878 resultados para imports


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Studies with organic systems have shown the feasibility and ecological and social sustainability of these agroecosystems, unlike the systems agrochemicals (conventional) production. Some studies have concluded that for the model agrochemical exists less interaction between the flow of internal energy, basically the crop receives all inputs to production with no increase in "energy quality" within the system, while in the organic model of production has increased interaction between different resources in the system. The current economic and ecological crisis, exposed no sustainability of the production pattern of industrialized agriculture developed in a way, showing the dependence of developed countries on imports of agricultural commodities produced in the third world, among there coffee. Given these facts, developed a survey to identify problems in the Alta Paulista region, west of São Paulo State, in relation to coffee production systems. Actually, the fundamental problem, according to the research, farmers in this region, is to choose a viable production system correctly (environmental, social and economic); agrochemical or organic. The objectives of this study were to analyze the yield of production systems and agro-chemical and organic coffee in the period from 2003 to 2007, in 30 producing properties, located in this region, in order to point the production system to produce the highest yield. According to the methodology of CONAB, data collected were recorded on spreadsheets to be used as variables in statistical analysis models and mathematics. We performed a descriptive analysis of productivity data and were used for statistical analysis tests for parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance. The mathematical analyses of the curves were prepared with Origin for Windows 6.0 software, which uses numerical methods to fit the data supplied to a function of variable parameters. Unlike conventional systems of production, the organic system showed greater viability of the production model. Furthermore, with the quantitative modeling proposal, it is possible to perform the evaluation of these types of investments, providing more security to the farmer at the time of decision.


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Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease with animal health, public health, and international trade consequences. The cooperative Federal-State-industry effort to eradicate bovine TB from cattle in the United States has made significant progress since the program’s inception in 1917. However, the goal of eradication remains elusive. This proposed action plan presents Veterinary Services’ (VS’) current thinking about changes we are considering for the TB program to address our current challenges. This action plan will: 1. Reduce the introduction of TB into the U.S. national herd from imported animals and wildlife by: o Applying additional requirements to cattle imports from Mexico o Enhancing efforts to mitigate risks from wildlife 2. Enhance TB surveillance by: o Crafting a comprehensive national surveillance plan o Accelerating diagnostic test development to support surveillance 3. Increase options for managing TB-affected herds by: o Conducting epidemiological investigations and assessing individual herd risk o Applying whole-herd depopulation judiciously and developing alternative control strategies o Applying animal identification (ID) standards to meet animal ID needs 4. Modernize the regulatory framework to allow VS to focus resources where the disease exists 5. Transition the TB program from a State classification system to a science-based zoning approach to address disease risk To succeed, this new approach will require VS’ continued partnership with State animal health and wildlife officials, other Federal agencies, industry, international partners, academia, and other stakeholders. Successful partnerships will allow us to use available resources efficiently to achieve program objectives and protect our nation’s herd. Implementation of the VS proposed action plan will benefit Federal and State animal health officials, the regulated industries, and producers by allowing a more rapid response that employs up-to-date science and can adapt rapidly to changing situations.


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Table of Contents: White Nose Syndrome News CWD Found in Virginia Serosurveys of Feral Swine AI Serology in Wild Birds Chagas Disease Studies SCWDS Bont Tick Surveillance Brain Tumor in Deer Exotic Animal Imports and Public Health Loss of Two SCWDS Friends


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The dissertation consists of three essays on international research and development spillovers. In the first essay, I investigate the degree to which differences in institutional arrangements among Sub-Saharan African countries determine the extent of benefits they derive from foreign research and development spillovers. In particular, I compare the international research and development spillovers for English common law and French civil law Sub-Saharan African countries. I show that differences in the legal origin of the company law or commercial codes in these countries may reflect the extent of barriers they place in the paths of firms that engage in the investment process. To tests this hypothesis, I constructed foreign R&D spillovers variable using imports as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to estimate elasticities of productivity with respect to foreign R&D spillovers for a sample of 17 English common law and French Civil law Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. My results find support for the hypothesis. In particular, foreign R&D spillovers were higher in the English common law countries than in the French civil law countries. In the second essay, I examine the question of whether technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants induce R&D knowledge spillovers in Sub-Saharan African countries. I test this hypothesis using data for 11 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1980-2004. I constructed foreign R&D spillovers using the technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants as weights and employed the endogenous growth framework to provide quantitative estimates of foreign R&D spillover effects in 11 Sub-Saharan African countries. I find that technical cooperation grants and overseas development assistance grants are major mechanisms through which returns to R&D investments in G7 countries flows to Sub-Saharan African countries. However, their influence has declined over the years. Finally, the third essay tests the hypothesis that the relationship between a country's exporters and their foreign purchasing agents may lead to the exchange of ideas and thereby improve the manufacturing process and productivity in the exporting country. I test this hypothesis using disaggregated export data from OECD countries. The foreign R&D capital stock in this essay was constructed as exports weighted average of domestic R&D capital stock. I find empirical support for the hypothesis. In particular, capital goods exports generate more learning effects and therefore best explain productivity in OECD countries than non-capital goods exports.


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Controversy surrounding the United States import of beef has been an issue since at least 1958, which marked the beginning of major imports from Australia (Edward, 1964). From the onset, U.S. beef producers have been concerned that beef imports would depress the prices they receive for their product. Consumer groups, on the other hand, have welcomed increased imports, expecting that increased competition would lower meat prices. As a result of these conflicting views, the past 50 years has seen the creation of various measures of legislation which control the volume of imports.


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There has been considerable concern in Latin America over the implications of increased competition from China for local industry. These concerns include the possibility of "deindustrialization," the increased "primarization" of the region's exports and the difficulties of upgrading manufactured exports into higher technology products. This article examines the impact of Chinese competition both in the domestic market and in export markets on Brazilian industry. It documents the increased penetration of Chinese manufactures in the Brazilian market and the way in which Brazilian exports have lost market share to China in the US, European Union and four Latin American countries. Brazil, because of its more developed and locally integrated industrial sector, is not typical of other Latin American countries and the article also discusses the relevance of the Brazilian experience for the region as a whole.


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[ES] El presente trabajo es una aproximación centrada en la evolución del comercio canario-africano entre 2001 y 2011, así como en los principales valores obtenidos por las exportaciones e importaciones, incidiendo especialmente en la localización geográfica de los países proveedores y los mercados de destino de las producciones más relevantes. Todo ello se ha hecho sin perder de vista la perspectiva peculiar del Archipiélago con una economía escasamente industrializada en el contexto español, y prescindiendo de los flujos de inversión, las remesas de los migrantes o los intercambios de servicios. Las principales fuentes de información consultadas han sido las publicadas por el INE, ISTAC y la OMC en donde se recogen estadísticas oficiales basadas en los datos suministrados por la Agencia Tributaria del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda.


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[ES] La escasa disponibilidad de agua a bajo precio y el actual régimen de ayudas del REA, ambos decididos a nivel político, explican que el autoabastecimiento forrajero sea actualmente un objetivo inalcanzable en Canarias. El Plan de Forrajeras de Canarias pretende contrarrestar esta realidad e incrementar su nivel de autoabastecimiento. La ayuda financiera que supone el REA reduce el importe a pagar por el forraje importado frente al producto local, condicionando la adopción de decisiones por parte de los ganaderos. De acuerdo a los cálculos realizados, reutilizando el agua en lugar de verterla, el cultivo de Maralfalfa podría ser competitivo frente a la importación, siendo financieramente viable con precios del agua en un rango de 0,20-0,30 €/m3


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In 1995, the European Union (EU) Member States and 12 Mediterranean countries launched in Barcelona a liberalization process that aims at establishing a free trade area (to be realized by 2010) and at promoting a sustainable and balanced economic development by the adoption of a new generation of Agreements: the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements (EMA). For the Mediterranean partner countries, the main concern is a better access for their fruit and vegetable exports to the European market. These products represent the main exports of these countries, and the EU is their first trading partner. On the other side, for the EU the main issue is not only the promotion of its products, but also the protection of its fruit and vegetables producers. Moreover, the trade with third countries is the key element of the Common Market Organization of the sector. Fruit and vegetables represent a very sensitive sector since their high seasonality, high perishability, and especially since the production of the Mediterranean countries is often similar to the European Mediterranean’s countries one. In fact, the agreements define preferences at the entrance of the EU market providing limited concessions for each partner, for specific products, limited quantities and calendars. This research tries to analyze the bilateral trade volume for fresh fruit and vegetables in the European and Italian markets in order to assess the effects of Mediterranean liberalization on this sector. Free trade of agricultural products represents a very actual topic in international trade and the Mediterranean countries, recognised as big producers of fruit and vegetables, as big exporters of their crops and actually significantly present on the European market, could be high competitors with the inward production because the outlet could be the same. The goal of this study is to provide some considerations about the competitiveness of mediterranean fruit and vegetables productions after Barcelona Process, in a first step for the European market and then also for the Italian one. The aim is to discuss the influence of the euro-mediterranean agreements on the fruit and vegetables trade between 10 foreign Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, and Turkey) and 15 EU countries in the period 1995-2007, by means of a gravity model, which is a widespread methodology in international trade analysis. The basic idea of gravity models is that bilateral trade from one country to another (as the dependent variable) can be explained by a set of factors: - factors that capture the potential of a country to export goods and services; - factors that capture the propensity of a country to imports goods and services; - any other forces that either attract or inhibit bilateral trade. This analysis compares only imports’ flows by Europe and by Italy (in volumes) from Mediterranean countries, since the exports’ flows toward those foreign countries are not significant, especially for Italy. The market of fruit and vegetables appears as a high heterogeneous group so it is very difficult to show a synthesis of the analysis performed and the related results. In fact, this sector includes the so called “poor products” (such as potatoes and legumes), and the “rich product”, such as nuts or exotic fruit, and there are a lot of different goods that arouse a dissimilar consumer demand which directly influence the import requirements. Fruit and vegetables sector includes products with extremely different biological cycles, leading to a very unlike seasonality. Moreover, the Mediterranean area appears as a highly heterogeneous bloc, including countries which differ from the others for economic size, production potential, capability to export and for the relationships with the EU. The econometric estimation includes 68 analyses, 34 of which considering the European import and 34 the Italian import and the products are examined in their aggregated form and in their disaggregated level. The analysis obtains a very high R2 coefficient, which means that the methodology is able to assess the import effects on fruit and vegetables associated to the Association Agreements, preferential tariffs, regional integration, and others information involved in the equation. The empirical analysis suggests that fruits and vegetables trade flows are well explained by some parameters: size of the involved countries (especially GDP and population of the Mediterranean countries); distances; prices of imported products; local production for the aggregated products; preferential expressed tariffs like duty free; sub-regional agreements that enforce the export capability. The euro-mediterranean agreements are significant in some of the performed analysis, confirming the slow and gradual evolution of euro- Mediterranean liberalization. The euro-mediterranean liberalization provides opportunities from one side, and imposes a new important challenge from the other side. For the EU the chance is that fruit and vegetables imported from the mediterranean area represent a support for local supply and a possibility to increase the range of products existing on the market. The challenge regards the competition of foreign products with the local ones since the types of productions are similar and markets coincide, especially in the Italian issue. We need to apply a strategy based not on a trade antagonism, but on the realization of a common plane market with the Mediterranean countries. This goal could be achieved enhancing the industrial cooperation in addition to commercial relationships, and increasing investments’ flows in the Mediterranean countries aiming at transforming those countries from potential competitors to trade partners and creating new commercial policies to export towards extra European countries.


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Der Übergang der Grenzschicht von stark ozeanisch auf kontinental beeinflusst wurde in 2 tropischen Küstenwaldgebieten Amerikas untersucht, wo Luftmassen vom Meer kommend über den Kontinent transportiert werden.Zwei Feldkampagnen wurden durchgeführt; in Costa Rica (CR; 07.1996) und in Surinam (04.1998). In CR wurde im nordöstlichen Flachgebiet (etwa 10°25' N; 84°W) Regenwasser gesammelt, in dem später Carboxylate, anorganischen Anionen, Ca2+, K+, NH4+ und Mg2+ gemessen wurden. Die Proben wurden an 5 verschiedenen Stellen entlang der Windrichtung 1, 20, 60, 60 und 80 km von der Küste gesammelt. In Surinam (Sipaliwini, 2°02' N, 56°08' W) wurden organischen Säuren aus der Gasphase gesammelt etwa 550 km von der Küste entfernt, sowohl wie O3 und CO. Die Proben wurden mittels Ionenchromatographie und Kapillarelektrophorese analysiert. Morgendliche Einmischung der nächtlichen residualen Schicht und Luft der unteren freien Troposphäre war Hauptquelle für HCOOH und CH3COOH in der Tagesmischschicht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass lokale Produktion dieser Säuren durch chemische Reaktionen eine kleine Rolle gespielt hat und dass direkte Emission vernachlässigbar war.Aus den beiden Feldkampagnen folgt, dass die Konzentrationen der sekundären Verbindungen HCOOH, CH3COOH, Ozon und CO in der Tagesmischschicht von Importen bestimmt wurden, was gilt für Regen- und Trockenzeit bis zu Entfernungen von 550 km zur Küste.


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The aim of my project is to find operational strategies for increasing the commercial exploitation of fish in Apulia region and to acquire a thorough knowledge of several important aspects of this system order to propose concrete, suitable and appropriate development tools. The plan is to analyze the impact that the socio-economic context has on blue fish systems of fishing and marketing in the various maritime regions. The sector of fishery is typified by a settled downward trend due to both communitarian policies driving towards a reduction of the fishery effort and to reduction of fishing resources. In the same time in Italy a increasing of costs (expecially fuel) and a reduction of market prices, because of the increasing of imports, are observed. Although a big part of Italian fishing fleet is to be referred to Apulia region, this dynamics are worsen, here, also because of market inefficiency and lack of integration and cooperation among fishermen. In this first part of my work I have investigated two areas that are relevant for regional fishery. On a first step I have evaluated fish amount for each kind of dealer working in each one of the two areas than, according to Porter's value chain analysis theory. Than i have applied the approach of value system to evaluate the value chains of the firm's supplier, the firm of fishery itself, and the firms distribution channels. Distribution of value has been resulted different but very unfavorable to fisherman in both investigated areas. The second step of my study has been the evaluation of the social capital value in both areas, defining the networks of fishery consistence and number of their mutual relationship. Results lay stress on a relation to an higher social capital value and a distribution of value system more profitable for fishermen.


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Food Security has become an important issue in the international debate, particularly during the latest economic crisis. It relevant issue also for the Mediterranean Countries (MCs), particularly those of the southern shore, as they are is facing complex economic and social changes. On the one hand there is the necessity to satisfy the increasing and changing food demand of the growing population; on the other hand it is important to promote economic growth and adjust the agricultural production to food demand in a sustainable perspective. The assessment of food security conditions is a challenging task due to the multi-dimensional nature and complexity of the matter. Many papers in the scientific literature focus on the nutritional aspects of food security, while its economic issues have been addressed less frequently and only in recent times. Thus, the main objective of the research is to assess food (in)security conditions in the MCs. The study intends to identify and implement appropriate theoretical concepts and methodological tools to be used in the assessment of food security, with a particular emphasis on its economic dimension within MCs. The study follows a composite methodological approach, based on the identification and selection of a number of relevant variables, a refined set of indicators is identified by means of a two-step Principal Component Analysis applied to 90 countries and the PCA findings have been studied with particular attention to the MCs food security situation. The results of the study show that MCs have an higher economic development compared to low-income countries, however the economic and social disparities of this area show vulnerability to food (in)security, due to: dependency on food imports, lack of infrastructure and agriculture investment, climate condition and political stability and inefficiency. In conclusion, the main policy implications of food (in)security conditions in MCs are discussed.


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Hintergund: HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine) sind klinisch etablierte Cholesterinsenker. Über die Inhibition der intrinsischen Cholesterinbiosynthese hinaus zeigen sie sogenannte pleiotrope biologische Effekte. Ein Großteil dieser Wirkungen wird auf die Inhibition kleiner Ras homologer GTPasen (Rho GTPasen) zurückgeführt. In vitro schützt das Statinderivat Lovastatin (Lova) primäre humane Endothelzellen vor der Zytotoxizität von ionisierender Strahlung (IR) und dem Krebsmedikament Doxorubicin (Doxo). Zielsetzung: Die Relevanz dieser Befunde für ein in vivo Mausmodell sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit überprüft werden. Dafür wurden BALB/c-Mäuse mit IR oder Doxo behandelt und der Einfluss einer Kobehandlung mit Lova auf verschiedene Toxizitätsendpunkte untersucht (24 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis IR (i), 14 Tage nach zwei geringen Dosen IR (ii), 48 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis Doxo (iii), sowie 8 Tage nach drei niedrigen Dosen Doxo (iv)). Eine mögliche gleichzeitige Protektion von Tumorzellen durch die Statingabe wurde in einem Xenotransplantationsexperiment überprüft (v), in dem das gleiche Behandlungsschema wie bei iv angewendet wurde. Ergebnisse: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Statinbehandlung Normalgewebe vor Doxo- und IR-induzierter Toxizität schützt, ohne gleichzeitig protektiv auf transformierte Zellen zu wirken. Dieser Effekt ist wahrscheinlich von einer Inhibition der kleinen GTPasen Rac1 und RhoA abhängig und einer daraus folgenden Modifizierung der DNA-Schadensantwort. i: Die Statinvorbehandlung der Mäuse hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Bildung von initialen IR-induzierten DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) in der Leber. Die Lova-Behandlung wirkte sich jedoch auf IR-induzierte Stressantworten aus, was sich in einer Minderung der Expression von Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern in Leber und Darm widerspiegelte. ii: In der Lunge der Tiere wurde ein Anstieg von molekularen Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern detektiert, der bei Statinkobehandlung ausblieb. Zudem verhinderte die Kobehandlung mit Lova eine IR-induzierte Abnahme der Thrombozytenzahl, ohne sich auf die durch IR verringerte Leukozytenzahl im Blut auszuwirken. iii: Die Verabreichung einer hohen Dosis Doxo induzierte DSB-Formation in der Leber. Die Statinvorbehandlung reduzierte deren Menge um ca. 50 %. Dieser genoprotektive Effekt war unabhängig von der Entstehung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sowie einer Änderung des Doxo-Imports oder Exports. Die Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen fiel besonders in der Leber und im Herzen durch die Lova-Kobehandlung geringer aus, als in der nur mit Doxo behandelten Gruppe. Zudem verringerte Lova die durch Doxo induzierte Hochregulation von für den AP1-Komplex kodierenden Genen sowie von Zellzykluskontrollfaktoren. Die Lova-Vorbehandlung führte darüber hinaus im Herzen zu einem reduzierten mRNA-Spiegel der Topoisomerasen II α und β. iv: Es konnten schwere Herz- und Leberschäden detektiert werden (gemessen an Gldh-, Gpt- sowie cTn-I-Serumkonzentrationen), die bei einer Kobehandlung mit dem Statin nicht auftraten. Die Lova-Kobehandlung verhinderte außerdem eine durch die Doxo-Behandlung verringerte Leukozytenzahl. Molekulare Marker für frühe fibrotische Ereignisse, sowie für Inflammation und Hypertrophie waren in der Leber und im Herzen nach der Doxo-Behandlung erhöht. Das Statin war auch hier in der Lage, diese toxischen Wirkungen des Anthrazyklins zu mindern. Auch die Doxo-induzierte Expression von Surrogatmarkern für Zellantworten auf oxidativen Stress wurde in der Leber abgeschwächt. In der Leber und im Herzen wiesen die mit Doxo behandelten Tiere höhere mRNA Spiegel von an Zellzykluskontrolle beteiligten Faktoren sowie von DNA-Reparatur und Fremdstoffmetabolismus assoziierten Genen auf. Am stärksten wurde die Expression von Topoisomerase II alpha - ein molekularer Marker für Zellproliferation und bedeutsame Zielstruktur von Doxo - in der Leber hochreguliert. Die Statin-Kobehandlung verhinderte all diese Doxo-induzierten Expressionsänderungen. Im Gegensatz zur Leber wurde die Top2a-mRNA Menge im Herzen durch die Doxo-Applikation reduziert. Auch hier bewirkte die Kobehandlung mit dem Statin, dass die Expression nahe dem Kontrollniveau blieb. v: Die Kobehandlung mit Lova führte zu keinem Schutz der Tumorzellen vor Doxo, sondern erhöhte sogar dessen antineoplastisches Potential.rnFazit: Die Erkenntnisse aus vorhergegangenen in vitro Versuchen konnten zum großen Teil auf die in vivo Situation im Mausmodell übertragen werden. Sie stehen im Einklang mit Ergebnissen anderer Gruppen, welche die Inhibition kleiner GTPasen mit einer geringeren, durch zytotoxische Substanzen induzierten, Inflammation und Fibrose korrelieren konnten. Eine Kobehandlung mit Lova während einer Krebstherapie erscheint somit als vielversprechende Möglichkeit Doxo- oder IR-induzierte Nebenwirkungen auf Normalgewebe zu mildern.