890 resultados para leading indicator
How can we measure ‘quality of life’? The sustainable refurbishment goes beyond strictly energy aspects. Sustainability indicators are needed to facilitate data collection and to provide information which does not require too time-consuming calculations. Thus, you can offer an idea of the extent and quality of the rehabilitation before starting the project and, also, the obtained results can be evaluated in an agile way after the refurbishment. From a list of social indicators gathered from different methods, sustainability assessment tools and International and European standards, three social indicators are proposed: Users Satisfaction, Participation Agreement and Quality of Life. This paper shows the development of Quality of Life social indicator, the more closely related to the main objectives of Researchand Development Project “Sustainable Refurbishment”: improving energy efficiency and wellbeing of users in existing residential buildings. Finally, this social indicator is applied to a real case study in Málaga (Spain).
The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single parameter that considers strength values and deformation simultaneously. There are a number of criteria for defining steel ductility by a single parameter. The present experimental study addresses the variation in the ductility of concrete-embedded steel bars when exposed to accelerated corrosion. This paper analyzes the suitability of a new indicator of ductility used in corroded bars.
La presente Tesis constituye un avance en el conocimiento de los efectos de la variabilidad climática en los cultivos en la Península Ibérica (PI). Es bien conocido que la temperatura del océano, particularmente de la región tropical, es una de las variables más convenientes para ser utilizado como predictor climático. Los océanos son considerados como la principal fuente de almacenamiento de calor del planeta debido a la alta capacidad calorífica del agua. Cuando se libera esta energía, altera los regímenes globales de circulación atmosférica por mecanismos de teleconexión. Estos cambios en la circulación general de la atmósfera afectan a la temperatura, precipitación, humedad, viento, etc., a escala regional, los cuales afectan al crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de los cultivos. Para el caso de Europa, esto implica que la variabilidad atmosférica en una región específica se asocia con la variabilidad de otras regiones adyacentes y/o remotas, como consecuencia Europa está siendo afectada por los patrones de circulaciones globales, que a su vez, se ven afectados por patrones oceánicos. El objetivo general de esta tesis es analizar la variabilidad del rendimiento de los cultivos y su relación con la variabilidad climática y teleconexiones, así como evaluar su predictibilidad. Además, esta Tesis tiene como objetivo establecer una metodología para estudiar la predictibilidad de las anomalías del rendimiento de los cultivos. El análisis se centra en trigo y maíz como referencia para otros cultivos de la PI, cultivos de invierno en secano y cultivos de verano en regadío respectivamente. Experimentos de simulación de cultivos utilizando una metodología en cadena de modelos (clima + cultivos) son diseñados para evaluar los impactos de los patrones de variabilidad climática en el rendimiento y su predictibilidad. La presente Tesis se estructura en dos partes: La primera se centra en el análisis de la variabilidad del clima y la segunda es una aplicación de predicción cuantitativa de cosechas. La primera parte está dividida en 3 capítulos y la segundo en un capitulo cubriendo los objetivos específicos del presente trabajo de investigación. Parte I. Análisis de variabilidad climática El primer capítulo muestra un análisis de la variabilidad del rendimiento potencial en una localidad como indicador bioclimático de las teleconexiones de El Niño con Europa, mostrando su importancia en la mejora de predictibilidad tanto en clima como en agricultura. Además, se presenta la metodología elegida para relacionar el rendimiento con las variables atmosféricas y oceánicas. El rendimiento de los cultivos es parcialmente determinado por la variabilidad climática atmosférica, que a su vez depende de los cambios en la temperatura de la superficie del mar (TSM). El Niño es el principal modo de variabilidad interanual de la TSM, y sus efectos se extienden en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la predictibilidad de estos impactos es controversial, especialmente aquellos asociados con la variabilidad climática Europea, que se ha encontrado que es no estacionaria y no lineal. Este estudio mostró cómo el rendimiento potencial de los cultivos obtenidos a partir de datos de reanálisis y modelos de cultivos sirve como un índice alternativo y más eficaz de las teleconexiones de El Niño, ya que integra las no linealidades entre las variables climáticas en una única serie temporal. Las relaciones entre El Niño y las anomalías de rendimiento de los cultivos son más significativas que las contribuciones individuales de cada una de las variables atmosféricas utilizadas como entrada en el modelo de cultivo. Además, la no estacionariedad entre El Niño y la variabilidad climática europea se detectan con mayor claridad cuando se analiza la variabilidad de los rendimiento de los cultivos. La comprensión de esta relación permite una cierta predictibilidad hasta un año antes de la cosecha del cultivo. Esta predictibilidad no es constante, sino que depende tanto la modulación de la alta y baja frecuencia. En el segundo capítulo se identifica los patrones oceánicos y atmosféricos de variabilidad climática que afectan a los cultivos de verano en la PI. Además, se presentan hipótesis acerca del mecanismo eco-fisiológico a través del cual el cultivo responde. Este estudio se centra en el análisis de la variabilidad del rendimiento de maíz en la PI para todo el siglo veinte, usando un modelo de cultivo calibrado en 5 localidades españolas y datos climáticos de reanálisis para obtener series temporales largas de rendimiento potencial. Este estudio evalúa el uso de datos de reanálisis para obtener series de rendimiento de cultivos que dependen solo del clima, y utilizar estos rendimientos para analizar la influencia de los patrones oceánicos y atmosféricos. Los resultados muestran una gran fiabilidad de los datos de reanálisis. La distribución espacial asociada a la primera componente principal de la variabilidad del rendimiento muestra un comportamiento similar en todos los lugares estudiados de la PI. Se observa una alta correlación lineal entre el índice de El Niño y el rendimiento, pero no es estacionaria en el tiempo. Sin embargo, la relación entre la temperatura del aire y el rendimiento se mantiene constante a lo largo del tiempo, siendo los meses de mayor influencia durante el período de llenado del grano. En cuanto a los patrones atmosféricos, el patrón Escandinavia presentó una influencia significativa en el rendimiento en PI. En el tercer capítulo se identifica los patrones oceánicos y atmosféricos de variabilidad climática que afectan a los cultivos de invierno en la PI. Además, se presentan hipótesis acerca del mecanismo eco-fisiológico a través del cual el cultivo responde. Este estudio se centra en el análisis de la variabilidad del rendimiento de trigo en secano del Noreste (NE) de la PI. La variabilidad climática es el principal motor de los cambios en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de los cultivos, especialmente en los sistemas de producción en secano. En la PI, los rendimientos de trigo son fuertemente dependientes de la cantidad de precipitación estacional y la distribución temporal de las mismas durante el periodo de crecimiento del cultivo. La principal fuente de variabilidad interanual de la precipitación en la PI es la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO), que se ha relacionado, en parte, con los cambios en la temperatura de la superficie del mar en el Pacífico Tropical (El Niño) y el Atlántico Tropical (TNA). La existencia de cierta predictibilidad nos ha animado a analizar la posible predicción de los rendimientos de trigo en la PI utilizando anomalías de TSM como predictor. Para ello, se ha utilizado un modelo de cultivo (calibrado en dos localidades del NE de la PI) y datos climáticos de reanálisis para obtener series temporales largas de rendimiento de trigo alcanzable y relacionar su variabilidad con anomalías de la TSM. Los resultados muestran que El Niño y la TNA influyen en el desarrollo y rendimiento del trigo en el NE de la PI, y estos impactos depende del estado concurrente de la NAO. Aunque la relación cultivo-TSM no es igual durante todo el periodo analizado, se puede explicar por un mecanismo eco-fisiológico estacionario. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo veinte, el calentamiento (enfriamiento) en la superficie del Atlántico tropical se asocia a una fase negativa (positiva) de la NAO, que ejerce una influencia positiva (negativa) en la temperatura mínima y precipitación durante el invierno y, por lo tanto, aumenta (disminuye) el rendimiento de trigo en la PI. En relación con El Niño, la correlación más alta se observó en el período 1981 -2001. En estas décadas, los altos (bajos) rendimientos se asocian con una transición El Niño - La Niña (La Niña - El Niño) o con eventos de El Niño (La Niña) que están finalizando. Para estos eventos, el patrón atmosférica asociada se asemeja a la NAO, que también influye directamente en la temperatura máxima y precipitación experimentadas por el cultivo durante la floración y llenado de grano. Los co- efectos de los dos patrones de teleconexión oceánicos ayudan a aumentar (disminuir) la precipitación y a disminuir (aumentar) la temperatura máxima en PI, por lo tanto el rendimiento de trigo aumenta (disminuye). Parte II. Predicción de cultivos. En el último capítulo se analiza los beneficios potenciales del uso de predicciones climáticas estacionales (por ejemplo de precipitación) en las predicciones de rendimientos de trigo y maíz, y explora métodos para aplicar dichos pronósticos climáticos en modelos de cultivo. Las predicciones climáticas estacionales tienen un gran potencial en las predicciones de cultivos, contribuyendo de esta manera a una mayor eficiencia de la gestión agrícola, seguridad alimentaria y de subsistencia. Los pronósticos climáticos se expresan en diferentes formas, sin embargo todos ellos son probabilísticos. Para ello, se evalúan y aplican dos métodos para desagregar las predicciones climáticas estacionales en datos diarios: 1) un generador climático estocástico condicionado (predictWTD) y 2) un simple re-muestreador basado en las probabilidades del pronóstico (FResampler1). Los dos métodos se evaluaron en un caso de estudio en el que se analizaron los impactos de tres escenarios de predicciones de precipitación estacional (predicción seco, medio y lluvioso) en el rendimiento de trigo en secano, sobre las necesidades de riego y rendimiento de maíz en la PI. Además, se estimó el margen bruto y los riesgos de la producción asociada con las predicciones de precipitación estacional extremas (seca y lluviosa). Los métodos predWTD y FResampler1 usados para desagregar los pronósticos de precipitación estacional en datos diarios, que serán usados como inputs en los modelos de cultivos, proporcionan una predicción comparable. Por lo tanto, ambos métodos parecen opciones factibles/viables para la vinculación de los pronósticos estacionales con modelos de simulación de cultivos para establecer predicciones de rendimiento o las necesidades de riego en el caso de maíz. El análisis del impacto en el margen bruto de los precios del grano de los dos cultivos (trigo y maíz) y el coste de riego (maíz) sugieren que la combinación de los precios de mercado previstos y la predicción climática estacional pueden ser una buena herramienta en la toma de decisiones de los agricultores, especialmente en predicciones secas y/o localidades con baja precipitación anual. Estos métodos permiten cuantificar los beneficios y riesgos de los agricultores ante una predicción climática estacional en la PI. Por lo tanto, seríamos capaces de establecer sistemas de alerta temprana y diseñar estrategias de adaptación del manejo del cultivo para aprovechar las condiciones favorables o reducir los efectos de condiciones adversas. La utilidad potencial de esta Tesis es la aplicación de las relaciones encontradas para predicción de cosechas de la próxima campaña agrícola. Una correcta predicción de los rendimientos podría ayudar a los agricultores a planear con antelación sus prácticas agronómicas y todos los demás aspectos relacionados con el manejo de los cultivos. Esta metodología se puede utilizar también para la predicción de las tendencias futuras de la variabilidad del rendimiento en la PI. Tanto los sectores públicos (mejora de la planificación agrícola) como privados (agricultores, compañías de seguros agrarios) pueden beneficiarse de esta mejora en la predicción de cosechas. ABSTRACT The present thesis constitutes a step forward in advancing of knowledge of the effects of climate variability on crops in the Iberian Peninsula (IP). It is well known that ocean temperature, particularly the tropical ocean, is one of the most convenient variables to be used as climate predictor. Oceans are considered as the principal heat storage of the planet due to the high heat capacity of water. When this energy is released, it alters the global atmospheric circulation regimes by teleconnection1 mechanisms. These changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere affect the regional temperature, precipitation, moisture, wind, etc., and those influence crop growth, development and yield. For the case of Europe, this implies that the atmospheric variability in a specific region is associated with the variability of others adjacent and/or remote regions as a consequence of Europe being affected by global circulations patterns which, in turn, are affected by oceanic patterns. The general objective of this Thesis is to analyze the variability of crop yields at climate time scales and its relation to the climate variability and teleconnections, as well as to evaluate their predictability. Moreover, this Thesis aims to establish a methodology to study the predictability of crop yield anomalies. The analysis focuses on wheat and maize as a reference crops for other field crops in the IP, for winter rainfed crops and summer irrigated crops respectively. Crop simulation experiments using a model chain methodology (climate + crop) are designed to evaluate the impacts of climate variability patterns on yield and its predictability. The present Thesis is structured in two parts. The first part is focused on the climate variability analyses, and the second part is an application of the quantitative crop forecasting for years that fulfill specific conditions identified in the first part. This Thesis is divided into 4 chapters, covering the specific objectives of the present research work. Part I. Climate variability analyses The first chapter shows an analysis of potential yield variability in one location, as a bioclimatic indicator of the El Niño teleconnections with Europe, putting forward its importance for improving predictability in both climate and agriculture. It also presents the chosen methodology to relate yield with atmospheric and oceanic variables. Crop yield is partially determined by atmospheric climate variability, which in turn depends on changes in the sea surface temperature (SST). El Niño is the leading mode of SST interannual variability, and its impacts extend worldwide. Nevertheless, the predictability of these impacts is controversial, especially those associated with European climate variability, which have been found to be non-stationary and non-linear. The study showed how potential2 crop yield obtained from reanalysis data and crop models serves as an alternative and more effective index of El Niño teleconnections because it integrates the nonlinearities between the climate variables in a unique time series. The relationships between El Niño and crop yield anomalies are more significant than the individual contributions of each of the atmospheric variables used as input in the crop model. Additionally, the non-stationarities between El Niño and European climate variability are more clearly detected when analyzing crop-yield variability. The understanding of this relationship allows for some predictability up to one year before the crop is harvested. This predictability is not constant, but depends on both high and low frequency modulation. The second chapter identifies the oceanic and atmospheric patterns of climate variability affecting summer cropping systems in the IP. Moreover, hypotheses about the eco-physiological mechanism behind crop response are presented. It is focused on an analysis of maize yield variability in IP for the whole twenty century, using a calibrated crop model at five contrasting Spanish locations and reanalyses climate datasets to obtain long time series of potential yield. The study tests the use of reanalysis data for obtaining only climate dependent time series of simulated crop yield for the whole region, and to use these yield to analyze the influences of oceanic and atmospheric patterns. The results show a good reliability of reanalysis data. The spatial distribution of the leading principal component of yield variability shows a similar behaviour over all the studied locations in the IP. The strong linear correlation between El Niño index and yield is remarkable, being this relation non-stationary on time, although the air temperature-yield relationship remains on time, being the highest influences during grain filling period. Regarding atmospheric patterns, the summer Scandinavian pattern has significant influence on yield in IP. The third chapter identifies the oceanic and atmospheric patterns of climate variability affecting winter cropping systems in the IP. Also, hypotheses about the eco-physiological mechanism behind crop response are presented. It is focused on an analysis of rainfed wheat yield variability in IP. Climate variability is the main driver of changes in crop growth, development and yield, especially for rainfed production systems. In IP, wheat yields are strongly dependent on seasonal rainfall amount and temporal distribution of rainfall during the growing season. The major source of precipitation interannual variability in IP is the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) which has been related in part with changes in the Tropical Pacific (El Niño) and Atlantic (TNA) sea surface temperature (SST). The existence of some predictability has encouraged us to analyze the possible predictability of the wheat yield in the IP using SSTs anomalies as predictor. For this purpose, a crop model with a site specific calibration for the Northeast of IP and reanalysis climate datasets have been used to obtain long time series of attainable wheat yield and relate their variability with SST anomalies. The results show that El Niño and TNA influence rainfed wheat development and yield in IP and these impacts depend on the concurrent state of the NAO. Although crop-SST relationships do not equally hold on during the whole analyzed period, they can be explained by an understood and stationary ecophysiological mechanism. During the second half of the twenty century, the positive (negative) TNA index is associated to a negative (positive) phase of NAO, which exerts a positive (negative) influence on minimum temperatures (Tmin) and precipitation (Prec) during winter and, thus, yield increases (decreases) in IP. In relation to El Niño, the highest correlation takes place in the period 1981-2001. For these decades, high (low) yields are associated with an El Niño to La Niña (La Niña to El Niño) transitions or to El Niño events finishing. For these events, the regional associated atmospheric pattern resembles the NAO, which also influences directly on the maximum temperatures (Tmax) and precipitation experienced by the crop during flowering and grain filling. The co-effects of the two teleconnection patterns help to increase (decrease) the rainfall and decrease (increase) Tmax in IP, thus on increase (decrease) wheat yield. Part II. Crop forecasting The last chapter analyses the potential benefits for wheat and maize yields prediction from using seasonal climate forecasts (precipitation), and explores methods to apply such a climate forecast to crop models. Seasonal climate prediction has significant potential to contribute to the efficiency of agricultural management, and to food and livelihood security. Climate forecasts come in different forms, but probabilistic. For this purpose, two methods were evaluated and applied for disaggregating seasonal climate forecast into daily weather realizations: 1) a conditioned stochastic weather generator (predictWTD) and 2) a simple forecast probability resampler (FResampler1). The two methods were evaluated in a case study where the impacts of three scenarios of seasonal rainfall forecasts on rainfed wheat yield, on irrigation requirements and yields of maize in IP were analyzed. In addition, we estimated the economic margins and production risks associated with extreme scenarios of seasonal rainfall forecasts (dry and wet). The predWTD and FResampler1 methods used for disaggregating seasonal rainfall forecast into daily data needed by the crop simulation models provided comparable predictability. Therefore both methods seem feasible options for linking seasonal forecasts with crop simulation models for establishing yield forecasts or irrigation water requirements. The analysis of the impact on gross margin of grain prices for both crops and maize irrigation costs suggests the combination of market prices expected and the seasonal climate forecast can be a good tool in farmer’s decision-making, especially on dry forecast and/or in locations with low annual precipitation. These methodologies would allow quantifying the benefits and risks of a seasonal weather forecast to farmers in IP. Therefore, we would be able to establish early warning systems and to design crop management adaptation strategies that take advantage of favorable conditions or reduce the effect of adverse conditions. The potential usefulness of this Thesis is to apply the relationships found to crop forecasting on the next cropping season, suggesting opportunity time windows for the prediction. The methodology can be used as well for the prediction of future trends of IP yield variability. Both public (improvement of agricultural planning) and private (decision support to farmers, insurance companies) sectors may benefit from such an improvement of crop forecasting.
Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) is genetically diverse, yet it is also morphologically distinct from its wild relatives. These two observations are somewhat contradictory: the first observation is consistent with a large historical population size for maize, but the latter observation is consistent with strong, diversity-limiting selection during maize domestication. In this study, we sampled sequence diversity, coupled with simulations of the coalescent process, to study the dynamics of a population bottleneck during the domestication of maize. To do this, we determined the DNA sequence of a 1,400-bp region of the Adh1 locus from 19 individuals representing maize, its presumed progenitor (Z. mays ssp. parviglumis), and a more distant relative (Zea luxurians). The sequence data were used to guide coalescent simulations of population bottlenecks associated with domestication. Our study confirms high genetic diversity in maize—maize contains 75% of the variation found in its progenitor and is more diverse than its wild relative, Z. luxurians—but it also suggests that sequence diversity in maize can be explained by a bottleneck of short duration and very small size. For example, the breadth of genetic diversity in maize is consistent with a founding population of only 20 individuals when the domestication event is 10 generations in length.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality that utilizes a combination of a photosensitizing chemical and visible light for the management of a variety of solid malignancies. The mechanism of PDT-mediated cell killing is not well defined. We investigated the involvement of cell cycle regulatory events during silicon phthalocyanine (Pc4)-PDT-mediated apoptosis in human epidermoid carcinoma cells A431. PDT resulted in apoptosis, inhibition of cell growth, and G0-G1 phase arrest of the cell cycle, in a time-dependent fashion. Western blot analysis revealed that PDT results in an induction of the cyclin kinase inhibitor WAF1/CIP1/p21, and a down-regulation of cyclin D1 and cyclin E, and their catalytic subunits cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk6. The treatment also resulted in a decrease in kinase activities associated with all the cdks and cyclins examined. PDT also resulted in (i) an increase in the binding of cyclin D1 and cdk6 toward WAF1/CIP1/p21, and (ii) a decrease in the binding of cyclin D1 toward cdk2 and cdk6. The binding of cyclin E and cdk2 toward WAF1/CIP1/p21, and of cyclin E toward cdk2 did not change by the treatment. These data suggest that PDT-mediated induction of WAF1/CIP1/p21 results in an imposition of artificial checkpoint at G1 → S transition thereby resulting in an arrest of cells in G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle through inhibition in the cdk2, cdk6, cyclin D1, and cyclin E. We suggest that this arrest is an irreversible process and the cells, unable to repair the damages, ultimately undergo apoptosis.
The Pto gene encodes a serine/threonine kinase that confers resistance in tomato to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strains that express the avirulence gene avrPto. Partial characterization of the Pto signal transduction pathway and the availability of transgenic tomato lines (± Pto) make this an ideal system for exploring the molecular basis of disease resistance. In this paper, we test two transgenic tomato cell suspension cultures (±Pto) for production of H2O2 following independent challenge with two strains of P. syringae pv. tomato (±avrPto). Only when Pto and avrPto are present in the corresponding organisms are two distinct phases of the oxidative burst seen, a rapid first burst followed by a slower and more prolonged second burst. In the remaining three plant–pathogen interactions, we observe either no burst or only a first burst, indicating that the second burst is correlated with disease resistance. Further support for this observation comes from the finding that both resistant and susceptible tomato lines produce the critical second oxidative burst when challenged with P. syringae pv. tabaci, a nonhost pathogen that elicits a hypersensitive response on both tomato lines. The Pto kinase is not required, however, for the oxidative burst initiated by non-specific elicitors such as oligogalacturonides or osmotic stress. A model describing a possible role for the Pto kinase in the overall scheme of oxidative burst signaling is proposed.
The postinhibitory rebound excitation is an intrinsic property of thalamic and cortical neurons that is implicated in a variety of normal and abnormal operations of neuronal networks, such as slow or fast brain rhythms during different states of vigilance as well as seizures. We used dual simultaneous intracellular recordings of thalamocortical neurons from the ventrolateral nucleus and neurons from the motor cortex, together with thalamic and cortical field potentials, to investigate the temporal relations between thalamic and cortical events during the rebound excitation that follows prolonged periods of stimulus-induced inhibition. Invariably, the rebound spike-bursts in thalamocortical cells occurred before the rebound depolarization in cortical neurons and preceded the peak of the depth-negative, rebound field potential in cortical areas. Also, the inhibitory-rebound sequences were more pronounced and prolonged in cortical neurons when elicited by thalamic stimuli, compared with cortical stimuli. The role of thalamocortical loops in the rebound excitation of cortical neurons was shown further by the absence of rebound activity in isolated cortical slabs. However, whereas thalamocortical neurons remained hyperpolarized after rebound excitation, because of the prolonged spike-bursts in inhibitory thalamic reticular neurons, the rebound depolarization in cortical neurons was prolonged, suggesting the role of intracortical excitatory circuits in this sustained activity. The role of intrathalamic events in triggering rebound cortical activity should be taken into consideration when analyzing information processes at the cortical level; at each step, corticothalamic volleys can set into action thalamic inhibitory neurons, leading to rebound spike-bursts that are transferred back to the cortex, thus modifying cortical activities.
Exposure of A431 squamous and MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells to ionizing radiation has been associated with short transient increases in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. Irradiation (2 Gy) of A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells caused immediate primary activations (0–10 min) of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways, which were surprisingly followed by later prolonged secondary activations (90–240 min). Primary and secondary activation of the EGFR was abolished by molecular inhibition of EGFR function. The primary and secondary activation of the MAPK pathway was abolished by molecular inhibition of either EGFR or Ras function. In contrast, molecular inhibition of EGFR function abolished the secondary but not the primary activation of the JNK pathway. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor α receptor function by use of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies blunted primary activation of the JNK pathway. Addition of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody versus transforming growth factor α (TGFα) had no effect on the primary activation of either the EGFR or the MAPK and JNK pathways after irradiation but abolished the secondary activation of EGFR, MAPK, and JNK. Irradiation of cells increased pro-TGFα cleavage 120–180 min after exposure. In agreement with radiation-induced release of a soluble factor, activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways could be induced in nonirradiated cells by the transfer of media from irradiated cells 120 min after irradiation. The ability of the transferred media to cause MAPK and JNK activation was blocked when media were incubated with a neutralizing antibody to TGFα. Thus radiation causes primary and secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways in autocrine-regulated carcinoma cells. Secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways is dependent on radiation-induced cleavage and autocrine action of TGFα. Neutralization of TGFα function by an anti-TGFα antibody or inhibition of MAPK function by MEK1/2 inhibitors (PD98059 and U0126) radiosensitized A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells after irradiation in apoptosis, 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), and clonogenic assays. These data demonstrate that disruption of the TGFα–EGFR–MAPK signaling module represents a strategy to decrease carcinoma cell growth and survival after irradiation.
The G2 DNA damage and slowing of S-phase checkpoints over mitosis function through tyrosine phosphorylation of NIMXcdc2 in Aspergillus nidulans. We demonstrate that breaking these checkpoints leads to a defective premature mitosis followed by dramatic rereplication of genomic DNA. Two additional checkpoint functions, uvsB and uvsD, also cause the rereplication phenotype after their mutation allows premature mitosis in the presence of low concentrations of hydroxyurea. uvsB is shown to encode a rad3/ATR homologue, whereas uvsD displays homology to rad26, which has only previously been identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. uvsBrad3 and uvsDrad26 have G2 checkpoint functions over mitosis and another function essential for surviving DNA damage. The rereplication phenotype is accompanied by lack of NIMEcyclinB, but ectopic expression of active nondegradable NIMEcyclinB does not arrest DNA rereplication. DNA rereplication can also be induced in cells that enter mitosis prematurely because of lack of tyrosine phosphorylation of NIMXcdc2 and impaired anaphase-promoting complex function. The data demonstrate that lack of checkpoint control over mitosis can secondarily cause defects in the checkpoint system that prevents DNA rereplication in the absence of mitosis. This defines a new mechanism by which endoreplication of DNA can be triggered and maintained in eukaryotic cells.
Previous studies of Min/+ (multiple intestinal neoplasia) mice on a sensitive genetic background, C57BL/6 (B6), showed that adenomas have lost heterozygosity for the germ-line ApcMin mutation in the Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene. We now report that on a strongly resistant genetic background, AKR/J (AKR), Min-induced adenoma multiplicity is reduced by about two orders of magnitude compared with that observed on the B6 background. Somatic treatment with a strong mutagen increases tumor number in AKR Min/+ mice in an age-dependent manner, similar to results previously reported for B6 Min/+ mice. Immunohistochemical analyses indicate that Apc expression is suppressed in all intestinal tumors from both untreated and treated AKR Min/+ mice. However, the mechanism of Apc inactivation in AKR Min/+ mice often differs from that observed for B6 Min/+ mice. Although loss of heterozygosity is observed in some tumors, a significant percentage of tumors showed neither loss of heterozygosity nor Apc truncation mutations. These results extend our understanding of the effects of genetic background on Min-induced tumorigenesis in several ways. First, the AKR strain carries modifiers of Min in addition to Mom1. This combination of AKR modifiers can almost completely suppress spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis associated with the Min mutation. Second, even on such a highly resistant genetic background, tumor formation continues to involve an absence of Apc function. The means by which Apc function is inactivated is affected by genetic background. Possible scenarios are discussed.
The distinctive relations between biological activity and isotopic effect recorded in biomarkers (e.g., carbon and sulfur isotope ratios) have allowed scientists to suggest that life originated on this planet nearly 3.8 billion years ago. The existence of life on other planets may be similarly identified by geochemical biomarkers, including the oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate (δ18Op) presented here. At low near-surface temperatures, the exchange of oxygen isotopes between phosphate and water requires enzymatic catalysis. Because enzymes are indicative of cellular activity, the demonstration of enzyme-catalyzed PO4–H2O exchange is indicative of the presence of life. Results of laboratory experiments are presented that clearly show that δ18OP values of inorganic phosphate can be used to detect enzymatic activity and microbial metabolism of phosphate. Applications of δ18Op as a biomarker are presented for two Earth environments relevant to the search for extraterrestrial life: a shallow groundwater reservoir and a marine hydrothermal vent system. With the development of in situ analytical techniques and future planned sample return strategies, δ18Op may provide an important biosignature of the presence of life in extraterrestrial systems such as that on Mars.
To investigate the dynamics of guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) in single living cells, we constructed genetically encoded, fluorescent cGMP indicators by bracketing cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGPK), minus residues 1–77, between cyan and yellow mutants of green fluorescent protein. cGMP decreased fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and increased the ratio of cyan to yellow emissions by up to 1.5-fold with apparent dissociation constants of ≈2 μM and >100:1 selectivity for cGMP over cAMP. To eliminate constitutive kinase activity, Thr516 of cGPK was mutated to Ala. Emission ratio imaging of the indicators transfected into rat fetal lung fibroblast (RFL)-6 showed cGMP transients resulting from activation of soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclase, respectively, by nitric oxide (NO) and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP). Whereas all naive cells tested responded to CNP, only 68% responded to NO. Both sets of signals showed large and variable (0.5–4 min) latencies. The phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) did not elevate cGMP on its own but consistently amplified responses to NO or CNP, suggesting that basal activity of guanylate cyclase is very low and emphasizing the importance of PDEs in cGMP recycling. A fraction of RFL cells showed slowly propagating tides of cGMP spreading across the cell in response to delocalized application of NO. Biolistically transfected Purkinje neurons showed cGMP responses to parallel fiber activity and NO donors, confirming that single-cell increases in cGMP occur under conditions appropriate to cause synaptic plasticity.
In myocardial ischemia, adrenergic nerves release excessive amounts of norepinephrine (NE), causing dysfunction and arrhythmias. With anoxia and the concomitant ATP depletion, vesicular storage of NE is impaired, resulting in accumulation of free NE in the axoplasm of sympathetic nerves. Intraneuronal acidosis activates the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), leading to increased Na+ entry in the nerve terminals. These conditions favor availability of the NE transporter to the axoplasmic side of the membrane, causing massive carrier-mediated efflux of free NE. Neuronal NHE activation is pivotal in this process; NHE inhibitors attenuate carrier-mediated NE release. We previously reported that activation of histamine H3 receptors (H3R) on cardiac sympathetic nerves also reduces carrier-mediated NE release and alleviates arrhythmias. Thus, H3R activation may be negatively coupled to NHE. We tested this hypothesis in individual human SKNMC neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with H3R cDNA, loaded with the intracellular pH (pHi) indicator BCECF. These cells possess amiloride-sensitive NHE. NHE activity was measured as the rate of Na+-dependent pHi recovery in response to an acute acid pulse (NH4Cl). We found that the selective H3R-agonist imetit markedly diminished NHE activity, and so did the amiloride derivative EIPA. The selective H3R antagonist thioperamide abolished the imetit-induced NHE attenuation. Thus, our results provide a link between H3R and NHE, which may limit the excessive release of NE during protracted myocardial ischemia. Our previous and present findings uncover a novel mechanism of cardioprotection: NHE inhibition in cardiac adrenergic neurons as a means to prevent ischemic arrhythmias associated with carrier-mediated NE release.
Cultured cells of Eschscholtzia californica (Californian poppy) respond to a yeast elicitor preparation or Penicillium cyclopium spores with the production of benzophenanthridine alkaloids, which are potent phytoalexins. Confocal pH mapping with the probe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1-acetoxymethylester revealed characteristic shifts of the pH distribution in challenged cells: within a few minutes after elicitor contact a transient acidification of cytoplasmic and nuclear areas occurred in parallel with an increase of the vacuolar pH. The change of proton concentration in the vacuole and in the extravacuolar area showed a nearly constant relation, indicating an efflux of vacuolar protons into the cytosol. A 10-min treatment with 2 mm butyric or pivalic acid caused a transient acidification of the cytoplasm comparable to that observed after elicitor contact and also induced alkaloid biosynthesis. Experimental depletion of the vacuolar proton pool reversibly prevented both the elicitor-triggered pH shifts and the induction of alkaloid biosynthesis. pH shifts and induction of alkaloid biosynthesis showed a similar dependence on the elicitor concentration. Net efflux of K+, alkalinization of the outer medium, and browning of the cells were evoked only at higher elicitor concentrations. We suggest that transient acidification of the cytoplasm via efflux of vacuolar protons is both a necessary and sufficient step in the signal path toward biosynthesis of benzophenanthridine alkaloids in Californian poppy cells.