897 resultados para inter-lingual translation


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This study is an attempt to situate the quality of life and standard of living of local communities in ecotourism destinations inter alia their perception on forest conservation and the satisfaction level of the local community. 650 EDC/VSS members from Kerala demarcated into three zones constitute the data source. Four variables have been considered for evaluating the quality of life of the stakeholders of ecotourism sites, which is then funneled to the income-education spectrum for hypothesizing into the SLI framework. Zone-wise analysis of the community members working in tourism sector shows that the community members have benefited totally from tourism development in the region as they have got both employments as well as secured livelihood options. Most of the quality of life-indicators of the community in the eco-tourist centres show a promising position. The community perception does not show any negative impact on environment as well as on their local culture.


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Heavy metals in the surface sediments of the two coastal ecosystems of Cochin, southwest India were assessed. The study intends to evaluate the degree of anthropogenic influence on heavy metal concentration in the sediments of the mangrove and adjacent estuarine stations using enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index. The inverse relationship of Cd and Zn with texture in the mangrove sediments suggested the anthropogenic enrichment of these metals in the mangrove systems. In the estuarine sediments, the absence of any significant correlation of the heavy metals with other sedimentary parameters and their strong interdependence revealed the possibility that the input is not through the natural weathering processes. The analysis of enrichment factor indicated a minor enrichment for Pb and Zn in mangrove sediments. While, extremely severe enrichment for Cd, moderate enrichment for Zn and minor enrichment of Pb were observed in estuarine system. The geo accumulation index exhibited very low values for all metals except Zn, indicating the sediments of the mangrove ecosystem are unpolluted to moderately polluted by anthropogenic activities. However, very strongly polluted condition for Cd and a moderately polluted condition for Zn were evident in estuarine sediments


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In many situations probability models are more realistic than deterministic models. Several phenomena occurring in physics are studied as random phenomena changing with time and space. Stochastic processes originated from the needs of physicists.Let X(t) be a random variable where t is a parameter assuming values from the set T. Then the collection of random variables {X(t), t ∈ T} is called a stochastic process. We denote the state of the process at time t by X(t) and the collection of all possible values X(t) can assume, is called state space


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Control of protein synthesis is a key step in the regulation of gene expression during apoptosis and the heat shock response. Under such conditions, cap-dependent translation is impaired and Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)-dependent translation plays a major role in mammalian cells. Although the role of IRES-dependent translation during apoptosis has been mainly studied in mammals, its role in the translation of Drosophila apoptotic genes has not been yet studied. The observation that the Drosophila mutant embryos for the cap-binding protein, the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E, exhibits increased apoptosis in correlation with up-regulated proapoptotic gene reaper (rpr) transcription constitutes the first evidence for the existence of a cap-independent mechanism for the translation of Drosophila proapoptotic genes. The mechanism of translation of rpr and other proapoptotic genes was investigated in this work. We found that the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA drives translation in an IRES-dependent manner. It promotes the translation of reporter RNAs in vitro either in the absence of cap, in the presence of cap competitors, or in extracts derived from heat shocked and eIF4E mutant embryos and in vivo in cells transfected with reporters bearing a non functional cap structure, indicating that cap recognition is not required in rpr mRNA for translation. We also show that rpr mRNA 5 UTR exhibits a high degree of similarity with that of Drosophila heat shock protein 70 mRNA (hsp70), an antagonist of apoptosis, and that both are able to conduct IRES-mediated translation. The proapoptotic genes head involution defective (hid) and grim, but not sickle, also display IRES activity. Studies of mRNA association to polysomes in embryos indicate that both rpr, hsp70, hid and grim endogenous mRNAs are recruited to polysomes in embryos in which apoptosis or thermal stress was induced. We conclude that hsp70 and, on the other hand, rpr, hid and grim which are antagonizing factors during apoptosis, use a similar mechanism for protein synthesis. The outcome for the cell would thus depend on which protein is translated under a given stress condition. Factors involved in the differential translation driven by these IRES could play an important role. For this purpose, we undertook the identification of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes assembled onto the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA. We established a tobramycin-affinity-selection protocol that allows the purification of specific RNP that can be further analyzed by mass spectrometry. Several RNA binding proteins were identified as part of the rpr 5 UTR RNP complex, some of which have been related to IRES activity. The involvement of one of them, the La antigen, in the translation of rpr mRNA, was established by RNA-crosslinking experiments using recombinant protein and rpr 5 UTR and by the analysis of the translation efficiency of reporter mRNAs in Drosophila cells after knock down of the endogenous La by RNAi experiments. Several uncharacterized proteins were also identified, suggesting that they might play a role during translation, during the assembly of the translational machinery or in the priming of the mRNA before ribosome recognition. Our data provide evidence for the involvement of La antigen in the translation of rpr mRNA and set a protocol for purification of tagged-RNA-protein complexes from cytoplasmic extracts. To further understand the mechanisms of translation initiation in Drosophila, we analyzed the role of eIF4B on cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. We showed that eIF4B is mostly involved in cap-, but not IRES-dependent translation as it happens in mammals.


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In dieser Arbeit ist die zentrale Frage, warum dicistronische mRNAs, eine für Eukaryoten untypische Organisation, existieren und wie die Translation des zweiten offenen Leserasters initiiert wird. In sieben von neun anfänglich ausgewählten Genkassetten werden tatsächlich nur dicistronische und keine monocistronischen Transkripte gebildet. Im Laufe der Evolution scheint diese Organisation nicht immer erhalten zu bleiben - es finden sich Hinweise für einen operonartigen Aufbau. Nach Transformation mit einem dicistronischen Reporterkonstrukt und in in vitro Translations-Assays weisen die beiden Genkassetten CG31311 und CG33009 eine interne ribosomale Eintrittstelle (IRES) auf, welche die Translation des zweiten Cistrons einleiten kann. Diese beiden IRESs lassen sich in einen Bereich von unter 100 nt eingrenzen. Die Funktionalität der beiden nachgewiesenen IRESs konnte in vivo in der männlichen Keimbahn von Drosophila bestätigt werden, nachdem das Vorhandensein von kryptischen Promotoren in diesen Bereichen ausgeschlossen wurde. Die anderen fünf Genkassetten hingegen zeigen keine IRES-Aktivität und nutzen wahrscheinlich alternative Methoden wie das leaky scanning oder ribosomal shunting zur Translation des zweiten Cistrons. In weiterführenden Analysen wurden sehr komplexe Expressionsmuster beobachtet, die nicht offensichtlich mit der beschriebenen mRNA Organisation in Einklang zu bringen sind. Bei der Genkassette CG33009 zum Beispiel wird das erste Protein während der gesamten Spermatogenese in den Keimzellen synthetisiert, wohingegen das zweite IRES-abhängig translatierte Protein in den die Keimzellen umschließenden Cystenzellen und zusätzlich in den elongierten Spermatiden auftritt. Diese zusätzliche Expression könnte auf Transportprozessen oder Neusynthese beruhen. Die Cystenzell-spezische Expression eines Fusionskonstruktes führte jedoch nicht zum Nachweis des Fusionsproteins in den Keimzellen. Somit ist eine durch die IRES-vermittelte Neusynthese in den elongierten Spermatiden wahrscheinlicher. Ein Verlust dieses IRES-abhängig translatierten Proteins in den Cystenzellen bringt die Spermatogenese zum Erliegen und belegt somit dessen essentielle Funktion. Bei der Genkassette CG31311 kommt es auch zu einer bemerkenswerten Auffälligkeit in der Expression. Während im Hodengewebe große Mengen an Transkript vorhanden sind, die aber nicht zu nachweisbaren Mengen an Protein führen, lässt sich in den Ommatidien ein differenziertes Expressionsmuster für beide Proteine dokumentieren, obwohl die Transkriptmenge hier unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegt. Diese Beobachtung suggeriert eine drastische Kontrolle auf Translationsebene, die für das Hodengewebe zum Beispiel in einer Verzögerung der Translation bis nach der Befruchtung bestehen könnte (paternale mRNA). Erste Ansätze zeigen die Interaktion der IRES von CG33009 mit RNA-bindenden Proteinen, potentiellen ITAFs (IRES trans-acting factors), deren Bindung sequenzspezisch erfolgt. In weiteren Experimenten wäre zu testen, ob die hier identifizierten IRESs mit den gleichen oder mit unterschiedlichen Proteinen interagieren.


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The research of this thesis dissertation covers developments and applications of short-and long-term climate predictions. The short-term prediction emphasizes monthly and seasonal climate, i.e. forecasting from up to the next month over a season to up to a year or so. The long-term predictions pertain to the analysis of inter-annual- and decadal climate variations over the whole 21st century. These two climate prediction methods are validated and applied in the study area, namely, Khlong Yai (KY) water basin located in the eastern seaboard of Thailand which is a major industrial zone of the country and which has been suffering from severe drought and water shortage in recent years. Since water resources are essential for the further industrial development in this region, a thorough analysis of the potential climate change with its subsequent impact on the water supply in the area is at the heart of this thesis research. The short-term forecast of the next-season climate, such as temperatures and rainfall, offers a potential general guideline for water management and reservoir operation. To that avail, statistical models based on autoregressive techniques, i.e., AR-, ARIMA- and ARIMAex-, which includes additional external regressors, and multiple linear regression- (MLR) models, are developed and applied in the study region. Teleconnections between ocean states and the local climate are investigated and used as extra external predictors in the ARIMAex- and the MLR-model and shown to enhance the accuracy of the short-term predictions significantly. However, as the ocean state – local climate teleconnective relationships provide only a one- to four-month ahead lead time, the ocean state indices can support only a one-season-ahead forecast. Hence, GCM- climate predictors are also suggested as an additional predictor-set for a more reliable and somewhat longer short-term forecast. For the preparation of “pre-warning” information for up-coming possible future climate change with potential adverse hydrological impacts in the study region, the long-term climate prediction methodology is applied. The latter is based on the downscaling of climate predictions from several single- and multi-domain GCMs, using the two well-known downscaling methods SDSM and LARS-WG and a newly developed MLR-downscaling technique that allows the incorporation of a multitude of monthly or daily climate predictors from one- or several (multi-domain) parent GCMs. The numerous downscaling experiments indicate that the MLR- method is more accurate than SDSM and LARS-WG in predicting the recent past 20th-century (1971-2000) long-term monthly climate in the region. The MLR-model is, consequently, then employed to downscale 21st-century GCM- climate predictions under SRES-scenarios A1B, A2 and B1. However, since the hydrological watershed model requires daily-scale climate input data, a new stochastic daily climate generator is developed to rescale monthly observed or predicted climate series to daily series, while adhering to the statistical and geospatial distributional attributes of observed (past) daily climate series in the calibration phase. Employing this daily climate generator, 30 realizations of future daily climate series from downscaled monthly GCM-climate predictor sets are produced and used as input in the SWAT- distributed watershed model, to simulate future streamflow and other hydrological water budget components in the study region in a multi-realization manner. In addition to a general examination of the future changes of the hydrological regime in the KY-basin, potential future changes of the water budgets of three main reservoirs in the basin are analysed, as these are a major source of water supply in the study region. The results of the long-term 21st-century downscaled climate predictions provide evidence that, compared with the past 20th-reference period, the future climate in the study area will be more extreme, particularly, for SRES A1B. Thus, the temperatures will be higher and exhibit larger fluctuations. Although the future intensity of the rainfall is nearly constant, its spatial distribution across the region is partially changing. There is further evidence that the sequential rainfall occurrence will be decreased, so that short periods of high intensities will be followed by longer dry spells. This change in the sequential rainfall pattern will also lead to seasonal reductions of the streamflow and seasonal changes (decreases) of the water storage in the reservoirs. In any case, these predicted future climate changes with their hydrological impacts should encourage water planner and policy makers to develop adaptation strategies to properly handle the future water supply in this area, following the guidelines suggested in this study.


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Machine translation has been a particularly difficult problem in the area of Natural Language Processing for over two decades. Early approaches to translation failed since interaction effects of complex phenomena in part made translation appear to be unmanageable. Later approaches to the problem have succeeded (although only bilingually), but are based on many language-specific rules of a context-free nature. This report presents an alternative approach to natural language translation that relies on principle-based descriptions of grammar rather than rule-oriented descriptions. The model that has been constructed is based on abstract principles as developed by Chomsky (1981) and several other researchers working within the "Government and Binding" (GB) framework. Thus, the grammar is viewed as a modular system of principles rather than a large set of ad hoc language-specific rules.


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The HMAX model has recently been proposed by Riesenhuber & Poggio as a hierarchical model of position- and size-invariant object recognition in visual cortex. It has also turned out to model successfully a number of other properties of the ventral visual stream (the visual pathway thought to be crucial for object recognition in cortex), and particularly of (view-tuned) neurons in macaque inferotemporal cortex, the brain area at the top of the ventral stream. The original modeling study only used ``paperclip'' stimuli, as in the corresponding physiology experiment, and did not explore systematically how model units' invariance properties depended on model parameters. In this study, we aimed at a deeper understanding of the inner workings of HMAX and its performance for various parameter settings and ``natural'' stimulus classes. We examined HMAX responses for different stimulus sizes and positions systematically and found a dependence of model units' responses on stimulus position for which a quantitative description is offered. Interestingly, we find that scale invariance properties of hierarchical neural models are not independent of stimulus class, as opposed to translation invariance, even though both are affine transformations within the image plane.


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Human object recognition is generally considered to tolerate changes of the stimulus position in the visual field. A number of recent studies, however, have cast doubt on the completeness of translation invariance. In a new series of experiments we tried to investigate whether positional specificity of short-term memory is a general property of visual perception. We tested same/different discrimination of computer graphics models that were displayed at the same or at different locations of the visual field, and found complete translation invariance, regardless of the similarity of the animals and irrespective of direction and size of the displacement (Exp. 1 and 2). Decisions were strongly biased towards same decisions if stimuli appeared at a constant location, while after translation subjects displayed a tendency towards different decisions. Even if the spatial order of animal limbs was randomized ("scrambled animals"), no deteriorating effect of shifts in the field of view could be detected (Exp. 3). However, if the influence of single features was reduced (Exp. 4 and 5) small but significant effects of translation could be obtained. Under conditions that do not reveal an influence of translation, rotation in depth strongly interferes with recognition (Exp. 6). Changes of stimulus size did not reduce performance (Exp. 7). Tolerance to these object transformations seems to rely on different brain mechanisms, with translation and scale invariance being achieved in principle, while rotation invariance is not.


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Saber si a través de un programa que potencie el uso de actividades relacionadas con las inteligencias intra e interpersonales, aumenta la disposición a comunicarse en inglés de alumnos españoles estudiantes de inglés del primer curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, y si de alguna forma mejora la inteligencia emocional de éstos. La falta de investigación sobre la relación que existe entre la competencia emocional del alumnado y su disposición a comunicarse en un idioma extranjero en clase, unido a la evidencia de la falta de prácticas orales reales dentro del aula, ayudaron a formular las siguientes preguntas de investigación que han guiado el presente estudio: 1.¿Facilita la instrucción de la inteligencia emocional la disposición a comunicarse del alumnado? 2.¿Tiene el tratamiento en competencia emocional incidencia sobre el interés de los alumnos en la lengua meta? 3.¿Aumenta la competencia emocional del alumnado tras el tratamiento?. Plantea un diseño experimental se realiza con alumnos de dos cursos de primero de E.S.O, y en el centro privado concertado con mayor población infantil y juvenil de la provincia de Huelva (excluida la capital) con dos grupos, control y experimenta. De esta forma se cuenta al principio de la investigación con una variada muestra de población (60 alumnos) de distintas zonas geográficas y diferentes entornos educativos. El grupo experimental estaba formado por 16 niñas y 14 niños, no siendo ninguno de ellos alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, aunque sí había tres alumnos que necesitaban refuerzos educativos en algunas áreas (matemáticas, lengua e inglés). El grupo control estaba formado por 15 niñas y 15 niños, y cuatro alumnos necesitaban igualmente refuerzo educativo. El grupo experimental contaba con 11 alumnos procedentes del mismo centro escolar, 4 alumnos de distintas poblaciones y 6 procedentes de la misma población pero de otros centros escolares de primaria. El grupo control contaba con 11 alumnos procedentes del mismo centro escolar, 4 alumnos de distintas poblaciones y 6 procedentes de otros centros de primaria, con lo que la variedad de la muestra está garantizada. Se utilizan procedimientos de recogida de datos con un nivel alto de detalle: cuestionarios para obtener información específica y la escala que mide la disposición a comunicarse del alumnado. Por otro lado, se emplean otros procedimientos con un bajo nivel de detalle en cuanto a la información que recogen: observación directa de la profesora y entrevistas informales recogidas en las fichas de seguimiento de las actividades. Son muchas más las actividades que podrían haberse planteado en este estudio y que se podrían llevar a cabo en cualquier clase de secundaria. Sólo haría falta un profesor capaz de confiar plenamente en el rendimiento académico y afectivo de sus alumnos y sobre todo capaz de originar en el aula un clima de aceptación y tolerancia. Creer que todo alumno es capaz de aprender es empezar a proporcionarle los medios para hacerlo. Los esquemas y programas diseñados en la escuela de la segunda década del siglo XXI para los adolescentes no deberían ser configurados sólo y exclusivamente por las exigencias de los estudios posteriores, tal y como sucede, sino que principalmente deberían ayudar a los alumnos a transformar su educación en un proceso evolutivo que haga frente a sus necesidades sociales, personales, físicas e intelectuales. Se podría continuar con tratamientos similares, en cursos superiores de la Educación Secundaria, y ver qué consecuencias tiene en un alumnado de más edad. El mayor reto educativo de los docentes es tratar de desarrollar en el alumnado aquellas capacidades que no lo estén y el presente estudio abre nuevas vías de investigación para desarrollar en el alumnado las habilidades necesarias para empezar a comunicarse en un segundo idioma, para favorecer el trabajo colaborativo en el aula y para mejorar y ampliar su competencia emocional.


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La educación inter-cultural es la respuesta al fenómeno socioeducativo de la multiculturalidad. Es la respuesta pedagógica a la necesidad de preparar los futuros ciudadanos para vivir en una sociedad realmente multicultural e idealmente intercultural.


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