802 resultados para inclusions


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Lipid bodies, cytoplasmic inclusions that develop in cells associated with inflammation, are inducible structures that might participate in generating inflammatory eicosanoids. Cis-unsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic and oleic acids) rapidly induced lipid body formation in leukocytes, and this lipid body induction was inhibited by aspirin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Several findings indicates that the inhibitory effect of aspirin and NSAIDs on lipid body formation was independent of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition. First, the non-COX inhibitor, sodium salicylate, was as potent as aspirin in inhibiting lipid body formation elicited by cis-fatty acids. Second, cis-fatty acid-induced lipid body formation was not impaired in macrophages from COX-1 or COX-2 genetically deficient mice. Finally, NSAIDs inhibited arachidonic acid-induced lipid body formation likewise in macrophages from wild-type and COX-1- and COX-2-deficient mice. An enhanced capacity to generate eicosanoids developed after 1 hr concordantly with cis-fatty acid-induced lipid body formation. Arachidonic and oleic acid-induced lipid body numbers correlated with the enhanced levels of leukotrienes B4 and C4 and prostaglandin E2 produced after submaximal calcium ionophore stimulation. Aspirin and NSAIDs inhibited both induced lipid body formation and the enhanced capacity for forming leukotrienes as well as prostaglandins. Our studies indicate that lipid body formation is an inducible early response in leukocytes that correlates with enhanced eicosanoid synthesis. Aspirin and NSAIDs, independent of COX inhibition, inhibit cis-fatty acid-induced lipid body formation in leukocytes and in concert inhibit the enhanced synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins.


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A human-derived strain of the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, a recently described emerging rickettsial disease, has been established by serial blood passage in mouse hosts. Larval deer ticks acquired infection by feeding upon such mice and efficiently transmitted the ehrlichiae after molting to nymphs, thereby demonstrating vector competence. The agent was detected by demonstrating Feulgen-positive inclusions in the salivary glands of the experimentally infected ticks and from field-derived adult deer ticks. White-footed mice from a field site infected laboratory-reared ticks with the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, suggesting that these rodents serve as reservoirs for ehrlichiae as well as for Lyme disease spirochetes and the piroplasm that causes human babesiosis. About 10% of host-seeking deer ticks were infected with ehrlichiae, and of these, 20% also contained spirochetes. Cotransmission of diverse pathogens by the aggressively human-biting deer tick may have a unique impact on public health in certain endemic sites.


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Mutations in the human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (SOD1) are found in 20% of kindreds with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Transgenic mice (line G1H) expressing a human SOD1 containing a mutation of Gly-93 --> Ala (G93A) develop a motor neuron disease similar to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but transgenic mice (line N1029) expressing a wild-type human SOD1 transgene do not. Because neurofilament (NF)-rich inclusions in spinal motor neurons are characteristic of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we asked whether mutant G1H and/or N1029 mice develop similar NF lesions. NF inclusions (i.e., spheroids, Lewy body-like inclusions) were first detected in spinal cord motor neurons of the G1H mice at 82 days of age about the time these mice first showed clinical evidence of disease. Other neuronal intermediate filament proteins (alpha-internexin, peripherin) also accumulated in these spheroids. The onset of accumulations of ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the G1H mice paralleled the emergence of vacuoles and NF-rich spheroids in neurons, but they did not colocalize exclusively with spheroids. In contrast, NF inclusions were not seen in the N1029 mice until they were 132 days old, and ubiquitin immunoreactivity was not increased in the N1029 mice even at 199 days of age. Astrocytosis in spinal cord was associated with a marked increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the G1H mice, but not in the N1029 mice. Finally, comparative studies revealed a striking similarity between the cytoskeletal pathology in the G1H transgenic mice and in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These findings link a specific SOD1 mutation with alterations in the neuronal cytoskeleton of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Thus, neuronal cytoskeletal abnormalities may be implicated in the pathogenesis of human familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


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Com o decorrer dos anos o consumo de petróleo e seus derivados aumentou significativamente e com isso houve a necessidade de se investir em pesquisas para descobertas de novas jazidas de petróleo como o pré-sal. Porém, não apenas a localização dessas jazidas deve ser estudada, mas, também, sua forma de exploração. Essa exploração e extração, na maioria das vezes, se dão em ambientes altamente corrosivos e o transporte do produto extraído é realizado através de tubulações de aço de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL). Aços ARBL expostos a ambientes contendo H2S e CO2 (sour gas) sofrem corrosão generalizada que promovem a entrada de hidrogênio atômico no metal, podendo diminuir sua tenacidade e causar falha induzida pela presença de hidrogênio (Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC), gerando falhas graves no material. Tais falhas podem ser desastrosas para o meio ambiente e para a sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a tenacidade, utilizando ensaio Charpy, de um tubo API 5L X65 sour após diferentes tempos de imersão em uma solução saturada com H2S. O eletrólito empregado foi a solução A (ácido acético contendo cloreto de sódio) da norma NACE TM0284 (2011), fazendo-se desaeração com injeção de N2, seguida de injeções de H2S. Os materiais foram submetidos a: ensaios de resistência a HIC segundo a norma NACE TM0284 (2011) e exames em microscópio óptico e eletrônico de varredura para caracterização microestrutural, de inclusões e trincas. As amostras foram submetidas a imersão em solução A durante 96h e 360h, sendo que, após doze dias do término da imersão, foram realizados os ensaios Charpy e exames fractográficos. Foram aplicados dois métodos: o de energia absorvida e o da expansão lateral, conforme recomendações da norma ASTM E23 (2012). As curvas obtidas, em função da temperatura de impacto, foram ajustadas pelo método da tangente hiperbólica. Esses procedimentos foram realizados nas duas seções do tubo (transversal e longitudinal) e permitiram a obtenção dos seguintes parâmetros: energias absorvidas e expansão lateral nos patamares superior e inferior e temperaturas de transição dúctil-frágil (TTDF) em suas diferentes definições, ou seja, TTDFEA, TTDFEA-DN, TTDFEA-FN, TTDFEL, TTDFEL-DN e TTDFEL-FN (identificação no item Lista de Abreviaturas e Siglas). No exame fractográfico observou-se que o material comportou-se conforme o previsto, ou seja, em temperaturas mais altas ocorreu fratura dúctil, em temperaturas próximas a TTDF obteve-se fratura mista e nas temperaturas mais baixas observou-se o aparecimento de fratura frágil. Os resultados mostraram que quanto maior o tempo de imersão na solução A, menor é a energia absorvida e a expansão lateral no patamar superior, o que pode ser explicado pelo (esperado) aumento do teor de hidrogênio em solução sólida com o tempo de imersão. Por sua vez, os resultados mostraram que há tendência à diminuição da temperatura de transição dúctil-frágil com o aumento do tempo de imersão, particularmente, as TTDFEA-DN e TTDFEL-DN das duas seções do tubo (longitudinal e transversal). Esse comportamento controverso, que pode ser denominado de tenacificação com o decorrer do tempo de imersão na solução A, foi explicado pelo aparecimento de trincas secundárias durante o impacto (Charpy). Isso indica uma limitação do ensaio Charpy para a avaliação precisa de materiais hidrogenados.


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O fluxante é uma escória sintética que influencia na qualidade superficial do aço e na estabilidade do processo de lingotamento contínuo. Este produto é aplicado diretamente sobre o aço líquido na região do molde de cobre refrigerado a água e atua diretamente no resfriamento primário do aço. O fluxante tem as propriedades físico-químicas adaptadas para cada tipo de aço e também para as condições de lingotamento. Na superfície do aço líquido, o fluxante funde e forma uma poça líquida, atuando como isolante térmico, protegendo o aço da reoxidação e absorvendo inclusões principalmente de Al2O3. A poça líquida escoa, lubrificando e controlando a transferência de calor na interface entre o molde e a pele de aço em solidificação. O problema de qualidade superficial do aço, quando relacionado ao fluxante, se resume a alarmes de colamento, trincas de quina, marcas de oscilação profundas e trincas longitudinais, sendo este último um problema particular do aço médio carbono. Neste trabalho, foram analisados diferentes fluxantes baseados inicialmente no fluxante comercial aplicado no lingotamento contínuo de placas de aço médio carbono. Todos os fluxantes foram desenvolvidos com composições químicas similares. O objetivo foi avaliar o impacto da substituição de fontes de matérias-primas em diferentes composições de modo a avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas com base no fluxante comercial de referência. Como resultado, de todas as propriedades físico-químicas, foi a temperatura de cristalização que sofreu a alteração mais significativa.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o processo de formação do cavaco durante o torneamento utilizando simulação numérica pelo método dos elementos finitos. Para realizar o estudo foram definidos dois tipos de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos, um com matriz metálica sem a presença significativa de inclusões, do tipo ABNT 304, e outro com a presença de inclusões não metálicas, do tipo ABNT 303. O estudo foi focado nos mecanismos de formação e ruptura do cavaco, na determinação das forças de usinagem, no campo de tensões, deformações, e temperaturas durante o processo, que foram relacionados com aspectos e características da microestrutura do material. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com as forças de usinagem experimentais, com a espessura e morfologia do cavaco. O desenvolvimento do trabalho, de acordo com a metodologia adotada, foi realizado em diferentes etapas. Inicialmente foi elaborado e aplicado um modelo de simulação da usinagem considerando o material homogêneo. Em outra etapa, foi realizada a modelagem de uma microestrutura submetida a um estado de tensão e deformação semelhante ao encontrado na simulação da usinagem realizada com material homogêneo. Os resultados mostraram que as partículas das inclusões maiores, alongadas, e em maior quantidade aumentam a tensão e a deformação na microestrutura. As elevadas temperaturas obtidas na usinagem dos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos aumentam a ductilidade dos sulfetos, esses se deformam em compressão junto com a matriz, e têm um efeito limitado como agente de redução dos esforços de usinagem. Por outro lado, os sulfetos facilitam a etapa de ruptura do cavaco em tensões trativas, e tendem a se romper facilitando o processo de quebra.


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We investigated the diffraction behavior of plasmonic Bessel beams propagating in metal-dielectric stratified materials and wire media. Our results reveal various regimes in which polarization singularities are selectively maintained. This polarization-pass effect can be controlled by appropriately setting the filling factor of the metallic inclusions and its internal periodic distribution. These results may have implications in the development of devices at the nanoscale level for manipulation of polarization and angular momentum of cylindrical vector beams.


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Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.


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In the nodule field of the Peru Basin, situated south of the zone of high bioproductivity, a relatively high flux of biogenic matter explains a distinct redox boundary at about 10 cm depth separating very soft oxic surface sediments from stiffer suboxic sediments. Maximum abundance (50 kg/m**2) of diagenetic nodules is found near the calcite compensation depth (CCD), currently at 4250 m. There, the accretion rate of nodules is much higher (100 mm/Ma) than on ridges (5 mm/Ma). Highest accretion rates are found at the bottom of large nodules that repeatedly sink to a level immediately above the redox boundary. There, distinct diagenetic growth conditions prevail and layers of dense laminated Mn oxide of very pure todorokite are formed. The layering of nodules is mainly the result of organisms moving nodules within the oxic surface sediment from diagenetic to hydrogenetic environments. The frequency of such movements is much higher than that of climatic changes. Two types of nodule burial occur in the Peru Basin. Large nodules are less easily moved by organisms and become buried. Consequently, buried nodules generally are larger than surface nodules. This type of burial predominates in basins. At ridges where smaller nodules prevail, burial is mainly controlled by statistical selection where some nodules are not moved up by organisms.


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The compositions of chrome spinels of Costa Rica Rift basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 505 vary depending on their occurrences as (1) inclusions in olivine crystals, (2) inclusions in Plagioclase crystals, and (3) isolated crystals in variolitic or glassy samples. The variations are a consequence of (1) changes of melt compositions as crystallization proceeds, and (2) contrasting behavior of olivine and Plagioclase in competition with spinels for Al and Mg. Some spinels have skeletal rims compositionally less magnesian than mineral cores; however, the cores do not appear to be xenocrysts, unlike some texturally similar spinels in Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts.


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Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) thermochronology is increasingly used for reconstructing geodynamic processes of the upper crust and the surface. Results of AHe thermochronology, however, are often in conflict with apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology, yielding an inverted age-relationship with AHe dates older than AFT dates of the same samples. This effect is mainly explained by radiation damage of apatite, either impeding He diffusion or causing non-thermal annealing of fission tracks. So far, systematic age inversions have only been described for old and slowly cooled terranes, whereas for young and rapidly cooled samples 'too old' AHe dates are usually explained by the presence of undetected U and/or Th-rich micro-inclusions. We report apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He results for rapidly cooled volcanogenic samples deposited in a deep ocean environment with a relatively simple post-depositional thermal history. Robust age constraints are provided independently through sample biostratigraphy. All studied apatites have low U contents (< 5 ppm on average). While AFT dates are largely in agreement with deposition ages, most AHe dates are too old. For leg 43, where deposition age of sampled sediment is 26.5-29.5 Ma, alpha-corrected average AHe dates are up to 45 Ma, indicating overestimations of AHe dates up to 50%. This is explained by He implantation from surrounding host U-Th rich sedimentary components and it is shown that AHe dates can be "corrected" by mechanically abrading the outer part of grains. We recommend that particularly for low U-Th-apatites the possibility of He implantation should be carefully checked before considering the degree to which the alpha-ejection correction should be applied.


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The process of fluid release from the subducting slab beneath the Izu arc volcanic front (Izu VF) was examined by measuring B concentrations and B isotope ratios in the Neogene fallout tephra (ODP Site 782A). Both were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry, in a subset of matrix glasses and glassy plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions selected from material previously analyzed for major and trace elements (glasses) and radiogenic isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb; bulk tephra). These tephra glasses have high B abundances (~10-60 ppm) and heavy delta11B values (+4.5? to +12.0?), extending the previously reported range for Izu VF rocks (delta11B, +7.0? to +7.3?). The glasses show striking negative correlations of delta11B with large ion lithophile element (LILE)/Nb ratios. These correlations cannot be explained by mixing two separate slab fluids, originating from the subducting sediment and the subducting basaltic crust, respectively (model A). Two alternative models (models B and C) are proposed. Model B proposes that the inverse correlations are inherited from altered oceanic crust (AOC), which shows a systematic decrease of B and LILE with increasing depth (from basaltic layer 2A to layer 3), paralleled by an increase in delta11B (from ~ +1? to +10? to +24?). In this model, the contribution of sedimentary B is insignificant (<4% of B in the Izu VF rocks). Model C explains the correlation as a mixture of a low-delta11B (~ +1?) 'composite' slab fluid (a mixture of metasediment- and metabasalt-derived fluids) with a metasomatized mantle wedge containing elevated B (~1-2 ppm) and heavy delta11B (~ +14?). The mantle wedge was likely metasomatized by 11B-rich fluids beneath the outer forearc, and subsequently down dragged to arc front depths by the descending slab. Pb-B isotope systematics indicate that, at arc front depths, ~ 53% of the B in the Izu VF is derived from the wedge. This implies that the heavy delta11B values of Izu VF rocks are largely a result of fluid fractionation, and do not reflect variations in slab source provenance (i.e. subducting sediment vs. basaltic crust). Since the B content of the peridotite at the outer forearc (7-58 ppm B, mean 24 +/- 16 ppm) is much higher than beneath the arc front (~1-2 ppm B), the hydrated mantle wedge must have released a B-rich fluid on its downward path. This 'wedge flux' can explain (1) the across-arc decrease in B and delta11B (e.g. Izu, Kuriles), without requiring a progressive decrease in fluid flux from the subducting slab, and (2) the thermal structure of volcanic arcs, as reflected in the B and delta11B variations of volcanic arc rocks.


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Phyric basalts recovered from DSDP Legs 45 and 46 contain abundant plagioclase phenocrysts which occur as either discrete single grains (megacrysts) or aggregates (glomerocrysts) and which are too abundant and too anorthitic to have crystallized from a liquid with the observed bulk rock composition. Almost all the plagioclase crystals are complexly zoned. In most cases two abrupt and relatively large compositional changes associated with continuous internal morphologic boundaries divide the plagioclase crystals into three parts: core, mantle and rim. The cores exhibit two major types of morphology: tabular, with a euhedral to slightly rounded outline; or a skeletal inner core wrapped by a slightly rounded homogeneous outer core. The mantle region is characterized by a zoning pattern composed of one to several spikes/plateaus superimposed on a gently zoned base line, with one large plateau always at the outside of the mantle, and by, in most cases, a rounded internal morphology. The inner rim is typically oscillatory zoned. The width of the outer rim can be correlated with the position of the individual crystal in the basalt pillow. The presence of a skeletal inner core and the concentration of glass inclusions in low-An zones in the mantle region suggest that the liquid in which these parts of the crystals were growing was undercooled some amount. The resorption features at the outer margins of low-An zones indicate superheating of the liquid with respect to the crystal. It is proposed that the plagioclase cores formed during injection of primitive magma into a previously existing magma chamber, that the mantle formed during mixing of a partially mixed magma and the remaining magma already in the chamber, and that the inner rim formed when the mixed magma was in a sheeted dike system. The large plateau at the outside of the mantle may have formed during the injection of the next batch of primitive magma into the main chamber, which may trigger an eruption. This model is consistent with fluid dynamic calculations and geochemically based magma mixing models, and is suggested to be the major mechanism for generating the disequilibrium conditions in the magma.


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Among the groups of oceanic microfossils, only Radiolaria occur in abundances and preservation states sufficient to provide biostratigraphic control for restricted intervals within sediments recovered in Hole 1223A. The distribution of these microfossils has been divided into four major intervals, A-D. Radiolaria distribution Interval A occupies the depth range 0-3.0 meters below seafloor (mbsf), where the abundance of specimens is very low and preservation is poor. Radiolaria distribution Interval B occupies the depth range 3.02-7.1 mbsf. Radiolaria in Interval B are locally rare to abundant and well preserved, and assemblages range in age from pure early Eocene to early Eocene admixed with late Neogene taxa. Radiolaria distribution Interval C occupies the depth range 7.1-36.99 mbsf and is characterized by sediments either barren of microfossils or containing extremely rare early Eocene specimens. Radiolaria distribution Interval D occupies the depth range 36.99-38.7 mbsf (base of the recovered sedimentary section), where early Eocene Radiolaria are present in rare to common frequencies, but opal-A to opal-CT recrystallization has degraded the preservation state. The late Neogene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Interval B is dated at 1.55-2.0 Ma, based on occurrences of Eucyrtidium matuyamai, Lamprocyclas heteroporos, and Theocorythium trachelium trachelium. The early Eocene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Intervals B and D is somewhat problematically assigned to the Buryella clinata Zone.