1000 resultados para manual medicine
Despite two international studies, there is still no consensus concerning prostate cancer screening. The results of a meta-analysis are making us question our convictions concerning pneumococcal vaccination. The preoperative work-up of cataract surgery can be simplified. When describing the efficacy of a treatment to a patient, relative risks are better understood than absolute risks. For rotator cuff syndrome, intramuscular corticosteroid injections are as efficient as intra-articular injections. In patients prescribed clopidogrel, a proton pump inhibitor is not absolutely necessary. The arrival of a anticoagulant that does not need blood monitoring is an interesting option in atrial fibrillation.
Progress in genomics with, in particular, high throughput next generation sequencing is revolutionizing oncology. The impact of these techniques is seen on the one hand the identification of germline mutations that predispose to a given type of cancer, allowing for a personalized care of patients or healthy carriers and, on the other hand, the characterization of all acquired somatic mutation of the tumor cell, opening the door to personalized treatment targeting the driver oncogenes. In both cases, next generation sequencing techniques allow a global approach whereby the integrality of the genome mutations is analyzed and correlated with the clinical data. The benefits on the quality of care delivered to our patients are extremely impressive.
Background: TIDratio indirectly reflects myocardial ischemia and is correlated with cardiacprognosis. We aimed at comparing the influence of three different softwarepackages for the assessment of TID using Rb-82 cardiac PET/CT. Methods: Intotal, data of 30 patients were used based on normal myocardial perfusion(SSS<3 and SRS<3) and stress myocardial blood flow 2mL/min/g)assessed by Rb-82 cardiac PET/CT. After reconstruction using 2D OSEM (2Iterations, 28 subsets), 3-D filtering (Butterworth, order=10, ωc=0.5), data were automatically processed, and then manually processed fordefining identical basal and apical limits on both stress and rest images.TIDratio were determined with Myometrix®, ECToolbox® and QGS®software packages. Comparisons used ANOVA, Student t-tests and Lin concordancetest (ρc). Results: All of the 90 processings were successfullyperformed. TID ratio were not statistically different between software packageswhen data were processed automatically (P=0.2) or manually (P=0.17). There was a slight, butsignificant relative overestimation of TID with automatic processing incomparison to manual processing using ECToolbox® (1.07 ± 0.13 vs 1.0± 0.13, P=0.001)and Myometrix® (1.07 ± 0.15 vs 1.01 ± 0.11, P=0.003) but not using QGS®(1.02 ±0.12 vs 1.05 ± 0.11, P=0.16). The best concordance was achieved between ECToolbox®and Myometrix® manual (ρc=0.67) processing.Conclusion: Using automatic or manual mode TID estimation was not significantlyinfluenced by software type. Using Myometrix® or ECToolbox®TID was significantly different between automatic and manual processing, butnot using QGS®. Software package should be account for when definingTID normal reference limits, as well as when used in multicenter studies. QGS®software seemed to be the most operator-independent software package, whileECToolbox® and Myometrix® produced the closest results.
The optimization of the extremity dosimetry of medical staff in nuclear medicine was the aim of the Work Package 4 (WP4) of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Programme. Hand doses and dose distributions across the hands of medical staff working in nuclear medicine departments were evaluated through an extensive measurement program involving 32 hospitals in Europe and 139 monitored workers. The study included the most frequently used radionuclides, (99m)Tc- and (18)F-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and (90)Y-labelled Zevalin (R) and DOTATOC for therapy. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations were performed in different predefined scenarios to evaluate separately the efficacy of different radiation protection measures by comparing hand dose distributions according to various parameters. The present work gives recommendations based on results obtained with both measurements and simulations. This results in nine practical recommendations regarding the positioning of the dosemeters for an appropriate skin dose monitoring and the best protection means to reduce the personnel exposure.
From our reading over the current year 2010 we have singled out 8 items which seem to us significant for the practice of medicine. Small doses of colchicine are useful in the treatment of gout. No efficacious treatment for muscular cramps can be recommended. A cervical collar can be usefully prescribed for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy. A single dose of azithromycin can be envisaged as a third line treatment of syphilis. High doses of vitamin D should not be prescribed for the prevention of fractures in elderly women because of the risks of falling. The wearing of bifocals can be associated with these risks. A clinical score is available to help with the diagnosis of thoracic pain. The NT-pro BNP is of limited use for the follow-up of patients suffering from heart failure.
Internists must regularly adjust their patients care according to recent relevant publications. The chief residents from the Department of Internal Medicine of a university hospital present some major themes of internal medicine treated during the year 2009. Emphasis will be placed primarily on changes in the daily hospital practice induced by these recent studies. This variety of topics illustrates both the broad spectrum of the current internal medicine, and the many uncertainties associated with modern medical practice based on evidence.
INTRODUCTION: Auscultatory nonmercury manual devices seem good alternatives for the mercury sphygmomanometers in the clinic and for research settings, but individual internal validation of each device is time-consuming. The aim of this study was to validate a new technique capable of testing two devices simultaneously, based on the International protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. METHODS: The concept of the new technique is to measure blood pressure alternatively by two observers using a mercury sphygmomanometer and by two observers using the A&D UM-101 and Accoson Greenlight 300 devices, connected by Y-tube to obtain simultaneous readings with both nonmercury devices. Thirty-three participants were enrolled (mean age 47.2±14.0 years). Nine sequential blood pressure measurements were performed for each participant. RESULTS: Both devices passed phase 1 using 15 participants. In phase 2.1 (n=33), on a maximum of 99 measurements, the Accoson device produced 81/95/99 measurements within 5/10/15 mmHg for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 87/98/99 for diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The A&D device produced 86/96/99 for SBP and 94/99/99 for DBP. In phase 2.2 (n=33), 30 participants had at least 2 out of 3 SBP obtained with Accoson device within 5 mmHg of the mercury device, as compared with 29 of 33 participants with the A&D device. For DBP, this was 33 of 33 participants for both devices. CONCLUSION: Both the nonmercury devices passed the International protocol. The new technique of simultaneous device testing using a Y-tube represents a time saving application of the International protocol.
Quaternary prevention aims to protect the patient or population against overmedicalisation. Quaternary prevention influences all the activities of family medicine by questioning the utility of primary prevention and early diagnosis, identifying the risks of creating new pathological entities and practicing a maximalist medicine. Family doctors can support quaternary prevention by focusing on their patients' priorities and the local resources of an efficient health system.
There is a federal requirement that each state have minimum standards for the licensing of commercial drivers. This manual provides driver license testing information for drivers who wish to have a commercial driver license (CDL). This manual does NOT provide information on all the federal and state requirements needed before you can drive a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). You may have to contact your state driver licensing authority for additional information.
Embora existam vários estudos ligados às questões ambientais voltadas para a poluição atmosférica, ao uso crescente da biotecnologia e à mecanização do processo de colheita da cana-de-açúcar, a mesma atenção não tem sido dada aos impactos ambientais negativos promovidos pela erosão laminar. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a concentração de matéria orgânica (MO) e nutrientes (P, K, Ca e Mg) em sedimentos e na água da enxurrada proveniente de erosão entre sulcos em diferentes sistemas de manejo na colheita da cana-de-açúcar utilizados no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (cana crua e queimada), sob um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura média. Os tratamentos estudados foram colheita manual de cana queimada, colheita mecanizada de cana crua e colheita mecanizada de cana queimada. Aplicou-se chuva simulada com intensidade de 60 mm h-1, durante 50 min. As concentrações de sedimentos na enxurrada resultantes da erosão entre sulcos, bem como de MO, P, K, Ca e Mg, foram maiores no sistema com colheita mecanizada de cana queimada e menores no sistema com colheita mecanizada de cana crua. A qualidade física do solo sofre influência negativa do sistema de manejo com colheita mecânica de cana queimada, devido ao efeito da pressão exercida pelo tráfego de máquinas na colheita. No entanto, os resíduos vegetais de colheita distribuídos na superfície do solo pela colheita mecânica de cana crua reduzem as perdas de nutrientes e de MO no sedimento, além de aumentarem a capacidade do solo em resistir à degradação física ocasionada pelo tráfego de máquinas na colheita mecanizada de cana.
The purpose of this manual is to provide design guidelines for low water stream crossings (LWSCs). Rigid criteria for determining the applicability of a LWSC to a given site are not established since each site is unique in terms of physical, social, economic, and political factors. Because conditions vary from county to county, it is not the intent to provide a "cook-book" procedure for designing a LWSC. Rather, engineering judgment must be applied to the guidelines contained in this manual.
Developed as a more detailed follow up at a 2009 briefing document,Building Sustainable Pavement with Concrete, this guide provides a clear, concise and cohesive discussion of pavement sustainability concepts and of recommended practices for maximizing the sustainability of concrete pavements. The intended audience includes decisions makers and practitioners in both owner-agencies and supply, manufacturing consulting and contractor businesses. Readers will find individual chapters with the most recent technical information and best practices related to concrete pavement deign, materials, construction, use/operations, renewal and recycling. In addition, they will find chapters addressing issues specific to pavement sustainability in the urban environment and to the evaluation of pavement sustainability.