957 resultados para leafcutter ants


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In the present study, adult ants emerged from five nests kept under laboratory conditions were individually monitored in order to determine their longevity and observe their individual behavior in relation to age (temporal polyethism). Our results showed that most of the tasks related to colony maintenance were executed during the three first age intervals (comprising from 1 to 150 days of age), namely brood care, followed by grooming activities (self and allogrooming), nest maintenance activities (such as floor and nest inspection), and social related activities (antennating and food exchange among adults). Foraging activities were performed by ants in the higher age intervals.


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Ants suffer a strong environmental influence and are sometimes conditioned for many social activities. To understand better this phenomenon in leaf-cutting ants, 24 colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were conditioned for 2 months with 6 different plants (Citrus spp., Ligustrum spp., Acalypha spp., Eucalyptus spp., Alchornea triplinervia, Melia spp.), to verify alimentary preconditioning in plant selection. After the conditioning period, plants were offered simultaneously, to evaluate the acceptability of each plant species. During foraging, the workers did not exhibit alimentary source fidelity, which was familiarized. This fact suggests the absence of alimentary preconditioning, reinforcing the polyphagic foraging behavior of leaf-cutting ants.


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Two colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were studied regarding their behavior during cultivation of the fungus garden to determine a) the existence of post-selection of foraged material by the workers, and b) if present, the mechanism of this discrimination and how this material is returned. Many studies on plant processing by leaf-cutting ants have been carried out, but none of them has investigated the decision-making process of workers in the case of erroneous food selection. For this purpose, material with different degrees of moisture and hardness (floral sponge, polystyrene, plastic and clay) were individually offered to the colonies and the tasks performed by the different size categories were carefully recorded. Three tasks, i.e., foraging, cultivation of the fungus garden and return of the foraged material, were studied and subdivided into 14 subtasks. Analysis of all inert materials as a whole showed the presence of post-selection of foraged material through the return of material inadequate for the workers and the fungus. Discrimination of the inert material was observed at the time of shredding, probably based on parameters such as physical resistance to cutting and moisture content. A. s. brunneus workers showed flexibility in their activities during substrate processing. The observed post-selection of foraged material provides strong evidence for the cognitive abilities of worker ants and of the colony as a whole. Polymorphism and a complex society represent vital characteristics for the ecological success of this species.


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By comparing the behavior of three Acromyrmex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) species during foraging on artificial trails of different lengths, we observed the occurrence of task partitioning and its relation to the food distance from the nest. Task partitioning was verified by leaf cache formation along the trail and leaf direct transferring among workers. There was significant difference between the number of leaf fragments carried directly to the fungus chamber and those transferred direct or indirectly, via cache, depending upon the trail length. Task partitioning could be a strategy used by leaf-cutting ants that allows the workers to use food sources far from their nests.


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This study considers the function and complexity of tasks during foraging of three Acromyrmex species. Foraging was classified as a team task composed of 2 or 3 processes: recruitment, selection, and collection. Each process was subdivided into different subtasks. Points were attributed to subtasks considering their hierarchical level to compare the complexity of foraging among species. Total scores obtained were 19 for A. balzani and 14 for A. crassispinus and A. rugosus, indicating different degrees of social complexity for grass-cutting and leaf-cutting ant species. Acromyrmex balzani, a grass-cutting ant species, shows a behavioral repertoire composed of more variable subtasks during foraging.


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This work was carried out to determine the internal and external structures of Atta bisphaerica (Forel) nests. Six nests were excavated and during excavation, all data referring to chambers and tunnels were recorded. Three nests had been internally cement-moulded, which enabled a better view of the chamber and tunnel structures. Atta bisphaerica nests presented a similar structural pattern, varying only in the number of chambers as a function of external mound area. Chambers were spherical with two communication tunnels. Internal tunnels had an elliptical section, sometimes circular, indirectly linked to chambers through ramifications and directly through short tunnels. Entrance holes were linked to the area of highest chamber concentration by tunnels from the elliptical section, which led to the nest in a radial manner. Knowledge of the colony's three-dimensional architecture permits successful application of chemical control processes, reduces the quantity of product applied, and consequently diminishes costs and environmental damage.


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The number of individuals and species richness of ants were investigated in two species of Euphorbiaceae found in three areas of differentiated flora. These areas form part of a fragment of the Atlantic Forest located in the Serra do Itapety, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Fifty eight ant species were sampled, belonging to 23 genera and 6 sub-families; 40% of the species are arboreal. The sub-family Myrmicinae was the richest in species, with Pheidole being the most diverse genus and Crematogaster the most commonly-occurring. In the three study areas, no significant differences were found between the number of individuals and the species richness of ants collected on the trunks of Euphorbiaceae. C. floribundus Spreng and A. sidifolia Muell. Arg. are similar with respect to the number of ant species sampled; the number collected being 40 and 47, respectively.


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Insect mandibular glands are always associated to the mandibles; they are part of the salivary glandular system. The mandibular glands are composed by a reservoir associated to the secretory cells, with each secretory cell connected to the reservoir by means of individual canaliculi. These glands play an important role in the production of pheromones, which are compounds involved in defense, communication, and reproduction of the colony. Mandibular glands of soldiers and major and minor workers of the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa were processed for different histochemical tests, total protein content, and protein electrophoretic profile determination. The histochemical tests detected the presence of lipids, DNA/RNA, polysaccharides, and proteins at different regions of the gland. The protein electrophoretic profiles showed that the total protein content as well as the number of peptides of each caste follow a progressive order in relation to the size of the individual. Thus, we suggest that the production of secretion is directly linked to the task that the individual performs in the colony.


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The active ingredients used in the formulation of toxic baits for leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) should possess a delayed action defined as an insecticidal activity whereby worker mortality is ≤15% at 24 hours and ≥90% at 21 days. Serious shortcomings have occurred in the search for new active ingredients, such as the initial selection of fenoxycarb, copper oxychloride and diflubenzuron, compounds considered very promising but whose inefficiency was verified only later, indicating methodological problems. In view of this situation, we developed a classification method for insecticidal activity over time using workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel. The insecticides used were fipronil, sulfluramid GX071HB and sulfluramid GX439, vehicled in an attractive pasty formulation prepared based on citrus pulp. The results obtained were consistent from a toxicological viewpoint and agreed with the literature in terms of the control of colonies. Sulfluramids were found to possess a delayed action at a broad range of concentrations, in agreement with the fact that these substances are highly effective in the control of all leaf-cutting ant species. The smaller range of concentrations of fipronil with delayed action is probably related to its lower efficacy for species more difficult to control such as Atta capiguara (Forti et al. 2003). We discuss the importance of relating behavioral particularities to the specific feeding habits of leaf-cutting ants, with methodological adequacy of the assessment of insecticides aimed at toxic baits.


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Artificial fruits designed to simulate lipid-rich non-myrecochorous diaspores were used to test for the effect of fruit morphology and habitat structure on ant-seed interactions in an Atlantic Forest site in SE Brazil. The outcome of the interaction (i.e., if the fruit was removed, cleaned by ants on the spot or had no interaction with ants) and the time of ant response were the investigated variables. Models simulating drupes and arilate diaspores were used to test for morphological effects and four habitat attributes (litter depth, number of logs, number of trees, and percentage of bromeliad coverage on the forest floor), likely to be correlated with the ant diversity and abundance in the study site, were measured to test for the effect of habitat structure. The proportion of fruits removed or cleaned did not differ between the two morphological models. Sites in which fruits were cleaned had more trees than those in which no interaction occurred. This may be a result of the foraging behavior of arboreal ants that frequently descend to the forest floor to exploit fleshy diaspores. Sites in which model removal occurred had lower litter depth than both those in which models were cleaned and those in which no interaction occurred. A negative correlation was observed between litter depth and ant response time. Accumulation of leaf litter at a given point may have constrained the movements of large ants in general, and ponerine ants (that are important seed removers) in particular. We conclude that that local pattern in litter depth and tree density influence the frequency and outcome of interactions between ants and non-myrmecochorous, fleshy diaspores.


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The cocoon, produced by most holometabolous insects, is built with silk that is usually produced by the larval salivary gland. Although this silk has been widely studied in the Lepidoptera, its composition and macromolecular arrangement remains unknown in the Hymenoptera. The macromolecular array patterns of the silk in the larval salivary gland of some meliponids, wasps, and ants were analyzed with polarized-light microscopy, and they were compared with those of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera). There is a birefringent secretion in the glandular lumen of all larvae, due to filamentous structural proteins that display anisotropy. The silk in the distal, middle and proximal regions of the secretory portion of Formicidae and Vespidae glands presented a lattice optical pattern. We found a different pattern in the middle secretory portion of the Meliponini, with a zigzag rather than a lattice pattern. This indicates that the biopolymer fibers begin their macromolecular reorganization at this glandular region, different from the Formicidae and the Vespidae, in which the zigzag optical pattern was only found at the lateral duct. Probably, the mechanism of silk production in the Hymenoptera is a characteristic inherited from a common ancestor of Vespoidea and Sphecoidea; the alterations in the pattern observed in the Meliponini could be a derived characteristic in the Hymenoptera. We found no similarity in the macromolecular reorganization patterns of the silk between the Hymenoptera species and the silkworm.


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Extracts of different sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) organs were tested through ingestion and contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. Dichloromethane extracts of seeds were toxic to the leaf-cutting ants and the factor responsible for the toxicity does not show seasonal occurrence.


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Extracts of the ripe seeds of the sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) were tested through contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers. Dichloromethane extract of seeds was toxic to the ants and the factor responsible for this effect was distributed through the ethyl acetate fraction. This fraction was divided into four sub fractions composed of: A) triglycerides, B) monoglycerides + diglycerides + triglycerides, C) diglycerides + sesamoline + sesamine and D) sesamine. However, when these sub fractions were separated, no toxicity was observed. Therefore, in order to determine why the activity was lost, the concentration of each sub fraction was duplicated, and the possible combinations among them were also tested. We concluded that the toxicity to the ants is due mainly to a mixture of triglycerides, and sesamoline or the combination of sesamoline + sesamine can be a synergistic factor in this fraction.


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It were collected species of Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865 in many brazilian cities from Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Amapá states and in Paraguay and Uruguay, with the purpose to bring up-to-date their occurrence. Specimens collected on trips were identified at laboratory of Fca/Unesp/Botucatu-SP. It were recorded, for the first time, the occurrence of A. rugosus rugosus (F. Smith, 1858) in Paraná, Rondônia and Santa Catarina states; A. subterraneus subterraneus (Forel, 1893) in Amapá and Bahia; A. diasi Gonçalves, 1982 in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná states; A. coronatus (Fabricius, 1804) in Paraná; A. balzani (Emery, 1890) in Amapá and A. subterranens brunneus (Forel, 1911) in Goiás.


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The toxicity of astilbin, isolated from Dimorphandra mollis, was tested in laboratory ingestion bioassays for the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel. Worker ants that were fed an artificial diet daily to which astilbin was added had a higher mortality rate than the controls. The substance astilbin was incorporated into the diet with and without the utilization of a solvent. Results for both methodologies utilized were similar and indicate that astilbin reduces the median survival of ants. All concentrations tested showed toxic effects against ant workers, and the statistical comparison of survivorship rates from control and treated groups was significantly different, confirming the insecticidal properties of the substance astilbin.