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi kloridiliuoksista hyvin kahdenarvoista kalsiumia, magnesiumia, lyijyä ja sinkkiä, mutta ei adsorboi yhdenarvoista hopeaa. Tulosten perusteella kahdenarvoisten metallien erottaminen yhdenarvoisista metalleista voidaan toteuttaa kokeissa käytetyllä kelatoivalla ioninvaihtohartsilla.


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Liuoksessa metallit muodostavat erilaisia koordinatioyhdisteitä epäorgaanisten ja orgaanisten anionien ja neutraalien molekyylien kanssa. Erityisesti siirtymämetalleilla on voimakas taipumus kompleksiyhdisteiden muodostamiseen elektroneja sisältävien 3-, 4-, ja 5d orbitaaliensa johdosta. Samassa liuoksessa voi samanaikaisesti esiintyä useita erilaisia, mutta samoista lähtöaineista muodostuneita, kompleksiyhdisteitä. Kompleksinmuodostusreaktiot ovat tasapainoreaktioita. Usein tasapainovakiot on esitetty termodynaamisina tasapainovakioina eli ne ovat päteviä standarditilassa. Standarditilan tasapainovakioista voidaan johtaa missä tahansa liuoksessa pätevät vakiot erilaisten Debye-Hückel-teoriasta johdettujen laskentamenetelmien avulla. Metalli-ligandiparin jakautuminen erilaisiksi kompleksiyhdisteiksi voidaan mallintaa kun tunnetaan muodostumisreaktioiden tasapainovakiot. Muodostumisreaktioiden tasapainovakioiden yhtälöistä voidaan johtaa epälineaarinen yhtälöryhmä, joka voidaan ratkaista jollakin numeerisella ratkaisimella. Esimerkiksi Matlab-ohjelmiston sisältämä fsolve-ratkaisin soveltuu tällaiseen tehtävään. Osana tätä työtä on kirjoitettu Matlab-sovellus, jolla voidaan mallintaa kationi-ligandiparin jakautumista koordinaatioyhdisteiksi tunnettujen tasapainovakioiden perusteella.


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Oxidative stress is a constant threat to almost all organisms. It damages a number of biomolecules and leads to the disruption of many crucial cellular functions. It is caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide (•O2 -), and hydroxyl radical (•OH). The most harmful of these compounds is •OH, which is only formed in cells in the presence of redox-cycling transition metals, such as iron and copper. Bacteria have developed a number of mechanisms to cope with ROS. One of the most widespread means employed by bacteria is the DNA-binding proteins from starved cells (Dps). Dps proteins protect the cells by binding and oxidizing Fe2+, thus greatly reducing the production of •OH. The oxidized iron is stored inside the protein as an iron core. In addition, Dps proteins bind directly to DNA forming a protective coating that shields DNA from harmful agents. Moreover, Dps proteins have been found to elicit other protective functions in cells and to participate in bacterial virulence. Dps proteins are of special importance to Streptococci owing to the lack of catalase in this genus of bacteria.This study was focused on structural and functional characterization of streptococcal Dpslike peroxide resistance (Dpr) proteins. Initially, crystal structures of Streptococcus pyogenes Dpr were determined. The data confirmed the presence of a di-metal ferroxidase center (FOC) in Dpr proteins and revealed the presence of a novel N-terminal helix as well as a surface metal-binding site. The crystal structures of Streptococcus suis Dpr complexed with transition metals demonstrated the metal specificity of the FOC. Solution binding studies also indicated the presence of a di-metal FOC. These results suggested a possible role for Dpr in the detoxification of various metals. Iron was found to mineralize inside the protein as ferrihydrite based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy data. The iron core was found to exhibit clear superparamagnetic behaviour using magnetic and Mössbauer measurements. The results from this study are expected to further increase our understanding on the binding, oxidation, and mineralization of iron and other metals in Dpr proteins. In particular, the structural and magnetic properties of the iron core can form a basis for potential new applications in nanotechnology. From the streptococcal viewpoint, the results would help in understanding better the complicated picture of bacterial pathogenesis. Dpr proteins may also provide a novel target for drug design due to their tight involvement in bacterial virulence.


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Plants respond to environmental adversities, becoming an indicator for assessing the environment quality. In this aspect, chlorophyll contents as well, carotenoids are used as a reliable indicator to associate environmental quality and pollution, mainly regarding the toxicity of heavy metals in higher plants. So, we aimed to evaluate the content of chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophylls and carotenoids in plants vetiver [Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash], maize (Zea mays L.) cv. AG 1051, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. BRS 122/V-2000, and castor beans (Ricinus communis L. ) cv . Northeastern BRS grown in contaminated soil with lead, with and without correction of soil pH, so they were used as indicators of metal stress by the soil. From the biochemical point of view, the correction of soil pH values caused chlorophyll a, b and total statistically higher for vetiver species and castor beans in the analyzed periods, except for the analysis performed 60 days after transplanting where only the species vetiver benefited from the correction of soil pH on the content of chlorophyll b and total. On the other hand plants without correction of soil pH showed a decrease of all chlorophyll levels. In addition, the largest increase in the synthesis of carotenoids, indicated that under stress the plants have developed alternative routes of dissipation of energy in order to avoid problems of photo-inhibition and photo-oxidation.