966 resultados para long-acting b-agonist


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Diurea cross-linked bridged silsesquioxanes (BSs) C(10)C(11)C(10) derived from organosilane precursors, including decylene chains as side spacers and alkylene chains with variable length as central spacers (EtO)(3)Si- (CH(2))(10)-Y(CH(2))(n)-Y-(CH(2))(10)-Si(OEt)(3) (n = 7, 9-12; Y = urea group and Et = ethyl), have been synthesized through the combination of self-directed assembly and an acid-catalyzed sol gel route involving the addition of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and a large excess of water. This new family of hybrids has enabled us to conclude that the length of the side spacers plays a unique role in the structuring of alkylene-based BSs, although their morphology remains unaffected. All the samples adopt a lamellar structure. While the alkylene chains are totally disordered in the case of the C(10)C(7)C(10) sample, a variable proportion of all-trans and gauche conformers exists in the materials with longer central spacers. The highest degree of structuring occurs for n = 9. The inclusion of decylene instead of propylene chains as side spacers leads to the formation of a stronger hydrogen-bonded urea-urea array as evidenced by two dimensional correlation Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis. The emission spectra and emission quantum yields of the C(10)C(n)C(10) Cm materials are similar to those reported for diurea cross-linked alkylene-based BSs incorporating propylene chains as side spacers and prepared under different experimental conditions. The emission of the C(10)C(n)C(10) hybrids is ascribed to the overlap of two distinct components that occur within the urea cross-linkages and within the siliceous nanodomains. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy has provided evidence that the average distance between the siliceous domains and the urea cross-links is similar in the C(10)C(n)C(10) BSs and in oxyethylene-based hybrid analogues incorporating propylene chains as side spacers (diureasils), an indication that the longer side chains in the former materials adopt gauche conformations. It has also allowed us to demonstrate for the first time that the emission features of the urea-related component of the emission of alkylene-based BSs depend critically on the length of the side spacers.


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In this paper, we present evidence that the long-distance migratory catfish Brachyplatystoma filamentosum, B. flavicans, B. vaillantii, Goslinia platynema and Lithodoras dorsalis spawn in the headstreams of the Amazon river and its tributaries and that the estuary of the Amazon is the main nursery ground utilized by their alevins. The impact of hydroelectric dams on their populations are discussed in terms of interruption to fish migration routes up river and to larvae moving down river, provided that the hypothesis above holds. Ways of mitigating the impact are also considered. © 1991.


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Cytogenetic studies performed on 17 specimens (11 females and six males) of Astyanax scabripinnis paranae from the Cascatinha stream showed that this population has 2n = 50 chromosomes (8M + 22SM + 10ST + 10A), two chromosome pairs with NORs and conspicuous C-band positive blocks in the terminal position of the long arm of five chromosome pairs. Three females presented 2n = 51 chromosomes and the extra chromosome was a large metacentric similar in size and morphology to the first chromosome pair in the karyotype. This accessory chromosome was entirely heterochromatic in C-banded metaphases, which permitted its classification as a supernumerary chromosome. Some aspects related to the morphology of such macro B-chromosomes are discussed.


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Nickel compounds have high potential risk for the health of populations and for this reason their toxic effects should be urgently established. To determine the effect of nickel monosulfide in the muscle at the injection site on pancreatic, hepatic, and osteogenic lesions and the potential therapeutic effect of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), male Wistar rats received single intramuscular injections of nickel monosulfide (NiS - 7 mg Ni2+/Kg). A group of these experimental rats were injected intraperitoneally, with a single weekly dose of SOD covalently linked to polyethylene glycol (SOD-PEG). Rats were sacrificed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 months after Ni2+ injection. Nickel monosulfide produced tumors at the injection site. The increased phospholipid, alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and amylase levels in serum, in absence of SOD-PEG, reflected the toxic effects on pancreatic, hepatic, and osteogenic tissues of rats. SOD activity was increased in serum of rats receiving SOD-PEG throughout the experiment, and no significant difference was observed in biochemical parameters of control and experimental rats in presence of SOD- PEG. Superoxide radical generated by Ni2+ is of primary importance in the development of tumors at the injection site. Superoxide anion (O2 -) is also an important toxic intermediate with respect to hepatic, pancreatic, and osteogenic injury, since SOD-PEG has a potential therapeutic effect.


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We investigate the flux penetration patterns and matching fields of a long cylindrical wire of circular cross section in the presence of an external magnetic field. For this study we write the London theory for a long cylinder both for the mixed and Meissner states, with boundary conditions appropriate for this geometry. Using the Monte Carlo simulated annealing method, the free energy of the mixed state is minimized with respect to the vortex position and we obtain the ground state of the vortex lattice for N=3 up to 18 vortices. The free energy of the Meissner and mixed states provides expressions for the matching fields. We find that, as in the case of samples of different geometry, the finite-size effect provokes a delay on the vortex penetration and a vortex accumulation in the center of the sample. The vortex patterns obtained are in good agreement with experimental results.


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We obtain the vortex configurations, the matching fields, and the magnetization of a superconducting film with a finite cross section. The applied magnetic field is normal to this cross section, and we use the London theory to calculate many of its properties, such as the local magnetic field, the free energy, and the induction for the mixed state. Thus previous similar theoretical works, done for an infinitely long superconducting film, are recovered here, in the special limit of a very long cross section. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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In this paper we study the interplay between short- and long-space scales in the context of conservative dispersive systems. We consider model systems in (1 + 1) dimensions that admit both long- and short-wavelength solutions in the linear regime. A nonlinear analysis of these systems is constructed, making use of multiscale expansions. We show that the equations governing the lowest order involve only short-wave properties and that the long-wave effects to leading order are determined by a secularity elimination procedure. © 1999 The American Physical Society.


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Objectives: Penile fracture is a rare injury, usually resulting from direct trauma to the erect penis during sexual intercourse. Our goal was to evaluate the best diagnostic methods and the late complications following surgical treatment of penile fracture. Material and Methods: We studied retrospectively 11 patients with penile fracture in a period of 10 years (1985-1995). Results: In 55% of the cases, the injury occurred during sexual intercourse. All patients presented with a very suggestive clinical picture (pain, detumescence and hematoma) and only 2 were submitted to further investigation (ultrasonography) to confirm the diagnosis. Only one patient had urethral bleeding and therefore was submitted to retrograde urethrogram, which confirmed urethral injury. All patients were treated by immediate surgery, through a circular subcoronal incision and degloving of the penis to allow a thorough exploration. All patients had a tunica albuginea tear that was promptly repaired, and 2 patients (18%) had associated urethral injury (one had no symptoms) that was also repaired. All patients did very well after surgery and only one had a mild curvature, which did not hinder intercourse during follow-up (18 months). Conclusions: Penile fracture has very typical clinical signs and, therefore, further investigation is usually unnecessary. Early surgical treatment is associated with a low incidence of late complications.


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We investigated the effects of an inhalatory anesthetic (ethyl ether) during the neonatal period of brain sexual differentiation on the later fertility and sexual behavior of male rats. Animals were exposed to ethyl ether immediately after birth. At adulthood, body weight, testes wet weight, and plasma testosterone levels were not affected; however, neonatal exposure to ether showed alterations on male fertility: a decrease in the number of spermatids and spermatozoa, an increase in the transit time of cauda epididymal spermatozoa and a decrease in daily sperm production. An alteration of sexual behavior was also observed: decreased male sexual behavior and appearance of homosexual behavior when the male rats were castrated and pretreated with exogenous estrogen. Probably, the ether delayed or reduced the testosterone peak of the sexual differentiation period, altering the processes of masculinization and defeminization of the hypothalamus. Our results indicate that perinatal exposure to ethyl ether during the critical period of male brain sexual differentiation, acting as endocrine disruptors, has a long-term effect on the fertility and sexual behavior of male rats, suggesting endocrine disruption through incomplete masculinization and defeminization of the central nervous system. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We sequenced 912 bp of the cytochrome-b gene to examine phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic Saw-billed Hermit (Ramphodon naevius), a large and distinctive hummingbird endemic to tropical forests of southeastern Brazil. Bootstrapped maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of sequence data from 11 hummingbirds and several outgroups (two swifts, one goatsucker) support: (a) monophyly of the traditional hermit (Phaethornithinae) and nonhermit (Trochilinae) subfamilies, (b) placement of Ramphodon among hermits, and (c) a sister relationship between Ramphodon and an exemplar of the widespread polytypic hermit genus Glaucis. The association of Ramphodon with derived hermit lineages is concordant with subfamilial patterns of wing anatomy and nest architecture. However, the unusual plumages (striped underparts) and male bills (long, serrated, hooked) shared by Ramphodon and the Tooth-billed Hummingbird (Androdon aequatorialis) appear to have evolved within separate hermit and nonhermit tooth-billed clades. Distal placement of the Ramphodon-Glaucis clade within hermits implies that even distinctive Brazilian endemics such as Ramphodon are derived forms that evolved relatively recently.


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Objective. Juvenile localized scleroderma (JLS) includes a number of conditions often grouped together. With the long-term goal of developing uniform classification criteria, we studied the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of children with JLS followed by paediatric rheumatology and dermatology centres. Methods. A large, multicentre, multinational study was conducted by collecting information on the demographics, family history, triggering environmental factors, clinical and laboratory features, and treatment of patients with JLS. Results. Seven hundred and fifty patients with JLS from 70 centres were enrolled into the study. The disease duration at diagnosis was 18 months. Linear scleroderma (LS) was the most frequent subtype (65%), followed by plaque morphea (PM) (26%), generalized morphea (GM) (7%) and deep morphea (DM) (2%). As many as 15% of patients had a mixed subtype. Ninety-one patients (12%) had a positive family history for rheumatic or autoimmune diseases; 100 (13.3%) reported environmental events as possible trigger. ANA was positive in 42.3% of the patients, with a higher prevalence in the LS-DM subtype than in the PM-GM subtype. Scl70 was detected in the sera of 3% of the patients, anticentromere antibody in 2%, anti-double-stranded DNA in 4%, anti-cardiolipin antibody in 13% and rheumatoid factor in 16%. Methotrexate was the drug most frequently used, especially during the last 5 yr. Conclusion. This study represents the largest collection of patients with JLS ever reported. The insidious onset of the disease, the delay in diagnosis, the recognition of mixed subtype and the better definition of the other subtypes should influence our efforts in educating trainees and practitioners and help in developing a comprehensive classification system for this syndrome. © 2006 Oxford University Press.


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The purpose of this investigation was to make a systematic review of the medical literature in order to compare the efficacy of GnRH antagonists and agonists for poor responders to ovarian stimulation. According to the data collected, the use of GnRH antagonist protocols showed better results in comparison to long protocols with a GnRH agonist regarding the following aspects: lower cycle cancellation rate due to poor ovarian response; higher number of oocytes retrieved; higher clinical pregnancy rate per initiated cycle. Nevertheless, these results were not observed when the flare-up protocols of GnRH agonists were used. Moreover the number of oocytes retrieved with GnRH agonist was significantly higher in relation to the GnRH antagonist.


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The suprachiasmatic nucleus, an essential diencephalic component of the circadian timing system, plays a role in the generation and modulation of behavioral and neuroendocrine rhythms in mammals. Its cytoarchitecture, neurochemical and hodological characteristics have been investigated in various mammalian species, particularly in rodents. In most species, two subdivisions, based on these aspects and considered to reflect functional specialization within the nucleus, can be recognized. Many studies reveal a typical dense innervation by serotonergic fibers in this nucleus, mainly in the ventromedial area, overlapping the retinal afferents. However, a different pattern occurs in certain animals, which lead us to investigate the distribution of serotonergic afferents in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Capuchin monkey, Cebus apella, compared to the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, and two Rattus norvegicus lines (Long Evans and Wistar), and to reported findings for other mammalian species. Our morphometric data show the volume and length of the suprachiasmatic nucleus along the rostrocaudal axis to be greatest in C. apella > C. jacchus > Long Evans ≥ Wistar rats, in agreement with their body sizes. In C. apella, however, the serotonergic terminals occupy only some 10% of the nucleus' area, less than the 25% seen in the marmoset and rats. The distribution of the serotonergic fibers in C. apella does not follow the characteristic ventral organization pattern seen in the rodents. These findings raise questions concerning the intrinsic organization of the nucleus, as well as regarding the functional relationship between serotonergic input and retinal afferents in this diurnal species. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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α2-Adrenoceptor activation with moxonidine (α2-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist) into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) enhances angiotensin II/hypovolaemia-induced sodium intake and drives cell dehydrated rats to ingest hypertonic sodium solution besides water. Angiotensin II and osmotic signals are suggested to stimulate meal-induced water intake. Therefore, in the present study we investigated the effects of bilateral injections of moxonidine into the LPBN on food deprivation-induced food intake and on meal-associated water and 0.3 M NaCl intake. Male Holtzman rats with cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN were submitted to 14 or 24 h of food deprivation with water and 0.3 M NaCl available (n = 6-14). Bilateral injections of moxonidine (0.5 nmol/0.2 μl) into the LPBN increased meal-associated 0.3 M NaCl intake (11.4 ± 3.0 ml/120 min versus vehicle: 2.2 ± 0.9 ml/120 min), without changing food intake (11.1 ± 1.2 g/120 min versus vehicle: 11.2 ± 0.9 g/120 min) or water intake (10.2 ± 1.5 ml/120 min versus vehicle: 10.4 ± 1.2 ml/120 min) by 24 h food deprived rats. When no food was available during the test, moxonidine (0.5 nmol) into the LPBN of 24 h food-deprived rats produced no change in 0.3 M NaCl intake (1.0 ± 0.6 ml/120 min versus vehicle: 1.8 ± 1.1 ml/120 min), nor in water intake (0.2 ± 0.1 ml/120 min versus vehicle: 0.6 ± 0.3 ml/120 min). The results suggest that signals generated during a meal, like dehydration, for example, not hunger, induce hypertonic NaCl intake when moxonidine is acting in the LPBN. Thus, activation of LPBN inhibitory mechanisms seems necessary to restrain sodium intake during a meal. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Byrsonima basiloba A. Juss. species is a native arboreal type from the Brazilian cerrado (tropical American savanna), and the local population uses it to treat diseases, such as diarrhea and gastric ulcer. It belongs to the Malpighiaceae family, and it is commonly known as murici. Considering the popular use of B. basiloba derivatives and the lack of pharmacological potential studies regarding this vegetal species, the mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of methanol (MeOH) and chloroform extracts were evaluated by the Ames test, using strains TA97a, TA98, TA100, and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. No mutagenic activity was observed in any of the extracts. To evaluate the antimutagenic potential, direct and indirect mutagenic agents were used: 4 nitro-o-phenylenediamine, sodium azide, mitomycin C, aflatoxin B1, benzo[a]pyrene, and hydrogen peroxide. Both the extracts evaluated showed antimutagenic activity, but the highest value of inhibition level (89%) was obtained with the MeOH extract and strain TA100 in the presence of aflatoxin B1. Phytochemical analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of n-alkanes, lupeol, ursolic and oleanolic acid, (+)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-α-L-arabinopyranoside, gallic acid, methyl gallate, amentoflavone, quercetin, quercetin-3-O-(2″-O-galloyl)-β-D- galactopyranoside, and quercetin-3-O-(2″-O-galloyl)-α-L- arabinopyranoside. © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.