799 resultados para haptic grasp


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Cette étude vise à comprendre le rôle de l’histoire dans la philosophie de Nietzsche et à faire ressortir son lien étroit avec l’articulation du corps vivant comme fil conducteur philosophique. Notre objectif principal est de montrer comment cette philosophie aphoristique a su maintenir les préoccupations historiographiques de jeunesse en permutant leur sens à l’aune de la pulsionnalité interprétative du corps. Prenant notre départ des considérations critiques écrites lors de son professorat à Bâle, nous démontrons que le sens historique se manifeste alors comme une sensibilité historique déterminée par une saisie intuitive, mais existentiellement difficile, du passé. Nous procédons ensuite à décrire comment le renouveau philosophique de sa période intermédiaire peut être vu comme une réduction pathologique de l’histoire de la métaphysique qui emprunte ses éléments critiques au scepticisme de Michel de Montaigne, à l’évolutionnisme naissant et au développement du néo-kantisme. Cette réduction, qui ramène l’expression des valeurs morales et métaphysiques au corps vécu (Leib). Par sa déconstruction de la subjectivité au profit d’une réalité pulsionnelle primordiale, mais irréductible, nous démontrons ensuite comment Nietzsche a su réinterpréter l’hérédité biologique comme une mémoire physiologique incorporée dont l’expression première est la reconduction de la notion d’espèce à celle de type. Enfin, par un retour à la sensibilité historique et notre analyse du phénomène historique en tant que tel, nous proposons de comprendre l’articulation ultime de la philosophie nietzschéenne comme une philosophie historique qui ne cherche pas à comprendre ou à expliquer le devenir, mais en opérer la synthèse par le truchement de « l’instant décisif ».


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La présente thèse entend donner sens à un concept qui occupe une place centrale au sein de la pensée de Theodor W. Adorno mais qui, parce que notoirement difficile à définir, n’a pas reçu l’attention qu’il mérite : la mimêsis (Mimesis). Il s’agira, plus exactement, de comprendre la mimêsis comme un point nodal de la critique adornienne, qui nous permet de comprendre au nom et en vue de quoi elle se déploie. Car sous toutes ses acceptions – et nous verrons qu’elles sont fort variées – la mimêsis adornienne est toujours invoquée dans le but de contrecarrer les tendances hétéronomes (c’est-à-dire : déshumanisantes) propres aux sociétés capitalistes avancées. Surtout, elle est constamment présentée comme un correctif matérialiste au type de rationalité abstraite qui sous-tend ces sociétés. Cette tâche s’avère d’autant plus lourde que, malgré son important poids normatif, la mimêsis ne fait pas l’objet, chez Adorno, d’une théorisation explicite. Il nous faudra pallier cette indétermination, en identifiant d’abord les assises normatives les plus premières de la critique adornienne (0.0. Introduction : les fondements normatifs de la critique adornienne), pour ensuite rendre compte des fonctions particulières qu’occupe la mimêsis au sein de cette critique (1.0. Les fonctions critiques de la mimêsis adornienne). Ce travail de débroussaillage exégétique et interprétatif nous permettra de constater que la mimêsis adornienne recèle trois types de potentiels critiques distincts. D’abord, en ce qu’elle est présentée – dans les travaux des années 1930 et 1940 surtout – comme une impulsion psychosomatique à même de trahir, l’instant d’une brève résistance, la violence infligée à la nature intérieure et extérieure de l’homme par les forces réificatrices de la rationalité instrumentale (Instrumentelle Vernunft), la mimêsis adornienne peut être comprise comme un mimétisme (Mimikry) bioanthropologique dont la valeur est principalement expressive (2.O. Mimikry : le potentiel bioanthropologique de la mimêsis). Ensuite, lorsqu’elle sera pensée – à partir de la fin des années 50 surtout – comme une compétence proprement épistémique qui permet au sujet connaissant de rencontrer à nouveau puis de redéterminer les objets de son expérience, la mimêsis adornienne peut être comprise comme un correctif critique à la logique appropriative de la pensée identifiante (identifizierendes Denken) (3.O. Affinität et Entäusserung : le potentiel épistémique de la mimêsis). Enfin, dans la mesure où elle informe le modus operandi de l’oeuvre d’art d’avant-garde telle que défendue par Adorno dans la Théorie esthétique, et qui consiste à détourner, en les retournant contre elles-mêmes, les contraintes imposées par le monde totalement administré (total verwaltete Welt), la mimêsis peut être comprise comme une Methexis subversive, c’est-à-dire comme une stratégie séditieuse à même de conjurer l’hétéronomie sociale en l’anticipant et en l’incorporant (4.0. Methexis subversive : le potentiel stratégique de la mimêsis). Ainsi, tout en voulant rendre justice à la très grande polysémie du concept, nous aimerions démontrer que la mimêsis adornienne pointe constamment vers une forme ou une autre de résistance : comme expression, comme extériorisation ou comme subversion.


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This thesis is looking into the issue of Romanian street beggars in Stockholm, Sweden. In the last couple of years there was an increase in the number of beggars in the Swedish capital, while most of them seem to come from Romania. This lead quickly to a national debate. The aim of the paper is to shed some light on this issue and see why it is a problem and for whom, looking at three main stakeholders: the state, the activists and the beggars. The theoretical framework for this project is mainly based on the concept of the conflict of rationalities, with Stockholm as an aspiring global city and those which are begging as livelihood strategy. The data is collected mainly through semi-structured interviews, informal interviews and personal observations. Also, the literature review provides context and brings similar examples for a better grasp of the situation in Sweden. The results show that Stockholm sends a branded image of itself to the world, while the new type of migrant is in conflict with this view. The activists try to make the life better for the beggars which are virtually not doing anything illegal. The Swedish state opened discussions with the Romanian state, but did nothing to integrate the newcomers. In this case, the beggars share similar experience in the city.


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Spinal cord injury usually results in permanent paralysis because of lack of regrowth of damaged neurons. Here we demonstrate that adult mice lacking EphA4 (-/-), a molecule essential for correct guidance of spinal cord axons during development, exhibit axonal regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord hemisection. Anterograde and retrograde tracing showed that axons from multiple pathways, including corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts, crossed the lesion site. EphA4 -/- mice recovered stride length, the ability to walk on and climb a grid, and the ability to grasp with the affected hindpaw within 1-3 months of injury. EphA4 expression was upregulated on astrocytes at the lesion site in wild-type mice, whereas astrocytic gliosis and the glial scar were greatly reduced in lesioned EphA4-/- spinal cords. EphA4 -/- astrocytes failed to respond to the inflammatory cytokines, interferon-gamma or leukemia inhibitory factor, in vitro. Neurons grown on wild-type astrocytes extended shorter neurites than on EphA4 -/- astrocytes, but longer neurites when the astrocyte EphA4 was blocked by monomeric EphrinA5-Fc. Thus, EphA4 regulates two important features of spinal cord injury, axonal inhibition, and astrocytic gliosis.


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Adults are proficient at reaching to grasp objects of interest in a cluttered workspace. The issue of concern, obstacle avoidance, was studied in 3 groups of young children aged 11-12, 9-10, and 7-8 years (n = 6 in each) and in 6 adults aged 18-24 years. Adults slowed their movements and decreased their maximum grip aperture when an obstacle was positioned close to a target object (the effect declined as the distance between target and obstacle increased). The children showed the same pattern, but the magnitude of the effect was quite different. In contrast to the adults, the obstacle continued to have a large effect when it was some distance from the target (and provided no physical obstruction to movement).


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Objective: To validate the unidimensionality of the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) using Mokken analysis and to examine whether scores of the ARAT can be transformed into interval scores using Rasch analysis. Subjects and methods: A total of 351 patients with stroke were recruited from 5 rehabilitation departments located in 4 regions of Taiwan. The 19-item ARAT was administered to all the subjects by a physical therapist. The data were analysed using item response theory by non-parametric Mokken analysis followed by Rasch analysis. Results: The results supported a unidimensional scale of the 19-item ARAT by Mokken analysis, with the scalability coefficient H = 0.95. Except for the item pinch ball bearing 3rd finger and thumb'', the remaining 18 items have a consistently hierarchical order along the upper extremity function's continuum. In contrast, the Rasch analysis, with a stepwise deletion of misfit items, showed that only 4 items (grasp ball'', grasp block 5 cm(3)'', grasp block 2.5 cm(3)'', and grip tube 1 cm(3)'') fit the Rasch rating scale model's expectations. Conclusion: Our findings indicated that the 19-item ARAT constituted a unidimensional construct measuring upper extremity function in stroke patients. However, the results did not support the premise that the raw sum scores of the ARAT can be transformed into interval Rasch scores. Thus, the raw sum scores of the ARAT can provide information only about order of patients on their upper extremity functional abilities, but not represent each patient's exact functioning.


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Thomas Merton pursued a life-long quest to grasp the nature of the “true self.” This is the self that lives in and through Christ. Opposed to this is the false self that is expressive of infidelity. It is argued that the interaction between the true and false selves constitutes a dialogical process. The thesis of the essay is that this interaction expresses the dynamics associated with what some psychologists refer to as the “dialogical self.” The dialogical self is a model of the inner life that draws attention to the interpretive process required to deal with the many voices that get internalized in an engagement with the world.


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A literatura é um tipo de conhecimento que faz uso da palavra com a finalidade de projetar realidades possíveis. Para tanto, a mimese literária tem na experiência vivencial a verossimilhança que torna possível a apreensão da obra literária como fenômeno interpretativo. Nesse processo de composição, o gênero literário converte-se no conjunto de convenções que o autor se vale para fazer-se inteligível a seu público. As narrativas bíblicas e, em especial, o Evangelho Segundo São Mateus, possuem elementos que permitem sua leitura como obras literárias próprias da Antiguidade, cujas estratégias narrativas se mostram construtoras de representação verossímil da realidade. Para tanto, o narrador do Evangelho Segundo São Mateus utilizou-se daquelas convenções que se conformavam ao horizonte de expectativas de seu público e que articulam experiências advindas da literatura greco-romana e da literatura judaica. No caso da Paixão de Cristo Segundo São Mateus, o narrador empreende um conjunto de estratégias narrativas que favorecem sua condução da leitura da narrativa de acordo com sua perspectiva. Nesse processo, vale-se de uma estrutura que combina a biografia greco-romana àquela já consagrada na literatura bíblica. Dessa forma, a Paixão de Cristo nos é apresentada como parte final da história, numa perspectiva paradigmática e, ao mesmo tempo, como realização das Escrituras, que figuram e profetizam a respeito de Jesus e a natureza redimensionadora e universalizadora da salvação.


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O estudo investiga a relação entre a agência de publicidade e o cliente do setor de varejo, aqui representado pelo segmento de cerveja. É uma análise da compreensão do profissional de atendimento da agência sobre sua rotina de trabalho com o cliente, na qual é responsável pela troca de informação entre a agência e o cliente e por em gerenciar a equipe da agência e de fornecedores de serviços para a produção da campanha. A partir da percepção da função, esta pesquisa procurar identificar a ocorrência de dilemas éticos na relação desse profissional com o cliente e os encaminhamentos escolhidos para orientar a sua conduta. Para isso, foram entrevistados profissionais de atendimentos publicitários de agências de São Paulo das marcas de cerveja, no período de 2000 a 2004. Foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de profundidade para captar as opiniões dos entrevistados sobre o assunto. Pode-se concluir que este profissional diz optar por assumir suas atitudes mais próximas da verdade com o seu cliente e equipe da agência. Há indícios de que o comportamento verificado junto ao profissional de atendimento publicitário em relação à ética no relacionamento com seu cliente espelha-se no comportamento de seus superiores.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar os diversos entendimentos que se tem sobre a função social da escola e como os diversos segmentos da equipe escolar a percebem. Procede-se a um levantamento da evolução da instituição escolar ao longo dos períodos históricos, define-se a escola como espaço socialmente destinado à transmissão do conhecimento acumulado pela sociedade humana para as novas gerações, busca-se em Libâneo e Mizukami caracterizar, para cada uma das tendências/abordagens pedagógicas, a sua função social entendendo-a nos níveis micro, meso e macro, e como uma teia de relações caleidoscópicas . Busca-se no pensamento de Gramsci os referenciais teóricos e corpo conceitual que possibilitem a leitura e compreensão dos elementos analisados e presentes na fala dos sujeitos pertencentes a segmentos da equipe escolar pesquisada. Procedeu-se a um estudo qualitativo do tipo etnográfico, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação de campo e análise documental. Verificou-se que a escola apresenta em seu Projeto Pedagógico uma forte tendência tradicional liberal, e nas falas dos sujeitos nvolvidos na pesquisa: alunos, pais/mães, colaboradores e professores uma forte crença na escola como possibilitadora de sucesso e ascensão social aos educandos, depositando nela todas as expectativas nesse sentido. O entendimento da função social da escola é percebida no nível do individual, não demonstrando preocupações com o coletivo, nem tampouco com o diploma sem saberes aprendidos , a personalidade do educando ou seu nível para o acesso ao capital cultural. Os professores partilham dessa esponsabilidade com a formação e sucesso do indivíduo educando. Buscou-se a partir dessa reflexão, um entendimento sobre a função social da escola contemporânea.


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The aim of this thesis is to critically examine drug prevention as a field of problematizations  – how drug prevention becomes established as a political technology within this field, how it connects to certain modes of governance, how and under which conditions it constitutes it’s problematic, the questions it asks,  it´s implications in terms of political participation and representation, the various bodies of knowledge through which it constitutes the reality upon which it acts, the limits it places on ways of being, questioning, and talking  in the world. The main analyses have been conducted in four separate but interrelated articles. Each article addresses a specific dimension of drug prevention in order to get a grasp of how this field is organized. Article 1 examines the shift that has occurred in the Swedish context during the period 1981–2011 in how drugs have been problematized, what knowledge has grounded the specific modes of problematization and which modes of governance this has enabled. In article 2, the currently dominant scientific discipline in the field of drug prevention – prevention science – is critically examined in terms of how it constructs the “drug problem” and the underlying assumptions it carries in regard to reality and political governance. Article 3 addresses the issue of communities’ democratic participation in drug prevention efforts by analyzing the theoretical foundations of the Communities That Care prevention program. The article seeks to uncover how notions of community empowerment and democratic participation are constructed, and how the “community” is established as a political entity in the program. The fourth and final article critically examines the Swedish Social and Emotional Training (SET) program and the political implications of the relationship the program establishes between the subject and emotions. The argument is made that, within the field of drug prevention, questions of political values and priorities in a problematic way are decoupled from the political field and pose a significant problem in terms of the possibilities to engage in democratic deliberation. Within this field of problematizations it becomes impossible to mobilize a politics against social injustice, poverty and inequality. At the same time, the scientific grounding of this mode of governing the drug “problem” acts to naturalize a specific – highly political – way of engaging with drugs.


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Having a well-developed human resource base and a relatively well-developed capital market infrastructure, Sri Lanka offers a liberal and dynamic investment environment. Over the years, macrostability has been achieved and considerable reforms have been implemented, contributing to a healthy economic growth. This article provides useful information on the business environment and is intended to help foreign businessmen and investors to develop a good grasp of essential background knowledge for being successful in Sri Lanka. It reviews the Sri Lankan political structure, climate, and economy. Sri Lanka's infrastructure, legal framework, and socioculturel set-up, as well as market structure and potential, are also analyzed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Luminance changes within a scene are ambiguous; they can indicate reflectance changes, shadows, or shading due to surface undulations. How does vision distinguish between these possibilities? When a surface painted with an albedo texture is shaded, the change in local mean luminance (LM) is accompanied by a similar modulation of the local luminance amplitude (AM) of the texture. This relationship does not necessarily hold for reflectance changes or for shading of a relief texture. Here we concentrate on the role of AM in shape-from-shading. Observers were presented with a noise texture onto which sinusoidal LM and AM signals were superimposed, and were asked to indicate which of two marked locations was closer to them. Shape-from-shading was enhanced when LM and AM co-varied (in-phase), and was disrupted when they were out-of-phase. The perceptual differences between cue types (in-phase vs out-of-phase) were enhanced when the two cues were present at different orientations within a single image. Similar results were found with a haptic matching task. We conclude that vision can use AM to disambiguate luminance changes. LM and AM have a positive relationship for rendered, undulating, albedo textures, and we assess the degree to which this relationship holds in natural images. [Supported by EPSRC grants to AJS and MAG].


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Patients experience considerable difficulties in making and sustaining health-related lifestyle changes. Many Type 2 diabetes patients struggle to follow disease risk-management advice even when they receive extensive information and support. Drawing on a qualitative study of patients with Type 2 diabetes, the paper uses discourse analysis to examine their accounts about disease causation and disease management, and the implications for how they respond to their condition and health services advice. As it is a multifactorial disease, biomedical discourse around Type 2 diabetes is complex. Patients are encouraged to grasp the complicated message that both cause and medical outcomes related to their condition are partly, but not wholly, within their control. Discursive constructions identified from respondent accounts indicate how these two messages are deployed variously by respondents when accounting for disease causation and management. While these constructions (identified in respondent accounts as 'Up to me' and 'Down to them') are a valuable resource for patients, equally they may be deployed in a selective and detrimental way. We conclude that clear messages from health professionals about effective disease management may help patients to position themselves more effectively in relation to their condition. More importantly, they might serve to hinder the availability of inappropriate and potentially harmful patient positions where patients either relinquish responsibility for disease management or reject all input from health professionals. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Spatial generalization skills in school children aged 8-16 were studied with regard to unfamiliar objects that had been previously learned in a cross-modal priming and learning paradigm. We observed a developmental dissociation with younger children recognizing objects only from previously learnt perspectives whereas older children generalized acquired object knowledge to new viewpoints as well. Haptic and - to a lesser extent - visual priming improved spatial generalization in all but the youngest children. The data supports the idea of dissociable, view-dependent and view-invariant object representations with different developmental trajectories that are subject to modulatory effects of priming. Late-developing areas in the parietal or the prefrontal cortex may account for the retarded onset of view-invariant object recognition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.