987 resultados para lymphoid tissue necrosis
INTRODUCTION: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. METHODS: In this study, a semi-nested PCR for paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis was developed. The primers ITS1 and ITS4 were used in the first reaction, while the primers MJ03 and ITS1 primer were used in the second reaction. The semi-nested PCR was used to investigate biopsies of five patients with oral lesions that resembled paracoccidioidomycosis. RESULTS: The semi-nested PCR was positive for four samples and negative for a sample from a patient later diagnosed with leishmaniasis. CONCLUSIONS: The new semi-nested PCR describe is useful for paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis.
RESUMO: O transplante hepático ortotópico é uma terapêutica aceite para casos selecionados de falência hepática terminal. O procedimento tem-‐se aperfeiçoado, evidenciado pelo aumento da taxa de sobrevida de 30 para 75% aos 5 anos, mas cerca de 13 a 27% dos enxertos desenvolve falência primária (PNF) ou disfunção primária (DF) após o transplante. As consequências são devastadoras para a sobrevida do doente e do enxerto. A sua etiologia é multifactorial, incluindo factores relacionados com o dador e o receptor, tempos de isquémia, agressões cirúrgicas, bem como características anatomopatológicas do enxerto. A lesão de isquémia/reperfusão mantem-‐se como um factor de risco intra operatório, com implicações directas sobre toda a evolução do transplante : existe uma relação íntima entre a PNF e a DF, a preservação do enxerto, a lesão de isquémia/reperfusão, e a falência do transplante. Além disso, está comprovada evidência que sugere que a lesão de I/R torna um aloenxerto mais vulnerável por aumento da imunogenicidade, aumentando a probabilidade de episódios de rejeição precoce e tardia. Com base na prática clínica quotidiana do CHBPT HCC, estudaram-‐se 54 casos de transplante hepático, agrupados segundo grupos por alocação do enxerto respectivo: Grupo 1(n=27): dador cadáver para receptor cirrótico, Grupo 2 (n=15): dador cadáver para receptor PAF, Grupo 3 (n=12): dador PAF para receptor cirrótico. Observaram-‐se as alterações histológicas e moleculares sobre o enxerto até ao final da operação do receptor, e as suas consequências clínicas,avaliando: -‐ As diferentes capacidades de resistência e cada enxerto à lesão de isquémia/reperfusão. -‐ As situações em que os factores do receptor se sobrepõem às do enxerto na definição do prognóstico, e vice versa. -‐ A relevância das lesões histológicas e moleculares precoces no tecido hepático na evolução do enxerto e do receptor. Foram colhidas biópsias por agulha dos 54 enxertos hepáticos,42 provenientes de cadáver com coração batente(morte cerebral) e 12 provenientes de dador vivo com PAF, em três tempos diferentes do processo de colheita e transplante hepático: ‐ A primeira(T0)antes da clampagem da aorta do dador -‐ A segunda (T1) no final da isquémia fria -‐ A terceira (T2) após a reperfusão do enxerto, durante o encerramento da parede abdominal. A estas amostras foi extraído RNA total, convertido em cDNA por transcrição reversa e feita a análise da expressão dos genes da CTLA4, IL-‐1β, IL-‐4, IL-‐6, IL-‐13, TNF-‐α, Perforina, Selectina, (SELE), Fas-‐ligando, Granzima-‐B, Heme-‐Oxigenase 1(HO1)e Óxido Nítrico Sintetase(iNOS2A)por PCR quantitativo segundo o método do Ct comparativo, utilizando como referência a expressão dos genes da amostra não-‐isquémica –T0. Os fragmentos de todas as biópsias foram seccionados, para envio de amostra comparativa para processamento histológico habitual, sem qualquer alteração ao protocolo seguido habitualmente na Unidade de Transplantação do Hospital Curry Cabral. A presença de alguns parâmetros histológicos definidos, como esteatose, necrose, vacuolização, congestão sinusoidal e infiltração neutrofílica, foi registada e contabilizada numa classificação numérica. O seguimento clínico e laboratorial, bem como o acompanhamento de eventuais complicações, foi registado e correlacionado com os dados das colheitas de órgãos e com os dados das biópsias. Foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis, como as mais relevantes e objectivas para a interpretação da evolução clínica, tendo sido comparadas estatisticamente com os dados recolhidos, laboratoriais e clínicos: disfunção do enxerto, 207 pós operatórias, número de internamentos igual ou superior a 2 e rejeição crónica e/ou morte do receptor. Foram identificadas características clínicas menos favoráveis, a considerar, nalgumas circunstâncias: género feminino do receptor (sobretudo associado a enxerto masculino, p=0,077), isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos (p=0,074), isquémia quente superior a 90 minutos (p=0,099). Na análise laboratorial, distinguiram-‐se duas características histológicas desfavoráveis e irreversíveis, como índice de mau prognóstico: a necrose e a balonização (p=0,029); no painel genético escolhido neste estudo,a expressão basal de IL-‐1β(p=0,028), de SELE p=0,013)e de FAS-‐L (p=0,079)relacionaram-‐se com pior prognóstico. Algumas características protectoras intrínsecas dos enxertos só se revelaram indirectamente, como menor infiltração neutrofílica e maior expressão de HO1 e de iNOS nos enxertos PAF, não tendo sido possível provar uma interferência directa nos resultados clínicos. Não se obteve expressão mensurável de genes anti-‐ inflamatórios nas biopsias hepáticas processadas neste estudo, como a IL13 e a I 4: assim, com a metodologia utilizada, não foi possível obter um perfil de expressão genética associado a boa evolução clínica. O perfil inverso foi sugerido apenas pela expressão basal dos 3 genes mencionados (FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE)no mesmo painel, com o protocolo seguido neste conjunto de 54 doentes. As características do receptor sobrepuseram-‐se às do enxerto no caso de: -‐ diagnóstico de PAF no receptor, que determinou uma maior predisposição para a disfunção do enxerto, o que, por sua vez, determina uma menor sobrevida. No entanto, o diagnóstico de PAF no receptor exibe uma curva de sobrevida mais favorável. -‐ receptores com um baixo balanço de risco (BAR)definiram características favoráveis para enxertos com níveis baixos e moderados de esteatose, fazendo que esta característica, definida como um risco acrescido, não só não se manifestasse clinicamente,como parecesse um factor favorável. As características do enxerto sobrepuseram-‐se às do receptor no caso de: -‐ tempo de isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos -‐ balonização, necrose, FAS-‐L,IL-‐1β e SELE em T0 A integração dos resultados moleculares e morfológicos com a evolução clínica, realça o papel da mobilização precoce de neutrófilos nos desempenhos menos favoráveis do enxerto hepático. -------------ABSTRACT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is na accepted therapeutic procedure for selected cases of terminal liver failure. The procedure has been improved, evidenced by the rise of survival rates from 30 to 70% at 5 years, but 13 to 27% of the liver grafts develops primary non function (PNF) or primary dysfunction (PDF) after transplantation. The consequences are devastating for the survival of the patient and of the graft. Its etiology is multifactorial, including factos related with the donor and with the recipient, ischemic times, surgical aggressions, as well as the histological characteristics of the graft. The ischemia/reperfusion lesion is still an intraoperative risk factor, with direct implications in the whole transplant outcome: there is a close interrelation between PNF and DF, graft preservation, ischemia / reperfusion lesion and graft failure. Beyond his, there is proved evidence that suggests that I/R lesion turns the allograft more vulnerable by increasing its immunogenity, increasing the probability of precocious and late rejection episodes. Based on the daily clinical practice at CHBPT /HCC, 54 cases of hepatic transplantation have been studied, grouped by allocation of each graft: Group (n=27):deceased do nortocirrhotic recipient, Group 2 (n=15): deceased donor to FAP recipient, Group 3 (n=12): FAP living donor to cirrhotic recipient. The histologic and molecular changes in the liver graft were observed until the end of the recipiente operation,together with its clinical consequences, evaluating:-‐The different capacity of resistance of each graft to the ischemia / reperfusion lesion -‐ The situations where the recipiente factos overlap the ones of the graft, in the definition of prognosis, and vice versa.-‐ The relevance of the precocious histologic and molecular lesions of the hepatic tissue in the clinical outcome of the graft and the recipient. Needle biopsies were obtained from 54 liver grafts, 42 deceased brain dead donors and 12 from FAP living donors, at three diferente times of the harvesting and the hepatic transplantation: The first one (T0) before clamping the donor aorta -‐ The second one (T2) in the end of cold ischemia time -‐ The third one (T) after the reperfusion of the graft, during the closure of the abdominal wall. Total RNAwas extracted to these samples, converted to cDNA by reverse transcription and the analysis of gene expression was made for CTLA4,IL-‐1β,IL-‐4,IL-‐6,IL-‐13,TNF-‐α,Perforin,E Selectin (SELE),Fas-‐ligand,Granzyme-‐B,Heme-‐oxigenase 1 (HO1) and Nitric Oxide Sintetase (iNOS2A) by quantitative PCR, according with the Ct comparative method, using the expression of the non ischemic sample – T0. The fragments of all the biopsies were divided, to send a comparative sample to the usual histologic processement, keeping the same usual protocol at the Transplantation Unit of Curry Cabral Hospital. The presence of some defined histologic parameters, such as steatosis, necrosis, vacuolization, sinusoidal congestion and neutrophilic infiltration, was registered and catalogued in a numeric classification. The clinical and laboratory follow-‐up, as well as the following of eventual complications, was registered and correlated with the data from organ procurement operations and with the data from the biopsies. The following variables were considered as the most relevant and objective ones, to the interpretation of the clinical evolution, being statistically compared with the clinical and laboratorial collected data: graft dysfunction, post-‐operative complications, number of readmissions of 2 or more and chronic rejection and /or recipiente death. There were identified some unfavorable clinical characteristics, to be considered under certain circumstances: recipiente female gender (specially associated with malegraft, p=0,077), cold ischemia time of more than 500 minutes (p=0,074), warm ischemia time of more than 90 minutes (p=0,099). In the laboratory analysis, two histologic characteristics were identified as unfavorable and irreversible, associated with bad prognosis: necrosis and balonization (p=0,029); in the gene panel selected in this study, the basal expression of IL-‐1β (p=0,028), SELE (p=0,013) and FAS-‐L (p=0,079)were related with worse prognosis.Some intrinsic protective characteristics of the grafts were only indirectly revealed, such as less neutrophilic infiltration and bigger expression of HO1 and iNOS in FAP grafts, being impossible to prove any direct inte ference in the clinical results. A relevant and measurable expression of the anti inflammatory genes IL13 and IL4 was not obtained: with the used methodology, it was impossible to obtain a gene expression profile associated with a favorable clinical outcome.The inverse profile was suggested only by the basal expression of the three mentioned genes (FAS-‐L, IL-‐ 1β e SELE) in the same gene panel, according with the followed protocol in this group of 54 patients. The characteristics of the recipient overlapped those from the graft, in the case of :-‐ FAP diagnosis in the recipient, which determined a bigger predisposition to graft dysfunction, which by itself determines a shorter survival. However, FAP diagnosis in the recipiente depicts a more favorable survival curve. -‐ Recipients with a low balance risk índex (BAR) defined favorable characteristics to grafts with low and moderate grades of steatosis, making that this characteristic, associated with bad prognosis, looked like a favorable factor, and with no clinical interference. The graft characteristics overlapped those from the receptor in the case of: -‐ Cold ischemic time more than 500 minutes -‐ Balonization, necrosis, FAS-‐L, IL-‐1β and SELE at T0. The integration of molecular and morphologic results with the clinical evolution, stresses the role of a precocious neutrophils mobilization in the worse outcomes of liver grafts.
RESUMO: Enthesitis is the hallmark of spondyloarthritis (SpA), and is observed in all subtypes. Wide information on SpA abnormalities, including synovitis, tendinitis and enthesitis, can be efficiently perceived by Doppler ultrasound. Furthermore, several studies on imaging of enthesis showed that imaging techniques are better than clinical examination to detect enthesis alterations; and vascularized enthesitis detected by Doppler ultrasound appears to be a valuable diagnostic tool to confirm SpA diagnosis. However, data published until now concerning entheseal elementary alterations that characterize SpA enthesitis (enthesis inflammatory activity) or enthesopathy (permanent structural changes) reflect rather the authors’ empiric opinion than a methodological validation process. In this sense it seems crucial to identify elementary entheseal lesions associated with activity or damage, in order to improve monitoring and treatment response in SpA patients. The development of better assessment tools is today a challenge and a need in SpA. The first study of this thesis focused on the analysis of the reliability of inter-lector and inter-ultrasonography equipment of Madrid sonography enthesitis index (MASEI). Fundamental data for the remaining unrolling project validity. In the second and third studies we concerned about two entheseal elemental lesions: erosions and bursa. In literature erosions represent a permanent structural damage, being useful for monitoring joint injury, disease activity and therapeutic response in many rheumatic diseases; and to date, this concept has been mostly applied in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Unquestionably, erosion is a tissue-related damage and a structural change. However, the hypothesis that we decided to test was if erosions represent a permanent structural change that can only grow and worsen over time, as occurs in RA, or a transitory alteration. A longitudinal study of early SpA patients was undertaken, and the Achilles enthesis was used as a model. Our results strongly suggested that previously detected erosions could disappear during the course of the disease, being consistent with the dynamic behavior of erosion over time. Based on these striking results it seems reasonable to suggest that the new-bone formation process in SpA could be associated with the resolution of cortical entheseal erosion over time. These results could also be in agreement with the apparent failure of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapies to control bone proliferation in SpA; and with the relation of TNF-α, Dickkopf-related protein 1 (Dkk-1) and the regulatory molecule of the Wnt signaling pathway in the bone proliferation in SpA. In the same model, we then proceeded to study the enthesis bursa. Interestingly, the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials (OMERACT) enthesopathy definition does not include bursa as an elementary entheseal lesion. Nonetheless, bursa was included in 46% of the enthesis studies in a recently systematic literature review, being in agreement with the concept of “synovio-entheseal complex” that includes the link between enthesitis and osteitis in SpA. It has been clarified in recent data that there is not only a close functional integration of the enthesis with the neighboring bone, but also a connection between enthesitis and synovitis. Therefore, we tried to assess the prevalence and relevance of the bursa-synovial lesion in SpA. Our findings showed a significant increase of Achilles bursa presence and thickness in SpA patients compared to controls (healthy/mechanical controls and RA controls). These results raise awareness to the need to improve the enthesopathy ultrasonographic definition. In the final work of this thesis, we have explored new perspectives, not previously reported, about construct validity of enthesis ultrasound as a possible activity outcome in SpA. We performed a longitudinal Achilles enthesis ultrasound study in patients with early SpA. Achilles ultrasound examinations were performed at baseline, six- and twelve-month time periods and compared with clinical outcome measures collected at basal visit. Our results showed that basal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are higher in patients with Doppler signal in enthesis, and even that higher basal ESR, CRP and Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) predicted a higher Doppler signal (an ultrasound alteration accepted as representative of inflammation) six months later. Patients with very high disease activity assessed by ASDAS (>3.5) at baseline had significantly higher Achilles total ultrasound score verified at the same time; and ASDAS <1.3 predicted no Doppler signal at six and twelve months. This seems to represent a connection between classical biomarkers and clinical outcomes associated with SpA activity and Doppler signal, not only at the same time, but also for the following months. Remarkably, patients with inactive disease (ASDAS < 1.3) at baseline had no Doppler signal at six and twelve months. These findings reinforce the potential use of ultrasound related techniques for disease progression assessment and prognosis purposes. Intriguingly, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) didn’t show significant differences between different cut-offs concerning ultrasound lesions or Doppler signal, while verified with ASDAS. These results seem to indicate that ASDAS reflects better than BASDAI what happens in the enthesis. The work herein discussed clearly shows the potential utility of ultrasound in enthesis assessment in SpA patients, and can be important for the development of ultrasound activity and structural damage scores for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Therefore, local promotion of this technique constitutes a medical intervention that is worth being tested in SpA patients for diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis purposes.
INTRODUCTION: Authors describe human schistosomal granuloma in late chronic phase, from the morphological and evolutionary viewpoints. METHODS: The study was based on a histological analysis of two fragments obtained from a surgical biopsy of peritoneum and large intestine of a 42-year-old patient, with a pseudotumoral form mimicking a peritoneal carcinomatosis associated to the schistosomiasis hepatointestinal form. RESULTS: Two hundred and three granulomas were identified in the pseudotumor and 27 in the intestinal biopsy, with similar morphological features, most in the late chronic phase, in fibrotic healing. A new structural classification was suggested for granulomas: zone 1 (internal), 2 (intermediate) and 3 (external). CONCLUSIONS: Regarding granuloma as a whole, we may conclude that fibrosis is likely to be controlled by different and independent mechanisms in the three zones of the granuloma. Lamellar fibrosis in zone 3 seems to be controlled by matrix mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts and myoepithelial cells) and by inflammatory exudate cells (lymphocytes, plasmocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils). Annular fibrosis in zone 2, comprising a dense fibrous connective tissue, with few cells in the advanced phase, would be controlled by epithelioid cells involving zone 1 in recent granulomas. In zone 1, replacing periovular necrosis, an initialy loose and tracery connective neoformation, housing stellate cells or with fusiform nuclei, a dense paucicellular nodular connctive tissue emerges, probably induced by fibroblasts. In several granulomas, one of the zones is missing and granuloma is represented by two of them: Z3 and Z2, Z3 and Z1 or Z2 and Z1 and, ultimately, by a scar.
The association of lymphoma with necrotic granuloma can pose diagnostic challenges and delay treatment, especially in settings with a high burden of infection. In these settings, the timely use of cytogenetic and molecular methods is most relevant. Here, we report a case of B-cell lymphoma with t (8;14) in a 5-year-old male child. The lymphoma was associated with necrotic granuloma and was initially misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect clonal lymphoproliferation and to rule out Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Tumor cells harbored Epstein-Barr virus and expressed CD20, CD10, BCL6, and Ki67 (30%), leading to the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma with features intermediate between diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma.
The ligature of the left renal vein is an alternative whenever this vessel is injured. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the affluents of the left renal vein, proximal to the ligature, to maintain tissue vitality and function of the left kidney. Fifteen mongrel male dogs were divided in 3 groups of 5 dogs: Group I (control) - a laparotomy was performed, and the abdominal structures were only identified; Group II - the left renal vein was tied, close to vena cava; Group III - the same procedure as for Group II and a right nephrectomy. Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels were measured before the procedure, and every 3 days during 4 weeks in the postoperative period. Renal arteriography and an excretory urogram were performed on the animals that survived 60 days. Thereafter, or immediately after precocious death, the kidneys were removed for histological examination. All the animals of Group III died before two months (mean = 10.5 +-3.2 days), while the animals of Group II survived during that period. There was a complete exclusion of the left kidney in all dogs that underwent renal vein ligature. In the animals of Group II, the renal cortico-medullary limits could not be identified. At microscopy, the aspect was suggestive of nephrosclerosis. In the animals of Group III, the left kidney was enlarged, and a great amount of intravascular and intrapelvic blood clots were observed. At microscopy, extensive areas of necrosis, inflammatory infiltration, and hemorrhage were identified. In conclusion, the tributaries of the renal vein were not sufficient to maintain the tissue vitality and function of the left kidney after ligature of its main vein.
INTRODUCTION: Tissue expanders have been of great value in plastic surgery. Tissue expansion was developed for a specific indication; however, within a very short time, the concept of tissue expansion found wide applicability. From 1990 to 1999, 315 expanders in 164 patients were utilized. A retrospective analysis of complications and prognostic factors for complications were done. METHODS: The indications for tissue expansion were burns (50%), trauma (32%), and sequelae of previous surgery (8.8%). The expanders were inserted most frequently in the scalp, trunk and neck. RESULTS: There were 22.2% of complications and the most common were expander exposure (50%), infection (24%) and bad function of the expander (12.8%). The present study revealed an increased rate of minor complications in the group of 0 to 10 years of age and an increased rate of major complications for face and neck expansions compared to trunk expansion. There were no increased complication rates for the other age and anatomic site groups, previous expansion, concomitant expansion and type of expander used. CONCLUSIONS: The outcomes from tissue expansion procedures done in our hospital are similar to those reported in the literature. Tissue expansion is a good and safe technique.
PURPOSE: The recovery of a bone fracture is a process that is not yet fully understood. The literature conflicts on the results obtained by the interposition of foreign tissue inside a damaged bone. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of placing muscle tissue between the stumps of a fractured bone. METHOD: The study was carried out on 10 rabbits divided into 2 groups (n = 5): Group 1-partial fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue; Group 2-complete fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue. The fractured limb of all animals was immobilized for 8 weeks. At the end of this time, the rabbits were killed and their operated humeri were carefully removed for roentgenological and histological assessment. RESULTS: All humeri of Group 1 recovered their integrity and normal aspect. However, the healing of the humeri of Group 2 was not perfect. Gross angulation of the bone diaphysis occurred in all animals, and immature trabecular bone, osteochondral tissue, and persistence of muscle tissue substituted normal bone. CONCLUSIONS: Interposed muscle does not affect partial bone fracture healing but causes instability in a complete fracture.
Tissue-to-tissue interfaces are commonly present in all tissues exhibiting structural, biological and chemical gradients serving a wide range of physiological functions. These interfaces are responsible for mediation of load transfer between two adjacent tissues. They are also important structures in sustaining the cellular communications to retain tissueâ s functional integration and homeostasis. [1] All cells have the capacity to sense and respond to physical and chemical stimulus and when cultured in three-dimensional (3D) environments they tend to perform their function better than in two-dimensional (2D) environments. Spatial and temporal 3D gradient hydrogels better resemble the natural environment of cells in mimicking their extracellular matrix. [2] In this study we hypothesize that differential functional properties can be engineered by modulation of macromolecule gradients in a cell seeded threedimensional hydrogel system. Specifically, differential paracrine secretory profiles can be engineered using human Bone Marrow Stem Cells (hBMSCâ s). Hence, the specific objectives of this study are to: assemble the macromolecular gradient hydrogels to evaluate the suitablity for hBMSCâ s encapsulation by cellular viability and biofunctionality by assessing the paracrine secretion of hBMSCâ s over time. The gradient hydrogels solutions were prepared by blend of macromolecules in one solution such as hyaluronic (HA) acid and collagen (Col) at different ratios. The gradient hydrogels were fabricated into cylindrical silicon moulds with higher ratio solutions assembled at the bottom of the mould and adding the two solutions consecutively on top of each other. The labelling of the macromolecules was performed to confirm the gradient through fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, AFM was conducted to assess the gradient hydrogels stiffness. Gradient hydrogels characterization was performed by HA and Col degradation assay, degree of crosslinking and stability. hBMSCâ s at P3 were encapsulated into each batch solution at 106 cells/ml solution and gradient hydrogels were produced as previously described. The hBMSCâ s were observed under confocal microscopy to assess viability by Live/Dead® staining. Cellular behaviour concerning proliferation and matrix deposition was also performed. Secretory cytokine measurement for pro-inflammatory and angiogenesis factors was carried out using ELISA. At genomic level, qPCR was carried out. The 3D gradient hydrogels platform made of different macromolecules showed to be a suitable environment for hBMSCâ s. The hBMSCâ s gradient hydrogels supported high cell survival and exhibited biofunctionality. Besides, the 3D gradient hydrogels demonstrated differentially secretion of pro-inflammatory and angiogenic factors by the encapsulated hBMSCâ s. References: 1. Mikos, AG. et al., Engineering complex tissues. Tissue Engineering 12,3307, 2006 2. Phillips, JE. et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 26:12170-5, 2008
The thymus is the central organ responsible for the generation of T lymphocytes (1). Various diseases cause the thymus to produce in- sufficient T cells, which can lead to immune-suppression (2). Since T cells are essential for the protection against pathogens, it is crucial to promote de novo differentiation of T cells on diseased individuals. The available clinical solutions are: 1) one protocol involving the transplant of thymic stroma from unrelated children only applicable for athymic children (3); 2) for patients with severe peripheral T cell depletion and reduced thymic activity, the administration of stimu- lating molecules stimulating the activity of the endogenous thymus (4). A scaffold (CellFoam) was suggested to support thymus regen- eration in vivo (5), although this research was discontinued. Herein, we propose an innovative strategy to generate a bioartificial thymus. We use a polycaprolactone nanofiber mesh (PCL-NFM) seeded and cultured with human thymic epithelial cells (hTECs). The cells were obtained from infant thymus collected during pediatric cardio-tho- racic surgeries. We report new data on the isolation and characterization of those cells and their interaction with PCL-NFM, by expanding hTECs into relevant numbers and by optimizing cell seeding methods.
One of the biggest concerns in the Tissue Engineering field is the correct vascularization of engineered constructs. Strategies involving the use of endothelial cells are promising but adequate cell sourcing and neo-vessels stability are enduring challenges. In this work, we propose the hypoxic pre-conditioning of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of human adipose tissue to obtain highly angiogenic cell sheets (CS). For that, SVF was isolated after enzymatic dissociation of adipose tissue and cultured until CS formation in normoxic (pO2=21%) and hypoxic (pO2=5%) conditions for 5 and 8 days, in basal medium. Immunocytochemistry against CD31 and CD146 revealed the presence of highly branched capillary-like structures, which were far more complex for hypoxia. ELISA quantification showed increased VEGF and TIMP-1 secretion in hypoxia for 8 days of culture. In a Matrigel assay, the formation of capillary-like structures by endothelial cells was more prominent when cultured in conditioned medium recovered from the cultures in hypoxia. The same conditioned medium increased the migration of adipose stromal cells in a scratch assay, when compared with the medium from normoxia. Histological analysis after implantation of 8 days normoxic- and hypoxic-conditioned SVF CS in a hindlimb ischemia murine model showed improved formation of neo-blood vessels. Furthermore, Laser Doppler results demonstrated that the blood perfusion of the injured limb after 30 days was enhanced for the hypoxic CS group. Overall, these results suggest that SVF CS created under hypoxia can be used as functional vascularization units for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered to be â â immunologically privileged.â â In a previous work when human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) subcutaneously implanted in mice we did not identify an adverse host response1. Recently, it was shown that tissue regeneration could benefit from the polarization of M2 macrophages subpopulations 2. In this study we hypothesised that undifferentiated hASCs and derived osteoblasts and chondrocytes are able to switch murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (mBMMÃ s) into M2 phenotype, aiding tissue regeneration. Murine BMMÃ s were plated in direct contact with undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs for 4 h, 10 h, 24 h and 72 h. The cytokine profile was analysed by qRT-PCR and the surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The direct interaction of both cell types was observed by time lapse microscopy. The results showed that mBMMÃ s polarized after contacting tissue culture polystyrene. This M2 phenotype was maintained along the experiment in direct contact with both undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs. This was confirmed by the expression of IL-1, IL-10, IL-4, TNF-a and IFN-g (genetic profile) and surface markers (CD206 + + , CD336 + + , MHC II + and CD86 + + ) detection. These data suggest the potential of hASCs in contemporary xenogenic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies, as well as host immune system modulation in autoimmune diseases.
Cell-based approaches in tissue engineering (TE) have been barely explored for the treatment of tendon and ligament (T/L) tissues, requiring the establishment of a widely available cell source with tenogenic potential. As T/L cells are scarce, stem cells may provide a good alternative. Understanding how resident cells behave in vitro, might be useful for recapitulating the tenogenic potential of stem cells for tendon TE applications. Therefore, we propose to isolate and characterize human T/L-derived cells (hTDCs and hLDCs) and compare their regenerative potential with stem cells from adipose tissue (hASCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs)(1). T/L cells were isolated using different procedures and stem cells isolated as described elsewhere(1). Moreover, T/L cells were stimu- lated into the three mesenchymal lineages, using standard differentia- tion media. Cells were characterized for the typical stem cell markers as well as T/L related markers, namely tenascin-C, collagen I and III, decorin and scleraxis, using different complementary techniques such as real time RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. No differences were observed between T/L in gene expression and protein deposition. T/L cells were mostly positive for stem ness markers (CD73/CD90/CD105), and have the potential to differentiate towards osteogenesis, chondrogenesis and adipogenesis, demonstrated by the positive staining for AlizarinRed, SafraninO, ToluidineBlue and OilRed. hASCs and hAFSCs exhibit positive expression of all tenogenic mark- ers, although at lower levels than hTDCs and hLDCs. Nevertheless, stem cells availability is key factor in TE strategies, despite that it’s still required optimization to direct their tenogenic phenotype.
Implantable devices must exhibit mechanical properties similar to native tissues to promote appropriate cellular behavior and regeneration. Herein, we report a new membrane manufacture method based on the synthesis of polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) that exhibit saloplasticity, i.e. variable physical-chemistry using salt as a plasticizer. This is a Green Chemistry approach, as PECs generate structures that are stabilized solely by reversible electrostatic interactions, avoiding the use of harmful crosslinkers completely. Furthermore, natural polyelectrolytes - chitosan and alginate - were used. Upon mixing them, membranes were obtained by drying the PECs at 37ºC, yielding compact PECs without resorting to organicsolvents. The plasticizing effect of salt after synthesis was shown by measuring tensile mechanical properties, which were lower when samples were immersed in high ionic strength solutions.Salt was also used during membrane synthesis in different quan- tities (0 M, 0.15 M and 0.5 M in NaCl) yielding structures with no significant differences in morphology and degradation (around 15% after 3 months in lysozyme). However, swelling was higher (about 10x) when synthesized in the presence of salt. In vitro cell studies using L929 fibroblasts showed that cells adhered and proliferated preferentially in membranes fabricated in the presence of salt (i.e. the membranes with lower tensile strength). Structures with physical-chemical properties controlled with precision open a path to tissue engineering strategies depending on fine tuning mechanical properties and cellular adhesion simply by changing ionic strength during membrane manufacture