831 resultados para high school English


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BACKGROUND: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has a significant impact on child and adolescent development, especially in relation to school functioning and academic outcomes. Despite the transition to high school being a potentially critical period for children with ADHD, most research in this period has focused on academic outcomes. This study aims to extend previous research by describing academic, school engagement, behaviour and social-emotional outcomes for young people with ADHD in the first and third years of high school and to identify risk and protective factors predictive of differing outcomes across these four domains. METHODS AND DESIGN: The Moving Up study is a longitudinal, prospective cohort study of children with ADHD as they transition and adjust to high school (age 12-15 years). Data are collected through direct assessment and child, parent and teacher surveys. The primary outcome is academic achievement, obtained by linking to standardised test results. Secondary outcomes include measures of behaviour, ADHD symptoms, school engagement (attitudes and attendance), and social and emotional functioning, including depressive symptoms. The mean performance of the study cohort on each outcome measure will be compared to the population mean for same aged children, using t-tests. Risk and protective factors to be examined using multiple regression include a child, family and school factors know to impact academic and school functioning. DISCUSSION: The Moving up study is the first Australian study prospectively designed to measure a broad range of student outcomes for children with ADHD during the high school transition period. Examining both current (cross sectional) and earlier childhood (longitudinal) factors gives us the potential to learn more about risk and protective factors associated with school functioning in young people with ADHD. The richness and depth of this information could lead to more targeted and effective interventions that may alter academic and wellbeing trajectories for young people at risk of poor outcomes. The study is approved by The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee (33206). Findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations.


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AIM: We aim to describe health service (HS) use in the first 6 months post-partum and to examine the associations between service costs, infant behaviour and maternal depressive symptoms. METHODS: Participants were 781 infants and mothers in Melbourne, Australia. Mothers reported infant feeding, sleeping and crying problems, depressive symptoms and health service use. Costs were valued in 2012 Australian dollars. RESULTS: The most common services used were maternal child health nurses, general practitioners (GP) and allied health. Infant feeding problems were associated with increased costs for services relevant to infant behaviour including maternal child health nurses (P = 0.007), GP (P = 0.008) and paediatricians (P = 0.03). Maternal depressive symptoms were associated with increased costs for services relevant to depressive symptoms including parenting centres (P = 0.04), GP (P = 0.004), psychiatrists (P = 0.02) and psychologists (P = 0.001). Mothers who completed high school had higher service costs for infant problems than those with lower education (P = 0.02). Single mothers had higher costs for services used for their depressive symptoms than partnered mothers (P < 0.001). Mothers with English as a second language had lower service costs for their depressive symptoms (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Infant feeding problems and maternal depressive symptoms are associated with higher costs for health services relevant to these conditions. Cost-effective strategies to manage these conditions are needed with accessibility being ensured for mothers who are experiencing social adversity.


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This study examined differences in cultural competency levels between undergraduate and graduate nursing students (age, ethnicity, gender, language at home, education level, program standing, program track, diversity encounters, and previous diversity training). Participants were 83% women, aged 20 to 62; 50% Hispanic/Latino; with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (n = 82) and a Master of Science in Nursing (n = 62). Degrees included high school diplomas, associate/diplomas, bachelors’ degrees in or out of nursing, and medical doctorate degrees from outside the United States. Students spoke English (n = 82) or Spanish (n = 54). The study used a cross-sectional design guided by the three-dimensional cultural competency model. The Cultural Competency Assessment (CCA) tool is composed of two subscales: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity (CAS) and Culturally Competent Behaviors (CCB). Multiple regressions, Pearson’s correlations, and ANOVAs determined relationships and differences among undergraduate and graduate students. Findings showed significant differences between undergraduate and graduate nursing students in CAS, p <.016. Students of Hispanic/White/European ethnicity scored higher on the CAS, while White/non-Hispanic students scored lower on the CAS, p < .05. One-way ANOVAs revealed cultural competency differences by program standing (grade-point averages), and by program tracks, between Master of Science in Nursing Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners and both Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Registered Nurse-Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Univariate analysis revealed that higher cultural competency was associated with having previous diversity training and participation in diversity training as continuing education. After controlling for all predictors, multiple regression analysis found program level, program standing, and diversity training explained a significant amount of variance in overall cultural competency (p = .027; R2 = .18). Continuing education is crucial in achieving students’ cultural competency. Previous diversity training, graduate education, and higher grade-point average were correlated with higher cultural competency levels. However, increased diversity encounters were not associated with higher cultural competency levels.


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There are different ideas when it comes to the use of either Swedish or English during EFL lessons. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ choice of language in the upper elementary EFL classroom in Swedish schools and their arguments for the use of one or the other. In order to find out which language different teachers use and why, semi-structured interviews with six different teachers were carried out. All respondents were currently teaching English in grade 4-6. The results of the study show that the teachers’ most commonly used language in the EFL classroom is English. However, several of the teachers mention that they also use Swedish, for example when it comes to explaining difficult instructions or grammar. All teachers participating in this study mention the importance of hearing and using English in order for the pupils to learn English and therefore they try to use mostly English. Nevertheless, this study only has six participants, all living in the same county and working at schools with many similarities, which makes it difficult to draw any generalizable conclusions. To be able to draw better conclusions, a study would have to be conducted with more participants within a larger area.


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty by Rebecca M. Anderson – Greenwood High School Notes on the History of Public Health in South Carolina, 1670-1800 by St. Julien Ravenel Childs – The Citadel Samuel Slater, Father of American Manufactures by D.H. Gilpatrick – Furman University William Prynne, A Portrait by Laura Ellen Howard – Coker College Some Observations of Travelers on South Carolina, 1820-1860 by J. Rion McKissick – University of South Carolina


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. John Belton O’Neall by James Welch Patton – Converse College The Rejected Laurens —A Carolina Tragedy by E. T. H. Shaffer The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina by A. S. Salley – Secretary Historical Commission of South Carolina The Grand Council of South Carolina, 1670-1690 by Kathleen Singleton – Palmetto High School, Palmetto, Florida


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Some Municipal Fiestas and Celebrations in Colonial Hispanic America by John Preston Moore – The Citadel Jefferson Davis’s Route from Richmond, Virginia, to Irwinville, Georgia, April 2-May 10, 1865 by Nora Marshall Davis – Historical Markers Survey of South Carolina Postal Savings Banks in the United States, 1871-1939 by Nancy McIntosh – Columbia High School Legislative Domination in South Carolina by George R. Sherrill – University of South Carolina


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The First Decade of the Charleston Library Society by Anne King Gregorie Chinese Exclusion Acts, 1880-1904 by Ruth Boyd – Newberry High School The Germans and the German-Swiss in South Carolina, 1732-1765: Their Contribution to the Province by Gilbert P. Voigt – Wittenberg College Some Unexploited Fields in South Carolina History by D. D. Wallace – Wofford College


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Public Education in Ante-Bellum South Carolina by J. Perrin Anderson – Greenville High School The Grimké Sisters by F. Dudley Jones – Presbyterian College The International Peacetime Conference 1904-1914: A Study in Internationalism with Particular Reference to its Development in the United States by Frances D. Acomb – Winthrop College France, Germany, and the Congress of Berlin by R. H. Wienefeld – University of South Carolina The Genesis of an Up – Country Town by Mary C. Simms Oliphant


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Christopher Gadsden and the Stamp Act by Robert H. Woody –Duke University The Nullification Controversy in an Up-Country District by J. Mauldin Lesesne – Greenville High School The Constitutional Organization and Mobilization of the National Guards of the French Revolution by Charles N. Sisson – Coker College The Mud-Sill Theory in South Carolina by Rosser H. Taylor – Furman University “Addressers of Clinton and Arbuthnot” edited by Robert W. Barnwell, Jr. Appendix-Letters and Papers of Governor David Johnson and Family, 1810-1855 by Florence Johnson Scott


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Woodrow Wilson’s Pan-American Pact by Charles H. Carlisle Kiderlen-Waechter’s Policy in the Bosnian Crisis by C. Waldron Bolen The Teaching of High School History— A Point of View by Lucia Daniel South Carolina Cotton Mills and the Tillman Movement by Gustavus G. Williamson, Jr. The Problem of Negro Education in the South by E. Baskin Wright


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A large percentage of Vanier College's technology students do not attain their College degrees within the scheduled three years of their program. A closer investigation of the problem revealed that in many of these cases these students had completed all of their program professional courses but they had not completed all of the required English and/or Humanities courses. Fortunately, most of these students do extend their stay at the college for the one or more semesters required for graduation, although some choose to go on into the workforce without returning to complete the missing English and/or Humanities and without their College Degrees. The purpose of this research was to discover if there was any significant measure of association between a student's family linguistic background, family cultural background, high school average, and/or College English Placement Test results and his or her likelihood of succeeding in his or her English and/or Humanities courses within the scheduled three years of the program. Because of both demographic differences between 'hard' and 'soft' technologies, including student population, more specifically gender ratios and student average ages in specific programs; and program differences, including program writing requirements and types of practical skill activities required; in order to have a more uniform sample, the research was limited to the hard technologies where students work hands-on with hardware and/or computers and tend to have overall low research and writing requirements. Based on a review of current literature and observations made in one of the hard technology programs at Vanier College, eight research questions were developed. These questions were designed to examine different aspects of success in the English and Humanities courses such as failure and completion rates and the number of courses remaining after the end of the fifth semester and as well examine how the students assessed their ability to communicate in English. The eight research questions were broken down into a total of 54 hypotheses. The high number of hypotheses was required to address a total of seven independent variables: primary home language, high school language of instruction, student's place of birth (Canada, Not-Canada), student's parents' place of birth (Both-born-in-Canada, Not-both-born-in-Canada), high school averages and English placement level (as a result of the College English Entry Test); and eleven dependent variables: number of English completed, number of English failed, whether all English were completed by the end of the 5th semester (yes, no), number of Humanities courses completed, number of Humanities courses failed, whether all the Humanities courses were completed by the end of the 5th semester (yes, no), the total number of English and Humanities courses left, and the students' assessments of their ability to speak, read and write in English. The data required to address the hypotheses were collected from two sources, from the students themselves and from the College. Fifth and sixth semester students from Building Engineering Systems, Computer and Digital Systems, Computer Science and Industrial Electronics Technology Programs were surveyed to collect personal information including family cultural and linguistic history and current language usages, high school language of instruction, perceived fluency in speaking, reading and writing in English and perceived difficulty in completing English and Humanities courses. The College was able to provide current academic information on each of the students, including copies of college program planners and transcripts, and high school transcripts for students who attended a high school in Quebec. Quantitative analyses were done on the data using the SPSS statistical analysis program. Of the fifty-four hypotheses analysed, in fourteen cases the results supported the research hypotheses, in the forty other cases the null hypotheses had to be accepted. One of the findings was that there was a strong significant association between a student's primary home language and place of birth and his or her perception of his or her ability to communicate in English (speak, read, and write) signifying that both students whose primary home language was not English and students who were not born in Canada, considered themselves, on average, to be weaker in these skills than did students whose primary home language was English. Although this finding was noteworthy, the two most significant findings were the association found between a student's English entry placement level and the number of English courses failed and the association between the parents' place of birth and the student's likelihood of succeeding in both his or her English and Humanities courses. According to the research results, the mean number of English courses failed, on average, by students placed in the lowest entry level of College English was significantly different from the number of English courses failed by students placed in any of the other entry level English courses. In this sample students who were placed in the lowest entry level of College English failed, on average, at least three times as many English courses as those placed in any of the other English entry level courses. These results are significant enough that they will be brought to the attention of the appropriate College administration. The results of this research also appeared to indicate that the most significant determining factor in a student's likelihood of completing his or her English and Humanities courses is his or her parents' place of birth (both-born-in-Canada or not-both-born-in-Canada). Students who had at least one parent who was not born in Canada, would, on average, fail a significantly higher number of English courses, be significantly more likely to still have at least one English course left to complete by the end of the 5th semester, fail a significantly higher number of Humanities courses, be significantly more likely to still have at least one Humanities course to complete by the end of the 5th semester and have significantly more combined English and Humanities courses to complete at the end of their 5th semester than students with both parents born in Canada. This strong association between students' parents' place of birth and their likelihood of succeeding in their English and Humanities courses within the three years of their program appears to indicate that acculturation may be a more significant factor than either language or high school averages, for which no significant association was found for any of the English and Humanities related dependent variables. Although the sample size for this research was only 60 students and more research needs to be conducted in this area, to see if these results are supported with other groups within the College, these results are still significant. If the College can identify, at admission, the students who will be more likely to have difficulty in completing their English and Humanities courses, the College will now have the opportunity to intercede during or before the first semester, and offer these students the support they require in order to increase their chances of success in their education, whether it be classes or courses designed to meet their specific needs, special mentoring, tutoring or other forms of support. With the necessary support, the identified students will have a greater opportunity of successfully completing their programs within the scheduled three years, while at the same time the College will have improved its capacity to meeting the needs of its students.


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Introducción: El transporte activo (TA) puede ser una oportunidad para incrementar los niveles de actividad física diarios de los niños y adolescentes, además de destacarse como una estrategia práctica, accesible y sostenible a largo plazo. Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es doble: Analizar los patrones de desplazamiento activo en bicicleta al y desde el centro educativo, y b) Identificar los factores asociados al uso de la bicicleta como TA; en una muestra de niños y jóvenes pertenecientes a escuelas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Material y métodos: Se trata de un sub-análisis del estudio FUPRECOL en 8060 niños y adolescentes entre los 9-17 años de edad). El modo de desplazamiento del escolar fue determinado a través de la pregunta: “¿Durante los últimos 7 días, usaste bicicleta para ir al colegio/escuela y volver a la casa?. Dicha respuesta se categorizó en activos “Si” (si se desplazan en bicicleta) y pasivos “No” (si se desplazan en vehículo motorizado). Se midieron parámetros antropométricos de peso, talla y perímetro de cintura. El máximo nivel de estudios alcanzados por la madre/padre (no reporta, primaria o secundaria/técnico o tecnólogo/universitario o postgrado) y la composición del hogar (vive con padre/vive con madre/con ambos padres/con abuelos/otros familiares) se auto-reportó por los padres. Las relaciones entre el TA y los factores anteriormente descritos se analizaron mediante regresión logística binaria. Resultados: El 21,9% del total de la muestra reporta usar la bicicleta como medio de transporte y el 7,9% acumula más de 120 minutos al día. Se observó una mayor probabilidad de usar la bicicleta como medio de desplazamiento activo a la escuela en los varones, en los jóvenes entre 9 y 12 años, y en aquellos cuyo padre/madre reportaron mayor grado académico, es decir, “universitario/postgrado”. 3 Conclusión: Los hallazgos del presente estudio sugieren que es necesario promover el TA desde la niñez, poniendo mayor énfasis en el paso a la adolescencia y en las jóvenes, para así aumentar los niveles diarios de AF de estos.


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Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el tipo de cáncer más mortal a nivel mundial, al cual se atribuyen una de cada cinco muertes anualmente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la promoción de la actividad física, otros comportamientos saludables y los conocimientos para la prevención del cáncer de pulmón en jóvenes estudiantes de una institución educativa pública en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Estudio experimental no controlado en 243 estudiantes de sexo femenino (Edad 14±1,5 años). La intervención educativa se desarrolló en tres momentos: una sesión educativa con una duración de 60 minutos acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el Marco del Control del Cáncer, en Colombia. Segundo, se enviaron tres correos electrónicos con información acerca del cáncer pulmonar; finalmente se desarrollaron actividades grupales. Para la toma de datos se utilizaron el cuestionario Cáncer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo del Comportamiento (BRFSS). La evaluación se realizó en un período de seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Resultados: La intervención educativa incrementó significativamente los conocimientos de las jóvenes sobre los signos de alarma del cáncer pulmonar y los principales factores de riesgo modificables, tales como el consumo de cigarrillo, la exposición al humo del mismo y el sedentarismo, al sexto mes post-intervención. Las mejoras en el cambio comportamental no lograron significancia estadística. Conclusiones: Una intervención educativa mejora los conocimientos acerca de la detección temprana y la prevención del cáncer de pulmón, así como los comportamientos saludables en jóvenes estudiantes en Bogotá, Colombia. Se requiere de estudios controlados aleatorizados.


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This paper presents the Smarty Board; a new micro-controller board designed specifically for the robotics teaching needs of Australian schools. The primary motivation for this work was the lack of commercially available and cheap controller boards that would have all their components including interfaces on a single board. Having a single board simplifies the construction of programmable robots that can be used as platforms for teaching and learning robotics. Reducing the cost of the board as much as possible was one of the main design objectives. The target user groups for this device are the secondary and tertiary students, and hobbyists. Previous studies have shown that equipment cost is one of the major obstacles for teaching robotics in Australia. The new controller board was demonstrated at high-school seminars. In these demonstrations the new controller board was used for controlling two robots that we built. These robots are available as kits. Given the strong demand from high-school teachers, new kits will be developed for the next robotic Olympiad to be held in Australia in 2006.