799 resultados para highways


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A narrative of the early years of the Iowa State Highway Commission from its founding in 1904 to 1921.


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This special report is prepared to review durability and durability tests for paving asphalt, both in theory and in application. The report summarizes and evaluates factors related to asphalt durability, problems associated with durability study and development of durability tests, important work on durability and practical design implications concerning asphalt durability. It is a state-of-the-art report and a part of the study under HR-124, Development of Laboratory Durability Test for Asphalts.


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X-ray diffraction data during adsorption of water vapor on Na- and Ca-montmorillonites show that interlayer expansion is continuous but nonuniform. X-ray and adsorption isotherm data indicate an ice-like configuration of water molecules is completed with the fourth layer of interlayer water for the Ca-clay; a fifth layer intrudes to give a less ordered structure. Data for the Na-clay indicate a laminar stacking arrangement for up to three layers of interlayer water. The Na-clay adsorbs more than twice as much water and undergoes four times as large a volume change than the Ca-clay. The free energy change during adsorption of water vapor on the Ca-clay is nearly twice that for the Na-clay. Free energy changes with increasing relative pressure reflect interlayer expansion increments.


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This report summarizes work accomplished under Project HR-142 during the period from January 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969. Pore characteristics of six limestones were studied in relation to their absorption of two asphalt cements. Porosity and pore size distribution were determined by a mercury penetration porosimeter and asphalt absorption was determined by immersion and bulk-impregnated specific gravity methods. A special study was conducted to develop new, simple and more reproducible methods for bulk specific gravity determination. As a result, a new chemical indicator method was developed to determine the saturated surface-dry condition, and a glass mercury pycnometer was designed to determine coarse·and fine aggregates. Asphalt absorption history of one asphalt mixture on campus has been studied since September 1968. Chemical and/or radiation treatments of absorptive aggregates were conducted on four chemicals and two aggregates.


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One significant benefit of asphalt concrete pavement construction is that it may be opened to traffic within one hour after being laid. Therefore, road closure and detour are not necessary, but only temporary lane closure and control of traffic. This one lane construction, even though desirable in regard to maintaining traffic flow, does pose an additional problem. The longitudinal joint at centerline often becomes a maintenance problem. The objective of this research project is to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint.


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County engineers in Iowa face the dual problems of rapidly escalating costs and a decreasing rate of growth of revenues. Various priority systems are in use, ranking projects for inclusion in road improvement programs, but they generally have weaknesses when used to compare one project with another in a different location. The sufficiency rating system has proven to be a useful tool in developing a priority list of projects for primary road systems, but there are none currently in use for secondary road systems. Some elements of an existing system used for primary roads could be modified for use with secondary roads, but would require extensive changes. The research reported here, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, was undertaken to develop a sufficiency rating system which could be used for secondary roads in Iowa and to produce the necessary forms and instructions to aid county engineering personnel in their efforts to complete the ratings for roads within their county. If a usable system were available that would yield reasonable results, county engineers would have an additional tool available to assist them in arriving at a defensible road improvement program.


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The major objective of this research project is to investigate how fly ash influences the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. The testing program is evaluating how Iowa fly ashes influence the sulfate durability of portland cement-fly ash pastes, mortars, and concretes. Also, alkali-reactivity studies are being conducted on mortar bar specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM C 311. Prelimary sulfate test results, based only on mortar bar studies, indicate that only the very high-calcium fly ash (29 percent CaO, by weight) consistently reduced the durability of test specimens exposed to a solution containing 5 percent sodium sulfate. The remaining four fly ashes that were used in the study showed negligible to dramatic increases in sulfate resistance. Concrete specimens were only beginning to respond to the sulfate solutions after about one year of exposure; and hence, considerably more time will be needed to assess their performance. Preliminary results from the alkali-reactivity tests have indicated that the Oreopolis aggregate is not sensitive to alkali attack. However, some of the test results have indicated that the testing procedure may be prone to delayed expansion due to the presence of periclase (MgO) in the Class C fly ashes. Research is being planned to: (1) verify if the periclase is influencing test results; and (2) estimating the magnitude of the potential error.


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A recommended minimum thickness for prestressed concrete (P/C) bridge deck panels containing 3/8-in. diameter, 270-ksi, low-relaxation, grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated prestressing strands is being evaluated by testing prototype panel specimens. As of January 1994, specimens from ten castings have been tested. The specimens in the first five castings were constructed to establish a preliminary minimum thickness for P/C panels. The specimens in the last five castings were constructed to 1) confirm the minimum panel thickness requirement, 2) measure the development length of epoxy-coated strands in specimens containing multiple strands, 3) measure the development length of uncoated strands in specimens containing multiple and single strands, 4) observe if concrete cracks form in thin panel specimens that have a raked top surface and are reinforced with welded wire fabric and either epoxy-coated or uncoated strands, 5) measure the transfer length for specimens containing a single uncoated strand, and 6) observe the seating characteristics of the grips used for uncoated strand and epoxy-coated strands. These tests have produced several initial findings. The preliminary recommended thickness for P/C panels containing grit-impregnated, epoxy-coated strands is 3 in. and the tentative development length for uncoated and coated multiple strands is approximately 45 in. and 24 in., respectively. Further tests will address confirmation of the recommended P/C panel thickness and establish the transfer and development lengths of single and multiple, uncoated and grit-impregnated epoxy-coated strands.


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(a) Iowa has a total of 101,620 miles of rural roads, both primary and secondary. (b) On January 1, 1951, a total of 68,869 miles of these rural roads were surfaced - mostly with gravel and crushed stone. (c) Additional roads are being surfaced at the rate of 2676 miles per year. (d) Iowa's highway program provides for a surfaced road to every reasonably located rural home and a paved or other type of dustless surface on all primary roads. (e) Iowa's highway funds come 26.0 per cent from property taxes, 63.5 per cent from road use taxes, 10.5 per cent from Federal aid. (f) Annual income under present laws, available for highway construction, is approximately For primary roads ----------------- $24,000,000 For secondary roads---------------- $41,967,000 (g) Iowa's highway improvements are being paid for as built. No new bonds are being issued. (h) Unobligated available farm to market road funds are rapidly being placed under contract. (i) The letting of highway contracts is increasing rapidly. (j)- Iowa's highway program is estimated to cost $945,000,000 and will require twenty years to build. These are the highlights of Iowa's highway program. The details will follow in succeeding paragraphs.


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(a) Iowa has a total of 101,620 miles of rural roads, both primary and secondary. (b) On January 1, 1952, a total of 71,493 miles of these rural roads were surfaced - mostly with gravel and crushed stone. (c) Additional roads are being surfaced at the rate of 2662 miles per year. (d) Iowa's highway program provides for a surfaced road to every reasonably located rural home and a paved or other type of dustless surface on all primary roads. (e) Iowa's highway funds come 26.0 per cent from property taxes, 63.5 per cent from road use taxes, 10.5 per cent from Federal aid. (f) Annual income under present laws, available for highway construction, is approximately For primary roads------------------$23,000,000 For secondary roads---------------- 41,967,000 (g) Iowa's highway improvements are being paid for as built. No new bonds are being issued. (h) The surplus of farm to market road funds created during and immediately following the War have now been placed under contract, with only a minimum working balance remaining in the fund. (i) Iowa's highway program was estimated to cost $945,000,000 and to require twenty years to build, by the 1948 Legislative Committee. This estimate would now have to be increased due to price increases and higher required standards. These are the highlights of Iowa's highway program. The details will follow in succeeding paragraphs.


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(a) Iowa has a total of 101,451 miles of rural roads, both primary and secondary. (b) On January 1, l954, a total of 77,024 miles of these rural roads were surfaced - mostly with gravel and crushed stone. This is 5,53l miles greater than on January l, 1952. (c) Additional roads are being surfaced at the rate of 2766 miles per year. (d) Iowa's highway program provides for a surfaced road to every reasonably located rural home and a paved or other type of dustless surface on all primary roads. (e) Iowa's highway funds come 25.4 per cent from property taxes and special taxes......................................$29,708,546.67 63.7 per cent from road use taxes.......... 74,581,080.30 10.6 per cent from Federal Aid (1952 Act).. 12,424,000.00 0.3 per cent from miscellaneous receipts.. 287,922.86 ---- ------------- 100.0 $117,001,549.83 (f) Annual income under present laws, available for highway construction, is approximately, For primary roads $29,420,000.00 For secondary roads $44,328,000.00 In 19_3, $7,299,000 of secondary road construction funds was transferred to the maintenance fund. (g) Iowa's highway improvements are being paid for as built. No new bonds are being issued.


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During the fiscal year, July 1, 1950 to June 30, 1951, the Iowa State Highway Commission expanded its research program by adding to the work under way during the previous fiscal year, fifteen substantial projects recommended to the Commission by the Iowa Highway Research Board. The major portion of the projects under way in the previous fiscal year have been active in this fiscal year. All of the additional projects have gotten under way during this fiscal year. This year, as in the past, the work has been performed partly by Commission forces and partly by outside agencies such as the Institute of Hydraulic Research at Iowa City, the State University of Iowa, Iowa State College, the Iowa Geological Survey and the United States Geological Survey. The major portion of the fifteen new projects has been assigned to these outside agencies.


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A discussion of several issues related to road construction, including budget, legislation, maintenance, and pending improvements.


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The benefits of pavement management system when fully implemented are well known and the history of successful implementation is rich. Implementation occurs, for purposes of this paper, when the pavement management system is the critical component for making pavement decisions. This paper addresses the issues that act as barriers to full implementation of pavement management systems. Institutional barriers, not technical and financial barriers, are more commonly responsible for a pavement management systems falling short of full implementation. The paper groups these institutional issues into a general taxonomy. In general, more effort needs to be put forth by highway agencies to overcome institutional issues. Most agencies approach pavement management as a technical process, but more commonly, institutional issues become more problematic and thus require more attention paid to institutional issues. The paper concludes by summarizing the implementation process being taken by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The process was designed to overcome institutional barriers and facilitate the complete and full implementation of their pavement management system.


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The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is the compilation of national safety research that provides quantitative methods for analyzing highway safety. The HSM presents crash modification functions related to freeway work zone characteristics such as work zone duration and length. These crash modification functions were based on freeway work zones with high traffic volumes in California. When the HSM-referenced model was calibrated for Missouri, the value was 3.78, which is not ideal since it is significantly larger than 1. Therefore, new models were developed in this study using Missouri data to capture geographical, driver behavior, and other factors in the Midwest. Also, new models for expressway and rural two-lane work zones that barely were studied in the literature were developed. A large sample of 20,837 freeway, 8,993 expressway, and 64,476 rural two-lane work zones in Missouri was analyzed to derive 15 work zone crash prediction models. The most appropriate samples of 1,546 freeway, 1,189 expressway, and 6,095 rural two-lane work zones longer than 0.1 mile and with a duration of greater than 10 days were used to make eight, four, and three models, respectively. A challenging question for practitioners is always how to use crash prediction models to make the best estimation of work zone crash count. To solve this problem, a user-friendly software tool was developed in a spreadsheet format to predict work zone crashes based on work zone characteristics. This software selects the best model, estimates the work zone crashes by severity, and converts them to monetary values using standard crash estimates. This study also included a survey of departments of transportation (DOTs), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) representatives, and contractors to assess the current state of the practice regarding work zone safety. The survey results indicate that many agencies look at work zone safety informally using engineering judgment. Respondents indicated that they would like a tool that could help them to balance work zone safety across projects by looking at crashes and user costs.