936 resultados para large spatial scale


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Numerical study of three-dimensional evolution of wake-type flow and vortex dislocations is performed by using a compact finite diffenence-Fourier spectral method to solve 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. A local spanwise nonuniformity in momentum defect is imposed on the incoming wake-type flow. The present numerical results have shown that the flow instability leads to three-dimensional vortex streets, whose frequency, phase as well as the strength vary with the span caused by the local nonuniformity. The vortex dislocations are generated in the nonuniform region and the large-scale chain-like vortex linkage structures in the dislocations are shown. The generation and the characteristics of the vortex dislocations are described in detail.


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The teracluster LSSC-II installed at the State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of the most powerful PC clusters in China. It has a peek performance of 2Tflops. With a Linpack performance of 1.04Tflops, it is ranked at the 43rd place in the 20th TOP500 List (November 2002), 51st place in the 21st TOP500 List (June 2003), and the 82nd place in the 22nd TOP500 List (November 2003) with a new Linpack performance of 1.3Tflops. In this paper, we present some design principles of this cluster, as well as its applications in some largescale numerical simulations.


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Nanostructured ZnO materials are of great significance for their potential applications in photoelectronic devices, light-emitting displays, catalysis and gas sensors. In this paper, we report a new method to produce large area periodical bowl-like micropatterns of single crystal ZnO through aqueous-phase epitaxial growth on a ZnO single crystal substrate. A self-assembled monolayer of polystyrene microspheres was used as a template to confine the epitaxial growth of single crystal ZnO from the substrate, while the growth morphology was well controlled by citrate anions. Moreover, it was found that the self-assembled monolayer of colloidal spheres plays an important role in reduction of the defect density in the epitaxial ZnO layer. Though the mechanism is still open for further investigation, the present result indicates a new route to suppress the dislocations in the fabrication of single crystal ZnO film. A predicable application of this new method is for the fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystal structures on light emitting diode surfaces.


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This short communication presents our recent studies to implement numerical simulations for multi-phase flows on top-ranked supercomputer systems with distributed memory architecture. The numerical model is designed so as to make full use of the capacity of the hardware. Satisfactory scalability in terms of both the parallel speed-up rate and the size of the problem has been obtained on two high rank systems with massively parallel processors, the Earth Simulator (Earth simulator research center, Yokohama Kanagawa, Japan) and the TSUBAME (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) supercomputers.


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The application of large-eddy simulation (LES) to turbulent transport processes requires accurate prediction of the Lagrangian statistics of flow fields. However, in most existing SGS models, no explicit consideration is given to Lagrangian statistics. In this paper, we focus on the effects of SGS modeling on Lagrangian statistics in LES ranging from statistics determining single-particle dispersion to those of pair dispersion and multiparticle dispersion. Lagrangian statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are extracted from direct numerical simulation (DNS) and the LES with a spectral eddy-viscosity model. For the case of longtime single-particle dispersion, it is shown that, compared to DNS, LES overpredicts the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation but underpredicts the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation. These two effects tend to cancel one another leading to an accurate prediction of the longtime turbulent dispersion coefficient. Unlike the single-particle dispersion, LES tends to underestimate significantly the rate of relative dispersion of particle pairs and multiple-particles, when initial separation distances are less than the minimum resolved scale due to the lack of subgrid fluctuations. The overprediction of LES on the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation is further confirmed by a theoretical analysis using a turbulence closure theory.


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According to the experimental results, there exist large-scale coherent structures in the outer region of a turbulent boundary layer, which have been studied by many authors.As experimental results, Antonia (1990) showed the phase- aver aged streamlines and isovorticity lines of the large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer for different Reynolds numbers. Based on the hydrodynamic stability theory, the 2-D theoretical model for the large-scale structures was proposed by Luo and Zhou, in which the eddy viscosity was defined as a complex function of the position in the normal direction. The theoretical results showed in ref. were in agreement with those in ref. However, there were two problems in the results. One is that in the experimental results, there were divergent focuses between two saddle points in the streamlines, but in the theoretical results, there were centers. The other is that the stretched parts of the isovorticity lines appear at the location of centers in the theoretical results, while in the experimental results they located somewhere between the focuses and saddle points. The reason is that the computations were based on a 2-D model.


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.